Landlords are social parasites

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2018 Apr 16, 9:31am   17,245 views  85 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Landlord of the year. Lol! Rofbhawuild! (Rolling on the floor, banging my head against the wall until I lose my deposit.) Who is it going to be? One who lets you have a pet? Some of my friends are landlords, and I’m sorry to say it, but they are going straight to hell too. Imagine how satisfyingly overcrowded the underworld must be with landlords; partitioning the seventh circle into seven more circles, charging each other extra for underfloor heating. The best thing you can say about them is that they are better than letting agents. But that’s like giving Stalin a humanitarian award for massacring fewer people than Genghis Khan. The fact is, they’re all rogue. Whether your landlord is a genial profiteer or an actual psychopath is the luck of the draw. Anyone can be one, if they have made enough money or inherited property, and those are two of the worst qualifications imaginable. Like anyone who thrives off the housing crisis, they are social parasites.

To be fair, the construction and maintenance of a building is productive work, so rent on a building should not be taxed at all.

But rent from mere non-productive ownership of land should be taxed at 100%. Owning land benefits no one and produces nothing.

Once we as a society learn to distinguish between productive work and non-productive rent-seeking, we will be much better off. But it's slow going. People seem remarkably resistant to the obvious fact that the building and the land are very different entities.

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67   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 1:05pm  

bob2356 says
How would land be taxed if it's owned by the government like hong kong and singapore?

I'm not advocating government ownership of land, only higher taxes on land, and much lower income tax and sales tax. Same total tax most likely, only more efficient and fair economically.

bob2356 says
That would make mid west farmers with thousands of acres really happy. Back out all the government owned public land the number goes up to $5615 per acre. That would really be a help to family farms.

Obvious straw man. No one is suggesting that all land be taxed equally. It should be proportional to the value. But yes, another way we will pay the land vaule tax is via food, which we already do now to some degree.

bob2356 says
Why aren't they as wealthy as Honk Kong if georgism is the key to prosperity?

Again, a misrepresentation. I did not say that Georgism is the key to prosperity, only that it is economically efficient and fair.
68   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:10pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

It notice that the GDP per capita isn't adjusted by PPP.

PPP is the most bogus metric there is. By the time all the data is gathered it's useless.. There is a good reason anyone dealing in money uses Market Exchange and anyone dealing in the academic ivory tower world (ngo's, policy wonks, foundations, etc.) uses PPP. The big mac index is probably just as good if not better..

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Zurich is incredibly expensive for a huge range of goods and services. Hong Kong is world famous for cheap eats, shopping, services, etc.

and rents higher than London or Sydney.
69   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:18pm  

Patrick says
Obvious straw man. No one is suggesting that all land be taxed equally. It should be proportional to the value. But yes, another way we will pay the land vaule tax is via food, which we already do now to some degree.

Why is the heart of the issue a straw man?. How much would the land tax have to be and who would pay what part of it is the ONLY issue that determines if georgism is economically efficient and fair. . WTF is a straw man about that? You keep coming back to it's true because I believe it should be true. Are you sure you aren't a college professor?

70   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 17, 1:23pm  

bob2356 says
PPP is the most bogus metric there is. By the time all the data is gathered it's useless.. There is a good reason anyone dealing in money uses Market Exchange and anyone dealing in the academic ivory tower world (ngo's, policy wonks, foundations, etc.) uses PPP. The big mac index is probably just as good if not better..

And raw GDP is also useless because of cost of living differences between developed countries. Yes, it's useful for figuring out Swaziland isn't Sweden, but not the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Switzerland.
71   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:48pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

And raw GDP is also useless because of cost of living differences between developed countries. Yes, it's useful for figuring out Swaziland isn't Sweden, but not the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Switzerland.

Anyone who can't figure out the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Swaziland without PPP really shouldn't be moving.

Again, by the time PPP gets calculated it's at best a very rough guide. Economies and exchanges move too fast for PPP to work very well. There are also far too many local variables to account for. Stuff you have no clue makes a difference until you are on the ground. .I've seen how poor PPP is both personally while moving around the world and professionally when working with international medical recruiting. Go look at the PPP doctors salary calculations as an example.. They are absurd. So many factors aren't accounted for the chart is useless.
72   Reality   2018 Apr 17, 5:34pm  

dublin hillz says
The problem cannot be resolved until parasites' assets are confiscated, they are stripped of passport and citizenship and deported on a red eye flight to nicaragua.

Isn't that what the Russian/Soviets did in the early 1920's and Chinese commies did in the early 1950's after taking power? Except for skipping the flight, just executing all landlords while confiscating their land. The result in both countries (and every country that copied that "mass liquidation" method) was mass starvation: 20 million farmers starved to death in Soviet Union and over 50 million farmers starved to death in Maoist China . . . simply because the political bureaucrats replacing the landlords managed the land much worse, as all they cared about were personal political career (promotions) and food for themselves while starved the peasants through forcible confiscation of food that the previous landlords would never have tried. Blood sucking by bureaucrats turned out to be far worse than "blood sucking" by local landlords.

