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2017 May 22, 4:17pm   115,935 views  503 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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335   Patrick   2017 May 26, 12:22pm  

I think it is important to point out that the whole Islamic world is very weak and ineffective.

Islam holds them back.

336   Shaman   2017 May 26, 1:44pm  

socal2 says

If "religion" has to own every bad thing that happened over the last 4,000+ years by people born into a religious family. Is it really not fair to link atheism to some (not all) of the murderous actions of Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao when their Marxist ideology was explicitly anti-religious?

Our own resident atheist Dan would likely go down that same dark road if given power. From the hateful things he's said and totalitarian proposals he's made, it's obvious that atheists will stop at nothing to remake the world in their image. Which is why he's constantly defending Islam, pretty similar levels of intolerance!

337   Strategist   2017 May 26, 2:10pm  

socal2 says

- We helped Muslims kick out the USSR from Afghanistan

- We helped Balkan Muslims against Christian Serbs

- We helped Saudi Arabia and Kuwait against "secular" Saddam Hussein in Gulf War 1

- We even sided with Egypt against Israel, France and the UK during the Suez crisis

And they send their suicide bombers to thank us everyday. Ungrateful bastards.

338   socal2   2017 May 26, 2:24pm  

Quigley says

Our own resident atheist Dan would likely go down that same dark road if given power. From the hateful things he's said and totalitarian proposals he's made, it's obvious that atheists will stop at nothing to remake the world in their image.

Dan is definitely one of the bigger totalitarians here at Patrick.net. Between his Orwellian Doublespeak in how he likes to inverse Conservatives with Liberals and his cock-sure prescriptions to use the power of the State to make "heaven on earth". It just drives him ape that some Christians and Jews stand in the way of his master plans.

Communist/Marxist regimes were filled with little technocrat toadies like Dan.

That shit is so done and dusted, but some people never seem to learn from history.

339   NDrLoR   2017 May 26, 2:47pm  

socal2 says

Communist/Marxist regimes were filled with little technocrat toadies like Dan

I've dubbed people like that Little Soviets--they are the human incarnation of the impulses that animated the Soviet Union for 70 plus years--you might add no sense of humor as well. We defeated national Marxism but not the impulses it was based upon. Those who were orphaned are clambering aboard the bandwagon of climate change/global warming/environmentalism.

340   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 26, 4:00pm  

Anybody wonder why the Bomber's brothers and father are in Tripoli right now?

Heavy clashes erupted in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Friday, as armed groups aligned with the U.N.-backed government fought to fend off a major offensive by rival Islamist-leaning forces and militia fighters.

Loud explosions and heavy artillery fire could be heard across Tripoli from early morning. At least 28 people were killed in the violence and more than 120 wounded, according to health officials.

The U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) issued a statement blaming the attack on Khalifa Ghwell, the head of a self-declared, Islamist-leaning "national salvation government" that was set up in 2014, and Salah Badi, an allied militia leader.

It was unclear how much territory either side had gained. But late on Friday a spokesman for the judicial police said a GNA-aligned faction had gained control of the Al-Hadba prison, which holds several high profile inmates including one of former leader Muammar Gaddafi's sons and his military intelligence chief.


I kinda doubt they're fighting with the government forces.

341   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 4:04pm  

FortWayne says

The only one hateful around here is you Dan. And you juts give atheists a bad name, since everyone else doesn't have your issues.

This is a blatant poisoning of the well argument. There is no hatred in me, and you are a lying sack of shit for trying to character assissinate me. I can oppose evil, whether it be Islamic terrorism or Christian sabotaging of human rights and necessary environmental police, without being hateful. You cannot understand that because you are hateful. You hate homosexuals. You hate atheists. You hate people of opposing religions. You hate communists. You hate the conservative left. You hate everyone who isn't in your narrow-minded tribe. So, of course, you cannot understand that another person could be motivated by something other than hate. I'm motivated by my strong engineering instinct to refine and improve systems. You will never understand that.

FortWayne says

Dan8267 says

Furthermore, there is nothing necessary or even useful in religion for teaching empathy, compassion, or forgiveness. This things can easily be taught with zero supernatural bullshit, zero rewriting of history, and zero mythology.

It can't be taught without Christian god, because all those things need a higher moral authority.

Bullshit. If you are "forgiving" someone only because you are trying to get into heaven or avoid being tortured in hell, you aren't actually forgiving someone.

And I don't need your false god to empathize with another human being, or another animal, or even a sentient A.I. You statement is empirically false. I have empathy, compassion, and forgiveness while completely disbelieving in your ridiculous god. How do you explain that? I'm a living, breathing example that your are wrong.

