Questions for the true believers

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2017 Dec 27, 6:38pm   65,848 views  401 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

How much has the temp and sea level risen in the last hundred years?
How much did the temp rise between 2015 (2nd hottest year) and 2016 ( hottest year EVER)?
How can they measure such a small increase over the entire globe?
If the earth is warming why is the hottest temp ever recorded over a century old?
What is the ideal temp for human habitation?

Still waiting for answers to these important questions.

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287   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 8:14am  

I googled "The west side highway will be underwater by 2018", and found the following (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/10/22/a-little-known-but-failed-20-year-old-climate-change-prediction-by-dr-james-hansen/ ):

Bob Reiss reports the conversation as follows:

"When I interviewe­­d James Hansen I asked him to speculate on what the view outside his office window could look like in 40 years with doubled CO2. I'd been trying to think of a way to discuss the greenhouse effect in a way that would make sense to average readers. I wasn't asking for hard scientific studies. It wasn't an academic interview. It was a discussion with a kind and thoughtful man who answered the question. You can find the descriptio­­n in two of my books, most recently The Coming Storm."

In a discussion (not a journal article) Hansen said that the west side highway would be under water in 40 yrs if the CO2 level had doubled. Now, we are 30 yrs out, and the CO2 level has not come close to doubling. How do the lying deniers translate that prediction into 30 yrs with no clause about CO2 level? WTF kind of pathology makes people lie their asses off to prove their POV in a discussion with no tangible reward for being correct?
288   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 8:17am  

anon_7c0c9 says

What data shows earth is getting colder?

Apparently, the data from the east coast in late December/early January do. If you throw out all of the other data, the case is clear. Ignore the recent temps in the pacific NW and Australia. You have to ignore the fact that random variation is expected to produce lows and highs in specific places and times, as it has always done.
What you really need to do is construct a straw man and claim that the AGW theory predicts that the whole world will be at the average temperature all the time, and that the average temperature will be on a smooth exponential curve upwards. If you do that, it is SUPER easy to show that the theory is wrong. SUPER easy.
289   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:32am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
First, I don't believe the Earth has a "Steady State",

The real question is 'How long would it take to achieve a new steady state if their was a sudden change to the CO2 level'?

He said there is no steady state.
Or are you one of those people that don't BELIEVE in the MWP, the little ice age, natural variation in climate, and history?
290   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:37am  

Note that there were no self congratulatory smug posts from people who believe in AGW based on these heat events. It's ridiculous, just like your post about FL.

It's storms caused by climate change not global warming. The new narrative is storms since warming did not happen fast enough. The snow in Florida is caused by climate change.
Get the story straight.
291   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:41am  

anon_25c83 says

Wind on earth is driven by a heat engine. A hotter earth will create a stronger jet stream which will move polar weather further south.

This has been explained to the denialists about a billion times yet for the next billion years they will continue to point to cold weather as some sort of disproof of global warming.

See, it's storms and warming.
292   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:49am  

marcus says
Exactly what does the .8 degree variation in measurement mean. What does the range of accuracy mean ? Can you explain it to me broken down all the way so I can please understand what I'm missing.

I think he was talking about noaa's report where they stated 2016 was the hottest year ever. When you get into the data you will find that 2016 was 0.04. Degrees hotter than 2015 with a margin of +/- 0.08. Statistically insignificant.
293   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:55am  

marcus says
Btw, is it not safe to assume that for measurements of temperature, say if you measured temperatures thousands of times, that the amount you are off from the true measure each time would form a normal distribution, with a mean of zero ?

Not when measuring temperature. It is changing as we measure it.
I still don't understand how they can measure worldwide average temperature down to hundredths of a degree.
294   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 8:59am  

anon_7c0c9 says
you don't get to say record cold is a disproof of the theory. If anything it's a confirmation that scientists were right.

Record cold is proof of global warming? If it gets warm can we call that proof of cooling?
295   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 9:01am  

WTF kind of pathology makes people lie their asses off to prove their POV in a discussion with no tangible reward for being correct?

296   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 9:08am  

Onvacation says
How much did the temp rise between 2015 (2nd hottest year) and 2016 ( hottest year EVER)?

The answer is 4/100 of one degree plus or minus 8/100 of one degree.
Onvacation says
How can they measure such a small increase over the entire globe?

Still waiting for an answer.
297   anonymous   2018 Jan 4, 9:18am  

In a discussion (not a journal article) Hansen said that the west side highway would be under water in 40 yrs if the CO2 level had doubled. Now, we are 30 yrs out, and the CO2 level has not come close to doubling. How do the lying deniers translate that prediction into 30 yrs with no clause about CO2 level?

First, discussions don't mean crap, anyone can say stuff off the record.

Second, in published articles, Hanson said the West Side highway would be under water, because of CO2 and GW, but he never said it would double. This is a lie.

