Trump Drops MOAB on some Afghanistan rocks (Look! A Distraction!); Should've Dropped it on Goldman Sachs HQ

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2017 Apr 13, 11:15am   10,520 views  46 comments

by AllTruth   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat."


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1   zzyzzx   2017 Apr 13, 12:12pm  


The bomb, known officially as a GBU-43B, or massive ordnance air blast weapon, unleashes 11 tons of explosives.


It created a blast equivalent to 16 kilotons of TNT

2   RC2006   2017 Apr 13, 12:20pm  

Maybe it was about to reach its expiration date and they didn't want it to go to waste.

3   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 13, 12:37pm  

Detonates 6 ft above the ground 300ft wide crater, blast radius 1mile in each direction.
If ISIS was in dere dey ain't happy.

4   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 13, 12:58pm  

Wrong target. Here's proper coordinates: 55.753181, 37.618705

5   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 13, 3:49pm  

Is anyone really surprise that Trump dropped the biggest conventional bomb ever used in combat? He always uses the biggest and best. It's been *over two months for Christ's sake.* I'm surprised it took this long.

6   curious2   2017 Apr 13, 4:54pm  

I'm mainly surprised that "liberal" MSM are cheering "the beauty of our weapons" and bragging about "the mother of all bombs" and advocating the spread of Islam. Having previously trusted those "journalists" and then having seen too many examples where their narratives diverged from observable reality, I wondered whether I had been a moron or simply misled. I found examples to support both conclusions, but more of the latter than the former, and examples of MSM misleading people to manufacture consent (especially to war) go back longer than I've been alive.

Straw Man says

55.753181, 37.618705

That's Senate Square, in Moscow. The Deep State and their MSM puppets appear to be advocating yet more proxy wars against Moscow, but the only worse idea imaginable would be an actual war there. You might as well drink your Flavor Aid ("NEW and IMPROVED with MORE cyanide!") like the cheerful endorsers on TV (disclaimer: "paid endorsers might not be swallowing actual product, ask your doctor if Flavor Aid is right for you").

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 13, 6:11pm  

curious2 says

"the mother of all bombs"

curious2 says

their narratives diverged from observable reality,

Everybody knows what the MOAB really is; Hillary's Presidential Campaign. All the rigging by the Media, the Establishment, Europe, Japan and the Gulf States to get her in there, still lost. Even Neocons and GOP Establishment icons like Maddog, the Bloodthirsty Gay JAG, and Ryan were pushing her, too.

However, an even worst MOAB was developed:

8   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 6:25pm  

Actual picture of the bomb:

9   Strategist   2017 Apr 13, 6:28pm  

Booger says

Actual picture of the bomb:

I would not wish that falling even on ISIS. It's just too cruel.

10   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 7:08pm  

This is what happens when you fight to win. This is what happens when you believe you have more to gain by delivering swift and absolute destruction to your enemies than you do dragging out a war to keep your corporate sponsors paid.

11   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 7:11pm  

I want to know if the bomb had a picture of Pepe painted on it.

12   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 7:16pm  

I wonder how many goats we just saved from being raped?

13   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 7:20pm  

It's been around 9 hours and my freedom boner is still raging.

14   Strategist   2017 Apr 13, 7:23pm  

Booger says

I wonder how many goats we just saved from being raped?

Not just goats, but little 6 year old girls too.
And lets not forget all the cousins they would have impregnated.

15   freespeechforever   2017 Apr 13, 7:26pm  

Trump now has reneged on pretty much everything he promised during the campaign while filling his administration with the exact types of people he railed against (Conway & Bannon are being forced out now as the reigns are turned over to the Goldmanites, Neocons, Globalists, et al).

He's a genuine piece of shit who has betrayed the very core of his supporters who he could have not been nominated, let alone, win the electoral college vote, without.

16   Booger   2017 Apr 13, 7:46pm  

I wonder if Jill Stein will go there to do a recount of the dead bodies.

18   Strategist   2017 Apr 13, 8:06pm  

freespeechforever says

Trump now has reneged on pretty much everything he promised during the campaign while filling his administration with the exact types of people he railed against (Conway & Bannon are being forced out now as the reigns are turned over to the Goldmanites, Neocons, Globalists, et al).

He's a genuine piece of shit who has betrayed the very core of his supporters who he could have not been nominated, let alone, win the electoral college vote, without.

This is really bizarre. Many people did not support Trump, because they did not like his views. Now they don't like him because he reversed his views.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 13, 8:39pm  

Booger says

It's been around 9 hours and my freedom boner is still raging.

In case of MAGArections lasting more than 4 hours, watch this video:


20   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 13, 8:40pm  

curious2 says

Straw Man says

55.753181, 37.618705

That's Senate Square, in Moscow.

Yep, right in the middle of the fucking Kremlin.

21   curious2   2017 Apr 13, 8:41pm  

Straw Man says

Yep, right in the middle of the fucking Kremlin.

