Secret service has now spent over $150K on golf cart rentals at trump properties
Sounds like a bargain for a total YEAR compared to ONE Obama 2 week trip:
The organization has been tracking the president’s travel spending for several years and just disclosed, based on bills it received this week, that the Obama family spent almost $5 million in taxpayer money for their annual Christmas vacation to Hawaii last year.
According to bills obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Secret Service also paid for rooms at the Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki and Golf Club. The Secret Service also reserved rooms at the Moana Surfrider resort on Waikiki Beach, and the Ala Moana Hotel, which cost a total of $40,249.48 and $671,895.99, respectively.
don't they spend that money usually anyway? if you don't give a benchmark, every number will make no sense.
if you would like to point out that our government is outrageously expensive, that I agree with. More reasons to lower taxes and spending by government and just leave military and social security/medicare alive. rest we the people can settle ourselves.
Obama Spent $4.4 Million Tax Dollars On Golf And Private Fundraisers In Two Months.
Documents show astounding cost to Americans of President’s jaunts.
The records were obtained from the U.S. Department of the Air Force as part of of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
They reveal that Obama’s February and March golf vacations and fundraisers came to a whopping $4,436,245.50 in travel expenses ALONE.
According to Judicial Watch, the documents show:
Obama’s February 14, 2015, golf outing to Palm Springs required a five-hour flight, costing taxpayers a total of $1,031,685. Transportation for Obama’s February 19 day trip to Chicago cost taxpayers $619,011.00. Transportation for Obama’s March 2015 fundraising trip to Los Angeles cost taxpayers $1,980,835.20. Obama’s March 28, 2015, golf outing to Palm city required a 3.9-hour flight, costing taxpayers $804,870.30.
The two golf outings alone cost taxpayers $1,836,555 in travel expenses. Obama played a total of five rounds of golf, equating to a cost of $20,406 per hole. The two fundraising trips totaled $2.59 million.
Last year, in the same two months, Obama spent nearly $3 million for flight expenses alone to play golf in Palm Springs and Key Largo.
“And to make matters worse, the Secret Service has simply refused to respond to our requests for documents about the security costs of these controversial trips. The Obama travel scandal is about abuse of office, abuse of the taxpayer, and contempt for the rule of law.”