The Peaceful March on Google has been postponed due to credible Alt Left terrorist threats for the safety of our citizen participants.
Despite our clear and straightfoward statements denouncing bigotry and hatred, CNN and other mainstream media made malicious and false statements that our peaceful march was being organized by Nazi sympathizers.
Following the articles, credible threats from known Alt Left terrorist groups have been reported to and relevant authorities have been notified.
In one instance, an Alt Left threat was made to use an automobile to drive into our peaceful march.
We hope to hold our peaceful march in a few weeks’ time.
We look forward to the day when the human right of peaceful Free Speech is once again able to be practiced in America.
The Peaceful March on Google has been postponed due to credible Alt Left terrorist threats for the safety of our citizen participants.
Despite our clear and straightfoward statements denouncing bigotry and hatred, CNN and other mainstream media made malicious and false statements that our peaceful march was being organized by Nazi sympathizers.
Following the articles, credible threats from known Alt Left terrorist groups have been reported to and relevant authorities have been notified.
In one instance, an Alt Left threat was made to use an automobile to drive into our peaceful march.
We hope to hold our peaceful march in a few weeks’ time.
We look forward to the day when the human right of peaceful Free Speech is once again able to be practiced in America.