Furthermore, history completely discredits your assertions. Western civilization was most Christian and most religious during the Dark Ages, a time when empathy, compassion, and forgiveness were at an all time low. History matters.
rando says

Islam holds them back.

This is true. It is also the reason western civilization literally lost a thousand years of progress due to Christianity. For an entire millennia, Christianity did to Europe what Islam is doing to the Middle East, stifling progress. You never, ever, without exception, see technological or social progress in a highly religious society. It never matters what the religion is. They all prevent progress.

Quigley says

Our own resident atheist Dan would likely go down that same dark road if given power. From the hateful things he's said and totalitarian proposals he's made, it's obvious that atheists will stop at nothing to remake the world in their image. Which is why he's constantly defending Islam, pretty similar levels of intolerance!

Well, if we're painting our opposition as demons, let me remind you that Christian clergy are a bunch of kiddie rapists. That's an empirical fact, unlike your ridiculous conjecture.

socal2 says

Between his Orwellian Doublespeak in how he likes to inverse Conservatives with Liberals

A liberal believes in equality under the law, transparency in government, and that everyone should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't violating other people's rights. Exactly which of these principles do you disagree with?

No double speak here. I made it clear what liberal philosophy is and how to apply it.

Someone who restricts speech is a conservative, by definition, regardless of what particular speech they are restricting. Silencing rock-and-roll, and silencing men's rights speeches, and silencing profanity or indecent conversation, and silencing anti-war protests are all the same thing. It's all censorship, and it's all conservative.

Islamist are conservatives. You cannot make an honest case that ISIS is full of liberals. The idea that conservatives are only the conservative right is a lie. Hell, what constitutes the left and the right varies from country to country and from decade to decade. Today the conservative right likes beer. In the early 20th century, they were prohibitionists. The arbitrary cultural preferences can change, but the tactics and fundamental ideology is the same. My tribe is the only tribe that matters. All other tribes must submit or die. That's conservatism.

It's really sad that you conservatives always feel the need to lie about things to support your case. The truth never supports your statements.

P N Dr Lo R says

socal2 says

Communist/Marxist regimes were filled with little technocrat toadies like Dan

I've dubbed people like that Little Soviets

And your example illustrates how false your premise is. The Soviets were leftists, but they sure as hell weren't liberals. They were extremely conservative. They believed in suppressing all speech and limiting liberty as much as possible. Being on the political left does not make one liberal at all.

I've even painted a picture for you. If you cannot understand this image, that's your intellectual failing. It's not that hard to understand.

342   Strategist   2017 May 26, 4:31pm  

Dan8267 says

Bullshit. If you are "forgiving" someone only because you are trying to get into heaven or avoid being tortured in hell, you aren't actually forgiving someone.

Hey, that makes sense to me. Truly forgiving someone can only come with no selfish motives.
For $10 million i might even forgive Osama Bin Laden.

343   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 7:12pm  

Obama made a grave mistake killing bin Laden. He's now a martyr. Obama should have brought his ass back to New York City to stand trial. It would have been a show of strength and resolve that our form of government cannot be damaged by terrorism, and that the long arm of the law is truly long.

344   Strategist   2017 May 26, 7:31pm  

Dan8267 says

Obama made a grave mistake killing bin Laden. He's now a martyr. Obama should have brought his ass back to New York City to stand trial. It would have been a show of strength and resolve that our form of government cannot be damaged by terrorism, and that the long arm of the law is truly long.

Really? And allow him to continue as an inspiration to the Islamists, worldwide? While we spend tens of millions on his welfare, security, and court costs with the rotten justice system we have?

345   Patrick   2017 May 26, 7:33pm  

I'm happy Osama is dead.

That documentary points out that the current Saudi king was instrumental in funding terrorism in Bosnia, as a way to get terrorists a foothold Europe.


The king is actually much worse than Osama, funding terror all over the world.

346   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 26, 8:02pm  

rando says

That documentary points out that the current Saudi king was instrumental in funding terrorism in Bosnia, as a way to get terrorists a foothold Europe.


The globalist neoliberals almost never mention Bosnian atrocities like:

347   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 8:43pm  

Strategist says

Really? And allow him to continue as an inspiration to the Islamists, worldwide?

Feed him bacon every day. He won't be an inspiration to Islamists. As a martyr with 72 virgins, he is.

rando says

I'm happy Osama is dead.

A quick death means Osama suffered nothing for his crimes. Spending the rest of his life ineffectually in prison would have been a much better deterrent for the next guy, especially since these terrorists believe in an afterlife. Image how much the typical Islamist thinks Osama is being rewarded by god for dying for the religion. This is what every Islamist wants.

