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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,128,924 views  42,152 comments

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2153   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 13, 1:49pm  

marcus says

I missed the Bill Clinton and Obama War Movie myself. Is it available on Blu Ray?
2155   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 13, 7:57pm  

Did she have three Obama 17 hour a week, no Obamacare jobs?
2157   ForcedTQ   2019 Aug 13, 9:57pm  

marcus says

Kick out all of the illegal aliens and then "ding fries are done" jobbies will have enough money for rent again.

Wow, the magic of supply and demand, once demand goes down with a relative inelastic supply, prices for rent curiously will begin to drop to find equilibrium until renters bid the prices back up, or landlords decide to sell....

Currently it doesn't behoove the potential developers with capital assignable to projects to build anymore than they are due to the fact that the rent they would charge for those projects is UNPAYABLE by the prospective renters. For anyone clamoring on about "there is just not enough AFFORDABLE housing!!!" WAAAAA WAAAAA! Get ahold of your out of control construction code councils and local government permit offices who in the last twenty years have increased the cost to produce a new dwelling by 20-35% at least.
2158   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 13, 11:53pm  

marcus says
But you can post five of these meme's per hour for the rest of your life. It's not going to change the facts and the story the history books tell about Trump.

Uh, Marcus... my postings are usually in response to your bombardment of five memes per hour, which are of the same type, just less funny and based on long exploded Fake News.

marcus says
Eventually our diversity continues, although assimilation makes us all Americans. Eventually "whites" whatever that even means, will be a small minority, depending on how you define it.

Assimilation is happening much more slowly than normal because of A) Volume B) Lack of Economic Necessity (ie benefits for migrants instead of work, learn English, learn cultural norms, or starve) and C) Postmodern diversity worship and the "POC" (Everybody against Whites) lie.

At some point, too much diversity ruins the culture. No different than if you put 5 tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon, and tumeric in a cup of coffee. The taste would be noxious.

marcus says
We all need to pray that it doesn't take WW3 or worse to make us snap out of this bullshit and find some emotionally stable adult leaders that talk about real problems and solutions.

Immigration is not a human right. This club does NOT have to accept all applicants.

The rules of the Club say the government (elected) can set who comes in, why, where, and how many. We could say nobody or 10M a year.

There is no Right in the Constitution that allows every non-citizen who shows up at the border a guaranteed life in the USA. Historically, that has never been the case. Even in periods of mass immigration, we turned away the diseased and the mentally ill at the very least. What Dems are arguing is that it's RACIST! to even hold people in a facility and not allow them total freedom of movement within the USA until their case is adjudicated. Knowing full well of course, that once they're in, they ain't leaving.

What we are witnessing is another attempt to change "Legal Philosophy" and ram an entirely new set of rights that don't exist, and have never been recognized, by fiat. I suspect judicial fiat as usual, the same way we got prayer banned in schools by the wannabe Soviet Defector Madelyne Murray O'Hair, or how the EEOC in the Obama Era simply "POOF" changed "sex discrimination" to "Gender Identity discrimination" - even though the Civil Rights Act only mentions sex, national origin, color, and race.
2159   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 14, 12:01am  

marcus says
We all need to pray that it doesn't take WW3 or worse to make us snap out of this bullshit and find some emotionally stable adult leaders that talk about real problems and solutions.

Agreed. Insisting that all of a sudden, our already super generous immigration laws must be nullified and replaced with an Open Border is far from adult.

Do you think your classroom should accept any and all students, so you end up with 90 students in your class? If you say no, you're a bigot.
2160   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 5:50am  

Martin Luther King’s Niece Sends Out Urgent Tweet About President Trump:

Evangelist Alveda King
‏Verified account #AlvedaCKing

I am the Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Listen to my words...

President Trump is not a racist!!

He is one of the best presidents America has ever seen! I fully support him!
2162   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 1:28pm  

marcus says
Careful. You might cause Trump to lose a lot of votes.

I have a dream that before the 2020 election night. Alveda King and Donald Trump will join hands and lead the Nation into song singing "We Shall Overcome!"
Talking about those miserable insufferable Socialist Commie bastards.
2163   georgeliberte   2019 Aug 14, 2:18pm  

Bill Clinton will take care of this; he needs an outlet anyway now that Jeffery Epstein is gone.
2164   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 2:34pm  

This is all above your T grade Marcus don't sweat it.

We'll love the Black people if you hate them so much. That the best you can do, is to use them a political props and fodder to throw under the bus.

You're a one trick phony in that regard.
2165   HeadSet   2019 Aug 14, 2:49pm  

marcus says
Three guesses who this person voted for

Democrat for sure. I know many Republicans, but I know none who think the world is flat, moon landing faked, the chemtrails bit or are anti-vax. Yet all the famous anti-vaxes seem to be leftys:

2166   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 3:01pm  

Everyone at Gab chased the Flat Earth Larpers off. They knew it was Liberals trying to project it on Trump supporters.
The thing is, it actually back fired and Democrat voters started believing it, like they do everything. Now You Tube flags it as hate content.
Trying to say it's right wingers trying to gas light Democrats. You can't make this shit up.
2167   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 3:06pm  

marcus says

So there it is. The difference here Marcus, it's true when we say Liberals are fucking evil. As your pic proves. Some Idiot you influenced with your Race Hustling Shit shot 5 cops today in Cumming's district in Philadelphia.
2168   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 14, 3:23pm  

marcus says
Straw man bullshit. Although relatively open borders, like the canada border would be nice eventually - that is if Mexico can get it's act together.

Canada doesn't border with a third world country. It only has ONE border, with a First World Country.

The Quebecois already flipped out when Trudeau allowed just 50,000 illegals to cross into Canada, mostly through New England, just months ago.

Mexico has NO INCENTIVE to limit immigration into the US. They shake down Guatemalans and Nicaraguans and Hondurans; and Remittances from the USA are a top three major source of income for Mexico

This has been verified and proven several times on this board already.
2172   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 14, 3:27pm  

That's just three for now, Marcus, to match the NINE you posted today.
2173   Onvacation   2019 Aug 14, 3:38pm  

marcus says
I have a dream that one day you read enough to know how awkward this is, and that it isn't a sentence.

just becasue?
2176   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 14, 5:30pm  

Hey, is Fredo gonna help with the Avenatti 2020 Campaign? Don Lemon Also?

2178   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 14, 7:54pm  

So you and Snopes is telling everyone else, that this one time it's a hoax?
2186   Bd6r   2019 Aug 15, 9:20am  

Should have left #2, 5, 6, and 7 - then meme would work well and not come off as TDS.
BTW Obama hid his college grades as well.
marcus says
2187   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 15, 9:22am  

Is that 7 today, Marcus?

Here's a few for ya.

2192   Bd6r   2019 Aug 15, 9:28am  

That is Salman Rushdie I presume?
I gather it was Islam he suffered from...not that other Abrahamic religions don't play this oppression game as well
marcus says

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