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2018 Dec 2, 2:56am   16,477 views  127 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Looks like a bit of a mess right now.

Also looks like the Diverse "New French" Inhabitants of Paris are having a "Blast.

I hear Macron is envious of Trump, with just a 25% approval rating

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1   clambo   2018 Dec 2, 5:28am  

Isn't Europe in general idiotic and France in particular stupid?

I have been to Paris several times; 1973, 1974 and then in 2006.

In 2006 I felt like I was in a science fiction movie; they had taken out all of the French and replaced with with Africans both black and tan depending on origin.

It was strange since they didn't change the buildings nor the streets, just the inhabitants.

France having a 1. growing population of non-French 2. low job opportunities 3. central powerful government 4. inept leaders is going to experience big problems.

It's sad to see a country fuck itself over so badly.
2   Booger   2018 Dec 2, 7:17am  

I'm so glad I am not even a little bit French.
3   Strategist   2018 Dec 2, 7:34am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

Congratulations Muslims. You came, you saw, you conquered. France is now yours. Who's next?
4   Strategist   2018 Dec 2, 7:43am  

Macron stated "I will never accept violence"
Foolish Macron, If you accept Muslims, you must accept violence.
5   NDrLoR   2018 Dec 2, 8:30am  

clambo says
It's sad to see a country fuck itself over so badly.
Wee wee manure!
6   Patrick   2018 Dec 2, 9:50am  

And... looks like old Le Pen was right.

I can imagine that soon we will see not only Brexit, but Frexit.
8   Strategist   2018 Dec 2, 3:25pm  

Booger says

This time we ain't gonna rescue them. We don't rescue Islamic countries.
10   RC2006   2018 Dec 2, 3:53pm  

When savages take over.
11   HeadSet   2018 Dec 2, 5:37pm  

This time we ain't gonna rescue them. We don't rescue Islamic countries.

Unfortunately, we saved Kuwait and likely Saudi Arabia from Saddam. Also, in overthrowing Saddam, we took out a trending secular leader who, although quite viscous, allowed Christians and women in positions of authority. We are also helping rebels against Assad, who is one of the more secular Arab leaders. If overthrown, Assad would likely be replaced with a mystic nutcase. History shows us that to go from a Muslim Theocracy to a modern secular republic, one need a bastard to facilitate the change. Ataturk did that role for the Ottoman Empire, Saddam was modernizing Iraq, and Assad was on his way with Syria, Our choice today is not between Assad or Jeffersonian Democracy. Instead we can choose a tyrant who will lead eventually to a republic, or the alternative of a Muslim Theocracy.
12   Strategist   2018 Dec 2, 7:58pm  

HeadSet says
Unfortunately, we saved Kuwait and likely Saudi Arabia from Saddam. Also, in overthrowing Saddam, we took out a trending secular leader who, although quite viscous, allowed Christians and women in positions of authority. We are also helping rebels against Assad, who is one of the more secular Arab leaders. If overthrown, Assad would likely be replaced with a mystic nutcase. History shows us that to go from a Muslim Theocracy to a modern secular republic, one need a bastard to facilitate the change. Ataturk did that role for the Ottoman Empire, Saddam was modernizing Iraq, and Assad was on his way with Syria, Our choice today is not between Assad or Jeffersonian Democracy. Instead we can choose a tyrant who will lead eventually to a republic, or the alternative of a Muslim Theocracy.

I absolutely agree.(besides the Kuwait and Saudi part) Shoving democracy down the throats of Islamic countries only results in Islamic radicals being voted in, who in turn kill democracy and replace it with Islamic Sharia laws. The result is another terrorist country for the world to deal with. It happened when we stopped supporting the brutal Shah of Iran who got replaced by an even more brutal Khomeini, who took a thriving society with so much potential into a failed stone age society with no potential. The same goes with Palestine, where Bush Jr wanted democratic elections in 2007, thinking they would want democracy, but instead they voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization that immediately ended democracy by introducing sharia laws. Same goes for Obama, who supported the overthrow of brutal Mubarak, only to see the terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood come to power.
I see Trump as the only President who seems to have got it right. Support the **Western friendly devils, and get them to go after the greater of the devils, because there is no way we can control 1.3 billion Muslims with our laws and values.
13   BayArea   2018 Dec 2, 8:13pm  

Are you guys suggesting that if France had a zero tolerance immigration policy against Muslims, the riots against fuel costs and taxation would not be taking place?
14   Strategist   2018 Dec 2, 8:29pm  

BayArea says
Are you guys suggesting that if France had a zero tolerance immigration policy against Muslims, the riots against fuel costs and taxation would not be taking place?