348   Strategist   2017 May 26, 8:52pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Really? And allow him to continue as an inspiration to the Islamists, worldwide?

Feed him bacon every day. He won't be an inspiration to Islamists. As a martyr with 72 virgins, he is.

I heard the best way to prevent terrorism is to feed the body parts of dead terrorists to pigs. They believe they can't get to heaven that way.

349   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 8:54pm  

Strategist says

I heard the best way to prevent terrorism is to feed the body parts of dead terrorists to pigs. They believe they can't get to heaven that way.

And how would that be mutually exclusive with denouncing Christianity as you would all other religions?

350   Strategist   2017 May 26, 9:08pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

I heard the best way to prevent terrorism is to feed the body parts of dead terrorists to pigs. They believe they can't get to heaven that way.

And how would that be mutually exclusive with denouncing Christianity as you would all other religions?

Denouncing and stopping Islam is the priority. The other religions are not as dangerous as Islam.

351   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 9:13pm  

Strategist says

Denouncing and stopping Islam is the priority. The other religions are not as dangerous as Islam.

Again, you are making the mistake of assuming two complimentary things are mutually exclusive. It's like arguing that your cannot cut wasteful spending before you increase taxes to balance the budget. No, those two things aren't mutually exclusive. They are complimentary to the goal of balancing the budget.

352   Strategist   2017 May 26, 9:17pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Denouncing and stopping Islam is the priority. The other religions are not as dangerous as Islam.

Again, you are making the mistake of assuming two complimentary things are mutually exclusive.

They are not complimentary. They are sworn enemies from day one.

353   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 9:42pm  

Strategist says

They are not complimentary.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Fighting Islam with Christianity is like throwing charcoal on a wood fire. It may burn different, but it still burns.

354   Patrick   2017 May 26, 9:51pm  

I think you're ignoring the protective effects of Christianity.

Inoculations use bits of a weakened virus to give protection against a deadly virus.

It's just like inoculation. Christianity gives the people who need religion a benign and even very helpful outlook. If they didn't have Christianity, they'd be likely to turn to Islam, and there would be a lot more blood in the streets as they did what Islam commands them to.

355   Gade   2017 May 26, 9:59pm  

I don't get it - why all faiths, in particular Christianity, must be defeated, in order to defeat Islam. It it is like saying "to defeat Communism, one must defeat Socialism."

Sweden is thoroughly secularized, They have defeated Christianity. It does not look like they will win against Islam. The less secularized Eastern Europe is doing a better job.

356   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 10:09pm  

rando says

Inoculations use bits of a weakened virus to give protection against a deadly virus.

The biochemical machinery responsible for the success of vaccines do not have anything to do with the mechanism of faith. Allowing children to be brainwashed by Christianity is like giving them AIDS. It weakens their immune system against the infection of Islam. Who is more likely to convert to Islam, one who already believes in an all-powerful god and moral figure or an atheist who finds the idea of the supernatural ridiculous?

Another analogy. To keep people off crack, give them cocaine to snort. To keep people from abusing liquor, get them drunk on beer. To make sure you don't die of lung cancer, infect yourself with brain cancer.

Remember, Islam would not even exist if not for Judaism and Christianity.

357   Rin   2017 May 26, 10:16pm  

The solution is to apply Rin-wah law ... "men shall bonk hoes and listen to classic rock."

If the above is applied, then peace shall prevail on earth.

358   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 10:54pm  

Rin says

If the above is applied, then peace shall prevail on earth.

You jest, but I suspect that much terrorism is the result of young men not being able to get laid. And yes, I'm serious about that. Sexually frustrated young men with time on their hands and nothing to lose are very, very dangerous. In contrast, men who get laid regularly are generally laid back and happy, and unlikely to risk their happiness for some crazy cause or glory.

359   missing   2017 May 26, 11:23pm  

Dan8267 says

assuming two complimentary things are mutually exclusive

Strategist says

They are not complimentary. They are sworn enemies from day one.

It's complEmentary not complimentary (in this case).

A drunk non-native speaker knows your own language better than you.

360   curious2   2017 May 27, 2:57am  

Dan8267 says

Who is more likely to convert to Islam, one who already believes in an all-powerful god and moral figure or an atheist who finds the idea of the supernatural ridiculous?


Remember, Islam would not even exist if not for Judaism and Christianity.

Dan, about the history, you are right: the charlatan Mohamadman hijacked the Abrahamic tradition much as the 9/11 hijackers hijacked 767's. Also, at the individual level, you are right again: individual Christians can be converted to Islam more readily than atheists can.

