A phone which does not spy on you

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2018 Aug 19, 10:49am   48,369 views  317 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Librem 5, the phone that focuses on security by design and privacy protection by default. Running Free/Libre and Open Source software and a GNU+Linux Operating System designed to create an open development utopia, rather than the walled gardens from all other phone providers.

A fully standards-based freedom-oriented system, based on Debian and many other upstream projects, has never been done before–we will be the first to seriously attempt this.

The Librem 5 phone will be the world’s first ever IP-native mobile handset, using end-to-end encrypted decentralized communication.

Many others have attempted Open Source phones and failed. I hope this one works, especially since I just discovered that you cannot turn off wifi or Bluetooth on Android or iOS. "Turning it off" in the controls on those phones merely disconnects you from current access points, but leaves them on so they can spy on your location with great precision and open you up to various exploits:


On iOS 11, pressing the wifi toggle immediately disconnects the iPhone or iPad from any wifi networks, but leaves the wireless radio available for use by location services, scanning for the names of nearby wifi access points. The Bluetooth toggle operates in a similar fashion. ...

A similar thing happens in Android smartphones, which use wifi as part of their location services. Switching wifi off prevents it from connecting to wifi access points, but allows it to continue periodically scanning for access point names to help pinpoint its location.

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104   Eric Holder   2022 May 25, 2:37pm  

DooDahMan says
For instance, upon user-initiated shutdown, the iPhone remains locatable via the Find My network.

Bullshit: I switched my phone off and all I could get from the Find My app on another device was my phone's last location.
105   Patrick   2022 Jun 28, 4:11pm  


June 28, 2022
Russia fines Threema app for not collecting user data
Fined under "anti-terror" laws.
By Ken Macon

A court in Moscow fined Switzerland based messenger service Threema for refusing to comply with the Russian “anti-terror” law.

Threema competes with Telegram and Signal.

Threema was found guilty of non-compliance with rules under the anti-terror law. The law requires tech companies to store data, such as calls, messages, emails, photos, and videos, on their servers for at least six months, and allow the government access to that data if requested.

Speaking to German news outlet Welt am Sonntag, a spokesperson for Threema said that Russian authorities “apparently launched an investigation in March 2022 probably to make an example.”

“Of course, under no circumstances will we hand over any data to Russian authorities,” Threema added, arguing it is governed by Swiss law, which does not allow the transfer of user data to other countries, much less authoritarian countries like Russia.

The company will also not pay the fine.
106   Patrick   2022 Jul 5, 1:25pm  


July 4, 2022
From this week, all new vehicles in the EU with have to have a surveillance-based speed limiter
GPS is the most common method.

Tracking and surveillance tech is finding its use in yet another segment of public life in the West – road traffic. ...

For the moment, they are “opt-in,” since drivers can still turn them off. But, the plan is to remove this option completely.

Your car is also spying on you.
108   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 6, 8:53pm  

You always have the choice to buy used. I'm also pretty sure that unlike cellphones, you have the freedom to identify and remove tracking SW and HW if you own the vehicle.
109   Hircus   2022 Jul 7, 11:12am  

Patrick says


I thought about this a few days ago when watching a high speed chase - soon they will start pushing to give the govt a button to turn off any car. A series of very deadly high speed chases will all magically occur within 1 week, and it will be the week before some elite group meets to "discuss things". They will run over little girls so they can guilt trip people into "hating children" if you dare not support "the button".
110   zzyzzx   2022 Jul 7, 5:47pm  


US carriers want to bring ‘screen zero’ lock screen ads to smartphones.
111   Patrick   2022 Jul 9, 12:35pm  


July 8, 2022
Royal Canadian Mounted Police used smartphone malware to spy on targets
A breach of rules.

Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have been using malware in their investigations since 2018 that can secretly turn phones and laptops into full-fledged spying devices, with the news, and some, but not all details about the program only just emerging now.

Traditionally unwilling to “share” what types of surveillance technology it uses unless it has to, mostly pressed during inquiries, this time once again the public is becoming aware of the facts a full four years after the software was first deployed.
112   Patrick   2022 Jul 31, 2:23pm  


July 30, 2022
Tim Hortons offers customers a free coffee and baked item in settlement for spying on people
The company's invasive tracking was revealed this year.

As settlement in class action lawsuits, Canadian coffee giant Tim Hortons will offer a free hot beverage and a baked good as an apology for tracking the location of users of its app. The app tracked users when they left or entered a Tim Hortons competitor such as Starbucks, their home or workplace, and more.

In June, regulators said that the data collection was in violation of the law.

“Tim Hortons clearly crossed the line by amassing a huge amount of highly sensitive information about its customers. Following people’s movements every few minutes of every day was clearly an inappropriate form of surveillance.

