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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,236,767 views  44,150 comments

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42086   Ceffer   2024 Dec 16, 11:15pm  

Shit, we've been robbed. I thought it was 80 percent laundering back to dems with 10 percent for the big guy.

42089   Ceffer   2024 Dec 16, 11:41pm  

Your daily dose of Vitamin Q Woo. Read it and weep, or read it and hopium?

42090   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 7:52am  

Has 'Real Raw News' reported something vaguely accurate rather than white hat wishful thinking revenge porn fiction? Real drones combined with blue beam fake outs? Are the white hat looking for invader ground nukes, or prequel to a military segment planning a coup against Trump?

The weird gets weirder. The fiends go underground because the days of surface dweller security are over. On the surface, we are sitting ducks to the space weapons, DEW, HAARP etc. These threats were limited in the past but now the maniacs have unimaginable technology to attack the surface even above standard aircraft, rockets and bombs.


By Michael Baxter

December 16, 2024

White Hats have reason to believe the packs of mysterious, SUV-size drones buzzing the skies of New Jersey may be Deep State “Holo-drones” that DARPA created for its sinister Project Bluebeam, which projects sophisticated holographic images in the air.

As reported last month, White Hats found and demolished “space planes” and holographic projectors that DARPA had kept at a covert base near Sacramento, California, and they killed nine Deep State paramilitary contractors and five of six aerospace engineers guarding and working at the facility, respectively. The surviving engineer was taken prisoner after demonstrating the technology; he projected a billboard-size hologram of Jesus Christ on a hanger wall, with the Savior, in a thunderous voice, imploring His believers to forsake false prophet Donald Trump or face the consequences—eternal damnation.

That technologist—we will call him “Donaldson” to protect his anonymity–was later interrogated at the White Hat detention center in Florida. He spun a compelling but unverified story, claiming DARPA expanded massively under the Biden regime and had advanced technology bases scattered throughout the United States and Western and Eastern Europe, including in Ukraine. However, he could not provide precise locations. What he knew purportedly stems from a meeting he and other scientists had with DARPA program manager Michael Mulqueen, the Agency’s Tactical Technology Office boss, in July. Donaldson, who joined DARPA in 2020 and holds degrees in both optical and electrical engineering, told investigators that Mulqueen was obsessed with developing asymmetrical airborne weapon platforms capable of influencing impressionable minds.

“What Donaldson told us, and we did polygraph him, for whatever little that’s worth—he said when Michael Mulqueen took over the department, he assigned Donaldson to the fixed-wing hologram project and others to mounting holographic generators on drones at other DARPA locations. Both projects were ready for testing, supposedly, and Donaldson thinks what’s floating in the skies right now are those drones, at least some of the sightings are,” our source said.

Our source said that computer-drawn sketches of such a drone, which, in theory, could not only project holograms but also, via holographic emitters, render itself invisible or alter its appearance, were the foundation of Donaldson’s assumption.

“We’re talking Star Trek stuff. We might not have transporters yet, but complex holography is a reality, it seems. As Donaldson tells it, the drone, for example, can project something as large as a 747 or even the moon or hide itself inside a wisp of holographic clouds. What Donaldson says, and he’s had no access to current events, does somewhat match up with the sightings,” our source said.

Mass sightings of swarms of drones have occurred above the skies of New Jersey and other Northeast states over the last month. Sky-gazers have observed said drones performing non-ballistic aerial acrobatics—rapid ascents and descents and instantaneous 90-degree turns. Often, the drones have FAA-compliant lights, but spectators—including chase planes and helicopters—have seen the lights wink out and the drones vanish without a trace when approached or lengthily observed.

Donaldson’s explanation: Only a handful of drones are actually in the sky, and their holographic emitters are nefariously creating the illusion that dozens, hundreds, and thousands of drones are hovering above homes, Trump’s Bedminster estate, and military installations.

“Donaldson says maybe ten or 12 drones are out there, and holography is the reason so many just vanish all of a sudden. Is it possible? We think so, but we can’t know for sure unless we get our hands on one,” our source said.

Asked whether White Hats had considered other possibilities, such as New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s claim that an Iranian “mothership” anchored off the Eastern seaboard was launching drones to gather intelligence on US defenses, our source said, “It’s laughable. Just using the word “mothership” to describe a boat is incongruous and misinformative. If there was an Iranian boat there, we could easily see it and sink it. Now we must investigate Van Drew, because if he’s intentionally spreading disinformation, propaganda, that’s a treasonable offense.”

LINK: rumormillnews.com/Seawitch

SOURCE: https://realrawnews.com/2024/12/white-hats-suspect-drone-swarms-are-darpa-activity/%22
42093   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 8:03am  

You will know them by their actions, not their words.

42094   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 8:05am  

Now, it's getting really scary.

42096   RC2006   2024 Dec 17, 11:30am  


What a disgusting disgrace.

Bring back shame and meritocracy, these people would disappear in a generation.
42099   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 17, 2:03pm  

Ceffer says

You will know them by their actions, not their words.

The Draino guy seems to be confused: it's supposed to be a peaceful transfer of power to Trump, not Pukin, and as such it's going swimmingly.
42113   Ceffer   2024 Dec 18, 1:50am  

Since everything they want us to believe is a lie, origins are also a lie.

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