Can you please post the article where he specifically said it will double?
298   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 9:20am  

Onvacation says
He said there is no steady state.

His comments regarding steady state had to do with fluctuations over huge time scales. He didn't specify the scales, but you can infer from his comments about being ice free and an ice ball that he is talking about millions of years. I'm discussing the time constant to achieve steady state when one perturbs one particular variable. So, his comment didn't address my point, which is why I elaborated. Onvacation says
don't BELIEVE in the MWP, the little ice age, natural variation in climate, and history?

No. I'm not, and have never med someone like you describe. That, however, has nothing to do with the question of how long it would take to warm the globe if the CO2 concentration were suddenly doubled.
I do think that the best estimate of the magnitude and slope of warming in the MWP is subject to revision as new data and new techniques are discovered. Do you BELIEVE that the previous estimates were correct and that the newer statistical measures started by Hansen and repeated by others are all wrong? Why do you BELIEVE that?
You have attacked what others have called the 'hockey stick' graph. The controversy is detailed here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockey_stick_controversy): People have often commented that the method produced hockey stick results from random data. This is from McIntyre and McKitrick, who ran the code on 10,000 samples, and used a computer to select the 100 results that most resembled a hockey stick. That's fucking ridiculous. If you take 10,000 random data samples and fit a linear line to it, you will get an average slope of nearly zero. If you take the 100 results with the highest slopes, they will be quite high (way outside of the expected result and well above the normal error of the mean). That's how statistics work.

To demonstrate that some simulations using their persistent red noise "bore a quite remarkable similarity to the actual MBH98 temperature reconstruction", McIntyre and McKitrick produced illustrations for comparison.[120] Figure 4.4 of the Wegman Report showed 12 of these pre-selected simulations. It called this "One of the most compelling illustrations that McIntyre and McKitrick have produced", and said that the "MBH98 algorithm found ‘hockey stick’ trend in each of the independent replications".[132] McIntyre and McKitrick's code selected 100 simulations with the highest "hockey stick index" from the 10,000 simulations they had carried out, and their illustrations were taken from this pre-selected 1%.[133]
299   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 9:24am  

Onvacation says
I still don't understand how they can measure worldwide average temperature down to hundredths of a degree.

Nobody claims that the worldwide average temperature is known to the 1/100 of a degree. There are several widely known estimates, and they all differ. They all report results in percent change, so that they can be comparable to each other, because the absolute measurements disagree. The percent change is known better then the absolute temperature, because it relies on precision rather than accuracy. Others have pointed this out in this thread, and you have not addressed it for some reason.
300   anonymous   2018 Jan 4, 9:31am  

WTF kind of pathology makes people lie their asses off to prove their POV in a discussion with no tangible reward for being correct?

The former NASA climate scientist who predicted parts of New York City would soon be underwater, now says he’s not a global warming “alarmist.”

Hansen, dubbed the “godfather” of global warming, was interviewed about a study he co-authored last month, which claimed future global warming would be worse than predicted. The study found global warming would cause massive sea level rise, flooding of major cities such as New York and enormous super storms. But that’s not the first time Hansen made dire sea level rise predictions.

In 1988, a Washington Post reporter asked Hansen what a warming Earth would look like in 20 or 40 years in the future. Hansen reportedly looked out a window and said New York City’s “West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water.”

“And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change,” he said.

Hansen also predicted that global warming would cause a drastic rise in crime in the Big Apple, because “you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.”

Hansen may have been talking about a sea-level rise 40 years from 1998, but that wouldn’t make any difference as the level of rise Hansen was predicting still hasn’t happened.

Other climate scientists claim that the mechanisms Hansen uses to explain extreme global warming are “pure speculation.”

So, how much has the sea level risen in Mannhattan since his prediction. Is the West Side highway in any danger of going underwater today?
301   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 9:35am  

Onvacation says
I still don't understand how they can measure worldwide average temperature down to hundredths of a degree.

Nobody claims that the worldwide average temperature is known to the 1/100 of a degree.

hundredths not hundredth. Noaa claims to be able to measure the worldwide average temperature from year to year down to +/- 8/100s of one degree.
How do they calculate that?
It's ok to say you don't know.
302   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 9:36am  

The percent change is known better then the absolute temperature, because it relies on precision rather than accuracy. Others have pointed this out in this thread, and you have not addressed it for some reason.

So what was the percent change in temperature between 2015 and 2016?
303   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 9:56am  

Well, the result was shown to two significant figures. Clearly, there are not really two significant figures, and that is my point.

Why do you think it is relevant whether 2016 was warmer than 2015? Someone should be able to quantify how likely it is that 2016 was warmer than 2015. If it were important, it would be easy to find that out, but it's not relevant, is it? If you think it is, for some reason, please explain it. Nobody can figure out why you keep writing about this.

