Questions for the true believers

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2017 Dec 27, 6:38pm   61,910 views  401 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

How much has the temp and sea level risen in the last hundred years?
How much did the temp rise between 2015 (2nd hottest year) and 2016 ( hottest year EVER)?
How can they measure such a small increase over the entire globe?
If the earth is warming why is the hottest temp ever recorded over a century old?
What is the ideal temp for human habitation?

Still waiting for answers to these important questions.

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23   MrMagic   2017 Dec 28, 9:05am  

Onvacation says
anon_08dee says
They're simply saying many coastal areas that are a very small amount above sea level are going to be in trouble if ACC continues unabated.

How much has the sea risen?

How much has the land receded?
24   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 9:12am  

Sniper says
8 inches over 140 years?? Ha HA Ha ha Ha Ha Ha

How in the fuck did they launch laser precise Geo survey satellites in the 1800's?
25   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 9:19am  

Tenpoundbass says
Sniper says
8 inches over 140 years?? Ha HA Ha ha Ha Ha Ha

How in the fuck did they launch laser precise Geo survey satellites in the 1800's?

I call bullshit that the sea level rose at all in the last 140 years. I use Fort Jefferson as undisputed truth. I keep asking the Global Alarmist why does the satellite imagery of Fort Jefferson match exactly the map from 1880 when it was built. It has the same foot print in the ocean. The whole island is no more than 12 inches above sea level.

Here's a picture from 1898 30 years after it was built.

and here's that same shot from recent times.

Oh my GOD Ya'll look! The actual sea level against the sea wall is the exact same height. but it looks like some sand was reclaimed in the updated recent image. Now we all know they didn't life the foundation of that Fort. They simply made a beach for easy tourist access.
26   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 9:20am  

If anything it looks like the sea level has dropped from the 1800's image.
27   MrMagic   2017 Dec 28, 9:37am  

Tenpoundbass says
If anything it looks like the sea level has dropped from the 1800's image.

What if it was the land that dropped and sank and NOT the sea rising?

As humans continue to inhabit coastal and naturally swampy areas, the need to drain surface and subsurface water can cause significant sinking of local land. Subsidence occurs when upper layers of ground shift downward to replace the empty space left after drainage. Many urban areas are subsiding due to withdrawal of ground water or other fluids.

28   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 9:44am  

Tenpoundbass says
Oh my GOD Ya'll look! The actual sea level against the sea wall is the exact same height. but it looks like some sand was reclaimed in the updated recent image. Now we all know they didn't life the foundation of that Fort. They simply made a beach for easy tourist access.

Are you kidding me that you think you can tell the exact height of the water from those two pictures?

Not to mention--were these pictures taken during the same tidal conditions?
29   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 10:12am  

HappyGilmore says
Not to mention--were these pictures taken during the same tidal conditions?

Keep grasping you can see the tide line right there on the wall.
30   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 10:13am  

HappyGilmore says
Are you kidding me that you think you can tell the exact height of the water from those two pictures?

Yes look the lower windows, the hight of the seawall cap. The tide line there's tons of water level queues.
31   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 10:17am  

Tenpoundbass says

Yes look the lower windows, the hight of the seawall cap. The tide line there's tons of water level queues.

The lower windows have obviously changed. The height of them is much different.
32   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 10:27am  

HappyGilmore says

The lower windows have obviously changed. The height of them is much different.

Tenpoundbass says
33   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 10:31am  

Onvacation says

Tenpoundbass says

No, grasping is using two pictures to try to refute 100 years of tidal gauge measurement data.
34   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 11:20am  

Tidal guage measurement my ass. Tidal level compared to what the shifting sea floor, the slumping shoreline?
If the sea was rising simply putting dirt on the beach would push the tide back out to the original line. The water should sump over any sand you put on the beach and still reach the A1A in Fort Lauderdale when the Kingtide washed it away in 2012. But that's not what happened, the shore line is right back where it was before the King Tide.

BTW it's called King Tide because it happens several time during every Decade. I remember when I first moved to South Florida in 1986 they just completed replenishing Ft Laud and Dania beach. South beach had that squiggly seawall built many meters from the A1A.
35   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 11:22am  

HappyGilmore says
The lower windows have obviously changed. The height of them is much different.

No they haven't! They are the same windows. They were cleaned in the more recent photos the photo in 1898 had been vacant for about 20 years. It had not been turned into a tourist spot yet. So the moss and mold was growing on the red brick discoloring them.
If you click on the photo then zoom in you can see the window sill is discolored on the bottom.
36   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 11:27am  

Tenpoundbass says
No they haven't!

Yes, the windows at the top of the picture facing 180 degrees have obviously changed. The size and shape is clearly different even with respect to the other windows.