No one should ever install any app. Anything an app does can also be done by a web page these days. The only reason the want you to install an app is to do exactly this kind of spying on your every movement.
113   Patrick   2022 Aug 8, 1:37pm  


Amazon just bought Roomba, which means if you have one Amazon will soon have an extremely valuable map of the inside of your home
114   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 8, 3:38pm  

I was working for an AI company that gave moving quotes by having users video the inside of their homes. They were also working on spacial recognition for a insurance offering.
115   Patrick   2022 Aug 12, 9:40am  


The Sleep Number Bed is typical of smart home devices, as Harvard business school Professor Shoshana Zuboff describes in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. It comes with an app, of course, which you’ll need to install to get the full benefits. Benefits for whom? Well, to know that you would need to spend some time with the 16-page privacy policy that comes with the bed. There you’ll read about third-party sharing, analytics partners, targeted advertising, and much else. Meanwhile, the User Agreement specifies that the company can share or exploit your personal information even “after you deactivate or cancel … your Sleep Number account.” You are unilaterally informed that the firm does not honor “Do Not Track” notifications. By the way, the bed also transmits the audio signals in your bedroom. (I am not making this up.)

A bed which spies on you.
116   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Aug 12, 10:37am  

Patrick says

No one should ever install any app. Anything an app does can also be done by a web page these days. The only reason the want you to install an app is to do exactly this kind of spying on your every movement.

Yeah, no webpage ever tracks your every move. Websites never install Google scripts to track and market to you across different sites.

Plus, I think there are still plenty of APIs accessible via code on the iPhone that are not accessible from html and javascript. The speed is massively different as well.

Apps from the iPhone web store are authenticated, so you know who to sue. Plus, Apps have a history there and can also be terminated very quickly if something is discovered. Apps (like websites) are pretty well sandboxed these days. You can control which apps have access to photos, addressbook, gps, camera, microphone, etc.

Google's store and sideloading on either platform... well, you're on your own.
118   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 6, 9:42am  

SunnyvaleCA says

Yeah, no webpage ever tracks your every move. Websites never install Google scripts to track and market to you across different sites.

Have you not heard of Brave or Tor? But really, it sounds like you aren't familiar with the lack of control most smartphones allow their users, which prevents you from blocking tracking. Plus cellphones ping off a tower.

SunnyvaleCA says

Plus, I think there are still plenty of APIs accessible via code on the iPhone that are not accessible from html and javascript. The speed is massively different as well.

Might have more to do with their internal DNS servers that they attempt to force ALL traffic over, giving up even more data.

SunnyvaleCA says

You can control which apps have access to photos, addressbook, gps, camera, microphone, etc.

Except for the ones that block you from exercising any controls, and the ones that ignore your selections, and collect the data anyway. On a laptop you can add HW shut-offs not available on most cellphones.
Right before the scamdemic, google installed a "health" app that I am unable to remove, or clear data from. That's never happened on my laptop or headless servers.
120   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 4:11pm  


NEW YORK, NY — Pfizer has announced the launch of a new breakthrough treatment for depression, Thorovil, a pharmaceutical that consists of a heavy metal head mounted at a right angle at the end of a handle. Patients prescribed Thorovil can use the object to smash their cell phones into tiny pieces, instantly curing all depression.

"We found that when patients smashed their smartphones into tiny bits with a claw hammer, 100% of them saw an immediate and lasting decrease in depression symptoms," said Pfizer researcher Fritz Von Schlegelsteinhausen. "We don't yet understand the connection between smashing your phone and being instantly cured of depression, but you can't argue with those results."

Thorovil has already been authorized by the FDA and has been approved for all ages. It's currently available with a doctor's prescription for only $12,000 per unit from Pfizer or $12 at the local hardware store.

"This is a giant leap forward in the field of mental health, and medicine more broadly," said Dean of Harvard Medical School George Q. Daley, MD, PhD. "We're not sure why none of us thought of this before."

121   Patrick   2022 Oct 25, 3:56pm  


Voter analytics firm PredictWise harvested location data from tens of millions of US cellphones during the initial Covid lockdown months and used this data to assign a “Covid-19 decree violation” score to the people associated with the phones.

These Covid-19 decree violation scores were calculated by analyzing nearly two billion global positioning system (GPS) pings to get “real-time, ultra-granular locations patterns.” People who were “on the go more often than their neighbors” were given a high Covid-19 decree violation score while those who mostly or always stayed at home were given a low Covid-19 decree violation score.

Not only did PredictWise use this highly sensitive location data to monitor millions of Americans’ compliance with Covid lockdown decrees but it also combined this data with follow-up surveys to assign “Covid concern” scores to the people who were being surveilled. PredictWise then used this data to help Democrats in several swing states to target more than 350,000 “Covid concerned” Republicans with Covid-related campaign ads.

In its white paper, PredictWise claims that Democrats were able to “deploy this real-time location model to open up just over 40,000 persuasion targets that normally would have fallen off” for Mark Kelly who was running for Senate at the time and has now been elected.
122   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 1:42pm  


India’s PM says 5G rollout will help boost the use of surveillance
Facial recognition, automatic number plate recognition tech, and drones.
123   Blue   2022 Nov 1, 1:47pm  

Patrick says


India’s PM says 5G rollout will help boost the use of surveillance
Facial recognition, automatic number plate recognition tech, and drones.

