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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,233,627 views  44,050 comments

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13354   Ceffer   2022 Jan 23, 5:16pm  

Meta (Facebook) is moving its headquarters to Austin, TX, where it can continue to plot against the Republic, freedom and election integrity.

Isn't that kind of like giving Texas ass cancer or something?

13355   Eman   2022 Jan 23, 5:31pm  

Ceffer says
Meta (Facebook) is moving its headquarters to Austin, TX, where it can continue to plot against the Republic, freedom and election integrity.

Isn't that kind of like giving Texas ass cancer or something?


Expanding in Austin, TX vs. moving its HQ to TX are two different things.

I guess some companies are looking for talents in cheaper markets while saving money on taxes in states with low to no income tax. Win-win if they can make it work.
13356   richwicks   2022 Jan 23, 5:45pm  

Onvacation says
richwicks says
Europeans will rebel against their own, stupid, fucking traitorous governments.




People will put up with any stupid shit you can imagine, we've all witnessed it.

That ends when they start to freeze in their homes and they can't buy food.

If the United States is actually trying to provoke a war with Russia - they are doing it with the INTENTION of losing that war.
13359   richwicks   2022 Jan 23, 6:58pm  

FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says
FuckCCP89 says
I agree: let's just replace the nukes, missiles ans strategic bombers we took from them in exchange for our security assurances and let them fend for themselves.

Nuclear weaponry is only useful as a deterrent. Notice the US doesn't fucking attack any country with that deterrent.

Exactly. Russia would not dare invading Ukraine if Ukes kept the nukes. There would not be current amassing troops on the border and threats of "drang nach Kiev" either.

So then, Europe removed their nuclear capability to allow Russia to invade Ukraine? That's the implication you're suggesting.

FuckCCP89 says

The world would be better off if every stupid country had a nuclear bomb - you can't use them without being nuked yourself.

Exactly: Russia would stay the fuck away if US did not pressure Ukraine into giving up nukes in 1994.

The United States may have stayed away from it as well. But they removed Yanukovych and installed a US asset as "leader".

Are you certain that nuclear weapons were removed? I mean, our government is so fucking honest aren't they?

FuckCCP89 says
Every fucking time, and I mean EVERY TIME, the US gets a country to disarm, they attack it afterward.

US did not disarm Russia. US disarmed Ukraine. Russia attacked Ukraine. See: your theory is shit.

The United States attacked Ukraine through a US led coup.

FuckCCP89 says
If Russia was just left the fuck alone, none of this should would be happening. I mean, HONESTLY, what's the horrible things that Russia has done to the United States and Europe?

What have Ukraine done to Russia? Wanted to join EU?

When Yanukovych refused to join the EU, after they ass raped Greece, then fucked them in the eye hole, it makes sense that Yanukovych wouldn't want to join those assholes that completely fuck over East European nations.

Yanukovych was removed because he didn't allow his nation to be the slaves to the ECB. It's as simple as that, but the US wants to cut off Russia from exporting petroleum to Europe, and chaos == money. There's always multiple reasons for war.

The EU is such a shitty horrible system, that England left it, and I bet France, Italy and Greece if they would be allowed to - if they had an actually free and fair, and VERIFIABLE election system. That will never happen.

The EU is the next USSR. At least the Russians learned that lesson.

NATO and the United States keeps threatening Russia, and you're clutching your pearls that Russia REACTS. It's the EU that is expansionist, not Russia. Stop pushing for WWIII. You ought to know better.
13360   Patrick   2022 Jan 23, 7:14pm  

richwicks says
When Yanukovych refused to join the EU, after they ass raped Greece

@richwicks You might enjoy this piece about what happened in Greece if you haven't seen it yet:

13361   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 23, 7:23pm  

Germany is laughing it's ass off.

While the US is fighting Russia, Nordstream will be pumping gas at cheap rates to give Russia hard currency. The Modernization of the Russian Army is almost entirely due to German and Austrian purchases of Russian Gas.

Germany will be marking up equipment, food, etc. for US troops logistics in Ukraine as much as the market will bear, since there will be supply chain issues that force the US military to source as much from Europe as possible.