Anybody can look up how each group calculates it. For example, here is a faq by NASA: https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/faq/#q101. If you think you can do it better, go ahead and tell us how. Since you are giving error bars 0.04 plus minus 0.08, why not explain what the error range means. It's OK to say that you do not know. Also, you should reference who is saying 0.04 plus minus 0.08.
304   anonymous   2018 Jan 4, 11:49am  

anon_343ae says
So, how much has the sea level risen in Mannhattan since his prediction. Is the West Side highway in any danger of going underwater today?

Nope, not even close. Since 1988, in 30 years, it's up approx. 2.7 inches.

NASA’s top climate expert, James Hansen, predicted that by 2018 the Arctic would be ice-free, and Lower Manhattan would be underwater. Democrats call him a “climate prophet.” Only six weeks left to go!

Sea level at Lower Manhattan is barely higher than 20 years ago, and the Arctic is full of thick ice.

Democrats continue to view these idiots, like Hansen, known as “climate scientists” as prophets, and their word is never allowed to be questioned.

305   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 11:57am  

Anybody can look up how each group calculates it. For example, here is a faq by NASA: https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/faq/#q101.

I got to three levels deep into your reference and still don't believe in the accuracy of the calculations.
Can you summarize how all that interpolation, extrapolation, adjustments to historical temperature records, and guesses can truly state worldwide average temperature down to 8/100s of one degree?
306   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 11:58am  

reference who is saying 0.04 plus minus 0.08.

I got my numbers from noaa. Do you have a better source? What are your numbers?
307   Onvacation   2018 Jan 4, 11:59am  

Will be back later to check for answers.
Gotta go sailing. Onvacation
308   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 12:30pm  

Onvacation says

So what was the percent change in temperature between 2015 and 2016?

That depends on what temperature scale you use. Why do you repeatedly ask ill posed questions of other people?
309   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 4, 12:40pm  

anon_343ae says
In 1988, a Washington Post reporter asked Hansen what a warming Earth would look like in 20 or 40 years in the future. Hansen reportedly looked out a window and said New York City’s “West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water.”

Why does the Daily Caller say it was either 20 or 40 yrs? Why not go to the source?
The source for the Salon article was a conversation with the reporter who fucked up and misquoted Hansen. Why does that reflect poorly on Hansen? I mentioned above that the question was based on a doubling of CO2 concentration. Why do people keep forgetting that part? I guess it is easier to propagate an error (lie) that supports your agenda than look for the truth.
310   anonymous   2018 Jan 4, 1:38pm  

Onvacation says
I got my numbers from noaa. Do you have a better source? What are your numbers?

So you trust the NOAA now? When did that start?
311   anonymous   2018 Jan 4, 1:38pm  

The source for the Salon article was a conversation with the reporter who fucked up and misquoted Hansen. Why does that reflect poorly on Hansen? I mentioned above that the question was based on a doubling of CO2 concentration. Why do people keep forgetting that part?

Because one was a conversation while the other was a posted prediction by him, which DIDN'T reference the doubling of CO2. There's a BIG difference.

I guess it is easier to propagate an error (lie) that supports your agenda than look for the truth.

Is lower Manhattan underwater yet?

He has continued that lie for decades, even after proven wrong by miles? Why are you still believing him?
312   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jan 4, 3:10pm  

anon_b40bb says
He has continued that lie for decades, even after proven wrong by miles? Why are you still believing him?

Some people are really missing the forest for the tree.
No way? One guy was wrong? No warming then?

Then why do countries around the arctic have a massive amount of projects in the arctic based on the warming?

Some people can't see that they are fighting a rear guard battle.
313   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jan 4, 3:16pm  

Why are new shipping routes already planned?

We are not talking of scientists. These are business people. Are they lying too?

314   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jan 4, 3:25pm  

China wants its share too. Wonder why? It's all a scam right?

" China’s ambitions in these regions have not received due attention, in part, Brady says, because so few Western journalists speak and read Chinese. The country has deployed what she calls “two-track messaging,” sending alternative signals to domestic and international audiences. President Xi Jingping in November 2014, for example, spoke in Hobart, Australia, where for the first time he stated that his country will be “joining the ranks of the Polar great powers,” which Western media largely missed.

In June, the government broadened its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative for trade to include the Arctic.

China cannot physically claim Arctic territory, but it can buy stakes and influence wherever it seems wise.

“China’s thinking on the polar regions and global oceans demonstrates a level of ambition and forward planning that few, if any, modern industrial states can achieve,” Brady writes.

