Some asshole drove into a group of Anti-fa protesters

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2017 Aug 12, 1:40pm   16,007 views  161 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


protester is killed at huge supremacist rally in Charlottesville

Either this driver is so stupid that he does not understand that he has immeasurably increased sympathy for anti-fa assholes, or it was a false flag operation simply intended to stir shit up. Ugh.

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2   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 12, 2:01pm  

Those that aren't Anti-fa assholes are Fascist assholes?

3   Rew   2017 Aug 12, 2:07pm  

Grey Dodge Charger ... driver in custody. I'm going to bet by demographic we are pretty high on the Whiskey Tango scale.

Amazing to see the amount of Nazi symbology at that rally. Quite a little concentration of hate and stupidity.

4   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 12, 2:12pm  

Rew says

Quite a little concentration of hate and stupidity.

Patnet makes them look like the opening day of kindergarten.lmao

5   Tenpoundbass   2017 Aug 12, 2:31pm  

Rew says

Amazing to see the amount of Nazi symbology at that rally. Quite a little concentration of hate and stupidity.

So let me see if I got this right. The Trump supporters show up to a lawful protest they got a license in advance for.
KKK and Nazis show up the Police thought they were a threat enough to shut it down. But then leave the location and let the Brownshirts protest.
Are the Police so certain in their peace keeping abilities they totally vacated the whole area for a good old fashioned "Our Streets!" chant. or did they get word to not be there, when the Operative came barreling through.

Here's the KKK and Nazis btw. Just about 4 or 5 they are totally flanked(but I say escorted) by armored personnel on each side. That sideshow is dividing the opposing protesting side. Not on either side. But none of that will stop MSM from spreading lies.

6   Strategist   2017 Aug 12, 2:49pm  

I offer $10.00 towards a reward for the head of each KKK and Nazi freak. It must be fully detached from the body.

7   Ceffer   2017 Aug 12, 3:02pm  

The only good ASSHOLE is a road-kill ASSHOLE.

8   Booger   2017 Aug 13, 5:38am  

Rew says

Amazing to see the amount of Nazi symbology at that rally. Quite a little concentration of hate and stupidity.

All thugs hired by Soros.

10   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 6:38am  

Patrick says

Either this driver is so stupid that he does not understand that he has immeasurably increased sympathy for anti-fa assholes, or it was a false flag operation simply intended to stir shit up. Ugh.

If only you could have argued some sense in to him about how we need to perpetuate the ignorant lie that "political violence in this country always comes from the left."

11   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 6:43am  

Many conservatives have the common sense to denounce white supremacy. David Duke on the other hand (to Trump):

“I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists,” responded Duke, who was in Charlottesville.


Watching and listening to the video of Donald Trump's statement, that is his sincerity and his eloquence really makes me feel proud to be an American.. He's such a powerful communicator.


12   Booger   2017 Aug 13, 7:14am  

Why is it BLM could destroy Baltimore & St. Louis, with cops turning their head, but White folks can't have a lawful peaceful assembly?

13   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 13, 7:22am  

HEY YOU says

Rew says

Quite a little concentration of hate and stupidity.

Patnet makes them look like the opening day of kindergarten.lmao

What school district did you go to school in?

14   Tenpoundbass   2017 Aug 13, 7:36am  

Still waiting for the names of the Victims, the MSM is hardly mentioning the Victims. But they sure keep throwing around "White Nationalists" and Trump a Lot.

I wonder if they will ever release the names of the Soros operatives that jumped on the guys car hitting it with a baseball bat smashing the windows, then that girl that jumped on the back trunk right as he threw it in reverse.

Probably not because pol will Dox them and they don't want that.

15   theoakman   2017 Aug 13, 8:04am  

It was only a matter of time before someone died from this. I thought it was going to be someone with a gun taking out a bunch of people with bats. I have no sympathy for anyone involved in these protests or counter protests. They are all morons who have too much free time on their hands. I couldn't make time to protest if I wanted to because I'm too busy working and raising kids.

16   Patrick   2017 Aug 13, 8:14am  

marcus says

If only you could have argued some sense in to him about how we need to perpetuate the ignorant lie that "political violence in this country always comes from the left."

