New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use to 50 gallons

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2018 Jun 2, 10:57pm   13,511 views  67 comments

by SoTex   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

The people in our government are insane. On the bright side this will drop property prices...

Some youtube videos claim the eventual goal is only 30 gallons per day and that they'll be cutting people off by way of smart meters.


SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – There will soon be more focus on flushes and scrutiny over showers with a new law signed in by the governor.

California is now the first state in the nation to enact tough new water-efficiency standards. The controversial rules limit how many gallons a person can use inside their home per day.

RELATED: Sacramento Looks To Ease Farmers’ Groundwater Use With Wastewater

“So that everyone in California is at least integrating efficiency into our preparations for climate change,” said Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board.

So, what are the new rules?

In 2022, the new indoor water standard will be 55 gallons per person, per day. by 2030, it will fall to 50 gallons.

“With a child and every day having to wash clothes, that’s, just my opinion, not feasible. But I get it and I understand that we’re trying to preserve…but 55 gallons a day?” said Tanya Allen, who has a 4-year-old daughter.

Just how many gallons do household chores take?

ALSO: 12,000 New Homes In Folsom Ranch Project Raise Water Supply Worries

An 8-minute shower uses about 17 gallons of water, a load of laundry up to 40, and a bathtub can hold 80 to 100 gallons of water.

“She likes to bathe three times a day and she does laundry all day,” said Rocka Mitchell from Texas.

He and his wife Ginger are living in Sacramento for work and say it would be hard to conserve.

“I couldn’t do it. My family is way too large,” she said.

Retrofitting homes with water-efficient fixtures could help cut back.

“I think the average new home is 35 gallons per person per day, so we are not talking emergency conservation here,” Marcus said.

Greg Bundesen with the Sacramento Suburban Water District says they already assist customers.

RELATED: California Water Year Below Average, Reservoirs Benefit From Last Year’s Record

“We offer toilet rebates, we offer complementary showerheads, we offer complementary faucets,” he said.

The new laws also require water districts to perform stress tests of their water supply and curb loss due to leaks.

“Right now we lose up to 30 percent of urban water just to leaks in the system,” Marcus said.

Agencies believe fixing those leaks and educating residents is the key.

“Some people may not be aware that you’re going to use a lot more water in a bath and you wouldn’t shower and it’s our job to make sure they’re informed,” Bundesen said.

Water districts who don’t comply face fines up to $10,000 a day.

The ultimate goal is to make conservation a way of life in California. Outdoor water use is also covered by the new laws.

Standards will be based on a region’s climate and other factors instead of just one standard for the whole state.

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1   ForcedTQ   2018 Jun 2, 11:04pm  

Fuck water meters....

Eventually 30 gallons per capita per day? This looney-toon horseshit is no different than the motherfuckers thinking they can endlessly continue to raise fuel economy standards.

The low hanging fruit has been taken and rammed down the throats of the "public." .5gpf urinals, 1.2 gpf shitters, 1.0 gpm lavs, 1.6 gpm shower heads, front load washers that use 9-12 gallons per wash. Goes on and on and on....

Next these fucking control freaks are going to put an electronic valve that is integrated into the water companies/districts SCADA network to shut off your water once your daily usage goes beyond a certain limit. Oh, but your neighbor with the 12 occupants at his house can use more, cause, more occupants.

The real problem is TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE for the extremely elastic resources that are available.
2   Shaman   2018 Jun 2, 11:10pm  

If this is a real thing, I expect a huge market for “cracked” water meters.
Oh and a popular revolt against the looney tunes Demoncrat party in California! They count on the illegals and Mexicans to vote for their stupid asses, but this would totally FUCK those constituents! When one household has five families, how are they going to manage the water conservation, especially to that degree? Coming right on the heels of the regressive gas and registration tax hike, this should help Latinos in the State wake up to the fact that the Democrats are in it to FUCK everyone, not just Trump!
3   curious2   2018 Jun 2, 11:22pm  

ForcedTQ says
The real problem is...

animal agriculture, which consumes >50% of all the developed water in the state while contributing <2% to the economy of the state. Humans use ~20% of the developed water. You could skip showering for more than a month and it would make less difference than if your neighbor eats one extra hamburger made in California. This legislation signals virtue while ignoring the problem, and some people will feel virtuous adjusting to the restrictions, while big Ag will continue to profit at the expense of everyone else.
4   SoTex   2018 Jun 2, 11:27pm  

