Anybody: Bitcoin/Crypto?

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2018 Apr 5, 12:28pm   13,400 views  242 comments

by CJS   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm heavy into the crypto game this year is any else?

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10   EBGuy   2018 Apr 5, 3:06pm  

A Berkeley Prof. explains The Cryptocurrency Fraud in 4 Slides. YMMV...
11   SoTex   2018 Apr 5, 9:17pm  

Buddy of mine in Mountain View says he's doing his taxes tonight and the crypto portion sucks. Hadn't talked in awhile and man he has some serious TDS going on as well. Thinks Trump wants to be president for life, or a dictator. I'm so glad I moved out of there 6 years ago. I don't know how you do it @patrick. If I were still surrounded by all the negativity up there I'd probably want to kill myself or something. Nah. I'd move.
12   Patrick   2018 Apr 5, 9:29pm  

I do think about leaving, a lot.

It's hard to overcome the inertia of just doing nothing though.
14   lostand confused   2018 Apr 6, 7:29am  

I think it is down to the 6,000s again-it was 10k a short while ago-not to mention 20k or 1k a year ago? Too much volatility for my tastes. Do they tax it as ordinary income?
15   josephinebrennan150   2018 Apr 6, 7:32am  

I know a Nigerian Prince who would like to help you negotiate that deal
16   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 6, 7:32am  


Crypto world is converging on PR... gotta say, it's not the worst idea. I'm thinking of moving there for 151 days a year as well
17   MrMagic   2018 Apr 9, 8:36am  

CJS says
I'm heavy into the crypto game this year is any else?

Sorry to hear that..

Bitcoin down below 6650.... ouch, that's going to leave a mark...

18   MrMagic   2018 Apr 9, 8:41am  

Bitcoin tanks below $7,000, down 6% in two hours.

- Bitcoin dropped sharply Monday, below $7,000 as the April tax-filing deadline approaches.

- Tax-related selling has been a key driver of this month's sell-off. Thomas Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, says U.S. households likely owe $25 billion in capital gains taxes for their cryptocurrency holdings.

- To meet tax liabilities, investors are selling bitcoin, which could mean "massive" selling into U.S. dollars ahead of the April 17 tax filing deadline, Lee says.

Bitcoin prices are down more than 52 percent this year, after kicking off 2018 above $14,000, according to CoinDesk. The entire cryptocurrency market has lost more than half its market capitalization since the beginning of this year, according to data from Coinmarketcap.

"We're in a bear market until new buyers are enticed," Paul said, adding that institutions are delaying putting money into the market until investment vehicles like ETFs get approved.

19   RWSGFY   2018 Apr 9, 10:07am  

Sniper says
Bitcoin tanks below $7,000, down 6% in two hours.

It's a buying opportunity! Buy low, sell high!
20   MrMagic   2018 Apr 9, 10:46am  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
Sniper says
Bitcoin tanks below $7,000, down 6% in two hours.

It's a buying opportunity! Buy low, sell high!

I'm sure everyone who bought in a $16K, thinking they'll become millionaires, is saying that.
21   RWSGFY   2018 Apr 9, 10:56am  

Sniper says
Satoshi_Nakamoto says
Sniper says
Bitcoin tanks below $7,000, down 6% in two hours.

It's a buying opportunity! Buy low, sell high!

I'm sure everyone who bought in a $16K, thinking they'll become millionaires, is saying that.

And buying more, brother! Do you complain when beer goes on sale at 1/3 pirce? No! You back up your F-150 and load up! Even though your "beer fridge" in the garage is already full.
22   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 4:32am  

Most bitcoin trading is fake, study finds. Analysis says ‘substantially all of the volume’ reported on 71 out of the 81 exchanges was wash trading.

New research has found that most of the reported trading in bitcoin is not real.

A recent analysis published by Bitwise, an asset manager in the process of trying to list the first-ever bitcoin exchange-traded fund, shows that 95% of bitcoin spot trading is faked by unregulated exchanges.

The survey, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, echoes concerns by regulators that cryptocurrency markets are still ripe for manipulation.

Bitwise said it met with the Securities and Exchange Commission last week to discuss its application. As a part of the process, it submitted analysis that could help regulators cut through the noise.

“People looked at cryptocurrency and said this market is a mess; that’s because they were looking at data that was manipulated,” said Matthew Hougan, global head of research at Bitwise. “When you cut away the echo chamber of these nonsense numbers, it should be an efficient, well-arbitraged market.”

The analysis showed that “substantially all of the volume” reported on 71 out of the 81 exchanges was wash trading, a term that describes a person simultaneously selling and buying the same stock, or bitcoin in this case, to create the appearance of activity in the market. In other words, it’s not real.

Those exchanges report an aggregated US$6 billion in average daily bitcoin volume. The study finds that only US$273 million of that is legitimate.

“The idea that there’s fake volume has been rumored for a long time; we were just the first people to systematically look at which exchanges were delivering real volume,” Hougan told CNBC.

Bad actors

The San Francisco-based firm compared at Coinbase Pro, which reports about US$27 million in average daily volume in bitcoin. Its median “spread,” or difference between the price a seller wants and the price a buyer wants, for bitcoin was about 1 cent. That scenario passed Bitwise’s test for having real volume.

