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166   BayArea   2018 Oct 17, 2:34am  

indc says
Rin says
doik says
Reality says
Warren committed fraud when checking that box and claimed her mother was discriminated against for being Native American.

This is a completely unfounded attack. You are grasping at straws. The fact that you would even try such an argument shows how out-of-touch with reality you are. You don't even realize how unpersuasive this argument is to anyone who isn't part of your extremist ideology.

Actually doik, it's you doesn't know reality. Sure, Liz's mom probably exaggerated stuff in terms of family lore, I mean c'mon, didn't everyone have someone in their family who embellished WWI or WWII stories for the sonic effects? Or perhaps, if you're from an even older world family, some massacre in Eastern E...

This is spot on
167   WookieMan   2018 Oct 17, 4:20am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
What really should happen is no ethnicity questions should ever be asked by an employer, the government,

THIS. Don't care so much about the census though. I check the box for Native American and what's going to happen? Is an employer going to have me take a test to determine if I'm actually Native American? They do that, they'll get sued immediately.

And frankly, who gives a flying fuck if you're "Native American" in 2018.... 2018.... 2018 for christ's sake. Learn from your history, but move the fuck on. Stop feeling bad about what people did generations ago and then making those people feel important that had harm done to them. Life can suck. Deal with it.
168   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 17, 4:25am  

Vote out the D's and we may have a chance for a color-blind society.
169   lostand confused   2018 Oct 17, 5:08am  

Liawatha Pocahantas-the great white fool! I mean she would probably be one of the chicks on mauray claimimng xyz is the baby daddy and when maury proves her wrong by the DNA test saying 99.99% accuracy he is not the father-she would be arguing DNA is wrong or run off crying like she is shocked!!

170   marcus   2018 Oct 17, 6:09am  

doik says
You guys are acting like you're in a cult. Has politics become a cult? This is not good for our country.

It didn't used to be this bad.

This forum should now be called RightWingCircleJerk.net. Or perhaps TrumpCuckCircleJerk.net.

Half the threads and comments are right wingers stroking themselves, and eachother.
171   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 17, 6:15am  

This is immature Marcus. Take your adhoms somewhere else.

Perhaps if you tried to offer facts for your multiple trump is a liar assertions, youd maybe have an actual discussion and wouldnt feel your time spent here is "this bad".
172   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 7:01am  

marcus says
It didn't used to be this bad.

This forum should now be called RightWingCircleJerk.net. Or perhaps TrumpCuckCircleJerk.net.

Half the threads and comments are right wingers stroking themselves, and eachother.

Actually, it was worse, but mostly left sided with Iwog and Dan spamming the forum non-stop.

However, several of the previous Democrats (myself included), have been red pilled, and the forum has gone to the right.

The Iwog's and Dan's were butthurt immediately after the election and vanished.
173   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 7:15am  

It gets worse for Warren:

Pocahontas Descendant Calls on Warren to Apologize

"A descendant of Pocahontas, the 17th-century Powhatan princess, said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) needs to apologize for claiming to be Native America for political gain.

Appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Debbie White Dove Porreco said she was glad the Massachusetts Democrat finally took the DNA test, which she urged her to do back in May.

"It did prove that she wasn't the Cherokee Indian that she was claiming to be for so long," Porreco said on the program Tuesday. "I think she's guilty of claiming she's an American Indian but has no proof -- and then [is] using it for applications for college and for political reasons."

"She needs to... apologize to everybody for what she has done," Porreco said."

174   HeadSet   2018 Oct 17, 7:18am  

However, several of the previous Democrats (myself included), have been red pilled, and the forum has gone to the right.

Are you sure you politics have changed? You have modified ideas on issues like ecology, rights and freedoms, economics and the like? Or have you watched your fellow Democrats support Antifa tactics, obviously false claims against Kavanah, and defending the undefensible Warren as a Cherokee claims.
175   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 8:00am  

HeadSet says
Or have you watched your fellow Democrats support Antifa tactics, obviously false claims against Kavanah, and defending the undefensible Warren as a Cherokee claims.

