Since Russia already said that any granting permission to Ukraine of using US made missile attacks inside its territory will be regarded as an act of war, BidenActor's puppet masters are again voiding the Constitution by authorizing the use of these missiles in Ukraine to start WWIII. Our mercenary military of the Three Cities don' need no stinkin' Constitution.
But look at a picture of Biden in his 30s and 40s he looks even different to those.
Sure I think there was a lot of body doubles. But I think his appearance change is due to the elite elixir. They all look like they have had some hard miles put on over the 15 to 20 years
Yes, they are very concerned with the American People: as tinder for their DEW/HAARP redevelopments, branding them as terrorists so they can be incarcerated without habeus corpus protections into gulags with DHS occupation, clearing them out of critical locations for fifteen minute cities, kidnaping children with the Red Cross for the pedo industrial complex, organ harvesting, and burying corpses in landfills while calling them 'missing'. In short, regarding the American People as peasants to be re-tooled for corporate interests as just another third world clearance project without all that eminent domain red tape.
"And now, I have my go bag packed to flee to Tel Aviv and liquidated all my assets into a bag of diamonds. Well, maybe not there EXACTLY until the missile thing is over."
Dismantling the Kommie Illuminati demoralization wall brick by brick. Save the Kommies the trouble of lining them up over ditches for execution after the revolution. Trump is saving their lives and they don't even know it.
This programmed idiot doesn't know (or pretends not to know) that there is already a 'shadow government' and Putin says we do not know the names of this unelected group? Lemme guess, Chatham House and RIIA with Vatican/Rothschild dressing and Bilderberg stuffing? Also, we have the SES (Senior Executive Service) passed by Jimmy Carter as a sellout of the American people of also unlisted and unelected individuals who are supposed to be 'continuity of government' but are currently the government in fact, and are paid more than any actual government employees. That means we have both a shadow government AND a shadow government above them.
Basically he is proposing a coup to replace Trump's administration with ANOTHER shadow government, so he should be taken outside and shot for treason on the spot. That vile maggot Schiff as AG? Gag.
When your whole gig is a massive fraud and lie, you just double down on the lie and keep your fingers crossed. They don't seem to realize that nobody believes their lies any more except a daft group of brainwashed and suicidal NPCs. Remember when they tried to force people to stay indoors and OUT of the sunlight? They considered Vit D the bitter antagonist of their democidal project. Guess the Globalists are trying to see if their Satanic Inversion Multiplex still has legs through their bribed and blackmailed stooges after their massive investments.
Got some adreno withdrawal going there? All that bouncing manic vigor and restored youth seem to have a nasty rebound in the opposite direction, like, about 10-15 years worth. The Devil doesn't play fair it seems.
Ex Intel Scott Bennet dead? Natural causes or causa belli? Seems these former Intel squealer turncoats get the EMP weapon sooner or later. He was very aggressive about going kinetic on the Deep State, and did a lot to demystify the Russia Derangement Syndrome.
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Sure I think there was a lot of body doubles. But I think his appearance change is due to the elite elixir. They all look like they have had some hard miles put on over the 15 to 20 years
Why do you say that? Britain has strict "homophobic" laws that can get one arrested for even a mild comment.
Basically he is proposing a coup to replace Trump's administration with ANOTHER shadow government, so he should be taken outside and shot for treason on the spot. That vile maggot Schiff as AG? Gag.
Remember when they tried to force people to stay indoors and OUT of the sunlight? They considered Vit D the bitter antagonist of their democidal project.
Guess the Globalists are trying to see if their Satanic Inversion Multiplex still has legs through their bribed and blackmailed stooges after their massive investments.
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