Tenpoundbass says
Tidal guage measurement my ass. Tidal level compared to what the shifting sea floor, the slumping shoreline?

Here is an explanation on tidal gauge measurements:

37   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 11:50am  

HappyGilmore says
Here is an explanation on tidal gauge measurements:

Yes they are measuring water displacement at the shore. Silt and sediment be damned.
38   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 11:56am  

Tenpoundbass says

Yes they are measuring water displacement at the shore. Silt and sediment be damned.

It's not like they have a tape measure to the bottom. Silt and sediment are irrelevant to their measurement.
39   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 12:22pm  

Well you can deny the Sea is not rising all you want from what ever land locked location you made that assesment from.
But I've been at the same 3 feet above sea level now for the last 30 years and every land mark with in a 300 mile radius that was even just inches above sea level are still exactly where they were then. So no sea rising. In fact two years ago for the first time since I came here in 1987, on July 4th. the beach front was a quarter mile out from where the shorline is supposed to be. I've been told that Hollywood Broadwalk was a mile further out at one time. But it was lost due to erosion not sea rising. The shoreline of all the tributaries are the same level since 1920's when they made and film the Jungle Queen. in the Fort Lauderdale inter coastal. The only thing that has changed the inter coastal waters used to be blue with white sand bottom. Now it's all murky brackish water and the bottom is covered in dead sediment.
40   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 12:26pm  

We're almost at peak idiocracy...
41   MrMagic   2017 Dec 28, 12:52pm  

HappyGilmore says
The lower windows have obviously changed. The height of them is much different.

Really?? Not on my computer?

Someone went in and changed all the brickwork 100 years later? Was that because of a higher $1T annual deficit?
42   MrMagic   2017 Dec 28, 12:53pm  

HappyGilmore says
We're almost at peak idiocracy...

Nope, long past it on the Blue "TDS" team.
43   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 1:15pm  

Sniper says
Really?? Not on my computer?

So you think this:

looks identical to this:

Look at the different sizes of the top vs. bottom windows in the two pictures. You really don't see a difference there? In the old picture, the top windows look smaller than the bottom. In the new picture, the bottom look much smaller than the top.
44   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 1:30pm  

That's a hexagonal fort I think I have the wrong side and the wrong angle. The cameras in those days didn't take 12 megapixle images, in HD color.
here's the correct angle, looks like they keep repairing the facade. It's the same windws the B&W photo has moss and crud growing right click on the image and open in new tab, then zoom in on it.
45   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 28, 1:35pm  

The lower windows are still much smaller in the new picture than in the old picture. I imagine they did some masonry in the 100+ years between the two pictures.
46   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 2:23pm  

HappyGilmore says
The lower windows are still much smaller in the new picture than in the old picture. I imagine they did some masonry in the 100+ years between the two pictures.

So do you believe the graph that you posted showing only 10 inches of sea level rise over the last 140 years?
How much do you think the sea has risen?
47   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 2:27pm  

HappyGilmore says

Look at the different sizes of the top vs. bottom windows in the two pictures. You really don't see a difference there?

Oh wait. If you zoom in on the older pic you can see a bricklayer with a crooked arm!

Just teasing.
48   anonymous   2017 Dec 28, 4:39pm  

Onvacation says
So do you believe the graph that you posted showing only 10 inches of sea level rise over the last 140 years?
How much do you think the sea has risen?

OK--no more games. You asked for data and data was given.

If you have a point, make it.
49   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 6:18pm  

anon_3b28c says
If you have a point, make it.

Is the point not obvious? I can spell it out for you:
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud.
I am attempting to educate the uninformed.
The sea has risen very little. 10 inches in a century and a half.

One question answered
50   Strategist   2017 Dec 28, 6:30pm  

Onvacation says
The sea has risen very little. 10 inches in a century and a half.

One question answered

There was no pollution 150 years ago. It's entirely possible most of the 10 inch increase happened very recently.
I don't see global warming as a serious problem though, because alternative energy and electric cars will soon arrive like an avalanche, and the problem will be solved.
51   anonymous   2017 Dec 28, 6:42pm  

Onvacation says
anon_3b28c says
If you have a point, make it.

Is the point not obvious? I can spell it out for you:
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud.
I am attempting to educate the uninformed.
The sea has risen very little. 10 inches in a century and a half.

One question answered

10 inches in a century and a half is very little? Seriously? What is the general trend? When did most of the increase occur? What qualifications do you possess and what research have you done that makes you more of an expert than the scientists actually doing that work?
52   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 6:49pm  

Next questions:

Onvacation says
How much has the temp and sea level risen in the last hundred years?
How much did the temp rise between 2015 (2nd hottest year) and 2016 ( hottest year EVER)?
How can they measure such a small increase over the entire globe?
If the earth is warming why is the hottest temp ever recorded over a century old?
What is the ideal temp for human habitation?