China has undertaken a soft-power campaign, first focused on scientific collaboration, with financial interests not too far behind. The nation struck a free-trade pact with Iceland in 2013, and it has held free-trade discussions with Norway since 2008. Finland has jointly called for greater cooperation with China, in the context of European Union trade policy. Canada and China in December extended exploratory free-trade talks after being unable to launch a formal round."
315   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jan 4, 3:30pm  

People who are so sure there is no warming should put their money where their mouth is and buy Florida properties right on the beach.
They are getting a discount from idiots panicking.
It's a sure bet, right?

"In a working paper posted this month on Social Science Research Network, an online repository of academic research, professors from the University of Colorado at Boulder and Pennsylvania State University found that homes exposed to sea-level rise sell at a 7 percent discount compared with equivalent but unexposed properties.

“This discount has grown over time,” the authors wrote, “and is driven by sophisticated buyers and communities worried about global warming.” Properties along both coasts of Florida are at risk of sea-level rise, mapping in the paper shows.
316   MrMagic   2018 Jan 4, 7:34pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Why are new shipping routes already planned?

We are not talking of scientists. These are business people. Are they lying too?

No, they want to make money and lower shipping costs.... duh...
317   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 5, 7:11am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Some people are really missing the forest for the tree.
No way? One guy was wrong? No warming then?

That of course is the big issue.

Another issue is that the denier club is not even honest about it. Hansen did not predict that the West Side Highway would be underwater in 20 yrs or 40 yrs. He was asked offhand what it would be like in 40 yrs if the CO2 levels doubled. He said that the West Side Highway would be underwater. That means IF the CO2 levels doubled. It got misreported, and is still being rerun by all of the dishonest denial sites. The people here will not admit it, because they are invested in the outcome based on a bogus argument and believe the dishonest denier websites.

Here's a description of what happened: http://www.hi-izuru.org/forum/Basic%20Rebuttals/2011-02-22-Basic%20Rebuttal%20%23170_%20Hansen%20predicted%20the%20West%20Side%20Highway%20would%20be%20underwater.html
There are many other places on the web that describe this. If Hansen wanted to make this prediction, it would appear in a scientific journal or in congressional testimony. Instead, it appears in a Salon article based on a quote from a writer who has since said that he made a mistake while talking to a Salon writer. It appeared differently in his book, which is available for anybody to check.
318   anonymous   2018 Jan 5, 7:38am  

Sniper says
No, they want to make money and lower shipping costs.... duh...

They are going to be saving money by scheduling shipping routes through the arctic ice sheet? Or will that ice be gone for some reason in the future?
319   MrMagic   2018 Jan 5, 7:58am  

anon_25c83 says
Or will that ice be gone for some reason in the future?

According to Al Gore, it was suppose be gone already? What happened?

320   Onvacation   2018 Jan 5, 8:35am  

Onvacation says

The percent change is known better then the absolute temperature, because it relies on precision rather than accuracy. Others have pointed this out in this thread, and you have not addressed it for some reason.

So what was the percent change in temperature between 2015 and 2016?
That depends on what temperature scale you use. Why do you repeatedly ask ill posed questions of other people?

So you got no answers.
321   Onvacation   2018 Jan 5, 8:36am  


So you trust the NOAA now?

Don't you?
322   Onvacation   2018 Jan 5, 8:39am  

Heraclitusstudent says
No warming then?

Very little.
Tell us how a degree per century or 4/100 a year is a lot of warming?
323   Onvacation   2018 Jan 5, 8:49am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Why are new shipping routes already planned?

How many have actually made it through the ice?
324   Onvacation   2018 Jan 5, 8:58am  

Questions yet to be answered:
Onvacation says

How can they measure such a small increase over the entire globe?
If the earth is warming why is the hottest temp ever recorded over a century old?
What is the ideal temp for human habitation?

Still waiting for answers.
325   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 5, 10:18am  

Onvacation says
So you got no answers.

I have three answers. They are all different, because you get a different answer depending on the temperature scale used. It's four if you consider Rankine worth mentioning. It's very simple math. Why don't you calculate the percent change in temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. I'm curious to see if you can figure it out. For bonus points, tell us why you think anyone should give a shit what the answers are. For extra credit, define a new temperature scale with infinite percent increase since the baseline. That should be easy enough, and frankly no more arbitrary than Celsius, which is based on the temperature water freezes, or Fahrenheit, which is even more arbitrary.
326   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jan 5, 10:33am  

Onvacation says
Still waiting for answers.

Already answered several times above. We can lead you to water but not force you to drink. Also we explained why this is irrelevant.
Climate is an average over at least 20 years. Fluctuations from year to year are irrelevant.

Onvacation says
Tell us how a degree per century or 4/100 a year is a lot of warming?

We already explained that:
- CO2 is accumulating
- we generate a lot more now than in the past.
So that the expected warming is far more than the rear view mirror.
But of course you will continue to ignore this fact, because it turns out you are just as intellectually dishonest as Piggy.
You ask questions, but you really don't want the answers.

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