Liberal Churches Collapsing

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2018 Aug 26, 9:13pm   13,569 views  63 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

... and they're lead by the Episcopalian Church.

The headlines coming out of the Episcopal Church’s annual U.S. convention are stunning — endorsement of cross-dressing clergy, blessing same-sex marriage, the sale of their headquarters since they can’t afford to maintain it.

The American branch of the Church of England, founded when the Vatican balked at permitting King Henry VIII to continue annulling marriages to any wife who failed to bear him sons, is in trouble.

Somehow slipping out of the headlines is a harsh reality that the denomination has been deserted in droves by an angry or ambivalent membership. Six prominent bishops are ready to take their large dioceses out of the American church and align with conservative Anglican groups in Africa and South America.

“An interesting moment came at a press conference on Saturday,” reports convention attendee David Virtue, “when I asked Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, if she saw the irony in that the House of Deputies would like to see the Church Center at 815 2nd Avenue in New York sold (it has a $37.5 million mortgage debt and needs $8.5 million to maintain yearly) while at the same time the national church spent $18 million litigating for properties, many of which will lie fallow at the end of the day.”

This is no longer George Washington’s Episcopal Church – in 1776 the largest denomination in the rebellious British colonies. Membership has dropped so dramatically that today there are 20 times more Baptists than Episcopalians.

U.S. Catholics out-number the Episcopal Church 33-to-1. There are more Jews than Episcopalians. Twice as many Mormons as Episcopalians. Even the little African Methodist Episcopal denomination -- founded in in 1787 -- has passed the Episcopalians.

Among the old mainstream denominations reporting to the National Council of Churches, the Episcopal Church suffered the worst loss of membership from 1992-2002 — plunging from 3.4 million members to 2.3 million for a 32 percent loss. In the NCC’s 2012 yearbook, the Episcopal Church admitted another 2.71 percent annual membership loss.


Convention attendees were told that they had spent $18 million this year suing their own local congregations — those which have protested the denomination’s policies by trying to secede. The New York hierarchy has consistently won in court – asserting that the local members signed over their buildings decades ago. As a result, some of the largest Episcopal congregations in the United States have been forced to vacate their buildings and meet elsewhere.


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36   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 8:46pm  

This whole UMC thing is surprisingly like the 2016 Election and Brexit.

The flaccid Centrists (who were really with the Radicals, compare the Neoliberal-SJW alliance) were all talking about being all reasonable, rational, moderate, and respecting the result of a referendum.

When they lost that "One Church" referendum, they had a 24 karat Chimp the Fuck Out and starting talking about "Resistance" and "Tyranny". When Progressives ram things down throats, that's the inevitable March of Progress (tm). When they lose, it's Hitler, Injustice, and the great crime of trying to say Leviticus 19:22 doesn't say what it clearly and unambiguously says. The fake Centrists are de facto for the Radicals, but provide Reasonable/Loving "Cover".

It was Sexuality Colonialism of Africa.

God is really with the True Believers. The fruits of 19th Century Wesleyan Missionaries returned to save the Church from total PoMo Marxist Destruction, like Rohan saving Gondor in recognition of their land grant.

The Methodists were very clear about following Scripture, and not falling for Fads of the times. The Radicals and the Centrists have nothing but PoMo arguments about Love and open contempt for the plain words of Scripture.

And it's more evidence of the Great Demographic Shift. Reading some of these articles:

Furthermore, their actions seem to confirm the fears of our founding father, John Wesley. About five years before his demise, John Wesley had expressed his fears about the future of our church in regards to its continued commitment and submission to the Scripture and discipline that govern us. He said, “I am not afraid that the people called Methodist should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America [in Africa and the rest of the world]. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both to the doctrine, spirit and discipline with which they first set out”. When we abandon the clear teaching of Scripture in favor of some philosophies and ideologies of contemporary society, we cease to exist within God’s parameter of grace.
37   Patrick   2019 May 31, 12:08am  

tovarichpeter says
The Roman Catholic Church is collapsing also and it is not generally considered “liberal”.

Actually, I'd say that the Roman Catholic Church these days is extremely liberal by comparison with that of my childhood. It's only barely hanging on to its dogma and won't really punish any member for divorce or abortion anymore.

I think one reason for its decline is in fact that it is too liberal.

HonkpilledMaster says
To whom are the RC Church losing followers? Some are just leaving and not attending any Church, but when others leave they mostly flock to conservative Churches.

Yes, exactly.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 31, 12:24am  

Patrick says
I think one reason for its decline is in fact that it is too liberal.

The same problem the Mainline Denominations have had - the clergy are far, far more into Post Modernism than the Laity.

