Trump referred to Haiti, African nations as 'shit hole' countries; White House doesn't deny

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2018 Jan 11, 4:08pm   60,220 views  199 comments

by Strategist   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/11/white-house-doesnt-deny-that-president-trump-referred-to-haiti-african-nations-as-s--hole-countries.html President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "s---hole countries" in a meeting with lawmakers, a Democratic aide briefed on the matter told NBC News.

The Washington Post first reported the news, citing two people briefed on the meeting. The newspaper said that lawmakers had convened with the president in the Oval Office on Thursday to discuss a bipartisan immigration deal.

When lawmakers brought up protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, Trump asked, "Why are we having all these people from s---hole countries come here?"

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126   mell   2018 Jan 13, 12:49pm  

anonymous says
Not a nice way to talk about your fellow countrymen. Shouldn't we pressing our local, state and federal governments to improve the situation instead of handing out tax breaks to corporations?

I would be sympathetic towards fees - not taxes - that cannot be funneled away under long jail-time punishment - for which the usage would go directly to take the violent assholes off the streets (incarcerate them) and provide reasonable shelter and food for those willing to clean up the city and keep it clean in exchange. The problem is that all the money even in cities like SF flush with tourist and tech cash goes into corrupt government hands and big pensions. The tax breaks are not the main issue here, even after those there is ample money on the cities hands, but it gets misused and city employees make big bucks and guaranteed 8% APR pensions while doing jack shit to improve the city. SF, Oakland, Berkeley are in a hard leftoid grip of corruption. Most mayors and assemblymen do jack shit while living off of taxpayer money, and the streets of SF are a disgrace for an otherwise naturally extremely beautiful city/climate.
127   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Jan 13, 1:15pm  

anon_08dee says
The irony here is that Trump's policies will increase inequality here and lead to greater number of places with shithole conditions.

How is that exactly?
128   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 1:21pm  

anon_a4cd7 says
They also brought up the Black Plague in the 14th century Europe claiming whites must have lived in a much bigger shithole to allow a few oriental rats to wipe out 2/3 of the population. During this time no whites were allowed into Asia through the Silkroad.

Well, Europe was 90% rural back then so kinda doubt it was the sewer system and more like a near-total lack of resistance to Yersina Pestis. Much like the Native Americans had no resistance to Smallpox, Chicken Pox, etc. Imagine the black death over and over again in multiple forms, every few years, and that's how the Indians were wiped out. Far more from disease than the relative handful of Europeans with weapons confined largely to a handful of villages on the US East Coast.

Of course, the end result of the Plague was to re-popularize Ancient Roman inventions of Water and Wind Mills, to be employed on a massive scale. The tight supply of labor also created boom times for ordinary Europeans and eventually led to the increased independence of Burghers and eventually, Common People. Whereas the Bone-Noses still employed Caste Systems. The Aztecs were big into the Caste System, a very brutal civilization.

By the way, it was the Mongols fault because by uniting all of Asia, Poor Chinese landless peasants travelled into Central Asia to become farriers. Unlike the natives, they happily trapped marmosets "acting funny", the pelts of which ended up on Silk Road Caravans. Because the Chinese, Turks, Mongols, and others had been the victim of many bouts of Y. Pestis, they didn't die out like Europeans did, who had only been exposed once or twice before (under Justinian many centuries prior, but only really in the Eastern Med).

Detroit, 2028 after the last non-Black has left:

We Wuz Kangz, honky!
129   FortWayne   2018 Jan 13, 1:25pm  

Liberals today on the news were flipping out over the "shithole" comments, calling it "racist". How is that racist? Everyone thinks those countries are shitholes, even people who live in them. It's why they can't wait to leave to anywhere else.

Not saying Trump is most "polite" guy, but he is right that we need more people from countries with similar cultures to America instead.
130   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Jan 13, 1:28pm  

mell says
anonymous says
Not a nice way to talk about your fellow countrymen. Shouldn't we pressing our local, state and federal governments to improve the situation instead of handing out tax breaks to corporations?

I would be sympathetic towards fees - not taxes - that cannot be funneled away under long jail-time punishment - for which the usage would go directly to take the violent assholes off the streets (incarcerate them) and provide reasonable shelter and food for those willing to clean up the city and keep it clean in exchange. The problem is that all the money even in cities like SF flush with tourist and tech cash goes into corrupt government hands and big pensions. The tax breaks are not the main issue here, even after those there is ample money on the cities hands, but it gets misused and city employees make big bucks and guaranteed 8% APR pensions while doing jack shit to improve the ci...

From living in LA, including Downtown, I can tell you that the current homeless issue is directly related to poor court rulings along with tolerance encouraged by leftist politicians starting with Beta Male Supreme, LA Mayor Eric Cuckcetti.

