Political Humor Thread

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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,235,860 views  44,096 comments

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1940   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 8:41am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
What I've always wondered is how much Russian trolls get paid? Care to enlighten us Honkpill?

What a piece of Shit!
1944   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 8:44am  

Check this out you fucking Losers!

Read it and weep you pisstards.
1949   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 2, 8:46am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
Lol, I'm not Marcus. Should we be making personal comments here, maybe we can have a moderator help out with this.

That wasn't an insult, that was complaining about the endless spam of basic bitch "White lettering over picture" bad Leftist Memes. At least vary it a little.
1952   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 2, 8:47am  

Leftist memes are like marriage jokes.

They're more bitter than funny.
1953   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 8:49am  

A little bug spray

1958   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 9:14am  

As more and more people throw eggs at MAGA hat wearers. More liberals end up looking like idiots.
1962   Onvacation   2019 Aug 2, 9:26am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says

But we do care. We voted against the democrat who was an unethical, corrupt, HOMICIDAL, criminal dirtbag, with no energy to MAGA.
1966   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 9:37am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
I seem to have touched a nerve, I take it that means Russian trolls aren't paid much.

If I can't see you, then you don't exist.

I can flush all of the shit in this thread by putting you on ignore.
1967   socal2   2019 Aug 2, 9:45am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
I take it that means Russian trolls aren't paid much.

Still with the Russian trolls gibberish?...........LMAO!

Keep it up for another 16 months please!
1968   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 2, 10:22am  

You mean the Russians, who spent 6 figures mostly promoting BLM?

How much is Mexico, Norway, China, etc. Spending?

Also, did the Clinton Foundation return the millions given by Russian Banks and Oligarchs?
1969   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 2, 10:35am  

No proof no belief. All of America as a plurality now, doesn't think any one titled an "Expert" who's opinion is employed by Deep Tech, Deep Media and the Deep State, is worth a shit. America trusts Flights from Ebola infested countries in Africa, than they trust anything those three say about Hacking, Punditry, or Accusational Propaganda.

These are the Same dirtbag Mother Fuckers that calls us Walmart Shoppers while they bleachbit sims cards, and hammer electronic computer devices, smashing them to bits. Even though there's a subpoena order on them. Get the fuck out of here, with your Russia bullshit Lies. That's all the Democrats have. And Trump and the Republicans are going to Destroy them in 2020.

But you keep harping that Russia horn, that's cute.
1971   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 4:56pm  

That Manning character did not commit espionage. Espionage would be spying for you country. Manning committed treason by exposing his countries classified info.HonkpilledMaster says

That Manning character did not commit espionage. Espionage would be spying for you country. Manning committed treason by exposing his country's classified info.
1972   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 4:57pm  

marcus says

Yep, keep a system going where you can get cheap products made by slaves in a highly polluting environment.
1973   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 4:58pm  

So Marcus, it is back to "Russia: and "Racism?"
1974   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 2, 4:58pm  

marcus says

Boy, the economy sure isn't doing well. Guess those Economists were right as usual, about that big collapse when Trump was elected, and how just before the Housing Crisis, we were at permanent plateaus.

The truth is economists are little better than Palm Readers when it comes to Macroeconomics.
1978   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 6:07pm  

marcus says

According to Politifact, the methodology of whether a State was Rep or Dem depends on who the State voted for in the Electoral College. Since Baltimore is in the news, lets look at Maryland. Maryland voted for Hillary but has a Republican governor. So is Maryland in reality Blue or Red? Are the issues with poverty in very Democrat run Detroit really "Red" because Michigan as a State voted for Trump?

As far as counties go, rural counties tend to go Red, and rural counties have a significantly lower cost of living. Is a family whose $50k household income allows them to own a 1800 sq ft home in rural Virginia, along with a boat and time to fish really poorer that a family in SF whose $180k income affords them a tiny rental with long commutes?

Also as far as counties go, Trump won 2600 counties while Hillary won 500. Hillary's votes were concentrated in the areas of the upper 1%, lower Texas illegals populated areas, and urban poor. One could say from this the Dems are the party of the super rich, welfare recipients, and illegals with illegals sympathizers . Trump took the working class, along with small and medium business types, and those who do not want to see unfettered illegal immigration.
1979   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 7:24pm  

marcus says

Really Marcus? You think this is profound? That is no different than if it read "One in four Americans is skeptical about Creation Science" or "One in four Americans is skeptical about Flat Earth." This is the stuff of disciples, not science.

I thought you were a teacher, so aren't you the least bit scientifically curious? Like an interest in models that actually predicted what is occurring. Or explanations of how a trace element like CO2 could have such an effect. With the extra (although still trace amount) CO2 added, do plants offset this any by growing faster? How can anyone model the dynamics of two complex fluids like the ocean and atmosphere with any precision? How about sun cycles? One solar flare that is thrown the Earths way has a huge effect. How does one determine that the temps today are the standard for what should be? After all, just 10,000 years ago North America was under ice and North America was populated with several species of mammoths and mastodons, along with hippos, rhinos, horses, giant bears and giant sloths, saber-tooth cats and so many other species, all extinct today. And 10,000 years is a blip in geological time. What about "oxygen depletion?" After all burning hydrocarbons take oxygen out of the air. Burning hydrocarbons also adds water vapor, which is said to be a stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, so why no talk of a "hydro footprint?" (Another poster did source a good science explanation on water vapor, however).

Saying a consensus of scientists supports a theory without looking at the science itself is no different then saying the God of the Bible is true because Harvard Doctors of Divinity
agree. After all, those Doctors of Divinity are far better educated in that subject than you and I.

If you want to support efforts toward renewables and conservation, even climate heretics would join you.. Pollution and resource depletion are real and provable. So why not talk about solutions? Renewables and conservation would also help with any "carbon footprint."

Seems to me the real reason Dems do not want to talk solutions is political. AGW is just supposed to be taken as a matter of faith (part of the Dem canon), and one is supposed to atone for past carbon transgressions by voting Democrat. Voting Dem is sufficient contrition, no need to adjust your lifestyle to be more carbon friendly. This is why any time the topic of solutions is brought up, a good Dem just reverts the discussion back to arguing with deniers.

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