Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   241,032 views  1,580 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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795   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 15, 1:48pm  

Soy Oil.

Try to find a mayonaise without soybean oil. Gonna make my own, because the real shit is $7 for a tiny jar.
796   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 20, 11:51am  

#Inflation is a bitch.
797   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 20, 5:13pm  

‘Scream groups’ are forming across the world, where women gather in parks and public places to release their frustrations

Exhausted and overwhelmed, Gretchen Miller felt the frustration of the past three years rise up within her. On a whim the 54-year-old from Sydney posted a message to her local community Facebook group. “Does anyone else feel like screaming?” she asked.

The responses poured in. “I want to scream because of climate change and economic inequality,” one woman wrote. “Because of real estate agents and landlords,” said another. “My fiancé decided he didn’t love me anymore,” read one reply. Miller said she received more than 100 messages in the first hour.

From that callout, the Shout Sisters group was formed. A month later they met for the first time at an inner city park to bellow their frustrations into the Australian night.
798   Ceffer   2022 Nov 20, 5:36pm  

Nothing screams 'sanity' like a screaming group. Do they plan to do it topless?
799   HeadSet   2022 Nov 20, 7:41pm  

Ceffer says

Nothing screams 'sanity' like a screaming group. Do they plan to do it topless?

Well, women are usually topless when one gives then a screaming orgasm.
801   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 26, 9:28pm  

Interesting that Gisele's Ju Jitsu Guys began training her about a year and a half ago. That she started complaining about Brady's football only about a year ago, when he's played the entire time they've known each other. And two weeks of the divorce, why, the Ju Jitsu guy is with their kids vacationing together in Costa Rica.

It doesn't matter how many NFL rings you win, how many hundreds of millions you have and will earn in endorsements for the rest of your life, that you look as good or better than most James Bond actors, and that you are currenly at the peak of your profession despite lasting at it far, far longer than most----

a woman will always find an Excuse to Make Herself Up To Be A Victim before (or after) she Cheats/Dumps you.

Keep this in mind guys, especially the young ones.
802   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 11:35pm  

Anybody who would marry a vampiric trophy wife like Gisele gets what they deserve. Somebody shoulda knocked him in the head off field.
803   SoTex   2022 Nov 27, 11:23am  

AmericanKulak says

Soy Oil.

Try to find a mayonaise without soybean oil. Gonna make my own, because the real shit is $7 for a tiny jar.

Same, been buying the Japanese version (Kewpie) for the past couple of years and only noticed 2 weeks ago it's soy based too. Going to try to recreate that though, like the yolk version better. I'd think with a little lemon or apple cider vinegar it might last a while in the refrigerator?

edit: Oh! https://pickledplum.com/japanese-mayo-kewpie/
804   Hircus   2022 Nov 27, 1:43pm  

just_passing_through says

AmericanKulak says

Soy Oil.

Try to find a mayonaise without soybean oil. Gonna make my own, because the real shit is $7 for a tiny jar.

Same, been buying the Japanese version (Kewpie) for the past couple of years and only noticed 2 weeks ago it's soy based too. Going to try to recreate that though, like the yolk version better. I'd think with a little lemon or apple cider vinegar it might last a while in the refrigerator?

edit: Oh! https://pickledplum.com/japanese-mayo-kewpie/

Never heard of kewpie mayo. I had all the ingredients on hand so just made that recipe. I like it - very eggy. It made a good tuna sandwich.

I've been making lots of fermented veggies lately, and the fermented food community seems to emphasize the salt and acid levels are what keeps many types of bacteria at bay. About 2% salt by weight seems sufficient for fermented veggies, although I can still get mold near the surface in the first few days. After a week once the lactic acid builds up from the fermentation process, it seems to become significantly more resistant to mold. I'm not sure how the levels of vinegar and salt and lemon in mayo compares, but I always read not to keep homemade mayo for long unless you add preservatives. Then again, I've always felt the food safety nazis are overly conservative. I eat lots of really old shit.
805   SoTex   2022 Nov 27, 5:56pm  

Nice! I ferment red cabbage like it's going out of style the past year. I eat a few table spoons with dinner every night - great for the gut and also vit-k1 and much more vit-C that you get from OJ.

Plan to start some other veg ferments and kimchi this year now that I've moved and have more space than I had in CA apartments.