This, and the suppression of free speech by the left.
176   Patrick   2018 Oct 17, 8:09am  

dr6B says
Whites - 0.2% Native American ancestry.
Latinos - 18% Native American ancestry (20% of population)
Blacks - 0.8% Native American ancestry


Thanks @dr6B that's a really interesting article.
177   Bd6r   2018 Oct 17, 8:25am  

joshuatrio says
Actually, it was worse, but mostly left sided with Iwog and Dan spamming the forum non-stop.

Dan was on occasions extremely interesting, and also consistent in what he said. I enjoyed reading him.
178   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 8:37am  

dr6B says
Dan was on occasions extremely interesting, and also consistent in what he said. I enjoyed reading him.

Key word was "occasionally."

I started ignoring him when he tried to argue that men could legitimately be women, and women could be men. For some reason, basic biology didn't matter to him.
179   Bd6r   2018 Oct 17, 8:49am  

Patrick says

Thanks @dr6B that's a really interesting article.

Thanks. I am lately reading this type of articles to make sense of my DNA analysis results.My family lore (with ancestors on both fathers' and mothers side supposedly coming from various places in Europe), just as Ms. Warren's, turns out to be completely wrong.
192   doik   2018 Oct 18, 12:46pm  

joshuatrio says
Actually, it was worse, but mostly left sided with Iwog and Dan spamming the forum non-stop.

The Iwog's and Dan's were butthurt immediately after the election and vanished.

Iwog and Dan were very anti-left and attacked SJW and anti-fa all the time. You are remembering very incorrectly.

joshuatrio says
The Iwog's and Dan's were butthurt immediately after the election and vanished.

Both left because of the trolls and the right-wing politics on patrick.net. Dan even advocated Trump over Clinton. And both left well after Trump was elected. You are remembering very incorrectly.

patrick.net has lost a lot of users over the past five years. You don't see any of the moderates here anymore. So Marcus does have a point when he says patrick.net used to be different. There used to be a wide range of opinions and that is no longer the case. Like them or not, both Iwog and Dan always backed up their statements with evidence and tried to make rational arguments, and they were very consistent in their views. Most importantly their views were not consistently left or right. They were completely against identity politics and both were attacked by left-leaning users on patrick.net. Calling them left-leaning doesn't work. Iwog spent months filming and attacking anti-fa and he was one of the producers of the Red Pill documentary which attacked feminists. They were politically incorrect.

Personally, I wish a lot of the old users would come back and patrick.net had a politically diverse set of users that reflected America at large. It was a more interesting site when different sides were represented and did talk to each other. Unfortunately, over time everything degraded to a shit throwing contest and lots of people started leaving. The site is poorer for this.
193   doik   2018 Oct 18, 12:52pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Unfortunately, that has palpable real world consequences, like being bragged about as a minority hire. Nor was Harvard the only time Warren used "Native American" in an application process. It was beneficial to both her and the employer.

I would call this a problem with Harvard, not Warren. Any time I hear a company bragging about minority hires or being woman-old, I hear racism and sexism. Everything should be a meritocracy. The problem is with Affirmative Action, not with anyone checking off checkboxes about ethnic backgrounds.
194   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 18, 1:02pm  

doik says
I would call this a problem with Harvard, not Warren. Any time I hear a company bragging about minority hires or being woman-old, I hear racism and sexism. Everything should be a meritocracy. The problem is with Affirmative Action, not with anyone checking off checkboxes about ethnic backgrounds.

Potential Students/Employees checking off of the "Wrong" boxes is related to the desire of Academia and Corporations to have a "diverse" workforce.
195   doik   2018 Oct 18, 1:04pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
the desire of Academia and Corporations to have a "diverse" workforce

This is the problem. Everything should be a meritocracy.
196   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 18, 1:11pm  

doik says
patrick.net has lost a lot of users over the past five years. You don't see any of the moderates here anymore.