OTOH, at the societal level, the empirical data seem to contradict your claim. As Patrick and 2Scoops pointed out, the comparatively more secular western European and left-leaning populations appear more vulnerable to hijrah. Sam Harris explained a likely reason: most secularists fail to understand how the world looks to a sincerely religious person. I've been lucky to know many religious people, and I can tell you that they believe. To the secular left, a religious label seems like a fashion label, but to sincerely religious people, religion defines the origin and ultimate purpose of life itself. As a result, secular societies appear more vulnerable to the delusion that radically antagonistic religions can "coexist", even when they can't. I wish that atheists in general could see that Islam says to kill them and importing believers is problematic, but surprisingly many refuse to see that really obvious fact, even when Muslims say so openly and refer to it on official flags that fly brazenly around the world.

None so blind as those who will not see.

Here is the flag of Saudi Arabia. For those who can't read Arabic, it states the Shehada: "There is no god but Allah, Mohamed is his prophet." They underline that statement with a sword, like the sword they would use to cut off your head. They call atheists terrorists, because even questioning the fundamentals of Islam undermines the foundation of their government.

361   sagacious1   2017 May 27, 6:20am  

Your words regarding religion sound very rigid, almost fanatically intolerant. I don't know if that's the intent, however intolerance shares a common source on both ends of the religious spectrum. Just an observation.Dan8267 says

rando says

Inoculations use bits of a weakened virus to give protection against a deadly virus.

The biochemical machinery responsible for the success of vaccines do not have anything to do with the mechanism of faith. Allowing children to be brainwashed by Christianity is like giving them AIDS. It weakens their immune system against the infection of Islam. Who is more likely to convert to Islam, one who already believes in an all-powerful god and moral figure or an atheist who finds the idea of the supernatural ridiculous?

Another analogy. To keep people off crack, give them cocaine to snort. To keep people from abusing liquor, get them drunk on beer. To make sure you don't die of lung cancer, infect yourself with brain cancer.

Remember, Islam would not even exist if not for Judaism and Christianity.

362   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 7:52am  

They are taught from day one to hate America, this won't be good in a long run. That's a lot of people in middle east who wish us death. I think that stopping terrorism can only be done the way Patrick pointed in another thread. You have to confront the problem and deal with it. Not what liberals do, tip toe around the issue cowering.

363   anonymous   2017 May 27, 8:14am  

I don't want to defeat Christianity, I just want to MAGA. Which absolutely requires that we protect our nation and it's citizens from all the evils and failings of religion, especially Christianity. Because Christians seem to believe this is their country, and their government.

364   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 8:18am  

errc says

I don't want to defeat Christianity, I just want to MAGA. Which absolutely requires that we protect our nation and it's citizens from all the evils and failings of religion, especially Christianity. Because Christians seem to believe this is their country, and their government.

You might want to consider who is blowing up Americans with bombs before you make statements like that.

365   anonymous   2017 May 27, 8:53am  

America is doomed! This country is in the shotter, and going straight to hell! All thanks to Libruls!!

America is a Christian nation, that survives and thrives on Christianity and it's belief systems! And by Christian, i mean good Christian, not that bad ones. When Christians wrong people cause harm, they are not Real Christians!

Have you ever asked yourself how you hold both positions simultaneously?

366   anonymous   2017 May 27, 8:55am  

FortWayne says

errc says

I don't want to defeat Christianity, I just want to MAGA. Which absolutely requires that we protect our nation and it's citizens from all the evils and failings of religion, especially Christianity. Because Christians seem to believe this is their country, and their government.

You might want to consider who is blowing up Americans with bombs before you make statements like that.

How many Americans have been blown up with bombs by the opposing faction in your religious war?

More, or less, than those who have fallen victim to the Christian War on Drugs? A failed Loser war, where the government is at war with its own citizens?

Love thy neighbor, bro

367   Patrick   2017 May 27, 9:03am  

Gade says

Sweden is thoroughly secularized, They have defeated Christianity. It does not look like they will win against Islam.

This is true. Watch the slow death of Sweden through the toleration of violent intolerance.

368   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 9:31am  

How many people were hurt by drugs with lives completely destroyed? Your view of freedom means hurting others when it comes to drugs errc.

War with Middle East... you probably forgot that they attacked us. We retaliated.

errc says

FortWayne says

errc says

I don't want to defeat Christianity, I just want to MAGA. Which absolutely requires that we protect our nation and it's citizens from all the evils and failings of religion, especially Christianity. Because Christians seem to believe this is their country, and their government.

