Well, we have a whole bunch of threads that evolve into unofficial Ocasio-Cortez Meme Picture threads. So, I am creating one that IS the official one! Right here, kiddies..
Below are cut and paste from two different threads I responded to from two different users. At first I thought it was the same user with two different accounts. It could be a quote both users used from some unreferenced source. Or maybe people with that point of view think exactly the same. Or perhaps they are just sockpuppets randomly stringing parapraphs together. Advanced AI? (no not advanced AI) @MAGA_BOMBER and @jazz_music know why their writing is almost identical. What do you think?
5 Onvacation ignore (4) 2019 Sep 13, 1:25pm ↑ like (1) ↓ dislike (0) quote flag edit delete jazz_music says Most people are scrapping by on the scraps of the upper-class, oppressed into poverty by the parasites of capitalism. Without realizing the structural faults of American society, the working class resigns to worshipping a TV culture of vanity and wealth in hopes of one day becoming rich -as they slowly lose sight of the higher quality pleasures of life, creating this culture lacking substance.
At least they have iPhones and are not starving. *******
Most people are scraping by on the scraps of the upper-class, oppressed into poverty by the parasites of capitalism. Without realizing the structural faults of American society, the working class resigns to worshipping a TV culture of vanity and wealth in hopes of one day becoming rich -as they slowly lose sight of the higher quality pleasures of life, creating this culture lacking substance.
His avatar would be a pretty good T-shirt for trolling both sides. Either an explosion with MAGA BOMBER written or explosion with FREE MAGA BOMBER Might be a good idea for T-shirt business
Nobody was actually on the left in Soviet Russia -- Stalin was center or center-conservative," she said. "Did Stalin have a Green New Deal? I don't think so. And he referred to people with binary pronouns, not to mention the lack of drag queen story hours in the gulags."
Ocasio-Cortez also criticized the Soviet Union's lack of free broadband internet and Obamaphones, blaming the society's deficiencies on Stalin "being such an ignorant, bigoted right-winger." "All historians agree that the Soviets were held back from becoming a leftist utopia by Stalin's conservative policies."
One interviewer pointed out that Stalin was general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, but Ocasio-Cortez would not be mansplained to. "Stop catcalling me," she said, snapping her fingers in a Z formation. "I am a brave, strong, woman of color, and any criticism of me is just because of white male fragility." The interviewer was a black woman.