A lot of that is because the country is splitting.

I'm a moderate. I could have voted for Bernie - but thought Trump had the P&V to not only win but to get shit done. My guess has turned out right.

My #1 issues were anti-"Free" Trade Extremist, followed by controlling Unfettered Immigration (esp. unvetted Middle Easterners and Rapefugees), and anti-SJW. I've gotten much of what I wanted.

Hillary and Bernie both would have accommodated the SJWs and extreme mass immigration forces, Bernie might have done something with Trade (but a GOPe-Dem Neoliberal coalition in Congress would have stopped him), but Hillary certainly wouldn't have had.

The contention that Hillary who spent years campaigning for TPP as the Gold Standard and talking it up at her 6 figure speeches wouldn't pull on TPP what Theresa May is pulling of Brexit is simply not likely in my opinion.

The Truth is we have an Old Fashioned Manhattan Liberal as President, somebody who could have run as a Democrat in 1952-1988 and not have been particularly controversial on his stances (abortion being the only outlier).
197   Shaman   2018 Oct 18, 1:31pm  

doik says
Personally, I wish a lot of the old users would come back and patrick.net had a politically diverse set of users that reflected America at large. It was a more interesting site when different sides were represented and did talk to each other. Unfortunately, over time everything degraded to a shit throwing contest

Let me refresh your memory.
Patrick.net was focused first on real estate speculation. I joined back then and found the discussion lively if prone to excessive shit throwing.
Later the real estate bubble burst, rebuilt itself, and real estate was no longer as interesting, so the primary focus turned to politics. Lots of monkey poo hitting the walls around then. Most threads which got any replies were hijacked by a few users like iWog and Dan to verbally abuse each other until they finally got bored of it and the thread ended. It wasn’t that informative. Just a lot of wading through insults and hyperbole.

Then Patrick decided to ban the insults and moderate the site somewhat. Simple rule: don’t insult the other users. This decision was already unpopular with the primary offenders iWog and Dan, and when Patrick made Goran the politics moderator instead of iWog who wanted the job with the heat of a thousand suns, he threw an epic shit fit and left. Same with Dan.

Since then things have settled somewhat, and traffic appears to be lively enough to get some good discussion!

We do need more leftist trolls to humiliate tho. I know you’re saying you’re not a Leftist, but can you play one on tv? LOL!
198   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 18, 2:25pm  

Meme bombing "debate": for people with attention spans just long enough to read a meme. Some of them are funny though.
199   doik   2018 Oct 18, 6:09pm  

Quigley says
iWog and Dan to verbally abuse each other until they finally got bored of it and the

Iwog and Dan insulted some users, but only after those users were far more abusive. Hate breeds hate. When vitriol was not slung at them, they had calm, rational discussions. Just look at the times those two argued with each other. They never insulted each other or others who didn't troll them no matter how much they disagreed. And there were far worse things said by users who are still here.

And its not just those two who left. Dozens of users left at around the same time or a year or two earlier. All these people left because patrick.net got so nasty like every college campus in the country.

I don't think any of the users who left were trolls who just wanted to piss people off. I think they were passionate about what they believed and relentless in defending their positions. They didn't just assert things. They supported their statements with evidence. If anything, some of them wrote long thesis papers with way to many references to support their positions.

Quigley says
Then Patrick decided to ban the insults and moderate the site somewhat. Simple rule: don’t insult the other users. This decision was already unpopular with the primary offenders iWog and Dan, and when Patrick made Goran the politics moderator instead of iWog who wanted the job with the heat of a thousand suns, he threw an epic shit fit and left. Same with Dan.

Yeah, this is not what happened. iwog did throw a fit when he left, but neither he nor Dan left because of the anti-insult rules. They left because Patrick was not enforcing bans on trolls that he had previously kicked out. I can't find any of iwog's posts -- was his account and all his posts deleted? -- but I remember his last words being something like "and now I find that I must join Dan in abandoning this site to the trolls." Anyhow, it's not reasonable to say that iwog was completely full of shit. He had a lot of good investment advice, good housing advice, and interesting ideas. I would love to see him back, but I doubt that will ever happen.

