How come Liberals lack critical thinking skills?

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2018 Aug 24, 7:31am   109,567 views  1,025 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

They just act, and are surprised always by the ramifications.
I work with nothing but Liberals they make decisions to take servers off line because they think no one is using it. Because they were just told they need to set up paperwise.
Rather than checking if it would affect anyone taking a rarely used SQL server off line or if anyone is accessing those tables they just take it down. Then when you confront them that you need it, and ask why they didn't send out an email. They play the victim. God I miss when Conservative critical thinkers ruled the enterprise.

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930   HeadSet   2022 May 2, 9:53am  

Toddler mentality.
931   richwicks   2022 May 2, 9:54am  

Patrick says

Haha - she is literally shaking.
935   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 4, 7:37pm  

Booger says

More evidence Trannies are neckbeards trying to weasel their way into women's spaces and then pressure dykes to treat them as if they were lesbians.
936   richwicks   2022 Jul 4, 7:51pm  

AmericanKulak says

More evidence Trannies are neckbeards trying to weasel their way into women's spaces and then pressure dykes to treat them as if they were lesbians.

It's just some kid that was driven insane in school.

We live in a pretty sick society, so sick that you kind of have to be mentally ill to be well adjusted to it.
938   Patrick   2022 Jul 5, 8:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

More evidence Trannies are neckbeards trying to weasel their way into women's spaces and then pressure dykes to treat them as if they were lesbians.

Oh, the things we do for love!

940   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jul 6, 7:36am  

Sometimes you really got to enlighten Liberals on the most basic stuff.

941   Misc   2022 Jul 6, 7:41am  

There is a story behind every warning label.
942   HeadSet   2022 Jul 6, 8:36am  

Booger says

This has to be a satirical joke. The guy did not even pluck the eyebrows and is overdue for a shave. More likely this is a spoof on those deluded souls who actually think they look like women.
943   Onvacation   2022 Jul 6, 8:40am  

Way out of their league!
950   richwicks   2022 Aug 7, 12:13pm  

In response to zzyzzx

I did a little modification trying to make it more clear, for the slow among our population:

I've let myself go for a period of time, but yesssh! I think she's wrecked herself permanently by not wearing a bra as well.
951   RC2006   2022 Aug 12, 11:35am  

Guy driving me to hotel from airpot telling me how communism is being pushed by "them" on and on. I was like ok, then he says yes that's why we need to stop republicans they they are comunists. Also told me Biden's problem is that he is to nice.

He recently immigrated from the continent that brought aids, monkeypox, and low IQ.
958   clambo   2022 Oct 21, 11:09am  

Well one I recently met is a kook on Xanax.
962   richwicks   2023 Jan 20, 7:06pm  

Booger says

The same thing was said about Fox News viewers in the late naughts (2000-2009).

and they were right.

Find those weapons of mass destruction program yet in Iraq? "News" sources take turns lying their fucking asses off, but they always lie. Fox news lies today, constantly. If they were a real news organization, they'd still be, occasionally, bringing up the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. They would have reported the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, and there's HARD PROOF the US did this.

We have no actual news sources, at least in corporate media. It's just a bunch of independents that tell you the truth, in their part time, because they believe the truth is important, and it is.
963   mell   2023 Jan 20, 8:44pm  

richwicks says

Booger says

The same thing was said about Fox News viewers in the late naughts (2000-2009).

and they were right.

Find those weapons of mass destruction program yet in Iraq? "News" sources take turns lying their fucking asses off, but they always lie. Fox news lies today, constantly. If they were a real news organization, they'd still be, occasionally, bringing up the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. They would have reported the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, and there's HARD PROOF the US did this.

We have no actual news sources, at least in corporate media. It's just a bunch of independents that tell you the truth, in their part time, because they believe the truth is important, and it is.

You keep saying that buy that's not really accurate these days (back in the Iraq war days I'd agree). You have Tucker today, I don't give a shit whether people like him or not, but objectively he comes pretty close to reporting the truth every single day. He doesn't get enough credit for that imo. The leftoid lamestream media doesn't have anything comparable. Sure the rest of Fox may be uniparty, but Tuvker certainly isn't, and it's a refreshing anomaly of truth injection.
964   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 2:27pm  

mell says

You keep saying that buy that's not really accurate these days (back in the Iraq war days I'd agree).

Yes, I know. I'm quite (very pleasantly!) shocked that the "turn the Middle East to glass!!!" crowd is now the peaceniks and the rational ones calling for sanity. I never thought in a MILLION YEARS that this would happen, but I'm very happy it happened. I'm just reminding everybody that the "right" can go fucking insane too.

mell says

You have Tucker today, I don't give a shit whether people like him or not, but objectively he comes pretty close to reporting the truth every single day.