Honestly, many Theology Departments - not just public or liberal arts school ones but including mainline denominational sponsored ones - are more Left wing and Post Modern in dogma than the Social Sciences departments at many places.

Remember the Professor who was fired from a Catholic University for calmly explaining the Church's policy on abortion (or was it LGBT?) in neutral tones?

Also, I've been pushing Dalrock on you. Here is a great piece by him called We are Trapped on Slut Island and Tradcons are the Gilligans - why Slut Shaming is more important, even if it means a double standard, than going after "Rakes".


In this context, Tradcons are the older conservatives who are operating in a milleu they don't understand, along with the Cuckservatives, who wish to avoid hypocrisy at all costs, no matter what the societal harm.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 1, 2:19pm  

So beautiful... resignations galore from Progressive Leaders in the UMC. They are surrendering as it is clear that Western Leftist Antinomians can no longer grab the wheel of the ship of this Church and steer it towards Anti-Natal, Hard Left balderdash that directly contravenes multiple scriptures.

This is the 3rd biggest denomination in the USA.


More on the status of the Victory - how the Left loves Democracy and Free Speech until it doesn't do what they want:
40   Patrick   2023 Feb 17, 7:36pm  


Calvin Robinson
To the liberal-progressive bishops: Do not lead us astray.

You do not have the authority to bless sin.

The Church is imploding. Do not accelerate its decline with heresy.

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!
41   GNL   2023 Feb 17, 11:08pm  

Patrick says

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!

What is sacramental sodomy?
42   Patrick   2023 Feb 17, 11:15pm  

I'm not sure I want to know.
43   richwicks   2023 Feb 17, 11:39pm  

Everything is self healing in time.

Bad institutions will be replaced with good ones, in time. Churches, intelligence agencies, governments, they have become bad. Well, to be honest, they've LONG been bad, but until people recognize this, the problem can't be fixed.

I'm happy to see people realizing what these institutions really are. That's all that is happening, society is waking up.

People have to see a problem before they can fix a problem. You can't fix what you can't see.
44   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 18, 5:14am  

Most people live their entire lives acting on “truths” that are in fact lies. People cannot see a problem they refuse to acknowledge even exists.
45   richwicks   2023 Feb 18, 1:47pm  

PeopleUnited says

People cannot see a problem they refuse to acknowledge even exists.

I believe this is what it means when it's said "an unexamined life isn't worth living". I believe that is true.

I have no idea if all of what I believe is true, but I am absolutely certain I know more truth than most people do.
47   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 18, 10:42pm  

Patrick says


Calvin Robinson
To the liberal-progressive bishops: Do not lead us astray.

You do not have the authority to bless sin.

The Church is imploding. Do not accelerate its decline with heresy.

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!

Later in the tweets, he mentions a gay Anglican Priest living in open sin with his partner.

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Is this not what you see?
48   WookieMan   2023 Feb 19, 7:50am  

Patrick says

Religion is about $$$$. Lots of it. They get/have prime real estate for their churches. Tax free mind you. They will and do sell them. It's a fake culture. I generally don't mind the moral aspect of teaching followers to be good people. Problem is the leaders/pastors/popes, etc. don't lead by example. They fuck kids. Jews take your money for themselves. Muslims just kill you. There is no ethics in religion. It's fucking money laundering to the highest degree.

Everyone has assumptions. Until you see the inner workings of a church, it's a tax free business enterprise. They'll send "prayers" your way when a family member dies and hold a funeral at their church while soliciting you for fucking money and charging you for services. They give zero shits and I think most smart people know this. The church gets their cut. It's a job, it's not about being ethical. People don't go to work and make nothing.
49   stereotomy   2023 Feb 19, 8:44am  

GNL says

Patrick says

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!

What is sacramental sodomy?

Marriage is considered a sacrament; it therefore follows that gay marriage is sacramental sodomy. I.e., marriage is conferring sacredness on the act of sodomy.
50   Patrick   2023 Mar 12, 1:53pm  


An Alabama megachurch just left the United Methodist Church over LGBT politics, the latest in a mass exodus of churches from the UMC
51   Karloff   2023 Mar 12, 2:05pm  

I remember a year or two ago a Lutheran church near me that put a slogan on their board that said something to the effect that "Heaven is not a gated community", implying some sort of open-borders, pro-immigration message.

My first thought was of the Pearly Gates and how stupid this statement was.
52   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 2:32pm  

Karloff says

My first thought was of the Pearly Gates and how stupid this statement was.