All I've got to say is people better not start stinking before I retire out of this place.
5   lostand confused   2018 Jun 3, 5:57am  

LOl-meanwhile they build 100 billion dollars train to nowhere (that can be served cheaper by flights) . Can't that 100 billion used to build desalination plants that make a ton of fresh water?
6   Shaman   2018 Jun 3, 6:28am  

The NIMBYs always kill the desalination plants that could provide all the water we ever needed. At a premium price perhaps, but still could provide it! I think people would rather pay more than be rationed into being involuntary stinky hippies like the Democrats.

The problem is that Democrats never think in terms of increasing supply, but never saw a scheme to increase State control over citizens that they didn’t love!
7   everything   2018 Jun 3, 7:42am  

Conservation is a good thing to learn. Their will be all kinds of novel new ways to approach water usage. Definitely, I see an app connected to your water meter so you know where your at. Also, an in home water tank, for when your not using your max, your taking the max and storing it.

Secret water catch basins. Going to look like Mexico where everyone and their brother has their own little water tower on the roof.

I don't see water as a partisian issue, water doesn't care if your a dem or a rep.
8   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jun 3, 8:00am  

Those Zepherhills bottles aren't going to fill themselves. Assholes!
9   Shaman   2018 Jun 3, 8:08am  

everything says

I don't see water as a partisian issue, water doesn't care if your a dem or a rep.

This is true. Both Democrat and Republican voters need water. I’d argue that Democrat voters living four families to a house will be much more cramped by this law than Republican voters. Which should make this and the next elections very interesting! Time to find out if California is as blue as the Democrat politicians believe it to be! Sure we have idiot elites who can’t think outside the box, or don’t care what happens to the poor people or working class. But we also have a lot of regular people who are getting steadily more fed up with the asinine asshattery of the California Assembly!
10   Ceffer   2018 Jun 3, 10:44am  

I bet Moonbeam's buddies and Maxine Waters in Beverly Hills get all the water they want for their swimming pools and jacuzzis.
11   RWSGFY   2018 Jun 3, 11:01am  

everything says
Definitely, I see an app connected to your water meter so you know where your at

Already available for DSRSD customers. Used it to make sure I use max allotment during the two years of severe restrictions. People who didn't bother with the tracking got nasty letters from the water district and were so paralized by fear of getting hit with huge fines ($500 for first violation IIRC) that they stopped watering their yards completely and let all landscaping go to shit.
12   SoTex   2018 Jun 3, 11:02am  

It's not just NIMBYs who block desal in CA it's NIYBYs as well. It takes a lot of energy to run pumps at 1000psi for the RO membranes. So, their logic is this: Using the energy will cause more global warming reducing the natural water supply requiring more desal which will cause further global warming and so on in a vicious circle.

The CA left has also blocked new reservoirs in this state since the 70s.

The new desalination plant in Carlsbad is pretty bad ass. I think it was built by an Israeli company. It creates 50 million gallons of water per day. However, during the last drought and our legislatures' once-size-fits-all policy they pumped the water into a lake to let it evaporate because we had to reduce water usage by 30%. Despite the fact that SD get it's water more from colorado than NorCal we did cut way back. In fact because the water wasn't moving through the pipes fast enough Poway dumped their water tower into the damn street. Apparently things start to grow in the pipes if the water doesn't move at a certain rate.

Supposedly there are about a dozen desal plants slated to start being built in CA based on the Carlsbad design. I'll believe it when I see it but one of them is going in Santa Barbara.
13   FortWayne   2018 Jun 3, 11:47am  

Fucking insanity.

This is what liberals bring... water shortages, housing shortages, homelessness.

Fucking stupid voters who vote for these clowns every fucking year.
14   FortWayne   2018 Jun 3, 11:52am  

They don’t represent California

All Democrats do is fuck Californians over every year more and more.