I don't think you have to agree with most of the things people say to like them. I don't think you even have to agree with any of the things people say to like them. As long as they are presenting an honest case with some bearing on reality, the conversation is worth having. What I saw when these two were still here was everybody throwing shit at everybody except their close friends. It was a free-for-all. You can't blame only two users for that. Everyone got poo on their hands.

I think that most people on patrick.net, like most people on college campuses, just hate people who play for the other team regardless of how those people conduct a conversation. I disagree with half the things Milo says, but since he makes a sincere and honest argument and tries to be factually accurate, I always respect him even if I'm on the other side. The same goes for Jordon Peterson, Christopher Hitchens, or any other rational speaker.

Milo is a perfect example. He's a provocateur, but not a troll. A troll attempts to disrupt a conversation and silence others. A provocateur tries to crush his opponent by making that opponent sound ridiculous. Maybe that's also a bad thing, but its not trolling and its not poo flinging. I think that iwog and Dan were provocateurs, not trolls, and they left because they felt that conversations on patrick.net were no longer possible. They simply gave up on the community. I don't see how we're better off losing such people or the other users that left. I also miss Vincent, emmae, and turtle dove. A social network becomes an echo chamber if only people with the same views are tolerated.

By the way, was iwog's entire post history deleted? Did he do that himself? Can a user do that? Did Patrick delete him? If so, why? I thought he and Patrick were friends.
200   Shaman   2018 Oct 18, 6:41pm  

doik says
I also miss Vincent, emmae, and turtle dove

Haven’t seen Vicente around. Ellie Mae hasn’t been about either unfortunately. I think she got attacked by some haters. Turtledove was the saddest departure, as she died IRL. I’d had correspondence with her via email for a couple years before her accident, and she was a truly nice person.
201   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 18, 7:02pm  

doik says
Iwog and Dan insulted some users, but only after those users were far more abusive

Are we talking about the same forum?

Iwog went batshit crazy on people - including myself - starting a few days after the election. I seldom insulted him, and only when he got nasty like he could sometimes.

The "But the Captain!" was just an excuse, it was the Insults they liked.
202   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 18, 7:05pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Meme bombing "debate": for people with attention spans just long enough to read a meme. Some of them are funny though.

The Left can't Meme.
203   lostand confused   2018 Oct 18, 7:37pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Heraclitusstudent says
Meme bombing "debate": for people with attention spans just long enough to read a meme. Some of them are funny though.

The Left can't Meme.

Oh yes they can. But unfortunately the left in real life are walking talking memes!!!
204   CaltRightCrazy   2018 Oct 18, 7:57pm  

205   mell   2018 Oct 18, 8:20pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
doik says
patrick.net has lost a lot of users over the past five years. You don't see any of the moderates here anymore.

A lot of that is because the country is splitting.

I'm a moderate. I could have voted for Bernie - but thought Trump had the P&V to not only win but to get shit done. My guess has turned out right.

My #1 issues were anti-"Free" Trade Extremist, followed by controlling Unfettered Immigration (esp. unvetted Middle Easterners and Rapefugees), and anti-SJW. I've gotten much of what I wanted.

Hillary and Bernie both would have accommodated the SJWs and extreme mass immigration forces, Bernie might have done something with Trade (but a GOPe-Dem Neoliberal coalition in Congress would have stopped him), but Hillary certainly wouldn't have had.

The contention that Hillary who spent years campaigning for TPP as the Gold Standard and talking it up a...

Yep. Well said. Many moderates moved to Trump and caused his victory. Some just cared about a few topics if not one topic. Such as illegal immigration. Or anti straight white or anti male discrimination. Or lower taxes. Or better foreign policy. Trump had the answer and delivered on all. That made the feelz not facts based peole mad and split the nation. Simple.

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