Julius Malema, the leader of South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (Communist and very anti-White), literally says that they won’t slaughter Whites — yet — as long as they give them what they want.
“The land must be expropriated without compensation.”
“We are not calling for the slaughter of White people, at least for now.”
“The rightful owners of the land are Black people. No White person is a rightful owner of the land here in SA and the whole of the African Continent.
Little difference between that and what happened in Africa since we all came from African back then! Agriculture, flint knapping, bronze working and even iron working were all common to every continent (except the americas) long before colonial times. The Africans were like the townies who never left to see the wide world, and got stuck in the same rut their ancestors were in for countless centuries. Anyone who left a small town for the big city will relate. You come back “home” and everyone seems so quaint and backwards it’s almost laughable.
They could only work the softest metals, no Bronze or Iron. They didn't have sea going vessels, something the Old World had for 1000s of years already (taking a canoe to the beach != sea going vessel)
Aztec culture was violent and brutal and oppressive. The Triple Alliance fought "Flower Wars" to gather prisoners and rip out their still beating hearts to satisfy their Great Feathery Lizard. They demanded tribute from conquered people, which is how Cortez ended up with thousands of Aztec-oppressor hating Indians fighting by him.
Rhymes with White Eyes taking Native Americans' land.
Learn from history. Restrict immigration.
LEFT : "Ha, ha, Middle America Bigots, you're afraid of millions of immigrant Aliens. Muh Juuuubbbbsss! LOL, dumbasses. Also, you should feel bad and personally responsible for dispossessing the Indians when millions of Whites immigrated to the continent." ?!?!?!?!
Also LEFT: "Fuckin' Israel, give the land back to the Palestinians. Fuckin' America and Fuckin' Europeans, you better invite Africans, Mid Easterners, and South Americans by the Millions!"
Shit you'll never hear Lefties say: "If Trump wins I'm moving to Venezuela or Angola" It's always Canada or Japan, homogenous countries with very little "Diversity".
And Yes, there is a strategy of distributing the land when you take it from the white people: You will have to first Fuck your way through all the Black people.
Julius Malema, the leader of South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (Communist and very anti-White), literally says that they won’t slaughter Whites — yet — as long as they give them what they want.
“The land must be expropriated without compensation.”
“We are not calling for the slaughter of White people, at least for now.”
“The rightful owners of the land are Black people. No White person is a rightful owner of the land here in SA and the whole of the African Continent.