He's controlled opposition, perhaps a limited hangout, which is fine. He won't really expose what is going on. I don't dislike him, but he doesn't have the balls we need as a nation. The rabbit hole is very shallow. It's easy to see, for example, the US overthrew Ukraine. Does he ever bring that up? Of course not, he'd be fired if he did.

mell says

The leftoid lamestream media doesn't have anything comparable

Ummmm. I don't really think in terms of left and right. It's correct versus bullshit. Glenn Greenwald is considered "left":


Go through some of his stuff. He ALSO doesn't talk much about how Ukraine was overthrown though. Most Americans do not know that the US overthrew Ukraine and started this conflict. This guy will talk about it:


He's severely punished for doing so as well. He scrambles for money, because truth is treason in this empire of lies. Being right doesn't pay the bills easily, being honest is dangerous today. That's our world.

Here's another interesting guy:


If you want to know what is going on, you CAN know what is going on, but does take some effort, and it's not on the fucking propaganda box. You have to look for it, and SPREAD it.

We're forced to talk about transgendered children, CRT in schools, and other trivial nonsense which are created problems that shouldn't exist. They are created to distract us, while the real problem is our thug, mafia, government. Our government is unbelievably corrupt. There's a war in Ukraine so that these assholes can launder money. They are taking money from taxpayers, and getting some small percentage back in bribes, and all it costs it me and you money, and 100's of thousands of lives. That's our government. There's no expectation that Ukraine will prevail although undoubtedly whatever the outcome the US will declare it a Ukrainian victory. They don't care about winning wars, they care about the money they make from them. They are complete, total, psychopaths.

If the "news" media would just tell the fucking truth, all this bloodshed would end, all these sociopathic assholes would be dragged from power, all this stupid misery and conflict would end. If they would just tell the fucking truth. It's left to marginalized people to do it, and they pay horrendous prices for daring to speak out. They are deplatformed, they lose access to their bank accounts, they can't use paypal, they are silenced relentlessly. Those are the only people worth listening to.
965   mell   2023 Jan 21, 4:55pm  

richwicks says

mell says

You keep saying that buy that's not really accurate these days (back in the Iraq war days I'd agree).

Yes, I know. I'm quite (very pleasantly!) shocked that the "turn the Middle East to glass!!!" crowd is now the peaceniks and the rational ones calling for sanity. I never thought in a MILLION YEARS that this would happen, but I'm very happy it happened. I'm just reminding everybody that the "right" can go fucking insane too.

mell says

You have Tucker today, I don't give a shit whether people like him or not, but objectively he comes pretty close to reporting the truth every single day.

He's controlled opposition, perhaps a limited hangout, which is fine. He won't really expose what is going on. I don't dislike him, but he doesn't have the balls we need...

Tucker did bring up the Ukraine overthrow more than once, incl. Nuland's role. Yes, Greenwald and Taibbi come from the left but they have been kicked out long ago and get zero air time on the leftoid lamestream media, except for smears. I think it's more like Fox are hedging their bets than controlled opposition, and they're gaining viewers that way. Doesn't make it a great channel, but 1000 x better than the leftoid garbage
966   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 10:26pm  

mell says

Tucker did bring up the Ukraine overthrow more than once, incl. Nuland's role. Yes, Greenwald and Taibbi come from the left but they have been kicked out long ago and get zero air time on the leftoid lamestream media, except for smears.

And this is why you don't pay any attention to "mainstream" media - it's complete garbage. I'll admit that Tucker Carlson is a breath of fresh air, for the "mainstream" media, but you're still inhaling garbage fumes.

I haven't owned a television since 1993, well to be precise, I've not owned one since 1988. It's just toxic. I've SEEN it, but only on the Internet.

mell says

I think it's more like Fox are hedging their bets than controlled opposition, and they're gaining viewers that way. Doesn't make it a great channel, but 1000 x better than the leftoid garbage

For now it's the least deleterious garbage out there. For now. I'll agree with you, but "Faux News" - that is a correct assessment. They lied relentlessly about the Iraq War, and I will never forgive them.

Sean Hannity is Joseph Goebbels reincarnated. These people are not trying to inform you, they aren't giving you information, they are giving you propaganda. CURRENTLY, at the MOMENT, Carlson isn't fucking shit at this moment in time, but that will change. He was a Neocon asshole at one point, he'll do the same thing again. He's not a moral person, although he SEEMS to be right now, but he's not. He's just playing a part.

They draw you in by telling you the truth for a period of time, then they go off into propaganda land. That's what Rachel Maddow did, Keither Olberman did, the Young Turks did. They were all correct about the Iraq war, but they all prostituted themselves out as whores after. Nobody in "mainstream news" lasts long if they are truthful. I used to respect all those people, but I don't now. My values have remained unchanged, and they have no values, and they have no allegiance to the truth. They are human garbage. These are bad people.
967   zzyzzx   2023 Feb 20, 8:07am  


The City of San Francisco is reportedly reconsidering its boycott on socially conservatives states, after the ban on travel and contracting failed to change those states’ policies and raised the city’s contracting costs 10-20%.

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