Yes, this looks like an exception to leftist violence.

17   Tenpoundbass   2017 Aug 13, 8:42am  

Lots of sticks and ball bats considering the police were just there in riot gear clearing out all of the Violent protesters.

It will be interesting to get names and careers of the people with those sticks. I'm sure they will all be at this guy's self defense trial.

18   bob2356   2017 Aug 13, 8:49am  


The cat is bad ass. What he driving shot gun for the assailant?

sorry to say patrick put the picture n jail as uncivil. The truth hurts.

The expected apologists are certainly having a field day. I have seen this much shucking and jiving since Michael Jackson died.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 13, 9:47am  

rando says

Yes, this looks like an exception to leftist violence.

Let's remember just weeks ago there was the attacks on the Congressional Baseball game by a Resistance member, and just days ago a man shot his Trump-sign displaying neighbor. Not to mention the Dallas Police murders and the knife-wielder on campus, both perps followed BLM and other Black Supremacist orgs on their social media.

You also have Hollywood Stars, Pundits, and even Politicans raging against Whites generally, along with the POTUS, calling everybody who disagrees with them Nazis, and others.

20   FortWayne   2017 Aug 13, 9:55am  

Liberals tried to erase history by removing statues of American heroes. Provoked violence from many groups.

Liberals you set off this reaction with your rhetoric.

Irony how they blame Trump for rhetoric, but don't notice their own faults. Kind of like resident communist Dan.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 13, 9:58am  

The Mayor of Charlottesville declared the city a Center of Resistance back in February.

Again, the only people removing statues right now are ISIS and Politicians who identify with "The Resistance".

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 13, 10:07am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

You also have Hollywood Stars, Pundits, and even Politicans raging against Whites generally, along with the POTUS, calling everybody who disagrees with them Nazis, and others.

Case in Point:

We call on the President to take the steps to remove Steve Bannon – well-known white supremacist leader – from his team of advisers. .@CNN

— NAACP (@NAACP) August 12, 2017

There is bupkiss evidence Bannon is a White Supremacist. But that doesn't stop the Bourgeois yet Radical Left's Alternative Facts.

Wonder how many Resistance Members are going to a event honoring Rasmeh Odeh, a terrorist who bombed college students then lied about her criminal past to gain entry to the USA.

23   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 11:06am  

FortWayne says

Liberals tried to erase history by removing statues of American heroes.

Only white supremacists think that Robert Lee, the traitor who murdered countless Americans, is a hero. And no one saying to erase history. They are saying don't glorify evil. A statue of Robert Lee in America is like a statue of Adolph Hitler in Germany. It's despicable.

Furthermore, there was a legal court order to remove the statue. That makes your team criminals for attempting to stop the execution of the court order.

24   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 11:11am  

rando says

marcus says

If only you could have argued some sense in to him about how we need to perpetuate the ignorant lie that "political violence in this country always comes from the left."

Yes, this looks like an exception to leftist violence.

Clearly both sides are unlawful assholes. The only reason you haven't seen more of this shit from the conservative right is because the state has been on their side almost 100% of the time for the past 40 years. Before that these people were burning crosses on lawns, lynching innocent people, raping all the black girls they could, and literally feeding black babies to alligators.

The conservative left and right are the same. When the state backs them up, they gladly use the state to commit acts of violence on their behalf. They pretend to value law and order when it's their laws and their order. But when the state isn't on their side, they both gladly use illegal violence to push their agendas. Neither side is lawful. Neither side is non-violent.

If the state moves to enforcing the agendas of the conservative left, you can expect more violence from the conservative right.

25   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 11:13am  

Tenpoundbass says

Lots of sticks and ball bats considering the police were just there in riot gear clearing out all of the Violent protesters.

It will be interesting to get names and careers of the people with those sticks. I'm sure they will all be at this guy's self defense trial.

If not for the video showing him gunning for protesters long before that and far away from the protesters, this would be a good defense, but given that video, I doubt it will work.

