Blacks are as against Immigration as Whites are, maybe more so: They compete for the same jobs and many employers will only unskilled blacks dead last if there is no other choice.
Black people talk smack against Haitians, too.
The "POCs are al united against the White but love each other" is the Multi Kult Anti-White Narrative but it isn't true.
More Liberal honkeys are going to play dress up for Soros and be his Puto Bitch. This will be the year of Live rounds beating them back, and three cheers for the White dead libtards.
American blacks for the first time in American history is working and feeling self sufficient. So much so, they are sticking around and being fathers rather than running off out of shame and hopelessness. You Liberal Commmie Cocksuckers just try to put them back on Plantation. These aren't African shit tossers, or Haitian charcoal makers. These are working American family men, your worst nightmare just you dare to take it back from them and put them back in chains, just you try. They'll be pulling the damn triggers in the Army Guard lines with American pride on their faces as they make grease salad out of White Special Commie Soy Boys.
Yeah, so there's that for you Pantloads to consider.