Quigley says
If this is a real thing, I expect a huge market for “cracked” water meters.
Oh and a popular revolt against the looney tunes Demoncrat party in California! They count on the illegals and Mexicans to vote for their stupid asses, but this would totally FUCK those constituents! When one household has five families, how are they going to manage the water conservation, especially to that degree? Coming right on the heels of the regressive gas and registration tax hike, this should help Latinos in the State wake up to the fact that the Democrats are in it to FUCK everyone, not just Trump!
15   BradK   2018 Jun 3, 2:32pm  

In 2022, the new indoor water standard will be 55 gallons per person, per day. by 2030, it will fall to 50 gallons.

Standards will be based on a region’s climate and other factors instead of just one standard for the whole state.

So which is it? 55 g/d down to 50 g/d for the entire wretched state, or localized thresholds? This article was very poorly written.

And how, exactly, do they propose to track how many people live in a single residence from month to month? Do children or infants count as much as an adult? When your college kid comes home for spring break and adds 2+ more showers each day and more laundry than an E.R. ward, do you get additional rations for those 2 weeks? Will unused rations be carried over to the next month, or will everyone start going crazy with water usage on the last day of the billing period to make sure they use their full allotment? And what of large apartment buildings with a single meter for several hundred people?

Absolutely genius plan. Only a Democrat perched up in Sacramento, fattened on the spoils of public "service" could possibly come up with something so profoundly irrational and unworkable.

Reminds me of the idiocy that passes for city government in LA LA Land. Back in the drought they issued the edict from on high that lawn sprinklers could only be used three days a week: Mon, Wed, Fri -- for the entire fucking city. What do you suppose happens when every sprinkler for nearly 4M people comes on all at once? The 100-year old, poorly maintained water mains started bursting all over the city. Countless millions of gallons of the precious were lost.

Sorry, can't afford to maintain the infrastructure. Gotta pay for those sweet public pensions somehow.
16   marcus   2018 Jun 4, 6:34am  

FortWayne says
All Democrats do is fuck Californians over every year more and more.

Yeah, you got to hate the way they face up to reality.

Can't we get a daddy figure as a leader that will tell us don't worry be happy ? Where's Reagan when you need him ?
17   FortWayne   2018 Jun 4, 7:00am  

marcus says
FortWayne says
All Democrats do is fuck Californians over every year more and more.

Yeah, you got to hate the way they face up to reality.

Can't we get a daddy figure as a leader that will tell us don't worry be happy ? Where's Reagan when you need him ?

Democrats created fuel shortages, you know who fixed it? Reagan!

Democrats are now creating idiotic water shortages? Guess who is going to fix it? Hint... it won't be a democrat.

Democrats are in power to make sure we have to use less, and pay more for it. Evil fucking dirtbags. I saw Feinsteins commercials, she talks about protecting some desert from being drilled for water, but doesn't give a fuck that people need water. She is fucking rich, she doesn't give a fuck what us poor peasants have to live with.

You damn right that Democrats are fucking toxic garbage for out state.
18   marcus   2018 Jun 4, 9:15am  

FortWayne says
Democrats are now creating idiotic water shortages?

Yes, of course. Once again science and facts are a vast left wing conspiracy.

Do you even do 15 minutes of research before declaring this to be a made up problem ? No, of course not. Maybe it's republican talking points you get mailed or online ?

I guess maybe it's brilliant ?

Perhaps the strategy goes something like this: "If humans need to live with a smaller footprint because of population growth and finite natural resources, then so be it. But let's have democrats be the ones that always have to fight for the ways in which we have to change our habits, and especially whenever regulations are used to force the issue. That way republicans can be the ones that are always saying it's not necessary - we should be free to happily live beyond our means, we shouldn't have to accept any decrease in creature comforts and wasteful use of resources."

Which party are the conservatives ?
19   FortWayne   2018 Jun 4, 9:19am  

Does it even ale sense to you?

Using less is not a policy or solution.
Eat less, drink less, fuck less... government overreach and just another shortage created.

marcus says
FortWayne says
Democrats are now creating idiotic water shortages?

Yes, of course. Science and facts are a vast left wing conspiracy.

Do you even do 15 minutes of research before declaring this to be a made up problem ? No, of course not. Maybe it's republican talking points you get mailed or online ?

I guess maybe it's brilliant ?