When the method was copied to Cambodia in the 1970's, fully 1/4 of that country's population died under the regime of Pol Pot, a "well educated" math teacher who turned socialist revolutionary.
73   Reality   2018 Apr 17, 6:16pm  

Patrick says
Here's a bit more about the land value tax (LVT) in Hong Kong and Singapore:

The city-state Singapore, founded on Georgist tax principles, reached a tax rate on land of 16%. Hong Kong existed only on crown land, funding 4/5 of their budget with 2/5 of site Rent (Yu-Hung Hong, Landlines, 1999 March, Lincoln Inst., Cambridge, MA). The city uses land rent, not subsidy, to fund their new metro and in its suburbs grows much of its own food. Hong Kong enjoys low taxes, low prices, high investment, and often the highest per capita salaries. The city is often voted the world’s best city for business and the freest for residents.


Thanks for the link. Some of the content there however does not pass the smell test:

1. "in its suburbs grows much of its own food" is very misleading if not outright fraudulent. Hong Kong imports 95% of its food, as detailed in this link:

2. "founded on Georgist tax principles, reached a tax rate on land of 16%" is once again very misleading. What Singapore and Hong Kong have is not a land tax or 15-16% land value tax; what they have is a Property Tax on current year rent revenue/income. For example, if a hypothetical unit rents for $1000/mo, that rent revenue is subject to Property Tax at 15% after a standard deduction of 20% (unless the owner choose to itemize cost for deduction); so, $1000 x (100 - 20)% x 15% = $120. So annual property tax would be $1440 on rental revenue of $12000. Considering that Hong Kong real estate routinely trade for 300x monthly rent or higher, the hypothetical property is likely trading for $300,000 or higher, the effective property tax in that case is 0.48%! Much much lower than just about any US city or town. Only Manhattan, Brooklyn and Cambridge (MA) come even close to that low rate in the sub-1% range. Most US cities and towns demand 2% if not higher! Never mind "Georgist tax principles," the prosperity of Singapore and Hong Kong is due to their (historically) smaller tax bite overall period (before their new welfare state policies in recent years).

3. The article also cited the case of Taiwan land reform after KMT regime arrived on the island. That case may have come close to "Georgist tax principle" at the time. However, in reality, it was a one-time looting against the 20 or less landlords that owned almost all the land on the island (and probably had close ties to the former Japanese colonial government and spoke Japanese). The landlords were given paper money for their land, and the paper money quickly inflated away in the subsequent decades (if the former landlords did not invest the money in industry). It was less "Georgist" than one-time looting against the local rich on an island that the new regime had just conquered (Taiwan having been reverted to China/KMT at the end of WWII, without referendum), and the KMT regime desperately needed money to sustain a large military to defend against the Communists on their tail, and the commies would have treated the landlords even worse (liquidating them all in Soviet/Stalinist style). The new owners of smaller plots worked the land harder but their taxes didn't go up in keeping with "Georgist tax principles." It's not even clear if the breaking up of farm land in Taiwan into smaller plots even made farming more productive in the long run . . . as mechanization of farming (like in the US) is not possible on those small lots. What brought prosperity to Taiwan was light industry and then tech industry, neither of which had much to do with the land reform.

Also, Hong Kong government had a long history of auctioning government land (the government owns all the land there by default) to the highest bidder (if we call that Georgist, as it did put the burden of running government almost entirely on land, before the introduction of income tax in the last decade or so). The result was extreme concentration of the construction/development industry, and extremely high housing price. Most people in Hong Kong have lived in tiny apartments for decades, while most of the land of the territory was left undeveloped. Some people there have lived almost their entire lives in pods not much bigger than one level of a bunk bed. If that kind of policy had been tried in the US, we'd have constant riots on our hands long before apartment sizes are reduced to that small.
74   SFace   2018 Apr 17, 6:39pm  

There will be no land value tax. Talking about or thinking about it is a complete waste of time.

The only way to bring price down is supply like what happened in 2002- 2008. Then supplies Kapoof on 2009 to 2014 and the results are predictable. If you want to look into how rent will look, just look at supplies complete now. Its that simple.
75   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 6:44pm  

Reality says
Also, Hong Kong government had a long history of auctioning government land to the highest bidder

I think you mean the leasing rights, not the actual land itself.

Nice look into the article. I was planning to read it in full tomorrow.
76   SFace   2018 Apr 17, 6:46pm  

If anyone thinks landlords are parasites. I love them to move out and see how far that gets him or her. They'll get no place to stay and they'll beg the old landlord to take them back.
77   MandyLifeboats   2018 Apr 17, 6:58pm  

I know mine is (a parasite).

