Conspiracy to remove the Jews from Europe?

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2017 Dec 15, 10:36am   11,899 views  50 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Consider these articles:
Clearly the rise of Anti-Semitism is directly relate to the rapefugees Europe has welcomed to the consternation of rational people everywhere. Under the guise of multiculturalism, people from Muslim countries were encouraged to come to Europe and stay, contributing little aside from terrorism and a strain on the welfare system. Why? Why import people who hate multiculturalism, have a fucked up religion that causes them to hate everyone, and have a Long record of non assimilation?

Have Europe’s leaders suddenly grown very stupid? Are they willfully blind to the destruction they’re visiting upon their nations?

Or is there a deeper reason that must never be shared? Anti-semitism in europe runs deep and long, though many nations claim to abhor it. Could the intentional influx of people who are DEEPLY and predictably hostile to Jews be an attempt to oust them from Europe? If so, it seems to be working. 4% of France’s Jewish population fled to Israel in the past seven years, and this flight seems to be escalating not only there but in Sweden, Italy, Germany, and Belgium.

Remember the old lady who swallowed a fly? She swallowed the spider to catch the fly...


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47   CBOEtrader   2018 Jan 7, 10:37pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
It's still record numbers.

Nobody gives a fuck about the Jews. I mean, they are basically just white males amirite?

It's not a coincidence that the Nazi like behavior of Europe PC laws is resulting in gasp Nazi like behavior.
48   anonymous   2018 Jan 8, 7:47am  

The rapefugees are Semites, BTW.
49   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 8, 8:04am  

anon_e0567 says
The rapefugees are Semites, BTW.

Not the executive kind. Just like Pakis and Indians are both South Asians but only one group is infamous for rape gangs.

Haven't heard of roving Hassidim Youths in Germany shooting fireworks at people and groping women to the point the police need to establish safe zones at future New Year's Eves.
Or Sikh Engineers.
Or Chinese Vendors.
Or Tibetan Chefs.
50   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 9, 10:47am  

On Anniversary of Gunman Attack on Kosher Supermarket, Arson attacks on the same Supermarket and several other Jewish Stores in Vicinity.


The correct response would be for the French Government to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital. More sticks, less carrots. Reward terror by doing the opposite.

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