26   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 11:50am  

Dan8267 says

Only white supremacists think that Robert Lee, the traitor who murdered countless Americans, is a hero

Give me a break. Slavery was evil, but it existed at the time, and it wasn't that easy to see how freeing the slaves could work out. As we know, it was not in fact an easy path. Washington, Jefferson and countless other revered Americans had owned and even traded in slaves.

Lee was a military officer that sided with his home state and with his new President after the south seceded.

I think it's a mistake to overly judge those southerners who have nostalgic or romanticized feelings about the confederacy. Believe it or not, such people are not always racists or haters of the U.S. government.

27   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 12:01pm  

marcus says

Give me a break.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with glorifying the evils of the past?

marcus says

Believe it or not, such people are not always racists or haters of the U.S. government.

I'm pretty sure the neo-Nazis and KKK members at this rally are racist.

The bottom line is that removing statues to glorify the traitorous slavers of the south is not erasing history. Don't white wash history. Show the real things that happened during that time. Learn from history so we don't repeat it.

28   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 12:18pm  

Dan8267 says


The confederacy lost. They were not permitted to secede. Huge numbers died on both sides. Many southerners and also some people that don't live in the south have great great grandparents that died fighting for the confederacy. It's absurd to label all of them traitors, or murderers just because they lost (or even if you want to say they were wrong (to secede, that is - not about slavery - obviously even if the Confederacy won its right to be a separate country - slavery would have ended long ago)).

Robert E. Lee was a general and war hero on the side that lost. The south lost their effort to secede and become a separate country. Determining for themselves if and when and how slavery ended may have been the biggest reason for wanting to secede, but the reason people were fighting for the confederacy was for their right to secede and have their own country. You have to know that there were a lot of confederate soldiers and leaders that were at least ambivalent about slavery, if not totally opposed to it.

29   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 12:34pm  

Dan8267 says

I'm pretty sure the neo-Nazis and KKK members at this rally are racist.

I was challenging your statement about General Lee, but also your black and white generalized view about those who romanticize the history of the confederacy.

I actually think it's a mistake to be taking down those statues in the south. In time it might happen on it's own, but doing it the moment they can get 51% of the town to vote for it - is an unfortunately divisive move (that plays in to Trumpism). Maybe 50 years later 70% would be for keeping the statues (not because they think slavery was cool) or maybe it would be a super majority wanting to do away with them then.

And of course some of those that are opposed to removing the statues are racist assholes. But that doesn't mean that the statues represent racist assholes.

If I lived there, I would have voted to keep the statue - and I think you know I don't think slavery was good and I'm not a white supremacist.

30   Patrick   2017 Aug 13, 12:47pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Lots of sticks and ball bats considering the police were just there in riot gear clearing out all of the Violent protesters.

It will be interesting to get names and careers of the people with those sticks.

True, those guys were hardly peaceful protesters. They were armed with sticks and not for self-defense.

32   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 1:03pm  

rando says

They were armed with sticks and not for self-defense.

How do you know it wasn't for self defense ? Many of the white supremacists were in full military gear, including weapons. It certainly turned out the counter protesters needed to defend themselves. The white supremacists were the ones to break through the barriers harassing the counter protesters, while police just watched (for a while). Evidently the counter protesters were a much smaller group.



I know it's post truth and everything. But maybe we should find facts before making assumptions.

33   Patrick   2017 Aug 13, 1:51pm  

marcus says

How do you know it wasn't for self defense ?

There has never yet been a crowd armed with baseball bats and not hoping for a fight.

34   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 1:57pm  

marcus says

but also your black and white generalized view about those who romanticize the history of the confederacy.

No different than romanticizing the Nazis. The slavers of the American South were just as vile.

So no, the modern day southerner doesn't get to white wash history and raise the scumbags slavers into hero status. The public has spoken. The removal of the statue was legal. It's time the south stops glorifying its sins and started repenting for them. Until that happens, they are still the villains and they still carry the guilt. The price of forgiveness is repentance.

35   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 1:58pm  

Tim Aurora says

Actually not. Robert E Lee can be equated to Rommel, the dessert fox.

The only reason the white supremacists want the statue is to say that those were the good old times.

36   Dan8267   2017 Aug 13, 2:02pm  

rando says

marcus says

How do you know it wasn't for self defense ?