Perhaps the strategy goes something like this: "If humans need to live with a smaller footprint because of population growth and finite natural resources, then so be it. But let's have democrats be the ones that always have to fight for the ways in which we have to change our habits, and especially whenever regulations are used to force the issue. That way republicans can be the ones that are always saying it's not necessary - we should be free to happily live beyond our means, we shouldn't have to accept any decrease in creature comforts and wa...
20   marcus   2018 Jun 4, 9:23am  

Apparently ignorance isn't always bliss.

FortWayne says
Democrats are in power to make sure we have to use less, and pay more for it. Evil fucking dirtbags. I saw Feinsteins commercials, she talks about protecting some desert from being drilled for water, but doesn't give a fuck that people need water. She is fucking rich, she doesn't give a fuck what us poor peasants have to live with.

You damn right that Democrats are fucking toxic garbage for out state.

There is a lot of information easily available online. Is considering all of reality a liberal conspiracy the way that intelligent humans solve problems ? In my opinion, no.


In contrast to surface water, groundwater use has largely been unregulated under California law until recently. Many basins have experienced long-term overdraft, and 21 of the state’s 515 basins are now considered “critically overdrafted.” Declining groundwater levels also cause problems for users of surface water when these sources are interconnected. Groundwater basins are replenished by rainfall, streamflow, and irrigation water. As pumping causes groundwater levels to drop, basins can draw in water from adjacent rivers and streams, reducing river flows and harming habitat.
21   FortWayne   2018 Jun 4, 9:31am  

Marcus are you telling me water limits are a long term solution?
23   Automan Empire   2018 Jun 4, 11:49am  

Are humans willing to limit their own reproduction voluntarily, or face MANDATORY limits on resources and eventually reproductive rights? Pick one! Quickly, too- this tragedy of the commons gets worse every day.
24   Goran_K   2018 Jun 4, 11:55am  

I know what can solve this problem, open borders with Mexico. --- Every Democrat in California
25   RWSGFY   2018 Jun 4, 11:56am  

This puts an exact number on water savings to be achieved by deporting 3M of illegals. Nice, round, YUUUGE number.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jun 4, 1:48pm  

Automan Empire says
Are humans willing to limit their own reproduction voluntarily, or face MANDATORY limits on resources and eventually reproductive rights? Pick one! Quickly, too- this tragedy of the commons gets worse every day.

The tragedy is trying to grow wet-climate crops in the desert, which accounts for the vast majority of water use in California, which is part of the Dry Belt that stretches roughly around the middle of the planet from the Sahara to the Arabian to the Gobi Deserts, then over to the US Southwest and California.

But no politician in California has the balls to talk about the industry that is responsible for very little of national or California GDP, yet uses many times the water of Residential.

Since Residences have to reduce to 50 gallons, how about farmers be forced to stop growing Alfalfa, which itself is something like 25% of all Agra water use and would make a massive dent in the Water Supply Problem. Add a ban on Almonds and Pistachios and you'd eliminate 1/3rd of Agra's water use.
27   HeadSet   2018 Jun 4, 2:03pm  

Automan Empire says
Are humans willing to limit their own reproduction voluntarily, or face MANDATORY limits on resources and eventually reproductive rights? Pick one! Quickly, too- this tragedy of the commons gets worse every day.

In first world countries, that lower birthrate happens over time. The issue is governments feeling the need to make up the shortfall through immigration or policies encouraging having more children.
28   marcus   2018 Jun 4, 2:41pm  

FortWayne says
Marcus are you telling me water limits are a long term solution?

I think it will be debated and there will be a better way. Why not just make people pay an increasing rate for water they use over a certain amount per month. Make the price scale up in such a way that it's a strong incentive to conserve.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jun 4, 2:49pm  

HeadSet says
In first world countries, that lower birthrate happens over time. The issue is governments feeling the need to make up the shortfall through immigration or policies encouraging having more children.

Or, accept lower rents and high wages.
30   RWSGFY   2018 Jun 4, 3:56pm  

Hassan_Rouhani says
This puts an exact number on water savings to be achieved by deporting 3M of illegals. Nice, round, YUUUGE number.

It would be about 180,000 acre feet per year, BTW. Or 1/2 of Hetch Hetchy reservoir.
31   FortWayne   2018 Jun 4, 4:07pm  

marcus says
FortWayne says
Marcus are you telling me water limits are a long term solution?