The rioting would probably be tempered.
I do know if France had a zero tolerance immigration policy against Muslims they wouldn't have terrorism like they do now.
15   curious2   2018 Dec 2, 11:35pm  

BayArea says
Are you guys suggesting that if France had a zero tolerance immigration policy against Muslims, the riots against fuel costs and taxation would not be taking place?

There are peaceful protests all around France, and riots in Paris. If you look at the rioters, they tend to come from banlieues, i.e. "suburbs" with subsidized HLM housing blocks and a huge Muslim population that hates France and especially French police. The rioters torching parts of Paris are not from Paris. The vandals who sprayed graffiti on the Arc de Triomphe are almost certainly not from Paris.

I love France, but they are paying to give their country to Muslim barbarians who will replace French laws with the hateful fraud of Islam. In one generation, France will be more than 20% Muslim. They will go the way of Lebanon and then Pakistan. Pakistan is a terrorist state that executes blasphemers (including atheists), as per Islam. That is what happens when Muslims get control of a democracy: they vote for Sharia, and crush everything that is un-Islamic.

If Muslims take over France, they will ban Voltaire and Sartre, and eventually even Champagne and all other alcohol. On present trend, that will happen within a century, i.e. sooner than they need ever worry about "global warming".
16   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 3, 12:21am  

Curious2, thanks for the accurate and succinct commentary.

"We French left Algeria, but decided to take lumpenprole unskilled Algerian Muslims into France because poststructuralist postmodernist Marxist crap."

I'm wondering if you have an opinion of Afghanistan, which seems like one of the least places we should be wasting time and energy on, when we could be assassinating or running black propaganda on the Muslim Brotherhood, the font of Islamism.
17   curious2   2018 Dec 3, 1:39am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
French left Algeria, but decided to take lumpenprole unskilled Algerian Muslims into France because....

The fault for importing Muslims begins partly with Charles de Gaulle, who invested some of his prestige in enacting the Constitution of the 5th Republic, which gave Algeria 70 seats in the French National Assembly, and reserved 2/3 of those for Muslims. Although he did not believe Algeria and France could be integrated, because he foresaw that Muslims would invade France and displace French culture, he allowed his followers to use his name in the cause of integration. When eventually the countries parted, he allowed many African Muslims to immigrate into France, and that started the problem. Some say he was persuaded that better relations with Muslims would help France in deals with Muslim oil exporters, but that was a pipe dream: even in France, many or most Muslims tend to hate the French. Once Muslims gain enough power in France, the 6th Republic will be an Islamic "Republic" like Pakistan, i.e. an Islamic state prohibiting blasphemy (including atheism), and persecuting and subjugating Christians as representatives of an inferior religion.

I replied about Afghanistan in your Afghanistan thread.
18   komputodo   2018 Dec 3, 6:43am  

BayArea says
Are you guys suggesting that if France had a zero tolerance immigration policy against Muslims, the riots against fuel costs and taxation would not be taking place?

Yeah I'm sure thats the main reason for the riots just like the media says.......higher gas prices.....and the higher taxation has nothing to do with the fact that the free dollar spigot has been shut off and the taxpayers have to pay for the migrants due to macron's open border policy...MFGA..lol
19   epitaph   2018 Dec 3, 9:53am  

Was in Paris last December and I can confirm that the city isn't totally lost yet, but it's days are probably numbered. I'm glad I visited it Paris 15 years ago to see it beforehand. I'd actually recommend going now because the city is only going to get worse and travel and accommodations are very cheap right now due to security concerns. It's actually probably gonna stay cheap for the foreseeable future but I expect the city to fall into further ruin.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Dec 3, 9:58am  

I heard the protests were over global warming carbon taxes.
21   Strategist   2018 Dec 3, 11:15am  

epitaph says
Was in Paris last December and I can confirm that the city isn't totally lost yet, but it's days are probably numbered.

I was in Paris 2 months ago. Lots of tourists buzzing with activity etc. Only hung around the tourist areas though.
22   RWSGFY   2018 Dec 3, 11:18am  

NuttBoxer says
I heard the protests were over global warming carbon taxes.

This is exactly what it is. Not sure what Muslims have to do with anything. I believe the whole thing started in the rural area where people are highly dependent on diesel fuel for all kind of transportation, both business and personal.
23   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Dec 3, 11:35am  

The issue that triggered the protests is diesel gas tax. Diesel car engines are used a lot in Europe & many European constructors are good at making them. This was encouraged by governments with lower taxes and lower prices in gas stations. (also to avoid taxing trucking too much). Diesel engines generally consume less gas, so they were seen as good for some time. However with the Volkswagen cheating scandal, it was realized that these engines create a lot of soot/particles pollution that is even more toxic than regular gas pollution.
So taxes on diesel in France have soared recently to the point prices for diesel are now in some cases higher than regular gas.
A lot of people who were getting a good deal are getting crushed and aren't happy about it.