You might want to consider who is blowing up Americans with bombs before you make statements like that.

How many Americans have been blown up with bombs by the opposing faction in your religious war?

More, or less, than those who have fallen victim to the Christian War on Drugs? A failed Loser war, where the government is at war with its own citizens?

Love thy neighbor, bro

369   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 27, 11:27am  

Here's a question. How many Muslims in the US have multiple wives?

I know there are tons in the UK and the Goverment looks the other way while throwing the book at non-Muslims who never finalized a separation but got married again 10 years later.

I better not find out the Government is chasing Mormon sub-groups for Bigamy while ignoring Muslims.

370   PeopleUnited   2017 May 27, 12:26pm  

rando says

I think there can be morality without God. You just have to see that other people suffer like you yourself do, that they are really very similar to you.

The only way to scientifically test your hypothesis would be to remove God from the equation and see if people develop moral behavior.

The thing is that because God literally did create everything, there is no way to remove Him from the equation. He wrote the laws of the universe and all the equations that explain those laws.

So since we can't remove God from the equation the best we can do is examine the evidence. Are there any atheist dominated societies on the earth? None that I know of. But lets assume there is such a place. Would this place still require police, door locks, banks/safety deposit boxes, security cameras? There in not an altruistic society. It is an illusion.

I know some people will say that animals exhibit altruism/morality. But while there certainly are examples of morality/altruism in nature, there are also examples of savagery and cruelty. It is NOT universally true that animals are moral. And therefore, morality is not a product of evolution/genetics.

But back to the point. People are not capable of acting with morality 100% of the time. People are flawed, and incapable of 100% rational behavior. Evidence of this is seen all day everyday, just watch people. They consistently do things that don't make sense. The most tragic example is that people think that by wishing God's existence away, they can avoid the pain that comes from refusing to make God foundation of their own lives. Unbelief unfortunately doesn't change reality.

Climate change is real, no matter how hard the skeptics laugh.

Jesus Christ is real, no matter how hard the skeptics laugh.

371   PeopleUnited   2017 May 27, 12:29pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

You are wrong again. When a person says there is no God, they are implying there is no God to which they are accountable.

No. You're wrong. When I say there is no god, I mean there is no god. A person is immorally accountable for immoral actions. You don't need some supernatural sky daddy to motivate you to not do evil, unless you are fucking evil.

Dan you are actually starting to make sense. People are fucking evil. THAT IS EXACTLY WHY THEY NEED GOD!

372   PeopleUnited   2017 May 27, 12:36pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

On the other hand, someone who truly fears God would not deliberately and habitually do evil because they would know that God will not let their evil go unpunished.

Your statement is empirically false. Just look at 90% of Christian history. Look at the torture, rape, and murder committed in the name of Christ. Hell, look at ISIS today. They believe in your god, the god of Abraham, and yet they commit atrocities all the time. Don't let reality get in the way of your fantasies.

No Dan, it is absolute truth. When a person lives their life in the fear of the Lord, they do not do those immoral things. The fear of the Lord would prevent them from torture, rape, murder.

When a woman who identifies as a Christian or Muslim or atheist commits sin, they are doing so not as a representation of their identity as a Christian, Muslim or atheist. They are sinning as an individual who does not fear God. You need to stop blaming Christianity for what "Christians" do and start recognizing that people do evil because they are evil. Every. Last. One.

And Islam encourages people to be evil.

In contrast, Jesus discouraged evil behavior and made it a point to teach his followers to reform and become better.

373   PeopleUnited   2017 May 27, 12:43pm  

Dan8267 says

A quick death means Osama suffered nothing for his crimes.

First of all, Osama was suffering for his crimes. If nothing else, he bore the burden of knowing that he is responsible for countless deaths. Second of all, he lived under Islamic rule which is a prison in and of itself. And lastly, no wrong deed goes unpunished. Either Jesus will pay for your sin, or you will. In Osama's case, he chose to accept the tab himself.

Don't pull an Osama, trust Christ today.

374   PeopleUnited   2017 May 27, 12:47pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Here's a question. How many Muslims in the US have multiple wives?

I know there are tons in the UK and the Goverment looks the other way while throwing the book at non-Muslims who never finalized a separation but got married again 10 years later.

I better not find out the Government is chasing Mormon sub-groups for Bigamy while ignoring Muslims.

It is my understanding that polygamy is practiced in more than one subset of American culture. Hmong for example practice polygamy and there are many Hmong Americans.

Probably the only reason for the crackdown in polygamy amongst Mormons is the due to bad will towards the cult of Mormonism/abuse in the homes of Mormons.

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