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More evidence Trannies are neckbeards trying to weasel their way into women's spaces and then pressure dykes to treat them as if they were lesbians.
More evidence Trannies are neckbeards trying to weasel their way into women's spaces and then pressure dykes to treat them as if they were lesbians.
Booger says
The same thing was said about Fox News viewers in the late naughts (2000-2009).
and they were right.
Find those weapons of mass destruction program yet in Iraq? "News" sources take turns lying their fucking asses off, but they always lie. Fox news lies today, constantly. If they were a real news organization, they'd still be, occasionally, bringing up the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. They would have reported the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, and there's HARD PROOF the US did this.
We have no actual news sources, at least in corporate media. It's just a bunch of independents that tell you the truth, in their part time, because they believe the truth is important, and it is.
You keep saying that buy that's not really accurate these days (back in the Iraq war days I'd agree).
You have Tucker today, I don't give a shit whether people like him or not, but objectively he comes pretty close to reporting the truth every single day.
The leftoid lamestream media doesn't have anything comparable
mell says
You keep saying that buy that's not really accurate these days (back in the Iraq war days I'd agree).
Yes, I know. I'm quite (very pleasantly!) shocked that the "turn the Middle East to glass!!!" crowd is now the peaceniks and the rational ones calling for sanity. I never thought in a MILLION YEARS that this would happen, but I'm very happy it happened. I'm just reminding everybody that the "right" can go fucking insane too.
mell says
You have Tucker today, I don't give a shit whether people like him or not, but objectively he comes pretty close to reporting the truth every single day.
He's controlled opposition, perhaps a limited hangout, which is fine. He won't really expose what is going on. I don't dislike him, but he doesn't have the balls we need...
Tucker did bring up the Ukraine overthrow more than once, incl. Nuland's role. Yes, Greenwald and Taibbi come from the left but they have been kicked out long ago and get zero air time on the leftoid lamestream media, except for smears.
I think it's more like Fox are hedging their bets than controlled opposition, and they're gaining viewers that way. Doesn't make it a great channel, but 1000 x better than the leftoid garbage
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I work with nothing but Liberals they make decisions to take servers off line because they think no one is using it. Because they were just told they need to set up paperwise.
Rather than checking if it would affect anyone taking a rarely used SQL server off line or if anyone is accessing those tables they just take it down. Then when you confront them that you need it, and ask why they didn't send out an email. They play the victim. God I miss when Conservative critical thinkers ruled the enterprise.