And in the background, France is getting the globalist treatment where the lowest 60% of the population is converging fast with semi-slave labors in poor countries, while dealing with high immigration. At the same time, the overdeveloped welfare system is out of hand, and rather than cutting spending (which is equally unpopular) successive governments have balanced things out by taxing like crazy.

No wonder people aren't happy.
24   curious2   2018 Dec 3, 11:56am  

Heraclitusstudent says
No wonder people aren't happy.

I liked your analysis of the economic situation and the effect of the petroleum diesel fuel tax change.

Not sure what Muslims have to do with anything.

They are a major part of the anti-France axis (anarchists, etc.) that makes the difference between the riots in Paris and the peaceful protests in many places across France. Many French motorists are angry about the taxes and the economic situation as described above by Heraclitusstudent, but they are not burning their own country. If you look at the guy in the OP photo, standing on a smashed and burning police car, you can see an example of why only some parts of France are burning.

Here is an update about rioting elsewhere, especially Marseille which has a large Muslim population, and a bystander was killed in her apartment:

"Meanwhile in Marseille, there was looting by protesters as several demonstrations took place throughout Saturday, with the situation descending into violence at the end of the day.

A total of 21 people were arrested, according to the police headquarters for offenses which included the looting of a phone shop and a jewelry store, as well as setting fire to a police vehicle.

At the city's Saint-Charles train station the Fnac store was vandalized and the Christmas decorations ripped off by "rioters who did not have yellow vests," said a spokesperson for French railway operator SNCF to AFP.
Later there were clashes in the Old Port area between protesters and the police who responded with tear gas.

According to the police in Marseille, the various demonstrators were made up of 300 yellow vests, 100 bikers and about 350 protesters called to action by the hard left CGT union to demand a change in government policy. [French police are generally not allowed to say "Muslims" in this context, but probably the largest groups, i.e. 350 "hard left" and 300 "yellow vests" (and probably black balaclavas) included a substantial Muslim component.]

There were also a few thousand people demonstrating against insanitary housing after two apartment blocks collapsed in Marseille on November 5th, highlighting the issue of unsafe housing in the city's impoverished [mostly Muslim] areas.

Notice they are burning Christmas trees:

Having said that, there are also many "right-wing" protesters, and fights among "yellow vest" protesters of presumably different ideologies, and isolated reports of homophobic and racist attacks.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 3, 3:38pm  

curious2 says
The fault for importing Muslims begins partly with Charles de Gaulle, who invested some of his prestige in enacting the Constitution of the 5th Republic, which gave Algeria 70 seats in the French National Assembly, and reserved 2/3 of those for Muslims.

de Gaulle was as very strange man.

Algeria owes France about a trillion in reparations from 1000 years of piracy and slavery, I figure.

I don't know enough about the hand over of Algeria, other than Socialists and Arabs used extreme terrorism like blowing up cafes and such.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 3, 3:46pm  

curious2 says
Here is an update about rioting elsewhere, especially Marseille which has a large Muslim population, and a bystander was killed in her apartment:

Seine-Saint-Denis and the notorious Aubervilliers are hotbeds of the rioting. Aubervilliers had a huge "Beat and Rob the Chinese" campaign because Chinese were believed to carry cash.
28   Strategist   2018 Dec 3, 5:22pm  

curious2 says

The guy to the left looks like a Muslim to me.
30   Rin   2018 Dec 3, 6:43pm  

Quebec City is all the French that I need ...

With its escorts ...

32   Strategist   2018 Dec 3, 8:24pm  

Rin says
With its escorts ...

Rin, I have a stupid question. Does hiring escorts include sex as a given?
33   Rin   2018 Dec 4, 5:58am  

Strategist says
Rin, I have a stupid question. Does hiring escorts include sex as a given?

In Quebec, yes. In the United States of America, I don't know.
34   zzyzzx   2018 Dec 4, 9:58am  

Rin says

How much for the one above?
35   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Dec 4, 10:50am  

Looks like they pulled back the carbon tax.
36   Rin   2018 Dec 4, 12:25pm  

zzyzzx says
How much for the one above?

About $200 CAD per hour
37   Booger   2018 Dec 4, 1:56pm  

Rin says
zzyzzx says
How much for the one above?

About $200 CAD per hour

Around $150 at current exchange rates.
38   krc   2018 Dec 4, 8:52pm  

“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.”

― WC Fields
39   Strategist   2018 Dec 4, 8:54pm  

krc says
“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.”

It's never too late too late to stop wasting money.
40   Strategist   2018 Dec 4, 8:56pm  

Rin says
zzyzzx says
How much for the one above?

About $200 CAD per hour

Hey Zzyzzx, want to go 50/50?

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