Re: feminism. Guy's gotta know how to cook / make food these days. It's funny whenever I start dating anyone on the regular; I can sense how they feel like a failure (some just say it) not being able to make decent food. I make pretty damn good stuff and notice others on here like 10lb do as well.
806   Patrick   2022 Nov 28, 10:22am  


By changing her name, the wife, whether intentionally or not, communicates that she is participating in the perpetuation of a reality that connects one generation to another. From time immemorial, fathers have hoped to preserve their legacies through their children and grandchildren — from their wealth and possessions to physical and temperamental qualities. But all that has been manifested most simply in a name. “He comes from a long line of [fill in the last name].”

Of course, to most feminists, that’s the problem. That men resist taking their wives’ names is wrapped up in men’s “egos, ideas about masculinity, family traditions, all kinds of things that are influencing the ways men think about themselves and think about their names in particular,” Princeton historian Tera Hunter explains to WaPo. It represents the legacy of coverture, domestic laws originating in pre-colonial English legal custom, which viewed a married woman’s identity and existence as legally “covered” by her husband.

And yet, if the practice, like so much other dissipating residue of the patriarchy, goes by the wayside, we will be only further intensifying the atomizing tendencies of liberal, global postmodernity. We think jettisoning the final remnants of “chauvinist” power structures will push us ever closer to freedom, but what we are encountering on the other side is deeper loneliness and disconnection. Of course, if the sages of our therapeutic age are correct, we can just fashion our own purpose from the shards of that broken glass ceiling…right?
807   ForcedTQ   2022 Nov 28, 10:34am  

AmericanKulak says

Soy Oil.

Try to find a mayonaise without soybean oil. Gonna make my own, because the real shit is $7 for a tiny jar.

Use Avocado oil, it makes for a Bom.com mayonnaise.
808   Patrick   2022 Nov 28, 5:35pm  


Wokery, the Marxist campaign to disorder society in order to overthrow existing institutions and replace them with a utopian dictatorship of the intersectionally oppressed — also known as The Revenge of the Losers. Its primary tactic is to normalize mental illness. Wokery is often described as a new kind of religion, but that’s mainly because all of its proffers and principles are irrational, as is characteristic of all religions. Also, as in many religions, Wokery in practice is preoccupied with coercion and punishment — which is natural for a movement based on vengeance — and often to a sadistic degree. It laughs at the idea of redemption. Its adversaries are never forgiven, only dealt additional punishments for asking.

The mystery here is how Wokery was incorporated into the operating system of the Democratic Party. The answer is the party needed something to replace its erstwhile corpus of organized industrial workers, gone with the winds of Globalism, and so it valorized the various categories of the mentally ill, the permanently downtrodden, and sundry persons who had become economic hostages to its corrupt system of payments and grants. High above that ragtag-and-bobtail of crazies reigned an aristocracy of the so-called cognitive elite, people of unquestioned virtue, college professors, the creative class, the credentialed echelon — super-busy signaling their good intentions to their vassals to keep them in line.

Wokery, you may have noticed, is also a “religion” dominated by women, and a particular strain of women: those left grossly disappointed by the promises of feminism in its several iterations, that is, the ideal of having brilliant careers minus family and children — producing an implacable, inchoate, and transmissible rage at the world and a fierce wish-to-punish others not so disposed to Woke dogma. So, it’s no surprise that so much of that dogma emanated from the humanities departments of the universities where such careerist feminist intellectuals flocked and marinated in their disappointments. Thus, too, their avatar: the ever cold-blooded and fiendish Hillary Clinton, forever seeking requital for her life’s losses.
810   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 14, 12:49am  

I want him to be fine with no kids, but also to be overjoyed if my 40 year old ass gets highly unlikely pregnant for the first...
I want him to have a nice welcoming family, but one we only have to see only three times a year at most...
I want him to take care of all the squeaky drawers and doors in the house, while I garden if the fit takes me.
I want him to take me away to exotic faraway destinations at least once a year... while we work on paying off (my) debt.
I want him to have a job he enjoys, while making lots of money, but also having only 40 hours a week, maybe a little less.

And the kicker... put up with my self-diagnosed PTSD while helping me inform him he is nuts also and needs a the-rapist like me.
811   Ceffer   2022 Dec 14, 12:55am  

AmericanKulak says

I want him to be fine with no kids, but also to be overjoyed if my 40 year old ass gets pregnant...
I want him to take me away to exotic faraway destinations at least once a year... while we work on paying off (her) debt.
I want him to have a job he enjoys, while making lots of money, but also having only 40 hours a week, maybe a little less.

LOL! Clue, they never change, even age only changes things a smidgen, it's genetic. "I'll either pair or reproduce according to my fantasy, or I won't pair or reproduce at all."