At best you might see Germany send a company of medics or some token bullshit. They will, however, be Johann-on-the-spot to rip off the Pentagon and DeutscheWelle will be full of mocking stories about US Troops and Leadership.

It's in Germany's interest to weaken the US, since they run Europe. A beat up Russia, win or lose, will be selling cheap Nat Gas to Germany.
13362   Ceffer   2022 Jan 23, 7:46pm  

Boris Johnson developing the Sicilian Flu, LOL! Maybe Pfizer has a nice mRNA vaccine for that.
13364   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 23, 7:50pm  

But, the Ukrainians sold China an aircraft carrier, which they just reversed engineered and is now underway.

The only use of a Chinese CV would be against the US Navy. The Ukrainians knew it when they sold it.

And it wasn't "just a crime lord's doing", either. Nobody can smuggle a massive Aircraft Carrier, it's not a few kilos of coke, which means Ukrainian officials were involved in quantity and effort.

Also, Ukrainian officials worked extensively with Biden, helped to smear Trump, and with the DNC.

I'm all for helping, by giving EU/European NATO troops a lift and selling them weapons financed by inflating Euros or Germany issuing bonds. I want to see 6 Euro Brigades committed, and then we can return the Eurofavors in our past wars... with a company of Rangers and Medics.
13367   Ceffer   2022 Jan 23, 11:46pm  

Maybe, too, Biden's sword rattling is toothless with Trump holding the Commander in Chief position, unless he wants to send the Joint Chiefs over in dresses to fight the Russians mano a mano. Anybody really think NATO, the UN or Europe are going to do this, either?

13368   richwicks   2022 Jan 23, 11:56pm  

Ceffer says

GDP GDP GDP - nobody understands how stupid the metric is, or how useless it is, or WHAT it is.

It's just a measure of how much money is turned over per year.

If I pay $5,000 a year for food from McDonald's, and McDonald's spend $1,000 a year for their employees to serve me, $3,000 years worth in the food and the executive twats pocket $1,000 a year for corporate profits, the GDP just went up by $10,000. If I just cooked at home with $2,500 a year, the economy contracted even though I'm eating healthier, less expensively, and better. It goes up by $10,000 because nearly all that money is immediately spent - if it's SAVED, oh, that horrible! Can't allow people to save money! Most of it is spent immediately.

It's not a measure of the health of the economy, it's a measure of turnover.

The reason the globalists LOVE this fucking BULLSHIT metric is that it measures interdependence. The more independent the people of a nation are, they more readily they can abandon dependencies. Your criminal mafia syndicate government is a dependency. Welfare is a dependency. You can just cook at home, or your wife can, you don't have to go out for food every fucking day. If you own your car and house FREE AND CLEAR, well that hurts GDP. If you don't have a goddamned disease which you have to spend $500 a month on drugs that do nothing, you've hurt the GDP.

I've been listening to this bullshit statistic for 40 fucking years. The GDP has NOTHING to do with the wealth of security of the nation. NOTHING.

Please, shut the fuck up about it. It's so goddamned OBVIOUSLY stupid to measure economic health this way. So fucking retarded it drives me crazy every time I hear it. Even with a CURSORY LOOK, GDP is a pointless measure. People repeat this mindlessly, and never think what it means. EVEN when they know what GDP measures, they don't fucking think about it. So tired of hearing about this goddamned measure. Stop it.

You know what happens when our military spends $500,000,000 in a year for some bullshit war? The GDP goes up by $500,000,000.

Fuck you about the GDP.
13374   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 24, 9:14am  

(queue slap bass) bicity bigidy bink

13378   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 24, 10:14am  

Yeah, can you imagine the Establishment's response to Alien Contact?

I think When Mars Attacks movie would best foretell the reality than Independence Day, The Day the Earth Stood still, or Close Encounters.

John Kennedy must read Patnet.

13383   Bd6r   2022 Jan 24, 5:21pm  

13384   Bd6r   2022 Jan 24, 5:24pm  

Not a joke, but true and somewhat funny:

13387   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 24, 6:21pm  

The Democrat Party Domestic Policy

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