Still waiting for answers to these important questions.

The answers point out the fraud of CAGW.
53   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 28, 7:13pm  

anon_b8f55 says
10 inches in a century and a half is very little? Seriously?

It hasn't risen nothign SERIOUSLY!!!

After a hurricane swell or king tide I've seen South Florida beaches several times. Carved a dead line drawn in the sand. Past that point the sand drops 90 degrees and it is a about a 8 foot fall. The next full moon high tide the tide goes only to the edge of the bottom. Meaning it is the sand pushed on the beach that makes sea levels. Otherwise the sea level would be 6 to 8 feet lower in most coastal beach towns. The Beach is an illusion the developers made. The reality is less consistent over the decades.
54   marcus   2017 Dec 28, 7:38pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I call bullshit that the sea level rose at all in the last 140 years. I use Fort Jefferson as undisputed truth.

Let me get this straight. Tides cause a range in sea levels of about 24 inches, and you're going to use a couple photos to argue that sea level hasn't gone up by 8 inches ?

What kind of an ego does it take to think you can make a compelling argument refuting the experts, that wouldn't have already been made by thousands of people and fairly easily proven if true ?

Here's a piece of propaganda put out by one of them thar folks with their fancy pants book larnin.


55   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 8:01pm  

Strategist says
There was no pollution 150 years ago.

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/air-pollution-has-been-a-problem-since-the-days-of-ancient-rome-3950678/ Strategist says
I don't see global warming as a serious problem

Technology will save humanity!
56   Onvacation   2017 Dec 28, 8:03pm  

marcus says
you're going to use a couple photos to argue that sea level hasn't gone up by 8 inches ?

10 inches.
57   Strategist   2017 Dec 28, 8:33pm  

Onvacation says
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/air-pollution-has-been-a-problem-since-the-days-of-ancient-rome-3950678/ Strategist says

Does any air pollution 2,000 years ago compare to the pollution we have today?
We burn 100 million barrels of oil every single day. The Romans burnt Zero.
We burn incredible amounts of coal every single day. The Romans burnt zero.
We burn an ever increasing amount of natural gas every single day. The Romans burnt zero.
Are you sure the pollution of of 2,000 ago is comparable to the pollution we have today?
58   anonymous   2017 Dec 28, 9:13pm  

Why do you keep asking 'what is the ideal temp for human habitation?' Are you attempting to argue something because it just seems like an utterly ridiculous question to me?
The importance of climate change is in the consequemces of the trends, not the temperature between one year and another or one outlying year a century ago. I presume you know this, so I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do.
59   Rew   2017 Dec 29, 2:07am  

The stats for the past 100 years were:
+1.7 mm a year (plus or minus 0.5mm)
+1.33°F (0.74ºC) in the past century

... but you don't believe in NOAA, the USGS, the FBI, or much of anything anymore, do you? Experts are waved away. Hard truths are ignored. Why? Because they challenge your ideology so deeply you cannot face them.

No one on PNet is going to change your mind. But look, you found that Tenpound is "one of your people", so you can feel a little less threatened.

Onvacation says
Technology will save humanity!

You ever look at the causes of civilization collapse? They have markers and commonalities. The civilizations were all at the height of their technological peak, masters of their known world, and pretty confident in their longevity ... until ... ooops! But we aren't those primitive backwater beings of thousands of years ago, right? After all that is so so long ago! (Except for that fact that in the history of life, the planet, and actual meaningful timescales it is a blink fo an eye.)

Tenpoundbass says
I've seen South Florida beaches several times.

If you look out at the horizon too Tenpound, you can clearly see the world is flat. No curve dude! No curve!!!!

You feel the air outside recently too? It's freaking cold!

Onvacation says
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud.

How many people are committing this fraud/knowingly lying? What is their purpose and motivation?

You've got nothing but internet conspiracy theories, because they make you feel safe and justified. It's a lot easier than being open to the possibility you are wrong.

Your hashtag is correct though: #politics ... as the people who deny the current science fall into a pretty narrow wedge in political belief.

Looks like those beliefs are dying out quickly, too.
60   Onvacation   2017 Dec 29, 2:28am  

Strategist says
Are you sure the pollution of of 2,000 ago is comparable to the pollution we have today?

Never said that. Never implied that.
61   Onvacation   2017 Dec 29, 2:31am  

anon_b8f55 says
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do.

Expose the fraud of CAGW and educate the uninformed.
No hope for the true believers.
62   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 29, 5:31am  

Onvacation says
Expose the fraud of CAGW and educate the uninformed.

Let's see--you've established that the sea levels and global temperature are steadily rising.

What exactly have you exposed as fraud?

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