Remember, they're the ones who only have to roll over and not clench to reproduce.
812   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 14, 12:58am  

Ceffer says

LOL! Clue, they never change, even age only changes things a smidgen, it's genetic. "I'll either pair or reproduce according to my fantasy, or I won't pair or reproduce at all."

Remember, they're the ones who only have to roll over and not clench to reproduce.

Dude, from what I'm reading and seeing, the OLDER the get, the MORE requirements they have.

20 year old chicks: "Be hot and spoil me a little"
30 year old chicks: "Be hot, spoil me and the kids a lot as a good father, pay off my debts"
40+ year old chicks: "Be hot, a good husband, but also a father if I have a miracle post-40 baby, pay off my debts, have a nice family but not one that's too large or we have to visit too much, help me work on my mental issues and help me discover HIS mental illnesses..."

If it floats, flies, or fucks, lease it!

Really amazing the lack of self-reflection; women's go to tactic when things get harder for them is to RAISE their standards.
813   Ceffer   2022 Dec 14, 3:16am  

AmericanKulak says

Dude, from what I'm reading and seeing, the OLDER the get, the MORE requirements they have.

It's a shame you have to get older to learn that. The vampirism never dies. It's the cost of being a fungible drone, you can only get recourse in temporary bouts of grandiosity and resource attainment.

These social myths of the 'horny older woman, released from child bearing' are complete bullshit. The older ones and the games they play are still high school for all intents and purposes. They want some show of male pursuit while swanning, snobbing and shit testing, and there are a few old goats who are well trained who still do it. The old birds around Santa Cruz sure milk the old guys for labor and perks, and when the old guys ask them out, it's usually snubsville if they aren't well off. Same ole Same ole. The poor bachelor across the street has been passed around as a free handy man, never scored. Hope never dies in some. I guess it gives him something to do.
814   Shaman   2022 Dec 14, 7:03am  

Idk from what I’ve seen with my single coworkers, getting laid from these women at 35+ is as easy as pushing a slinky down the stairs. They desperate. If you find one that has a bunch of demands, drop her and move on quickly. You don’t want that kind.
815   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 14, 10:43am  

Ceffer says

It's a shame you have to get older to learn that.

Well yeah, last time I was single I was 31, so I wasn't trying to chase down the Eagle-Clawed Old Ladies. I had no idea.

But holy shit, these 40+ chicks have a laundry list of demands. And not just the ones who still look okay, the big ones do as well. Damn!!! They should be lucky if I show up, much less bust them out, they should be paying for my meals.
816   Ceffer   2022 Dec 14, 11:15am  

My wife and I laugh at the antics of the OldFucks around us, and she knows plenty of women in her church and Republican groups who 'date'.

One of her older friends from work latched on to an amiable sociopathic kind of guy, fun and pleasant to talk with, but with insouciant conscience, who explained how to be a successful old lothario. Of course, he has plenty of spare change to do it. He belonged to several dating apps, and did a lot of speed dating. ALWAYS had to pick up the check, so it wasn't cheap. He had to scrounge through the bulk of women who were all show and no go on the sex front to find the ones who would put out after a date or two. It sounded like a lot of work and expense, but as a mild mannered quasi sociopath, the engagements didn't bother him. My wife's friend wound up marrying him, and when she dropped her facade and annoyed him, he'd just live on his boat and do the dating thing again. They had a geriatric marriage that lasted about three years with more drama per month than I could squeeze into a lifetime and stay sane, all high school shit. It never changes.

One of her old lady Republican widows got a picture from a retired dentist that was a dick selfy that he seriously passed around to women. We gathered he was in his late 60's and was going a bit senile. She actually didn't object that much as long as he kept picking up the checks.
817   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 14, 12:11pm  

Ceffer says

One of her old lady Republican widows got a picture from a retired dentist that was a dick selfy that he seriously passed around to women. We gathered he was in his late 60's and was going a bit senile. She actually didn't object that much as long as he kept picking up the checks.

Well, even Old Fucks have something women can't offer.

Women need the Dick, they also need the attention and validation, and most of them need meals and bill assistance. Men only need the Pussy, so they need us more than we need them.

There's a reason financial firms gave up trying to chase "Professional Women" to open accounts, because 80% of those women, esp. the single and divorce ones, make okay/good money but never roll over a single dime from one month to the next that doesn't get spent.

Ceffer says

My wife's friend wound up marrying him, and when she dropped her facade and annoyed him, he'd just live on his boat and do the dating thing again.

