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Will Trump really be undone by emails,
Do they not see how funny and delicious that is? :)
Season 2 of Trump's Whitehouse is going to be amazingly entertaining!
Just recording on my #TrumpIsPresident hashtag that the following things are happening right now:
Fox/Trumpthuglicans : throwing around words like "coup" because the Special Counsel just got a huge amount of Trump campaign emails. They claim the method they used to obtain them is somehow illegal/nefarious/deep-state ... whatever.
Mueller's Special Counsel : has used the word "criminal" twice in reference to the Trump campaign. That is a not too subtle shift for those paying attention.
SOOooooo ....
Will Trump really be undone by emails, that he and the MAGA crowd are crying "unfair" over? Do they not see how funny and delicious that is? :)
Will Trump move to fire Mueller? The Bannonite/MAGA lizards are begging for it to be done. Typically when you see "coup" being talked about in a country, by the 'leadership', what follows is a 'purge'.
Season 2 of Trump's Whitehouse is going to be amazingly entertaining!