Raised our rent $200 (14% increase, Las Vegas) after 2 1/2 years of on time payments with no calls for anything. Reason given by PM - rents are really going up, with a tone of amazement, slight glee.

Place is not premium, by any stretch of the imagination. With a large desert scrub backyard and two pets, I might as well live outdoors with all the dirt dragged in.

She should rot in hell.
78   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Apr 18, 9:38am  

Patrick says
Landlords who build or maintain buildings are providing a service to the public. I don't think that's scummy at all. It's valuable work.

My point is only that merely owning land is not a service to anyone.

When you say don't improve the building, I'm pretty sure we're all thinking slumlords, hence my scummy reference.

I understand the point, but I don't think the government, i.e. taxes, is a solution. Yelp is a start, but if you look at property management companies, is there a single one that doesn't have a terrible Yelp review? We need something better to help good renters distinguish where they will be best appreciated and serviced. I mentioned my ideas on this before.
79   Patrick   2018 Apr 18, 1:00pm  

SFace says
There will be no land value tax.

@SFace why not? Seems like an excellent idea to tax non-productive rent-seeking and stop taxing income and commerce.
80   Reality   2018 Apr 18, 1:31pm  

Mandy Lifeboats says
I know mine is (a parasite).

Raised our rent $200 (14% increase, Las Vegas) after 2 1/2 years of on time payments with no calls for anything.

Assuming the new lease will last a year, that's 14% increase over 3yrs, or less than 5% a year. My property tax and water bills (city/town monopolies) all have been rising at faster than 5% a year in the last few years. Even that particular landlord of yours is keeping rent increase at slower pace than what a government bureaucracy would have done.

Reason given by PM - rents are really going up, with a tone of amazement, slight glee.

As you can see, she can only raise rent when all her competitors are raising. That's why they are all rising at slower pace than what the town tax collectors and water departments are raising on them, effectively cushioning some of the price increase by those monopolies. If the government bureaucratic monopoly had been in charge of housing, they'd be raising rent even faster.

Place is not premium, by any stretch of the imagination. With a large desert scrub backyard and two pets, I might as well live outdoors with all the dirt dragged in. .

Moving outdoors or buying your own place or moving to a different landlord's house costing you less might just be 3 viable alternatives, and your move will also help keep rent down for other renters.
81   Reality   2018 Apr 18, 2:24pm  

Patrick says
SFace says
There will be no land value tax.

@SFace why not? Seems like an excellent idea to tax non-productive rent-seeking and stop taxing income and commerce.

What's the difference between sitting on land vs. being a city planner? The latter forcibly collects salary and pension from taxpayers, the former is a volunteering stakes-holder.
82   SFace   2018 Apr 18, 3:02pm  

Patrick says
SFace says
There will be no land value tax.

@SFace why not? Seems like an excellent idea to tax non-productive rent-seeking and stop taxing income and commerce.

The best ideas in the world does not make it policy. There is absolutely no momentum to change the current property tax system, and there is none for this generation. It's so unpopular that this idea is used almost nowhere. In a way, it is somewhat a land value system anyone because the land more or less drives the tax directly.

I think you mentioned HK and Singapore as model places for LVT. Have you seen condo prices in these places, we are talking 2K a square feet (with 25% of that for common area so its effective $2,500 USD per square feet because we don't count common area) so prices are twice as expensive as SF proper and Manhattan. LVT does not work. In places you think it works, property prices is at puke level.
83   bob2356   2018 Apr 18, 9:17pm  

SFace says
LVT does not work. In places you think it works, property prices is at puke level.

Let's make America the land of million dollar 500 sq ft (150 sq ft of that is common area) studio apartments just like Hong Kong. MAGA.
84   Patrick   2018 Apr 19, 9:59am  

Even with a land value tax, there will still be a rental market and in places with tons of jobs rents will still be high.

But the economy is much better for everyone (except big landowners) under a land value tax. The tax is non-destructive of work and commerce. Note that salaries in Hong Kong and Singapore are also off the charts.
85   bob2356   2018 Apr 19, 1:12pm  

Patrick says
Note that salaries in Hong Kong and Singapore are also off the charts.

Then why do they rank 9th and 20tn in expat salaries? Using expat salaries is an excellent way to weed out distortions for high cost of living places where low end workers are frequently transient and not counted properly in the averages since the expat workers are much more likely to be same comparable.group in different cities.

Patrick says
But the economy is much better for everyone (except big landowners) under a land value tax. The tax is non-destructive of work and commerce.

and your proof of this is what other than I believe it should be true. Especially since your examples of HK and singapore both have income taxes.

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