But in another stark comparison, CoinBene — the biggest reported exchange on CoinMarketCap.com — has a nearly US$15 spread. Hougan said they found other extreme examples of exchanges with a spread of more than US$300.

“It is surprising that an exchange with almost 18 times the volume of Coinbase Pro would have a spread that is 1,500 times larger,” Bitwise said in the report.

Exchanges may have an incentive to report fake volume. Bad actors may look to attract listings for new initial coin offerings, or ICOs, who want their cryptocurrency on an exchange where more trading goes on, Bitwise said. Those fees can run from US$1 million to US$3 million per listing, according to data from Autonomous Next.

U.S. regulators have taken a cautious approach to making bitcoin mainstream for traders. The SEC highlighted the risk of manipulation as reason for rejecting applications for other cryptocurrency ETFs.

The office of New York Attorney General also flagged the issue in a recent report warning that exchanges are vulnerable. Because most cryptocurrency trading platforms don’t use the same monitoring tools as stock exchanges, SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has warned that investors may not get a fair assessment of bitcoin’s price.

“What investors expect is that trading in the commodity that underlies that ETF makes sense and is free from the risk of manipulation,” Clayton said in November at the Consensus Invest Conference in Manhattan. “It’s an issue that needs to be addressed before I would be comfortable.”

Hougan said this also explains why trading volume for regulated bitcoin futures has seemed weak. Chicago-based CME and Cboe began listing bitcoin derivatives at the end of 2017 but have had much lower volumes than the US$6 billion reported by unregulated exchanges.

“When you realize the size of the real bitcoin market, the CME starts to look a lot more significant,” Hougan said.

23   Blue   2019 Mar 28, 9:04am  

I believe the following vulnerability exists.
The difficulty (all consecutive zeros in hash) level went from 8 zeros in year 2009 to 20 in 2019.
At one point, if the difficulty level goes low for any variety of reasons, a lot of new coins get minted in no time for almost zero price.
25   BayArea   2019 Jun 1, 6:25am  

My crypto account is up 65% last month.
26   deepcgi   2019 Jun 1, 7:41am  

Don’t ask me for a bail out when you lose.
27   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 1, 9:24pm  

deepcgi says
Don’t ask me for a bail out when you lose.

Bail out who? The shit is so brilliant they can't even prove they own any of it when an "exchange" folds or a "wallet" gets highjacked, lol.
28   BayArea   2019 Jun 2, 9:27am  

deepcgi says
Don’t ask me for a bail out when you lose.

You do not bet the farm on crypto. It’s too risky to do so.

But should it be a few % of your overall diversified portfolio? Ya. No question there is future upside.
29   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 2, 10:41am  

BayArea says
You do not bet the farm on crypto. It’s too risky to do so.

Exactly. If all it deserves is a small amount of play money, it is, by definition, a plaything.
30   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 3, 7:19am  

Dude, I don't give a fuck. Go try that FOMO-stocking shit on some kids somewhere. The ones who were born after Beanie Babies were the sure path to riches.
31   Onvacation   2019 Jun 3, 7:35am  

Newbie123 says
Moon party

You still have not answered the question, What is the intrinsic value of a unique string of zeros and ones?

I know the answer. Do you?
32   WookieMan   2019 Jun 3, 8:03am  

Newbie123 says
Hugolas, it depends how much you want/expect to make with Crypto. I knew how much FIAT I had to put in to be prepared for the next bull run.

Interesting. So you took something of value and "invested" in something that has no intrinsic value. You've "invested" in a spreadsheet basically. Trade it all you want, but it's the purest form of gambling going right now. I know Patnet went the way of politics lately, but please don't turn this into a pump and dump type site with this shit. Just enjoy your losses and move on.
33   Onvacation   2019 Jun 3, 10:16am  

Newbie123 says
Please google your question.

Don't you have an answer for
Onvacation says
What is the intrinsic value of a unique string of zeros and ones?
34   Onvacation   2019 Jun 3, 10:19am  

Newbie123 says
Let us know your findings!

It's a big ponzi scheme. Bitcoin has some extrinsic (not much) and no intrinsic value. It's a speculative game with no underlying assets.

Don't be a loser.
35   WookieMan   2019 Jun 3, 1:33pm  

Newbie123 says
Thanks for the advice. You seem to know everything. Does your crystal ball show bitcoin will go to zero or to 50k?

Your's (crystal ball) is apparently showing it's going to 50k. Why?

If you don't like being challenged based on your own statements, you may not want to stick around here. You can't just make claims that something (of no value) is going to all of a sudden triple ABOVE it's all time highs basically.

