So, are we going to give the lies about violence on the left a rest for a couple days ?

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2018 Oct 26, 7:28pm   11,235 views  48 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

There was Timothy McVeigh. There was those entitled right winger nutjob ranchers that did an armed takeover of a wildlife preserve a couple years ago.

Or the list of 73 deaths caused by right wing terrorists in the U.S. since 2001.

And now this asshole with the pipeboms from southern FLorida. . IT wasn't TPB was it ??

Tell me again how that guy that shoved someone at a protest proves that only the left is violent.

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41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 1, 12:58pm  

That should be a Pink Haired Professor giving her 10,000th lecture, endorsed by the College, about Toxic Masculinity and the dangers of Whiteness

First order thinkers: "We will shame the Whites and they will vote Socialist and redistribute their wealth to POCs and all will be well. Those who resist will be quietly and calmly incarcerated for their Hate Speech."


This one was screaming at the NYPD because they didn't arrest Gavin and his Attendees just for "Being Nazis". In fact, they escorted them out of the building to protect them from a Leftist mob trying to attack them.
"You are fucking assholes!" the professor shouted at the New York Police Department (NYPD). "You're protecting the Nazis!"

The NYPD had arrived on the scene to prevent violence and escort McInnes out of the building safely. But the professor seemed to think the cops' job was to shut down a speaker she didn't like—by engaging in explicit violence against him.

"You should kick their ass!" the professor declared, referring to McInnes and his entourage. "You should!"

Note that the professor—a dead ringer for Melissa Click, by the way—considered violence to be beneath her and her owns students.

"These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity!" she said. "They're trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you're letting these fucking neo-nazis near here! It's not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don't have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!"


This Queen SJW didn't want her Soyboys to do the work, but the NYPD to do their violence for them.

43   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Nov 1, 1:19pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
First order thinkers: "We will shame the Whites and they will vote Socialist and redistribute their wealth to POCs and all will be well. Those who resist will be quietly and calmly incarcerated for their Hate Speech."

Yeah... #TheseToo.
44   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 1, 1:37pm  

After admitting Islamic terrorists had killed a whole lot more people than “white men,” the basement-rated Lemon went on to claim that “right-wing” extremists are responsible for 74 percent of “deadly attacks” were carried out by right-wing extremists.

Lemon did not explain how “right-wing extremist” automatically translates into his generalization of “white men” as a whole. As an example, the mail bomber caught last month will likely be listed as a “right-wing extremist,” but is a Filipino who identifies as a Seminole Indian.

Lemon also cherry-picked a statistic that best fit his partisan narrative, which is a sub-sub-sub statistic based on deadly attacks only between the years 2007-2016.

What Lemon did not want his viewers to know, however, is that in less than three years, there have been over 630 recorded acts of violence, threats, vandalism, and bullying by leftists against Trump and his supporters.

What’s more, Lemon and his far-left network regularly encourage, justify, and dismiss this violence against Trump and his supporters.

Just last month, Lemon said leftists have a “constitutional right” to harass Republicans until they are chased out of a public space, such as a restaurant.

In September, Lemon defended the public harassment of Ted Cruz and his wife.

And on Monday, Lemon said “we have to start doing something about” white men, adding “there is no travel ban on them … there is no white guy ban, so what are we going to do about that?”

In August, Chris Cuomo told his viewers that the terrorism committed by the left-wing Antifa against the GOP is “right.”

In July, CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill, who is also a supporter of anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, defended violence against anyone wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

In June, CNN’s April Ryan told a Republican women she deserved death threats.

Also in June, a CNN contributor attacked those calling for civility.

That same day, CNN’s Jake Tapper dismissed the harassment of White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders as political stunt manufactured by Sanders as a stunt.

In May, CNN’s Chris Cilliza released a video of President Trump in crosshairs.

This is just an accounting of the last six months.

The far-left CNN is widely seen as one of the most partisan, divisive, extremist, and irresponsible news outlets in the country.

Links at the link.
45   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 1, 1:54pm  

If it wasn't for Timothy McVeigh 25 years ago, there wouldn't be a single "Right Wing" attack in the deadliest top Ten.

Best gift the Left ever got.
46   curious2   2018 Nov 1, 3:51pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

The video link at Reason doesn't work anymore, but this YouTube link does. Reason updated reporting that NYU said she does not appear to be an NYU professor. Someone said anonymously she teaches at a different institution, but I can't corroborate so I won't repeat its name. People on Reddit are calling her TrigglyProf.

She doesn't resemble Melissa Click, IMO. I would have no trouble telling them apart.

47   theoakman   2018 Nov 1, 5:00pm  

There's always deranged INDIVIDUALS. But the right wingers haven't been forming mobs to surround individual lefties. When a large contingent of a college campus starts assaulting someone, is a completely different ballgame. It's less about the mental illness of an individual and more about the oppression of group think. While many of the right winger rallies have been filled with group think and questionable beliefs, they don't try to sucker punch the lefties that get in their face.
48   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 1, 5:34pm  

Exactly oakman.

Leftists also keep Allen Mohammed off lists too. Thought his notes were full of Quran quotes and he converted to Islam. His targets were everyday suburban American and all white I think.

And yes curious2; she doesn't look like click. Maybe a Cuny prof or another contact prof without real employment

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