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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,233,001 views  44,012 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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12695   richwicks   2021 Dec 29, 11:06pm  

Ceffer says
More smoking and exploding heads in China. Is democide terror post vax shifting into high gear? "In China, people were lining up to take PCR tests.
After the coercion and the infusion of the cotton swabs, some of those tested began to emit smoke through their eyes. Something was burning in their heads and parts of their faces eerily exploded."

Color me doubtful.

I can see something like this being done to prisoners, but not to the general citizenry. It wouldn't take long before people were like "WTF is up with this??".

I take the point of view of any extraordinary claims should be discounted until shown otherwise.

With regard to to 5G, I consider this BS. IF I wanted to kill a random person with a microwave beam, I CAN do that. I wouldn't, but I can. Your head is mostly water - your entire body is, a concentrated microwave beam weapon can easily kill you. The Japanese were reportedly working on this back in WWII instead of the nuclear weapon to stave off an invasion. This isn't new technology, it's just a microwave beam - all that holds you back is massive heat sink you'd need to create such a beam and the power of course.

Another problem with such technology is water vapor in the air absorbs the microwaves. The ONLY possible link I could think of with the vaccines is that it has some contaminate that vibrates (heats) at a different frequency than water does and therefore only the vaccinated would be at risk. That wouldn't be a problem for me, but of course, a bullet can take me out just as easily.
12696   richwicks   2021 Dec 29, 11:28pm  

Ceffer says
5G has become so popular. I wonder why?

The data rate is far higher than 4G. The higher the data rate, the LESS time you have to be on the network to receive data and the less power that is spent sending that data. The less time you're on the network, the more overall bandwidth available on that network. This is both lower power (because you spend less time on the network), but because there's higher bandwidth, the more data that can be sent on that network.

I expect you know what AM and FM modulation but if you don't, amplitude modulation is the strength of a frequency and it's modulated up and down to encode information. FM modulation uses a band, and that frequency gets lower or higher to encode information.

QAM is a combination of this. You end up with what is called a "constellation". At a particular amplitude (which is relative to the maximum amplitude) and at a particular frequency shift, you get a symbol. With a constellation of 256 symbols (that's 16x16) you get 1 byte per symbol. A constellation of 4096 symbols = 256x256 = 2 bytes

The symbol is sent for a period of time, the higher the frequency, the less time you need to send this symbol for it to be detected - so we move to higher frequencies. The higher the frequency though, the more quickly it's absorbed by the atmosphere, so range is decreased. Microwave is readily absorbed by water vapor and your body which is mostly water. This is why when you have your phone in your back pocket, and are talking on a bluetooth headset, you get cutout.
12704   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 30, 7:42am  

Lauren Boebert
It’s almost the end of 2021 and I’ve yet to see Biden mobilize truinternatialdepressure like he promised.

What’s the hold up?
10:36 AM · Dec 28, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
12707   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Dec 30, 1:49pm  

Ceffer says

This is legit


Bribes, income from selling of illegal drugs, and stolen property all need to be reported as "other income". Also gambling winnings, including fantasy pools.

No wonder crime dosen't pay....
12708   Ceffer   2021 Dec 30, 7:51pm  

Hope these LA Westies get torn apart for a while over what they voted in. Fucking Hun are at the privileged gates of feral Los Angeles:

12711   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 1:22am  

Always great when courts pull out an obvious insight from the annals of DUHHHHHH!
12713   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 11:41am  

More smoking, microwaved brains from the vaxxed? Looks like the vivisectionists went a little heavy on the EMP triggers to see what they could do with the vaccine particle embedded sheep. It's probably not actually smoke, but steam.
When they dug up skeletons at Pompeii, they found holes in the sides of the skulls. Apparently, the heat from the volcanic gases and lava caused their brains to explode inside of their skulls.
12714   Patrick   2021 Dec 31, 11:56am  


this immersive exhibit at the chicago holocaust museum about how people never learn from history and keep doing the same stuff over and over even when you would think they would know better is really pretty amazing.

i mean, it’s probably kinda heavy handed and maybe a little too on the nose, but wow, you’d sure have to sleep through the whole class to miss this lesson!
12725   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 8:11pm  

​Unvaccinated Man Feeling Left Out As All His Vaccinated Friends Have COVID
12726   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 10:32pm  

Printing Press, Soros Fecal Impaction Leticia running interference for Big Pharma and the Globalists by threatening doctors:
12727   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 10:36pm  

As the Globalists say: PERFECT!
12728   Ceffer   2021 Dec 31, 10:53pm  

Gee, at this rate, the election fraud should be all cleared up for the 2052 elections:

12730   Ceffer   2022 Jan 1, 9:45am  

12731   Ceffer   2022 Jan 1, 9:46am  

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