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So what do you think the "truth" was? What is Soros trying to erase?
At a time when Soros is attempting to erase the truth of history by funding the removal of American hero's in the south, I thought it appropriate to post well researched source about what US southern slavery was really like.
So what do you think the "truth" was? What is Soros trying to erase?
Slavery and the Numbers Game A Critique of Time
Which side would a communist take? The side of independent freedom-fighters, or the side of socializing government? Which side would an economist take, someone devoted to the cold hard facts of mathematics?
Forget about that though, what agenda were Fogel and Engerman pushing? If they're lying as you believe, they had to have an agenda that benefited somebody, otherwise what's the point? Now Gutman's agenda clearly benefits the winner, and only surviving power from that war. And benefiting those in power always has it's perks.
And if the government was able to deflect blame for Sherman's war atrocities, and the destruction of the south's economy through Reconstruction onto blacks being the cause of the war, so much the better. Although I get the impression that never went over in the south.
You dodged the question.
which is why the south was willing to go to war to preserve it.
At a time when Soros is attempting to erase the truth of history by funding the removal of American hero's in the south, I thought it appropriate to post well researched source about what US southern slavery was really like.
"The authors point out that following emancipation and the end of the Civil War, the life expectancy of freedmen declined by ten percent, and their illnesses increased by twenty percent, over slavery times."
"..many slaves were encouraged to marry and maintain households, they were given garden plots, the dehumanizing practice of "slave breeding" was virtually non-existent, the quality of their daily diets and medical care were comparable to the white population, and many trusted slaves were given great responsibility in managing plantations."
""[S]lave owners expropriated far less than generally presumed, and over the course of a lifetime a slave field hand received approximately ninety percent of the income produced."(p. 5-6) They were estimating the value of housing, clothing, food and other benefits received by the slaves and argued that they lived as well in material terms as did free urban laborers; life was difficult for both classes."
"The authors acknowledged their thesis was controversial and emphasized that their goal was not to justify slavery. Rather, they asserted, their goal was to counter myths about the character of black Americans - myths they said had gained currency in the antebellum slavery debate and had survived into the civil rights era. These myths, the authors wrote, had their genesis in racist attitudes widely shared by both abolitionists and defenders of slavery. Myths included perceptions that black Americans were lazy, promiscuous, untrustworthy and lacked natural ability."
And if the government was able to deflect blame for Sherman's war atrocities, and the destruction of the south's economy through Reconstruction onto blacks being the cause of the war, so much the better. Although I get the impression that never went over in the south.