The left is being eaten by the monster it created, lol.
I'm not saying that Weinstein didn't do it, and definitely not saying that sexual harassment is good.
I am saying that the daily NPR/NYT/WaPo hysteria over harassment has jumped the shark and lost credibility. Accusations of harassment are simply a routine way of extracting money from rich men, or of opposing certain political candidates, or as a way to keep the betas in their place, or as a way to punish the alphas who never called back the next day.
The real solution is for women to be assumed equally responsible for any sexual acts that take place when they are voluntarily alone with a man in private. Yes, this means that under no circumstances should a woman be alone with a man in private unless she intends to sleep with him. This is well understood in all traditional cultures, for good reason.
In typical Trump style Dotard junior will declare war and get several deferments. Someone else will go in place of him and get captured. Junior will call him a loser. He'll strut around and declare a glorious victory and give himself some medals.
Especially that it's coming out that even famous Variety and other Industry reporters/editors knew for two decades or more and didn't say or write shit, even though they were in the very position to do something.
Thats because it wasn't just Weinstein. He's just the one in the spot light because of the NYT article. Probably most of the Rich Jews of Hollyweird are buttfucking wannabe actors/actresses like mad and nobody dares criticize because they'll get blackballed. Almost all the movies these days suck anyway.
He dared the comedian to speak against studio executive Harvey Weinstein
Kimmel resisted and instead mocked the Trumps' previous grievances about the NY Times which exposed Weinstein's decades of harassment against women
Few stars have publicly condemned Weinstein since it was revealed on Thursday that he had harassed dozens of stars over decades
Actress Ashley Judd is one of the accusers who came forward to expose him
Brie Larson, Patricia Arquette, Lena Dunham and Rose McGown support her
Anti-Trump stars Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence have been slammed for saying nothing