That is 5% of usage case, rest is in the hands of the commi bureaucrats whose aim is only to looting and blackmailing public.
124   Booger   2022 Nov 25, 2:39pm  

Elon Musk is contemplating a phone that does not spy on you.

125   richwicks   2022 Nov 25, 2:56pm  

Patrick says

NEW YORK, NY — Pfizer has announced the launch of a new breakthrough treatment for depression, Thorovil, a pharmaceutical that consists of a heavy metal head mounted at a right angle at the end of a handle. Patients prescribed Thorovil can use the object to smash their cell phones into tiny pieces, instantly curing all depression.

I have a cell phone, but I can't say it depresses me at all. Also, this is the only thing I use that would be something like "a social network".
126   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Nov 25, 7:56pm  

Because the car already does all the spying he needs?
128   GNL   2022 Nov 26, 6:29am  

The temptation to control via technology is too great.

129   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 10:39am  

Shanghai police are grabbing phones to search citizens for ties to the protests
130   HeadSet   2022 Nov 29, 3:28pm  

Patrick says

Shanghai police are grabbing phones to search citizens for ties to the protests

They learned from the FBI and the J6 protests.
131   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 3:30pm  

It's encouraging that the police even need to grab phones at all.

In the worst of all possible worlds, the phone will simply be constantly reporting your location, web usage, and all your calls and texts to the CCP/FBI at all times so they won't need to grab your phone. They will just use your phone to convict you without trial, go to where you are at the moment, and kill you.
132   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 9:44pm  


WEF and their Global Leaders are trying to enforce digital IDs and CBDCs all over the world. Bill Gates has spent billions promoting it. Once they get that, there will be no fr
feedom for anyone anywhere.

133   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 29, 11:39pm  

Apple issued an "Update" to Airdrop a few days ago, just before the Crackdown, only in China. Chinese iphone Users are unable to send pics/communicate with Airdrop.

134   Hircus   2022 Nov 30, 10:15am  

US companies like apple dont seem likely to put their revenue at risk to stand up for what's right. At least not w/ chyna. Lately they seem to be happy to promote rainbow crap, but it's possible its because dems are able to twist their arm easily into political crap like opposing the elonification of twitter.

One of these days im gonna join an open source project for mesh networking. A free populace needs it. The chinese need it right now. The app stores as a filter for WrongThinkSoftware will always be a problem though.
136   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 9, 4:39am  

Yeah, phones and all the other ways you log in and are connected means the analytics people know details of your life you are not even aware of. But the next level is going to be digital ID, digital currencies and most likely loss of liberty and/or assets for those who don’t please the globalist overlord dictatorship.
138   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 21, 11:28am  

PeopleUnited says

Yeah, phones and all the other ways you log in and are connected means the analytics people know details of your life you are not even aware of. But the next level is going to be digital ID, digital currencies and most likely loss of liberty and/or assets for those who don’t please the globalist overlord dictatorship.

The Moscow Metro on Friday rolled out what authorities have touted as the world’s first fare payment system based on facial recognition technology.

The cashless, cardless and phone-less system, called “Face Pay,” has been fitted at special turnstiles across the Russian capital’s more than 240 metro stations.

“To enter the metro, passengers won’t need a card or a smartphone — just look at the camera on the turnstile,” said Maxim Liksutov, deputy mayor in charge of transport.

“You won’t need to touch your smartphone or any other surfaces,” Liksutov added, referencing rising concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in the capital amid Russia’s record-setting daily case and death numbers, low vaccination rates and lax enforcement of mask-wearing rules.

139   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 2:28pm  

Eric Holder says

The Moscow Metro on Friday rolled out what authorities have touted as the world’s first fare payment system based on facial recognition technology.

If I need to ride such a Metro, I will wear a rubber Joe Biden mask so he can pick up the tab.
140   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 21, 2:31pm  

HeadSet says

Eric Holder says

The Moscow Metro on Friday rolled out what authorities have touted as the world’s first fare payment system based on facial recognition technology.

If I need to ride such a Metro, I will wear a rubber Joe Biden mask so he can pick up the tab.

I doubt he's in the system and/or his accounts are accesible to the gubmint there.
141   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 4:05pm  

Eric Holder says

I doubt he's in the system and/or his accounts are accesible to the gubmint there.

OK, so I will wear an Eric Holder mask.
142   Patrick   2023 Jan 2, 8:30pm  


Buried in Democrat President Joe Biden’s recently passed “infrastructure” bill is a law that mandates the installation of remotely-accessed kill switches to all new vehicles.

The move allows government authorities to shut down or remotely operate any car, truck, or SUV produced after August 2026.

The disturbing new rule was reported automotive news outlet Motorious.

According to the report, former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr has been sounding the alarm on the terrifying new law after finding it buried within the Biden “infrastructure” legislation.

Your car is now an instrument of state power to be used against you, just like your phone.
143   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 2, 11:20pm  

Patrick says

Your car is now an instrument of state power to be used against you, just like your phone.

Only until such time as they can be eliminated from our possession altogether.

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