Matthew 7:13–14
53   AD   2023 Mar 12, 2:36pm  


thats because they believe in woke more than god

so they are a cult or religion of woke that has no interest in maintaining the roots or foundation of the church

naturally it would decay and collapse because the new culture of the church is rotten

54   Patrick   2023 Apr 29, 9:50pm  


Hundreds of congregations exit United Methodist Church at regional conferences

... Many other UMC congregations left the denomination over the past year "largely due to issues with the denomination's ongoing debate over its official stance on LGBT issues," Christian Post reports:

With these latest disaffiliations, 2,095 U.S. congregations have withdrawn from the UMC since 2019, representing roughly 7% of United Methodist churches in the U.S., according to the denomination's news outlet.
55   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 29, 10:31pm  

I wish conservatives were tougher, and realized they're dealing with demons not reasonable people.

In any case, more churches left the UMC for the conservative conference than there are total churches in the PCA.

Here's how the demonic liberals exercise power to punish the Faithful:
56   Patrick   2023 May 11, 7:45pm  


SBC loses 457,000 members, 416 congregations in 2022, the largest decline in a century

The denomination, which has traditionally been conservative, has been embroiled with scandal as woke elements in leadership try to steer the SBC into the same theological heresy that has made much of the mainline Protestant church completely irrelevant...
57   AD   2023 May 12, 8:32am  

Patrick says

SBC loses 457,000 members, 416 congregations in 2022, the largest decline in a century

The denomination, which has traditionally been conservative, has been embroiled with scandal as woke elements in leadership try to steer the SBC into the same theological heresy that has made much of the mainline Protestant church completely irrelevant...

The Left and Woke love to emulate the Chicoms such as playing the long game. Everything they do is planned out at least 20 years in advance.

What you are seeing at Southern Baptist Conference (SBC) leadership are Woke agent provocateurs who have been slowly planning to take down the church since George Bush Jr's presidency.

58   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 1:17am  

Patrick says

SBC loses 457,000 members, 416 congregations in 2022, the largest decline in a century

Much of this is those Churches becoming independent or joining other affiliations.

Beth Moore's stench is sending churches out of the SBC, but not Christians out of the Church.

I don't have the stats in front, but Mainlines and Liberal Churches are taking a beating, but very conservative ones are booming.
59   Patrick   2024 May 30, 8:14pm  


You know, sometimes I scroll right past things that are too bizarre because I think, "There's no way this isn't a parody."
60   AD   2024 May 30, 11:08pm  

Liberal churches collapsing because the premise of them was that the members follow what Jesus said as far as love God with all your might and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

If they can't operate somewhat at least by that premise then they fracture and disintegrate.

If you got uppity and smug left wing authoritarian liberals as the "church members" then it is really not a church, but more a political club.

And a lot of them are really atheists or agnostics, and I was thinking of the Unitarian Church when this came to mind.

Those who at least somewhat believe in that premise will find another church.
61   Patrick   2024 Jun 4, 1:48pm  


American "progressive Christians" are pushing their Western sexual values on African churches (you know, colonization) and have alienated an entire continent of Christians.

1.2 million in a single day, gone. 10% of the church, gone. Just like that.

Methodism in Africa, which outnumbers Methodists in the US for the time being, is thriving. But now it will have to thrive away from the United Methodist Church and take the form of either independent Methodism or join the conservative Global Methodist denomination.

In their efforts to be inclusive, the UMC has driven away now more than 20% of its members in the last few years.


The Declaration

Decision of the Ivory Coast Annual Conference

Whereas the United Methodist Church from the postponed 2020 General
Conference held from April 23 to May 3, 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina, in
the United States, is not based on any biblical and disciplinary values,
Considering that the new United Methodist Church is now based on sociocultural
and contextual values which have consumed its doctrinal and
disciplinary integrity,
Considering that the new United Methodist Church has preferred to sacrifice
its honorability and integrity to honor the LGBT,
Considering that the new United Methodist Church which distances itself from
the Holy Scriptures is no longer suitable for the Annual Conference of Côte
The Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church-Côte d'Ivoire Ivory,
gathered in its extraordinary session on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at the Jubilee
temple of Cocody, for reasons of conscience, before God and before his word,
supreme authority in matters of faith and life,
Decides to leave the United Methodist Church denomination .

Done in Abidjan, May 28, 2024

For the Bishop Benjamin Boni Conference

Source: https://www.fratmat.info/article/239957/societe/eglise-methodisteunie-la-conference-annuelle-de-cote-divoire-dit-non-a-lhomosexualite
62   stereotomy   2024 Jun 4, 3:39pm  

As for businesses, so also for church denominations - go woke, go broke. "There's too much faggotry," says Francis because he knows the coffers will empty.

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