If Jim Carrey really believed in Socialism, he could do a "Billy Graham." That is, only take for himself a salary of $100k or so, and donate the rest of his income stream to society. At his level of wealth, he could build a school or two, provide scholarships, help pay down government debt, and so on. Like the rest of the very rich who preach "socialism" or "too low taxes" but never stroke the check, this is just another inoculation to ward off attacks from the envy brigade.
Of course, Hollywood is full of these minstrels; attention seeking kooks who prance around and act like fools for our amusement which pays very well.
I would like to start a UFC type fighting league with just shitheads like Carrey and Will Ferrell. Later we can have a lesbo league with Rosie O'Donnel v. Ellen DeGeneris. (not really fair since Rosie far outweighs Ellen) I'd love to see the liberal assholes beat the shit out of each other and live vicariously.
Old comment. I have laughed watching his movies at times. Dumb and Dumber is above average comedy but it took Jeff Daniels to get there in a role he was not accustomed to which says a lot. Anything he tried serious acting in was god awful. Basically he had a few comedic hits and that was it.
Mind you he did well, but his schtick and acting behavior just wasn't good. Also the Mask is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life.
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