Haaha, they all drop the facade eventually after they get the commitment. Good on him for living on the boat and keeping at the hookups when she failed to perform.
818   mell   2022 Dec 22, 8:14am  

Even though old school feminism is now being terf'ed away by the alphabet tranny fucks, the 2nd and 3rd wave did considerable damage, to the point, where we need a return to a strong patriarchy to restore some order. Got back from skiing in beautiful Tahoe with the oldest kid, and while we were waiting at the lift this otherwise ok looking youngish woman, also in accompanied by a kid, apparently got cut off by a fucking white male on the slopes or he bumped into her (no injuries). Her cursing tirades were so laced with profanity, that even I, who doesn't mind the occasional profanity, told my son to cover his ears, and she wouldn't stop. While she may or may not have had some legitimate grief, the fucking white male only calmly and repeatedly said "now watch your foul language here, lady", while she dropped everything from "fucking prick" to cocksucker et al. It's clear that they have been raised completely unchecked, without any sense for reality, and that's why they are failing these days, on social anxiety drugs, and in constant grief and rage. She not only shirked her responsibility towards her kid, she also set a really bad example of putting herself and the kid into harms way by cursing out a much much stronger person, blindly relying on an inflated ego. If the very restraint dude had lost its cool and gave her a smack, it would likely have been the best thing that could happen to her to snap her back into reality and re-instill some sense of street smarts into her before she endangers not only her life but that of her kid as well in her next tussle.
819   Ceffer   2022 Dec 22, 10:22am  

I have been cussed out by girls for being in their way during waves. I think raging gives them a clit erection and orgasm. Santa Cruz has a fair contingent of wave lesbians.

820   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 22, 2:19pm  

mell says

Even though old school feminism is now being terf'ed away by the alphabet tranny fucks, the 2nd and 3rd wave did considerable damage, to the point, where we need a return to a strong patriarchy to restore some order. Got back from skiing in beautiful Tahoe with the oldest kid, and while we were waiting at the lift this otherwise ok looking youngish woman, also in accompanied by a kid, apparently got cut off by a fucking white male on the slopes or he bumped into her (no injuries). Her cursing tirades were so laced with profanity, that even I, who doesn't mind the occasional profanity, told my son to cover his ears, and she wouldn't stop. While she may or may not have had some legitimate grief, the fucking white male only calmly and repeatedly said "now watch your foul language here, lady", while she dropped everything from "fucking prick" to cocksucker et al. It's clear that they have been raised completely unchecked, without any sense for reality, and that's why they ...

Way back in the first wave, too, with Stanton trying to rewrite the Bible to make it Feminized.

These women actually feel entitled to a Trad Guy who does everything for them, while they are free to be ultra-NON-Traditional.
822   Patrick   2022 Dec 31, 9:26pm  


On the one hand, I support women's right to define women as biological women.

On the other hand, it was really the support of women that allowed the LBGT horror show to grow to the point where it ate the word "woman".
823   richwicks   2022 Dec 31, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

On the other hand, it was really the support of women that allowed the LBGT horror show to grow to the point where it ate the word "woman".

A subset of women.

I think, perhaps, the problem is that women won't stand up for themselves, and men are fed up with feminist ideology and as a consequence won't "white knight". Today's feminists, do NOT represent women. You must realize that. The absolute worst advice I've ever been given about women, was from feminists, they actively hate women.

Most of you are married, what do your wives think?
828   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 13, 2:15pm  

Patrick says

wise choice vs entertainment choice
829   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 15, 10:21am  

"Women have always been the primary victims in War" - Hillary Clinton

830   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 16, 3:20pm  

The original plot of "Pretty Woman" was called "$3000"


The film ends with the ho falling in love (with the ritzy lifestyle of) Edward, the male lead.

He reminds her it's a business transaction, she gets Hoez Mad, and he dumps her ass back on the streets at the end of the film as she throws the money envelope at him with rage.

Obviously, the original script was heavily altered.
831   stereotomy   2023 Jan 16, 4:28pm  

richwicks says

Patrick says

On the other hand, it was really the support of women that allowed the LBGT horror show to grow to the point where it ate the word "woman".

A subset of women.

I think, perhaps, the problem is that women won't stand up for themselves, and men are fed up with feminist ideology and as a consequence won't "white knight". Today's feminists, do NOT represent women. You must realize that. The absolute worst advice I've ever been given about women, was from feminists, they actively hate women.

Most of you are married, what do your wives think?

Older more traditional women, as well as their men, as well as younger men, have given up on the foolishness of younger women. In a sense, yes, there is no more white-knighting trying to save them from themselves. Let this insanity play out - they will be childless, drunk on box wine, and covered in cat fur, but they will not perpetuate their sickness on future generations of humanity.

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