I don't think anyone here has said you can't make money on Bitcoin, but you're being obtuse and choosing not to answer questions. Tell us what the actual value is and why it's going to 50k. That's all.
36   WookieMan   2019 Jun 3, 1:57pm  

I'm going to be blunt and this can get marked personal for all I care, but you do understand you sound like a complete idiot, right? I'm assuming this is a bit at this point, as no one can really be as retarded as the statements you're putting on this site.
37   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Jun 3, 3:51pm  

This and that exclusive Nigerian angle, and i'm set.
38   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 3, 4:23pm  

Newbie123 says
Bitcoin has “died” 350 times. Check out all these headlines. Meanwhile it keeps going up

Start posting screenshots with your holdings and trades, or shut the fuck up, m'kay?
39   WookieMan   2019 Jun 3, 5:24pm  

Hugolas_Madurez says
Newbie123 says
Bitcoin has “died” 350 times. Check out all these headlines. Meanwhile it keeps going up

Start posting screenshots with your holdings and trades, or shut the fuck up, m'kay?

This. The blockchain is secure, no one has ever lost or had their money stolen. So this should be an easy request to fulfill.
40   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 3, 5:57pm  

Newbie123 says
I actually don’t see an issue with showing you my trades once I sell.

Pfff. Show us your entry points. You seem to be eager to persuade everybody to follow you into that shit so show us your skin in the game. Or GTFO.

PS. What's the matter? You bough some @ $17K, didn't ya? LOL
41   WookieMan   2019 Jun 3, 5:59pm  

Ok, so this is a bit. Thanks for clarifying.
43   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 5, 10:12pm  

Newbie123 says
Justin Sun (founder of Tron (TRX)) won a bid

What have YOU won? Where are the screenshots of YOUR crypto holdings and trades?
44   Onvacation   2019 Jun 6, 6:13am  

Newbie123 says
why I should send you evidence of my holdings?

BecaSue bitcoin is a scam and one might think you are full of BS.
45   WookieMan   2019 Jun 6, 6:23am  

Newbie123 says
The 4.5M he spent to win this bid will provide him with plenty of media coverage and he might even convince good ol' Warren to buy some Tron.

If it was worth buying, people would just buy it... Seems like a $4.5M bet on a pump and dump scheme. I'm actually very sure that's what this is since I'm sure his holdings are rather large and even a slight bump probably covers his $4.5M gamble.

I also think you're misinterpreting the pushback here. Everyone knows you can make money trading this crap. We're arguing that there is zero actual, tangible value to it. No one, including you, on this site has ever given proper explanation what actual value there is. It's also why we ask to see a screen shot of holdings or even past trades. If this shit is soooooo valuable you should have a good time bragging about your "investment" but you haven't. Makes one think....
46   Onvacation   2019 Jun 6, 6:50am  

Newbie123 says
bitcoin is not a scam.

Can YOU tell us Bitcoin's intrinsic value?
47   WookieMan   2019 Jun 6, 9:02am  

Onvacation says
Newbie123 says
bitcoin is not a scam.

Can YOU tell us Bitcoin's intrinsic value?

Also, what's stopping a government from banning it? What is it, the tusks of elephants or rhino's that are super valuable (Ivory?), but you can go to jail in the US if you have some or be heavily fined. What's to stop a government from doing the same with crypto? Nothing.

If you don't know the answers to these questions, that's fine. Just understand that if you apply logic to what bitcoin is, it truly appears to be a scam. Make money while you can. No one has said it WON'T go to 100k, it could. I'm sure you've jumped around on the web to different investing forums. Your language and the way you talk sounds like a classic pump and dump poster on those forums. It happens for sure, albeit rare, but there are no get rich quick schemes for 99.999% of people on this planet. Have fun tryin and don't lose your a$$.
48   WookieMan   2019 Jun 6, 1:19pm  

Newbie123 says
No hacker, no CIA, no NSA. When you store bitcoin on a hardware wallet, nobody can access your funds because private keys cannot leave the hardware wallet.

Keep believing the lie. Fine, keep it on a thumb drive all you want. The second you want to trade it or use it, it CAN be stolen. Hopefully you have multiple backups at different locations as well, none of them being on the cloud. It's scary silly how so many people think stuff is safe/secure just because people say it is. There's no motivation for someone trading it to state the obvious, so I'm not looking to change your mind/dogma, I know the response.




Trade safely is all I'll say. You can keep spewing jargon you've picked up on other websites, but you've still yet to answer the question in comment 59. You've basically only stated it's valuable just because it is.
49   WookieMan   2019 Jun 6, 7:36pm  

Newbie123 says
Ouch, you expose more and more your lack of knowledge.

I didn't....

WookieMan says
Fine, keep it on a thumb drive all you want.

I'm fully aware of how to store bitcoin. You still have to transfer the fucking shit at some point if you want to buy or sell it, right? Make that life changing moon money, lol. Use an exchange or don't. Use the internet or don't. You're off your rocker though if you don't understand that it can get stolen in a physical transfer or over the internet. Especially if the $ (lol, dollar) amount is high enough. People don't rob banks for fun. Robbing your house and holding you at gun point is a whole hell of a lot easier (this is not a threat, just a factual statement).

The only thing 99.99999% that is safe and secure in life is what's in your head. And even that can be forced out unless you're willing to die for it.

It's okay that you weren't able to make a lot of money doing other things. Chase the "dream" I suppose. I've not once said don't. You've deferred from answering a question asked multiple times though. What is the intrinsic value of Bitcoin or any other digital currency?

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