Agree Curious2. It’s a self-inflicted injury. In their desperation to secure the liberal female vote, Democrats went way too far and lost the liberal MALE vote! Uh yah, you just lost a crap load of people who happen to have a pair of testicles and don’t fancy a prison sentence simply for pissing off the wrong “survivor.”
Furthermore the term survivor has been pissed on by the leftoids and Dems, used to be reserved for people who survived some serious tail-gunning in Vietnam, or the Stalinorgel (Stalin's organ / Katyusha) or Auschwitz in WW2, an IED or other horrendous war atrocities, or those who survived deadly diseases and scourges, or those who fought off a great white, grizzly, lion or tiger. Or real rape victims. But now every narcissist womyn with a slight screw loose can call herself a survivor the moment a guy came on too strong on her, a push or shove before she kicked him in the nuts is already considered assault and survivor worthy and she can demand an unlimited lifetime of attention, kangaroo trials and destruction of toxic masculinity. Really shits on real survivors. Oh well, what else is new. I went to a party and "they" spiked the punch!
Interesting Ronan Farrow did not want to deal with this.