THUNDERDOME: Patrick, Please Allow Ironman To Come Back To Cry Like A Wittle Baby When Trump Is Impeached and/or Resigns and/or Is Arrested

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2017 May 25, 6:26pm   943 views  8 comments

by AllTruth   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If even only on that ONE glorious day. Thanks.

Also, there will probably be another 5 to 8 Trumptarian Inner Circle Members perp-walked, not to mention 2 to 3 that get immunity for cooperating with the FBI and DOJ for rolling over.

Also, let's have Jeff Sessions do the perp walk and do glory hole duty in Federal Prison.


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1   Patrick   2017 May 25, 6:39pm  

Trump seems to be getting stronger lately. Still absolutely zero evidence that he colluded with the Russians in any way.

Ironman could get a new IP and new username if he wanted to. I couldn't prevent that anyway.

2   AllTruth   2017 May 25, 7:16pm  

Patrick, you seem to be a lackey for Trump like Scott Adams, and ebbing closer to Sean Hannity.

It is fascinating to see you deny the FACT that Trump is incredibly unpopular, and that he's doomed (wait until the Republican Party members in Congress really bail on him.).

Your denial is massive.

I understand low-IQ voters in the sticks attracted to Trump's fake John Wayne image, but it's fascinating to see those who I presume to of higher intelligence and more sophisticated fall into reflexive cult-of-personality mode.

3   Strategist   2017 May 25, 7:36pm  

rando says

Ironman could get a new IP and new username if he wanted to. I couldn't prevent that anyway.

Hey Ironman, that is a yes. Go for it, and start kicking the butt of all the weirdos here. I can't do it all by myself.

4   AllTruth   2017 May 25, 7:40pm  

Patrick is basically inviting Ironman to flaunt the rules, and circumvent his banning, even though Patrick knows that Ironman stalked and threatened another pat.net member IN REAL LIFE!


5   Patrick   2017 May 25, 9:15pm  

AllTruth says

I understand low-IQ voters in the sticks attracted to Trump's fake John Wayne image, but it's fascinating to see those who I presume to of higher intelligence and more sophisticated fall into reflexive cult-of-personality mode.

Does it piss you off when I say "I like Trump"?


I know that Trump is basically a con man, but I have reasons to like him which you could try to understand if you wanted to. He survived the media's death-ray of PC shame, and seemed to even grow stronger on it. He has moments of sincerity and may yet accomplish some good things. For a while, mostly before the election, it looked like he had broken through the PC/SJW/media/lobbyist barrier preventing ordinary schlubs like you and me from ever hearing the unfiltered truth from our leaders. Ross Perot got close to the truth years ago, but didn't win. Democracy prevailed over aristocracy this time! America not dead yet.

Sad about Trump's visit to get his collar put on by the Saudi king of all terrorists, but not surprised. No one can tell the truth for long and live. It was a pleasant dream anyway, and it pissed off so many self-righteous pro-censorship snowflakes that I laughed and laughed for days after the election. OMFG that Twitter account! And the impotent rage of of the elite media on the coasts! Their grasping at straws!

I still laugh sometimes. How delicious their incoherent anger still is. It's like a kind of nectar from the Gods. Thank you Kek.

6   AllTruth   2017 May 25, 9:33pm  

I love you (no kiss ass) for having the balls to have one of the few sites anywhere that allows nearly unfiltered and free speech, and you strike me as very intelligent (in technical and other matters - again no kiss assery), hence my curiosity.

7   Patrick   2017 May 25, 9:35pm  

Thanks for the compliment.

I hope you understand. I just cannot resist admiring such a glorious nose-tweaking of the virtue-signalling posers. It's like candy.

8   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 9:07am  

I despised Trump until he made notorious loud mouth Megyn Kelly speechless when he was being accused of insulting and demeaning women by making fun of their weight. His response, "Only Rosie O' Donnell" and I couldn't help but smile.

Also anything that makes leftist democrat progressive SJWs cry is an added bonus to me.

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