There has never yet been a crowd armed with baseball bats and not hoping for a fight.

At first I thought it might have been a scared driver or road rage incident, but videos released later shows that the driver came down quickly from far away from the protesters. He was only in danger after he attempted murder.

Granted the Antifa were thugs who immediately went in for the kill before they realized how serious the situation was, and if the person who died was one of them, the driver may have a legitimate defense against the charge of murder, but not against the attempted murders.

Trump was right that the bad behavior came from all sides. He should have said it better, but fundamentally, he was right. Both sides in this rally were egging for a fight.

Perhaps we should just bring back the coliseums and let young asshole men fight to the death if they want. That's what this is all about. Lots of bored young men who just want to fight.

37   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 3:37pm  

Dan8267 says

The only reason the white supremacists want the statue is to say that those were the good old times.

Maybe true. But what about all the other people that want the statue for all kinds of other reasons. That's certainly not the reason I would have voted to keep the statue if I lived there. It's history.

Maybe if I lived there, and was a decider on the city council I could be convinced that keeping the statue is divisive, but at present it would seem that removing it is more divisive because of all the terrified and ignorant little white supremacists that are freaking out over the country becoming more diverse. (what they refer to as white genocide)

That's why dealing with the question of whether to keep the statues or not would be better dealt with a couple or three generations later, after white folk know and are comfortable with their place as just another demographic group and not as a group that's terrified of losing its dominance. Surprisingly, I think that if the decision was put off a few generations, that a vast majority of people would at that time vote to keep the statue, but certainly not as some sort of vindication that slavery was right or that the confederacy should have won.

38   theoakman   2017 Aug 13, 3:52pm  

I think the bottom line is, when you bring weapons to a fight, don't complain when you are attacked. They might not have been actively attacking someone that instant but I'm sure they were gearing towards it if they hadn't already.

39   marcus   2017 Aug 13, 3:59pm  

jazz_music says

Propaganda notwithstanding, people have every GOOD reason for outrage. Our social plight is so conspicuous that the world is looking at us all to see what we will do to claw back our lives and the powerful are doing everything they can to make any possible civil actions, laughable, brutally punishable and any meaningful changes impossible.

True but it obviously has nothing to do with oppression for being white. Although I understand sour grapes about seemingly better opportunities at times going to minority individuals. Addressing that in some ways makes sense, but not obsessing about it, or worse politicizing it - in a way that works up the ire of the worst kind of right wingers. We all should understand why it happens.

40   Booger   2017 Aug 13, 6:27pm  

REMINDER: Antifa are literally showing up at Trump rallies disguised as "Trump supporters" giving Nazi salutes.

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 13, 6:46pm  

jazz_music says

Propaganda notwithstanding, people have every GOOD reason for outrage. Our social plight is so conspicuous that the world is looking at us all expecting to see what we will do to claw back our lives and the powerful are doing everything they can to make any possible civil actions, laughable, brutally punishable and any meaningful changes impossible.

Yes, after the attack on Steve Scalise and others, and the recent murder of a Trump-supporting neighbor, people have every reason to be scared.

That and the Berkeley AntiFa attacks, the Chicago and San Diego attacks. Yes, a crazy person finally attacked AntiFa, but that was after more than a year of continuous Left-on-Right violence.
Left Leaders in Hollywood, the Punditry, and even Politicians regularly called everybody against Social Justice Warriors a Nazi; encouraged people to "Punch some people in the Face", called for Generals to Overthrow the President, consistently referred to Trump and his Supporters as Deploreables worthy of a beating, and claimed to be "The Resistance".

Even apolitical people are noticing the very different treatment between this Asshole and Islamic Radical/Black Radicals. The latter get the "Just one person, nevermind their connections, not all Blank are like that." With this one, the "ALL Trump Supporters are like this."

Like the Mayor of Berkeley, the Mayor of Charlottesville came out voiciferously "for the Resistance" and spent the days prior to the March demonizing them and whipping up AntiFa and others with their rhetoric. And yes, AntiFa not only attacked the AltRight but at least one reporter (for The Hill) thinking she was a "Nazi".

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