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Women go nuts when they don't become mothers and lose their sexual marketplace value
If I want an abortion the choice is all mine since its MY BODY!
Education is run by women. Women are more group-dependant and more emotional than men. It has been known since antiquity that women rule culture by being the caretakers of tradition, and that women rule society in secret by ruling men in private.
Want to rule society? Learn how to manipulate women as a group, and enough of them will steer or force their men in the desired direction. Advertising used it first, and politics picked it up in the 1960s.
Look at the Witch Panics of old. Women reporting each other for having truck with the Ole' Foul One was the driving force, while the church's clergymen tried to put an end to it.
Ordinarily, prime-age men are society’s providers, but a steady retreat from the workforce has been underway among this crucial contingent for over half a century. Today work rates for prime-age American men are actually lower than in 1940, when America’s unemployment rate stood at almost 15 percent.
Yes: prime-age American men have a Depression-scale work problem today. But unlike in the Depression, the postwar collapse of work for men has little to do with unemployment per se. Rather, it has been driven by an exodus from the labor force. At the time of writing, for every unemployed prime-age American man looking for a job, there are over four neither working nor looking for work (NILFs: “not in labor force”).
For two generations the flight from work has exhibited uncanny regularity. Six years ago, when my book Men Without Work first appeared, I showed that rising prime-age male NILF rates traced out a near-constant path from 1965 through 2015 — practically a straight line, steadily heading upwards, all but unaffected by business cycles or other notable events. Today, unaccountably, it remains on almost exactly the same trajectory as in 2016: six world-shaking years and one global pandemic later! At present, the prime-age male NILF rate is at three and a half times its 1965 level.
Perimenopause means their vag wall becomes thinner and looser, their sex drive goes way down
An increase in the influence of women in
public life has often been associated with na-
tional decline. The later Romans complained
that, although Rome ruled the world, women
ruled Rome. In the tenth century, a similar
tendency was observable in the Arab Empire,
the women demanding admission to the
professions hitherto monopolised by men.
‘What,’ wrote the contemporary historian,
Ibn Bessam, ‘have the professions of clerk,
tax-collector or preacher to do with women?
These occupations have always been limited
to men alone.’ Many women practised law,
while others obtained posts as university
professors. There was an agitation for the
appointment of female judges, which,
however, does not appear to have succeeded.
Soon after this period, government and
public order collapsed, and foreign invaders
overran the country. The resulting increase
in confusion and violence made it unsafe for
women to move unescorted in the streets,
with the result that this feminist movement
Nothing screams 'sanity' like a screaming group. Do they plan to do it topless?
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE