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1   georgeliberte   2018 Mar 29, 10:37am  

Laura Ingraham is juts annoyed Roger Ailes isn't around to cop feels at Fox anymore, I mean when a gal gets 54 she lowers her standards.
2   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 10:43am  

Liberals hiding behind the "absolute moral authority" of dopey teenagers?

Winning strategy! So confident in their ideas!

Have you seen some of the crazy and divisive things the kids like Hogg has said? Is he really immune of any debate and push back when he is calling Republicans murderers and responsible for all of the dead children?
3   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 10:44am  

socal2 says
Is he really immune of any debate and push back when he is calling Republicans murderers and responsible for all of the dead children?

Do you have a link to that quote?
4   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 10:59am  

HappyGilmore says
Do you have a link to that quote?

Sure - here is a super-cut of Hogg.

The dude is a strident foul-mouthed moron. Even my gun grabbing liberal mother-in-law can't stand him and says he is turning people off.
5   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 11:03am  

socal2 says

Sure - here is a super-cut of Hogg.

I didn't hear the word Republican once in that video.

Why the lie? Why the strawman?
6   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 11:54am  

HappyGilmore says
I didn't hear the word Republican once in that video.

Why the lie? Why the strawman?

Right - he just goes and name them by name in the most hyperbolic way possible.

Why must you be obtuse? Or are you really unaware what your poster-boy has been saying the last several weeks?

*Student activist condemns Rubio for putting ‘price tag’ on student lives*

*Florida shooting survivor David Hogg 'hung up on White House call' inviting him to Trump listening session*

*Sen. Rubio, it's hard to look at you and not look down a barrel of an AR-15 and not look at [suspected shooter] Nikolas Cruz," student activist Cameron Kasky told Rubio at CNN's Wednesday night town hall*

This is my favorite bit from Hogg's buddy Kaskey on Bill Maher's show.

*I mean this sincerely, to all the generations before us, we sincerely accept your apology. We appreciate you’re willing to let us rebuild the world that you f—-d up.*

The smug cocksure arrogance of these kids. They know absolutely fuck-all about anything. This is the same level of zealotry, arrogance and ignorance we seen too many times in the past in Communist regimes with their bloody revolutions led by a bunch of impressionable young know-nothings.
7   mell   2018 Mar 29, 11:58am  

socal2 says
The smug cocksure arrogance of these kids. They know absolutely fuck-all about anything. This is the same level of zealotry, arrogance and ignorance we seen too many times in the past in Communist regimes with their bloody revolutions led by a bunch of impressionable young know-nothings.

Fully agreed. Always hated it when kids are being used as pawns for politics they now jack shit about by making them feel good and inflate their egos as if they knew anything. Goebbels would be proud of the new Hitler youth forming and marching to the globalist leftist drum.
8   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 12:04pm  

mell says
Fully agreed. Always hated it when kids are being used as pawns for politics they now jack shit about by making them feel good and inflate their egos as if they knew anything. Goebbels would be proud of the new Hitler youth forming and marching to the globalist leftist drum.

Could you imagine CNN running a town hall with abortion survivors and letting them call Democrats like Obama, Hillary, Schumer, Sanders and Warren a bunch of genocidal murderers with blood on their hands right to their faces?

I can guarantee you that CNN would never allow such a town hall, and if they did - they and the entire left-wing media monopoly would be shitting all over the abortion survivors for being so crude. These abortion survivors would not be given the "absolute moral authority" as the Parkland Students.
9   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 12:14pm  

socal2 says
he smug cocksure arrogance of these kids. They know absolutely fuck-all about anything. This is the same level of zealotry, arrogance and ignorance we seen too many times in the past in Communist regimes with their bloody revolutions led by a bunch of impressionable young know-nothings.

lol--also similar to zealots like Alexander Hamilton.

Seems like he knows how much money NRA is paying Congresspeople. That's definitely something.

You sound like the guy that gets arrested at the end of Scooby Doo. He would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those darn kids.
10   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 12:32pm  

HappyGilmore says
Why the lie? Why the strawman?

Ask Hogg that question, the kid has been full of lies from day one.

First he was in the school during the shooting, then it's no, I was at home and rode my bike 3 miles to get there and take pictures.

Then he says his sister lost 4 friends in the shooting, then she lost two, then back to three.

Then he said the gunfire started first then the fire alarm was pulled but the cops verified that the alarm was pulled first.

The fucking liar can't keep his lies straight.

and the Liberals are licking his balls like he's the first coming of Christ.
11   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 12:35pm  

socal2 says
Liberals hiding behind the "absolute moral authority" of dopey teenagers?

socal2 says
Have you seen some of the crazy and divisive things the kids like Hogg has said?

socal2 says
They know absolutely fuck-all about anything. This is the same level of zealotry, arrogance and ignorance we seen too many times in the past in Communist regimes with their bloody revolutions led by a bunch of impressionable young know-nothings.

Here's a perfect example, these clueless, brain dead kids don't even know what they're marching for. 3 minutes of pure video IGNORANCE during the DC march.

This is what the Dems are hanging their hats on. Un-fucking-believable.
12   lostand confused   2018 Mar 29, 12:41pm  

LOL liberals and logic-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
13   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 12:46pm  

jazz_music says
It has to be kids when people that have mortgages, 401ks and whip crackers watching over them won't even attend town hall meetings.

There is literally no one else left to resist anything that put megabucks into wealthy vaults.

You sure about that?

*Here’s who actually attended the March for Our Lives. (No, it wasn’t mostly young people.)*
Contrary to what’s been reported in many media accounts, the D.C. March for Our Lives crowd was not primarily made up of teenagers. Only about 10 percent of the participants were under 18. The average age of the adults in the crowd was just under 49 years old, which is older than participants at the other marches I’ve surveyed but similar to the age of the average participant at the Million Moms March in 2000, which was also about gun control.
14   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 12:52pm  

HappyGilmore says
how much money NRA


There, just helping save some time for the rest of the thread. Feel free to copy and paste as needed.
15   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 12:52pm  

Sniper says
Ask Hogg that question, the kid has been full of lies from day one.

First he was in the school during the shooting, then it's no, I was at home and rode my bike 3 miles to get there and take pictures.

Then he says his sister lost 4 friends in the shooting, then she lost two, then back to three.

Then he said the gunfire started first then the fire alarm was pulled but the cops verified that the alarm was pulled first.

The fucking liar can't keep his lies straight.

and the Liberals are licking his balls like he's the first coming of Christ.

sources for those supposed lies?
16   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 12:59pm  

HappyGilmore says
sources for those supposed lies?

Here's one of many lies - flat out saying that people like Rubio just want to murder more children to get reelected.


'It just makes me think, "What sick f**ers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected?"'

He added: 'What type of sh***y person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.'

Responsible and sober Liberals should be counseling these kids instead of letting them go out and be as hyperbolic as possible.

I don't think Liberals and gun-grabbers realize how bad this is hurting their cause.
17   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 1:00pm  

HappyGilmore says
sources for those supposed lies?
18   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 1:08pm  

I'll just leave this here. The Liberals had to PAY protestor to show up for the march in DC.

Too bad they didn't teach them what a AR15 actually was.
19   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 1:13pm  

Sniper says

So, they were made up then. Typical

Why can't Trump Supporters and Gun nuts every have a productive conversation without inserting strawmen arguments and outright lies?
20   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 1:13pm  

HappyGilmore says
sources for those supposed lies?

Here's one.

Bizarre Video: David Hogg Says Sister Lost 4 Friends, Then 2…Then 3?

Video shared on social media shows anti-gun activist David Hogg reporting three different accounts on the deaths of his sister’s friends.

In the video, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas student can be seen describing three different accounts of his sister’s friends’ deaths.

In the beginning of the video (Feb. 17), Hogg says during a speech his sister lost four friends.

“Sadly, my sister lost four of her friends…”

In the next clip (Feb. 15), he says his sister lost two friends.

“However, my sister – who’s a freshman here – she had two of her, like, best friends die.”

In yet another clip (Feb. 16), Hogg says his sister actually lost three friends.

“The amount of deaths I’ve had to deal with, with my sister having three of her best friends die.”

In the final clip (Feb. 15), Hogg says his sister lost two friends.

“And then, my sister – she’s a freshman – and she had two of her best friends die.”

Independent investigator Laura Loomer was banned from Facebook on Monday for sharing the video and calling Hogg a “liar”.
21   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 1:14pm  

socal2 says
Responsible and sober Liberals should be counseling these kids instead of letting them go out and be as hyperbolic as possible.

I don't think Liberals and gun-grabbers realize how bad this is hurting their cause.

I agree that type of language is over the top and not helpful.

But you're wrong if you think it's hurting the cause. Those kids have done more for that cause than has been done in the last 20 years.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 29, 1:14pm  

The whole thing is Fake News.

The kids are put in front of the cameras while aged Progressives run the show with big Hollywood money.

There's been almost no interviews of the survivors who weren't Left Wing Radicals.

And the son doesn't fall far from the tree with arrogance mixed with ineptitude - his father Kevin Hogg was an FBI agent.
23   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 1:17pm  

HappyGilmore says
sources for those supposed lies?

Try this:

David Hogg Changes Story, Wasn’t At School When Cruz Opened Fire.

In a not-yet-released CBS Documentary, David Hogg, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student who has become the face of the gun control movement, changes his entire story and admits that he was not at the school during the event.

In a Time interview done within hours of the shooting Hogg recounted, “Our first response was ‘that sounded a lot like a gun shot’ and we closed the door.” Hogg claimed that he was in his AP enviromental science class during the shooting. He also made videos of himself and other students, regarding gun control, purportedly while the shooting was going on.

But CBS News has released some transcripts from its “39 Days” documentary, in which student David Hogg is quoted.

“On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting,” Hogg said in his CBS News interview.

Yes, it can be difficult when being shot at to determine if you're in a classroom or miles away at home. When you're a blatant liar, these small details can slip by.
24   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 1:22pm

"Red State printed an update on its article and the author apologized, but the updated story received only a fraction of the engagement that the original post had on Facebook. Big League Politics, meanwhile, was still pushing the conspiracy theory after 9 a.m. Tuesday. Infowars was also posting the story on Tuesday morning.
Fans of both sites were still swallowing up the stories."

Sniper is clearly one of those fans.
25   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 1:28pm  

HappyGilmore says
conspiracy theory

Sniper says
In a Time interview done within hours of the shooting Hogg recounted,

Sniper says
But CBS News has released some transcripts

So Happy, you're saying that Time and CBS News are conspiracy organizations and they "doctor up" transcripts and videos?
27   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 29, 2:01pm  

socal2 says
HappyGilmore says
Do you have a link to that quote?

Sure - here is a super-cut of Hogg.

The dude is a strident foul-mouthed moron. Even my gun grabbing liberal mother-in-law can't stand him and says he is turning people off.

She's right. The kid is insufferable. He's a straight shill w an enormous ego. Since he was rejected from merely ok schools like UC Irvine, his new goal is to take a gap year to "change the world." All the while he accuses anyone who disagrees as having "blood of dead children" on their hands. Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance. This kids offers nothing but theatrics to the tyrants.

He's a terrible influence
28   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 2:15pm  

CBOEtrader says
All the while he accuses anyone who disagrees as having "blood of dead children" on their hands. Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance. This kids offers nothing but theatrics to the tyrants.

No--he accuses Congresspeople who are bought and paid for by the NRA as having the blood of dead children on their hands.

Like I said--I don't agree with the hyperbole, but at least get it right. No need for you to exaggerate and remove nuance too.
29   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 29, 2:30pm  

HappyGilmore says
Congresspeople who are bought and paid for by the NRA

You mean those congresspeople who support the 2nd A?

HappyGilmore says
I don't agree with the hyperbole

Lol! and yet you speak in hyperbole.

HappyGilmore says
but at least get it right.

I did. The kid uses inclusive phrasing such as "what type of person chooses guns over childrens lives" and "our old ass parents don't know how to use a democracy."

He's a pure corporate shill, and a terrible influence.
30   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 2:31pm  

HappyGilmore says
No--he accuses Congresspeople who are bought and paid for by the NRA as having the blood of dead children on their hands.

Like I said--I don't agree with the hyperbole, but at least get it right. No need for you to exaggerate and remove nuance too.