Why would you want to start WWIII between the U.S. and Russia? The only possible beneficiaries of such a war would be the Muslim Nazis controlled by KSA. (100k European Muslims joined the Nazi SS due to the similarities between their ideologies.)
22   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 13, 8:44pm  

curious2 says

Why would you want to start WWIII between the U.S. and Russia?

I don't. Just stating where that thing belongs, that's all.

23   curious2   2017 Apr 13, 8:46pm  

Straw Man says

I don't. Just stating where that thing belongs, that's all.

That makes no sense. If you send that thing there, it would produce the consequence that you say you don't want. If you have so many gigantic bombs that you're running out of places to put them, then maybe you should build fewer, and recycle the ones you don't need.

24   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 13, 8:47pm  

curious2 says

Straw Man says

I don't. Just stating where that thing belongs, that's all.

That makes no sense. If you send that thing there, it would produce the consequence that you say you don't want.


26   Booger   2017 Apr 14, 4:28am  


The GBU-43, otherwise known as the Mother of All Bombs, or MOAB unleashes a devastating fireball that incinerates anything within 30 feet when it first detonates.

In the milliseconds following the initial blast, all the oxygen would have been sucked out of the tunnels and for hundreds of feet around, literally sucking the life out of terrorists, suffocating them as their lungs imploded.

Then, in a flash the fiery shockwave would have blasted outwards at the speed of sound for up to a mile, causing huge concussive injuries to anyone caught in its path, essentially smashing them to death, while at the same time leveling buildings and trees.

Ears would have been left bleeding and internal organs battered by the staggering force of the blast.

Anyone caught inside the tunnels would have been crushed as the force of 19,000 pounds of highly complex explosives caused them to collapse on the ISIS terrorists.

The Pentagon estimates that up to 800 ISIS soldiers were in the area at the time of the blast.

27   georgeliberte   2017 Apr 14, 5:11am  

How sad, the hopes and dreams of 800 aspirants to future beheading and sex slave ownership vaporized in an instant.

28   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 14, 7:48am  

curious2 says

That makes no sense. If you send that thing there, it would produce the consequence that you say you don't want. If you have so many gigantic bombs that you're running out of places to put them, then maybe you should build fewer, and recycle the ones you don't need.

Well! "You can't fix STUPID."

29   Strategist   2017 Apr 14, 8:16am  

Booger says


The GBU-43, otherwise known as the Mother of All Bombs, or MOAB unleashes a devastating fireball that incinerates anything within 30 feet when it first detonates.

In the milliseconds following the initial blast, all the oxygen would have been sucked out of the tunnels and for hundreds of feet around, literally sucking the life out of terrorists, suffocating them as their lungs imploded.

Then, in a flash the fiery shockwave would have blasted outwards at the speed of sound for up to a mile, causing huge concussive injuries to anyone caught in its path, essentially smashing them to death, while at the same time leveling buildings and trees.

Ears would have been left bleeding and internal organs battered by the staggering force of the blast.

Oh God.....I am getting an orgasm.

32   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 14, 11:28am  

Well I'll give him credit. I read reports that the bomb took out 36 ISIS fighters. At a cost of $16M, that's roughly $500K per fighter. I'm thinking that we could pay Afghani's much less than that per ISIS fuck dead, but at least this $500K went to an American company.

34   Booger   2017 Apr 14, 7:19pm  

YesYNot says

I read reports that the bomb took out 36 ISIS fighters.

I read 800, but when bodies are vaporized you will never know for sure.

36   Strategist   2017 Apr 14, 7:40pm  

YesYNot says

Well I'll give him credit. I read reports that the bomb took out 36 ISIS fighters. At a cost of $16M, that's roughly $500K per fighter. I'm thinking that we could pay Afghani's much less than that per ISIS fuck dead, but at least this $500K went to an American company.

You want Afghans to die, just so we could save a few bucks? Racist.

37   Strategist   2017 Apr 14, 7:43pm  

Booger says

YesYNot says

I read reports that the bomb took out 36 ISIS fighters.

I read 800, but when bodies are vaporized you will never know for sure.

He he he. If they are vaporized, they are in the air. Imagine having to to pick ISIS body parts out of your nose the next morning.

38   Booger   2017 Apr 14, 7:56pm  


The US's Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb does not cost $314 million, or $16 million, but $170,000 a unit, the US Air Force told Business Insider on Friday.

The US's Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb does not cost $314 million, or $16 million, but $170,000 a unit, the US Air Force told Business Insider on Friday.

The weapon, whose acronym inspired the nickname "Mother of All Bombs," was produced by the Air Force, not by a third party like Lockheed or Boeing, "so we don't have a standard procurement cost associated with them," an Air Force official said.

The $170,000 figure makes sense considering a general-purpose 1,000-pound MK-83 costs about $12,000. The MOAB simply features more high explosives and larger fins to direct the GPS-guided munition.

39   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 14, 7:59pm  

Strategist says

You want Afghans to die, just so we could save a few bucks?

Depends on how many people and how much money. By the way, that's what a certain somebody's wife said when last propositioned.

40   MMR   2017 Apr 14, 9:41pm  

Booger says

Actual picture of the bomb:

Weren't you grabbing her ass at the trilambda mixer?

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