I think it will be debated and there will be a better way. Why not just make people pay an increasing rate for water they use over a certain amount per month. Make the price scale up in such a way that it's a strong incentive to conserve.

I don't think it's a solution. They tried this same thing with fuel, and it failed, created inflation. Gas sellers made money, big time. Everyone else was fucked.

Same thing here, water price will skyrocket. The poor and the middle class will be fucked. Only solution is more desalination plants to create more water. But that's not what this shitty government wants, they want us all to suffer and pay more for less. While their rich cocksucker friends run off with all the money, and no water shortages.
32   RWSGFY   2018 Jun 4, 4:16pm  

marcus says
FortWayne says
Marcus are you telling me water limits are a long term solution?

I think it will be debated and there will be a better way. Why not just make people pay an increasing rate for water they use over a certain amount per month. Make the price scale up in such a way that it's a strong incentive to conserve.

.... or steal.
33   marcus   2018 Jun 7, 11:08am  

FortWayne says
They tried this same thing with fuel

Not the same. Gas is not a utility. Taxes on gas probably do work to incentivize purchase of fuel efficient cars.
34   FortWayne   2018 Jun 7, 11:20am  

Limited resource.

Solution isn’t limiting people, but creating more.

marcus says
FortWayne says
They tried this same thing with fuel

Not the same. Gas is not a utility. Taxes on gas probably do work to incentivize purchase of fuel efficient cars.
35   Shaman   2018 Jun 7, 11:25am  

marcus says
Not the same. Gas is not a utility. Taxes on gas probably do work to incentivize purchase of fuel efficient cars.

You know that’s not the intention, just like wolves aren’t intending to keep deer populations sustainable when they kill a few dozen fawns and eat them.
36   georgeliberte   2018 Jun 7, 4:17pm  

I just acquired a herd of pet elephants and I am frankly concerned with this law.
37   krc   2018 Jun 7, 4:25pm  

Isn't this really an infrastructure problem with no large dams build in the last 40+ years? Of course, folks say that Los Vaqueros, etc Mel. and so forth would qualify but those are drops in the bucket compared to Shasta/Oroville etc.. Not sure where we are to directly pumping back into aquifers etc (helps with limiting evaporation, etc..). Fact is: this is about government control pure and simple. If you do the simple math, more rain falls across this state then we ever would need to capture to satisfy nearly unlimited growth.

Even if you don't want to build new dams because (1) most of this would have to be in high sierra areas with granite to prevent evaporation, etc... and (2) the environment / regulatory hurdles to do such a build out cannot be overcome (even if no politics), there is still the simple option of capturing water the falls on cities TODAY.

That we have a drought problem is contrived. And, it is already against the law afaik that that you can't just sink your own well anymore. The age of DIY has been over since the mid 90s and the cost to sink a well is extensive ( we are talking 20k min for 200' hole - retail). Farmers actually have started buying their own rigs and setting up consortiums/proxies to meet the permitting and well driller certifications.

Most of this is contrived. There is far more water that simply runs off into the ocean that is not captured (and not counting river / watersheds) as well.
38   FortWayne   2018 Jun 7, 4:31pm  

All while they constantly make excuses why we can’t have desalination plants, and fucking hippies scream how desert eco system would suffer if we were to build water making plants there.

Government population control.
39   Strategist   2018 Jun 7, 6:55pm  

The most economical solution is to reduce agricultural water use by 5%, which would result in an increase of 20% for household use. Right now 80% of the water goes to agriculture. We export almonds to China when each little almond uses up 1 gallon of water. We also supply agriculture products to the rest of the country.
Either we produce and sell less agriculture products, or we tack on some kind of an export tax to pay for water desalination plants. Those plants don't come cheap.
I'm already paying $350.00 per month just for water, and I can't afford it.
Baltimore residents pay nothing for their water. Nothing. So unfair.
@zzyzzx it's only fair you pay part of my water bill. Your fair share comes to $100.00 per month. Thank You.
40   Strategist   2018 Jun 7, 6:57pm  

FortWayne says
All while they constantly make excuses why we can’t have desalination plants, and fucking hippies scream how desert eco system would suffer if we were to build water making plants there.

If we drain all the lakes and underground water supply the eco system would suffer even more. The Colorado river is already having eco problems due to us siphoning too much water from it.

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