See - this insufferably smug moron of a kid even has you aping the same crazy rhetoric..........saying Republicans and the NRA have blood on their hands. All the while Hogg and his buddies actually defend the total incompetence and cowardice of their local sheriff's department and the FBI failing to do something despite a gazillions signs and warnings that Cruz was going to shoot up a school.

Talk about having blood on one's hands!

Meanwhile, despite a month straight of our liberal media giving these kids non-stop coverage to bash the NRA, gun owners and Republicans.......

*Poll: 58 percent say gun ownership increases safety*
31   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 2:31pm  

HappyGilmore says
No--he accuses Congresspeople who are bought and paid for by the NRA as having the blood of dead children on their hands.

Believing what a spoiled 17 year old brat, who is clueless on life, is saying to the world,

Will the Liberals EVER get a clue?
32   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 29, 2:42pm  

Sniper says
Believing what a spoiled 17 year old brat, who is clueless on life, is saying to the world,

Will the Liberals EVER get a clue?

Liberals listen and verify by checking the facts. In this case, Rubio has taken a great deal of $$ from the NRA and his voting record seems to indicate this cash bought his loyalty.

The real clueless ones are the guys who believe whatever nonsense they read on redstate or bigleaguepolitics. How many times can Trump supporters fall for the same BS lies? I guess a lot--otherwise there wouldn't be so many websites that pander to them.
33   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 2:58pm  

HappyGilmore says
Liberals listen and verify by checking the facts.

The "facts" posted daily on WaPo and NYT?

Those "facts"??

34   socal2   2018 Mar 29, 3:01pm  

errc says
Abortion survivors? Lol wtf

Yes - it's a thing.

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of children who were adopted as opposed to being aborted.

Not to mention humans born with Downs Syndrome who were given the chance to live.
35   Tenpoundbass   2018 Mar 29, 4:56pm  

Squeal like a Pig Hogg!

Everything that little punk says is Hogg Wash.

Are Liberals getting tired of face palming yet?

I'm going to fart so loud he leaves the State.
Little snowflake punk.
36   Tenpoundbass   2018 Mar 29, 4:58pm  

I live in South Florida if I ever see that punk in public I'm going to Fart Rape the fuck out of that little Homo bitch.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 29, 5:03pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Everything that little punk says is Hogg Wash.

Are Liberals getting tired of face palming yet?

Hogg Yesterday: "Fucking NRA BLood on Your Handz The Revolution is Coming We are Taking YOUR GUNS! We are the future!! Tremble with Fear you pathetic fools!!'
Hogg Today: "I'm just a kid, everybody boycott people who make fun of meeeeeee Waaaaah."

AltLeft Everyday: "Take these kids seriously."

Oh, the old days, when there was only a daily paper and some news channels, and it was easy to create the illusion that something totally nuts was reasonable and you were the only one of a handful aside from a tiny handful of people on some BBS or usenet forum who saw through the BS.

Thank God the Legacy Media Brainwash is Kaput from Competition by two-way communications tools.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 29, 5:13pm  

CBOEtrader says
He's a pure corporate shill, and a terrible influence.

He's a wonderful influence. Now the dumbass 60s era rejects and professional activists who haven't been outside LA, DC, and NY in 30 years certainly think so.

You know, the kind of brilliant people who lost a rigged election, despite raising almost double the money, will the Legacy Media running 90% negative stories against their gal's opponent, with help from the FBI getting FISA warrants on fake info from their Oppo Research PR Firm to smear a candidate.

Let them keep on thinking so.

RafiMaas says
Soundss like Hogg has got rightists panties in a bunch.

The opposite. I get uncomfortable from a FREEDOM! boner, knowing he's turned another person away from the dark side with his puerile smug stupidity.

Never interrupt your enemies when they're putting on a clown show, digging deeper, and thinking their mistakes are the pathway to Victory.
39   MrMagic   2018 Mar 29, 7:14pm  

RafiMaas says
Soundss like Hogg has got rightists panties in a bunch.

Sounds like Leftist are sheep and lemmings and will follow clueless Hogg right off the cliff.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 29, 7:28pm  

Just wait until Cruz starts talking.

All these swarmy drama kids who think they're hot shit - it's gonna turn out they were the worst bullies of Cruz out of all of them, and thus, partially responsible for the whole thing.

Goodbye, moral superiority.

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