The video link at Reason doesn't work anymore, but this YouTube link does. Reason updated reporting that NYU said she does not appear to be an NYU professor. Someone said anonymously she teaches at a different institution, but I can't corroborate so I won't repeat its name. People on Reddit are calling her TrigglyProf.
She doesn't resemble Melissa Click, IMO. I would have no trouble telling them apart.
There's always deranged INDIVIDUALS. But the right wingers haven't been forming mobs to surround individual lefties. When a large contingent of a college campus starts assaulting someone, is a completely different ballgame. It's less about the mental illness of an individual and more about the oppression of group think. While many of the right winger rallies have been filled with group think and questionable beliefs, they don't try to sucker punch the lefties that get in their face.
Leftists also keep Allen Mohammed off lists too. Thought his notes were full of Quran quotes and he converted to Islam. His targets were everyday suburban American and all white I think.
And yes curious2; she doesn't look like click. Maybe a Cuny prof or another contact prof without real employment
Or the list of 73 deaths caused by right wing terrorists in the U.S. since 2001.
And now this asshole with the pipeboms from southern FLorida. . IT wasn't TPB was it ??
Tell me again how that guy that shoved someone at a protest proves that only the left is violent.