The truth of the matter is that Chief Bratton's broken windows policies(which leftists despise) along with community policing, reduced LA's skid row population to under 2500 persons by around 2011, and minimized homeless encampments throughout Los Angeles. Since then there have been miserable court rulings allowing mentally ill people to have their shopping carts full of rubbish treated as property and requiring the city to store said property. This ruling is absolute fucking lunacy and each 9th circuit judge that supported it, including the Republican, needs a good hard kick in the nuts.

And as much as I might have libertarian leanings, I find not one statement in the constitution that might sway me to believe that people have a right to reside on public streets or sidewalks. So I strongly object to a shitty ruling like this:

And if anyone disagrees, we can go visit the areas of LA where these people live. I strongly encourage you to get invited inside one of these campers. Then tell me if you think this was a good court ruling.

Finally you have Eric Cuckcetti giving lip service to supporting the homeless, stiffling the efforts of the police to continue with the broken windows policy(the imbecile voters of California are equally at fault for their incredibly stupid vote in favor of prop 4) and doing EVIL politically expedient things like supporting the fake and financed Occupy movement.

Its a clusterfuck for sure. People living in the city of LA are already suffering greater crime and nasty nasty conditions created by drug users and mentally ill homeless who are sprouting up Garcettiviles all over CIty of LA. I wonder how much suffering will be necessary for the voters to wake up and realize that leftist politicians are the ones who created the problem.
131   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 1:30pm  

FortWayne says
Liberals today on the news were flipping out over the "shithole" comments, calling it "racist". How is that racist? Everyone thinks those countries are shitholes, even people who live in them. It's why they can't wait to leave to anywhere else.

The same media that happily promotes Painters who use Menstrual Blood, or Naked Harridans harassing the Church, or underplaying the role of "South Asians" (ie Pakis) in Rape Gangs, is the same media that thinks the "S-word" is really vulgar.

Mighty Strange if you ask me!
132   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 1:39pm  

Bring back the CCC. From Maine Forest Roads to cleaning up our Federal Parks, we can employ a million bums and deadbeats year round with Room and Board and $2/hour jobs (plus another $3/hr for oversight, shelter, food, medical care which is probably over generous). Anybody can apply for a 90-day stay, and Judges can require it in lieu of prison for vagrants and low-level drug users and poor deadbeat dads. That would be the male bum side of the Unwed Mother's Homes.

Temporary Shelter in Summer and/or Permanent Bunkhouses in Winter, with pre-packaged meals to be supplies by local small businesses and restaurants.

For about $12-15B/year we can get a million bums off the street while improving our national infrastructure. That's less than what we spend on NASA.
133   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 1:44pm  

Did Trump really say he would rather have immigrants from Norway ?

139   anonymous   2018 Jan 14, 3:23pm  

141   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 14, 4:56pm  

Hard to top that last one. Here goes:

It's missing one: "On the Street Courthouse."
142   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 14, 5:04pm  

Another Great One:

(I think Booger may have posted this)
143   FortWayne   2018 Jan 14, 5:05pm  

Democrats are anti freedom of speech party. Things said in private are now criminalized. Even when referring to shithole countries without sugarcoating.
150   anonymous   2018 Jan 16, 10:46am  

When I hear Shithole, I think of the mouth of the Trumpcucks.

Lay on their backs and swallow all the shit.

Open their pie hole and mostly shit comes flying out
151   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 16, 10:53am  

I think of Trump's mouth himself. With all of the bullshit that spews forth, it's like an eternal fountainhead of shit.
152   Y   2018 Jan 17, 6:45am  



Strategist says
Trump referred to Haiti, African nations as 'shit hole' countries;
153   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 10:40am  

errc says
When I hear Shithole, I think of the mouth of the Trumpcucks.

Lay on their backs and swallow all the shit.

Open their pie hole and mostly shit comes flying out

I think of Trump's mouth himself. With all of the bullshit that spews forth, it's like an eternal fountainhead of shit.

Hutch says
People who buy his shit have shit for brains.

Just look how wonderful this site is now, the civility is just overflowing. I can see why new users would love to post here. It's the NEW Patrick.net V2.0
154   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 11:34am  

I think incivility is defined as attacked a poster specifically. You can crap on ideas or classify groups of people, just not the individual themselves.

"I've never seen so many people fawn before Court Historians, when just a couple of years ago those same people were warning about Media Consolidation" is fine.

"Username is an A-hole." is not.
155   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 11:37am  

Hutch says
I agree i don't think i should be allowed to say that either.

The new rules definitely allow for calling Trump whatever you want. I don't see the problem of pointing out that Trump's mouth is a fountain of bullshit. It is ironic that out of that mouth spewed accusations that various (mostly black) countries were shitholes that generally are full of people who we do not want in our country. This is the type of thought that I could see making it into a political cartoon.

They also allow to call large groups of people whatever you want. So, you can say trumpcucks or libtards are fill in the uncivil adjectives of choice. Those comments usually just basic trolling. One just substitutes a broad category often in response to the comment of an individual poster.
156   mell   2018 Jan 17, 11:42am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
I think incivility is defined as attacked a poster specifically. You can crap on ideas or classify groups of people, just not the individual themselves.

