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Islam is cancer. The Saudis are evil but serve as a good barrier against the Iranians.
Really? Want to post all the times saudi's killed someone in their embassy in another country? Oh wait. allegedly killed. Actually he was abducted by aliens using special alien cloaking devices to take him out without cameras recording it. ROFLOL.
You never said how many community organizers Talal sent to harvard law for islamic studies other than obama.. ROFLOLx2
You forgot Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly. on your shill list. RFLOLx3
Pretty impressive that Trump sent the sec of state to KSA to help them get their stories straight or at least come up with a story that the Trump could claim was plausible to try to preserve the fiction of the new and improved KSA. The entire world will be laughing their asses off of course, but at least it will be a cover story. .
bob2356 saysReally? Want to post all the times saudi's killed someone in their embassy in another country?
How about the 3,000 they killed in downtown New York Bob? Besides, I'd argue the Saudis killed this guy more carefully than Putin spreading radioactive poison all over Europe or even the US droning suspects from 20,000 feet.
You've been rightfully critical about the Saudi Wahabbi Islamist for years on this site. Why are you bent that Saudi Arabia took out a Wahabbi?
Saudi Arabia never assassinated anybody until now? ROTFL
bob2356 saysYou never said how many community organizers Talal sent to harvard law for islamic studies other than obama.. ROFLOLx2
TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Saudi Arabia never assassinated anybody until now? ROTFL
Like who did they assassinate in their embassy over seas? Names are lacking. You don't think the first time any country has done something so bold and stupid is news worthy?
Like who? The names are lacking. You seem to be having trouble with this.
I notice the kinder gentler KSA hasn't stopped funding radical imans or madras schools (aka terrorist recruitment and training centers) all around the world.
Throw Khashoggi down the well.
So it is ok to kill him because you love trump?
Before I answer, can you explain why Iran was rewarded for executing gays and protesters with the Iran Deal?
Because you and tatupu seem to not want to explain this.
Why we need to have MbS - the only Saudi Ruler who has actually passed concrete liberal reforms - removed over a potential assassination, but we need to keep the Iran Deal with the Murderous Mullahs who imprison, torture, and execute countless people every year?
‘We Misled You’: How the Saudis Are Coming Clean on Funding Terrorism"
Police in Turkey investigating the alleged killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi have expanded their search.
Unnamed Turkish officials say his body may have been disposed of in the nearby Belgrad forest or on farmland.
Mr Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October, where Turkish officials allege he was murdered.
Saudi Arabia denies any knowledge of what happened to him.
Samples taken from the Saudi consulate and the consul's residence during searches this week are being tested for a match with Mr Khashoggi's DNA.
The latest reported searches - Belgrad forest and an area in the city of Yalova - took place after suspicion was raised over the movements taken by Saudi diplomatic vehicles at the time of Mr Khashoggi's disappearance, officials said.
The major French daily Le Figaro on Thursday published a bombshell story which reports the Saudi royal family is actively considering a replacement to crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) as next in line to succeed his father King Salman as the kingdom finds itself under the greatest international pressure and scrutiny it's faced in its modern history over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — widely believed to have been killed on orders of MbS himself.
The Li Figaro report's unnamed diplomatic source says the Allegiance Council, which is historically the body responsible for approving the order of succession to the throne, is currently meeting in secret (translation from the French):
For several days, the Allegiance Council for the ruling Saudi family is meeting in the utmost discretion, says a diplomatic source to Le Figaro in Paris. The information has been confirmed by a Saudi Arabian contacted in Riyadh. Composed of a delegate representing each of the clans — at least seven — of the royal family, this body, responsible for inheritance problems, examines the situation created by the disappearance, still unresolved, more than a fortnight ago, of the journalist dissident Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
The major French daily Le Figaro on Thursday published a bombshell story which reports the Saudi royal family is actively considering a replacement to crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) as next in line to succeed his father King Salman
ROFLOL. Now that's really funny shit. Rewarded for killing gays and protesters? Like decapitation and subsequent public crucifixion of Ahmed bin ‘Adhaib bin ‘Askar al-Shamlani al-‘Anzi, for homosexuality? Oh shit that was in Riyadh, never mind. What a fucking joke. KSA gets rewarded every day by the USofA for executing gays and protesters using your "logic" .
I still waiting for the list of names. But I'm sure you will get it to me before the sun goes supernova. Maybe.
When I get an answer, I'll provide links to scholar funding provided by bin Talal. They're sitting in my Bookmarks.
Actually, it would not be surprising if one of MSBs buddies held out the phone for Trump to run over his speakerphone for Ivanka and the kids to listen to the libby hack being sawed to death.
Sure right, I'm sure someone somewhere actually believes that. Would that be Including the receipts from where he paid for Obama's tuition for islamic studies at Harvard law? Too goddam funny.
I didn't get a list of all the saudi executions in their embassies prior to this one either. The ones the press ignored because those executions in their embassies wouldn't derail saudi liberalization. ROFLOL. You really can't make this shit up.
Again this is whataboutism at its worst.
Patriots! Trump should give these guys medals of FREE!dom for butchering a libby propagandist.
Saudis are dead men walking. The petrol economy will eventually fade and they’ll end up eating each other. Islam is only stable under authoritarian regimes. Hard to be authoritarian when you’re broke.
Does not take long for people with no brains, education, skills, common sense, or Islamic values to eventually go broke.
Can you name even one Islamic country that produces something that takes hard work or brains?
Can you name even one Islamic country that produces something that takes hard work or brains?
Iran and Afghanistan were beautiful countries before hardline Islamist took over.
Nope, not whataboutism
Bob, why are you and tatupu running away from answering my questions?
I'm not answering any more of your loaded questions until you start answering mine.
Goran_K saysIran and Afghanistan were beautiful countries before hardline Islamist took over.
We arent exactly innocent in that process.
Why has our deep state been pushing for Islamism for 40+ years?
Bottom line, for me at least, Islam is cancer and the left/Democrats think they can tame it and use Islam as an ally. They are dead fucking wrong. Islam is using the left to get what they want, but once they do, they will throw democrats off buildings just as easily in Michigan as they did in Syria.
Trump is the one who is trying to make Saudi an ally now
Trump is busy covering up a murder for Saudi Arabia.
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