"I've never seen so many people fawn before Court Historians, when just a couple of years ago those same people were warning about Media Consolidation" is fine.

"Username is an A-hole." is not.

Yeah but the whole incivility thing is just a crutch because of some people not being able to control their speech on this site while simultaneously demanding changes and moderation rights. I still prefer the full; freedom of speech version of this site, and why you should not be able to call a shithole a shithole is only a thought for leftoid TDS minds. That being said, the site has cleaned up a bit and people can discuss diametrically opposite viewpoints without crying or leaving. Pros and cons..
158   HappyGilmore   2018 Jan 17, 12:23pm  

mell says
why you should not be able to call a shithole a shithole is only a thought for leftoid TDS minds

lol--it was Trump supporting special snowflakes that pushed for civility.
159   mell   2018 Jan 17, 12:31pm  

HappyGilmore says
mell says
why you should not be able to call a shithole a shithole is only a thought for leftoid TDS minds

lol--it was Trump supporting special snowflakes that pushed for civility.

No it was unnamed feathered animals cries for moderation or selective whacking of "trolls" while lashing out with extreme vulgarity at any opposing view. I think this civility thing only came to fruition because it is the least subjective moderation criteria. Not a fan of it, but have to admit it has worked at least some.
161   mell   2018 Jan 17, 12:38pm  

Regarding San Francisco though I think that the city should simply put up as many public restrooms as feasable. This is an expenditure that doesn't cost the world and would improve its image and tourism drastically. Win-win. But they have to protect their lush pensions so they cannot spend any money on stuff like that.
162   HappyGilmore   2018 Jan 17, 12:40pm  

mell says
No it was unnamed feathered animals cries for moderation or selective whacking of "trolls" while lashing out with extreme vulgarity at any opposing view. I think this civility thing only came to fruition because it is the least subjective moderation criteria. Not a fan of it, but have to admit it has worked at least some.

Sorry, that's factually incorrect. The duck and others got mad when Patrick picked someone to be a moderator and enforce civility. The push for civility was spearheaded by said moderator, among other Trump supporters..
163   RWSGFY   2018 Jan 17, 12:42pm  

mell says
Regarding San Francisco though I think that the city should simply put up as many public restrooms as feasable. This is an expenditure that doesn't cost the world and would improve its image and tourism drastically.

They tried. And fucked up as usual:

"When the city debuted 25 automated, self-cleaning public toilets on some of San Francisco's busiest streets, they were supposed to alleviate public urination and keep our streets cleaner. At the time, city officials promised "a little touch of Paris."

Paris never smelled like this.

This week I walked into the public toilet on the bustling intersection of Powell and Market and immediately thought - how long can I hold my breath? The place smelled awful, the floor was wet, and there was something horrible in the toilet. Welcome San Francisco tourists!

The toilets were installed in 1995 and ever since have had maintenance problems. JCDecaux Co. was supposed to be able to maintain and sell advertisements on the public toilets. The advertising part works just fine. But that automated, self-cleaning part is a different story. JCDecaux is required to service each unit daily, but upkeep is spotty and a representative from the company did not respond to a request for comment.

"I see people waiting in line at the toilet in Civic Center and I tell them just to go to Starbucks," said Dina Hilliard, executive director of the North of Market/Tenderloin Community Benefit District. "You have no idea when that door will open and when it does there will probably be a mess."
164   mell   2018 Jan 17, 12:50pm  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
mell says
Regarding San Francisco though I think that the city should simply put up as many public restrooms as feasable. This is an expenditure that doesn't cost the world and would improve its image and tourism drastically.

They tried. And fucked up as usual:

"When the city debuted 25 automated, self-cleaning public toilets on some of San Francisco's busiest streets, they were supposed to alleviate public urination and keep our streets cleaner. At the time, city officials promised "a little touch of Paris."

Paris never smelled like this.

This week I walked into the public toilet on the bustling intersection of Powell and Market and immediately thought - how long can I hold my breath? The place smelled awful, the floor was wet, and there was something horrible in the toilet. Welcome San Francisco tourists!

The toilets were installed in 1995 and ever since have...

The problem is they likely cut a corrupt sweetheart deal with that company, they always do. Automation is not always cheaper and it was obvious it wouldn't work here. They should put welfare recipients to clean up work if they want to keep their benefits and maybe offer shelter in exchange for homeless able volunteers. Despite the rhetoric human labor is still affordable - unless leftoids continue to fuck it up and raise the minimum wage of a burger flipper to that of a surgeon - and the threat of withholding welfare benefits can work wonders. Just put simple toilets in there and have people clean them daily, you know, like Starbucks does.
165   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 1:52pm  

HappyGilmore says
The duck and others got mad when Patrick picked someone to be a moderator and enforce civility.

In addition to that, someone else has gone anonymous, and their account seems to have been nuked.

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