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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,238,119 views  44,200 comments

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17166   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:08pm  

17167   Bd6r   2022 Jul 22, 3:25pm  

17168   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 3:59pm  

richwicks says

The reports in our media was that the valiant Ukrainians defending Snake Island told the Russians to go fuck themselves and all died a martyr's death valiantly.

All this "history" - you're talking about, nobody is going to remember it within 5 years.

The reality was that the valiant Ukrainians on the Snake Island told the Russians to go fuck themselves at gunpoint. They apparently didn't die and were taken prisoners. "Russian warship, go f#kc yourself" - this became a folklore. You don't know if people will remember it 5 years from now, and don't pretend that you do (your predictive powers suck bigly). It's way more important that people repeat it today, over and over, and will likely continue doing so at least until the end of the war.

richwicks says

Russia is destroying all his physical assets.

You are the only person in the room who apparently gives a flying f#kc about Kolomoisky. Enough even to post his photos (do you have one under your pillow?) Before you make an even bigger ass of yourself, do some digging around and find out about his current standing in Ukraine, and also in US (hint: it's not great)
17169   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 5:37pm  

mostly reader says

You are the only person in the room who apparently gives a flying f#kc about Kolomoisky.

Possibly. I know whose payroll he's on, and I know that Zelenskyy is his puppet and he controls Ukraine's government more than the "president" of Ukraine does. The war wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him.

I hope he's captured, and tortured slowly. He's literally responsible for 10's of thousands of deaths, at this time, and billions of dollars of damage.

He's the head of state we can see, still don't really know who runs our nation, but that cunt Victoria Nuland has more control over foreign policy than the senile hair sniffing fucktard that the CIA installed.

Maybe you don't know what is going on. Zelenskyy's "cabinet" is filled with "writers" for his old television show. In reality, none of them were writers. They were on the payroll because Kolomoisky owned the television station. They had bullshit "jobs" and it was a way to pay the THUGS. Those same THUGS are now in the Ukrainian government. Kolomoisky is the head of state of Ukraine. Zelenskyy is just the figurehead. Kolomoisky runs the top mafia in Ukraine.

mostly reader says

Before you make an even bigger ass of yourself, do some digging around and find out about his current standing in Ukraine, and also in US (hint: it's not great)

Haha, you mean he's not popular like Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Jamie Dimon, etc, is in the United States? I guess that means fucking something.

He's the puppet master of Ukraine. Ukrainians would do well to kill him although he's a puppet himself.
17170   Ceffer   2022 Jul 22, 6:14pm  

Meanwhile, Pedo Pete and his buddies are re-stocking their adrenochrome factories with over the border Latin American children from the cartels with impunity.
17171   Ceffer   2022 Jul 22, 6:43pm  

He showed them his Soros pay stub, which was as good as a 'get out of jail free' card.
17172   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 7:48pm  

richwicks says

Haha, you mean he's not popular like Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Jamie Dimon, etc, is in the United States?

Nope. I mean that you don't know shit. You last comment is yet another evidence of that.
Seriously, you are the least, LEAST qualified person to discuss Eastern European landscape. You are probably unqualified to discuss anything, but I just react to topics about which I know a thing or two.
17173   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 22, 7:59pm  

Ceffer says

He showed them his Soros pay stub, which was as good as a 'get out of jail free' card.

Apparently the guy is nuts, according to the guys who apprehended him, talking crazy shit.
17174   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 8:14pm  

mostly reader says

Nope. I mean that you don't know shit.

Then for once, educate me.

Can't you pretend to have an adult mindset for once and not result to pointless insults I just ignore? Demonstrate what I don't know. Educate everybody here, including me. Demonstrate your superior knowledge. Let's see it.
17175   HeadSet   2022 Jul 22, 8:21pm  

Ceffer says

He showed them his Soros pay stub, which was as good as a 'get out of jail free' card.

"Attempted assault?" Legally, "assault" means threat. That pud was guilty of actual battery at the least.
17176   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 9:30pm  

richwicks says

Demonstrate what I don't know.

It's a lot easier to demonstrate what you DO know (should we add "timezones" to pad that list?)

richwicks says

Then for once, educate me.

Very cute, but I know a lost cause when I see one.

I will just hint that Kolomoisky is facing serious (different) problems both in Ukraine and in US. And no, I don't mean the public opinion problems (if that's what you meant) I mean problems with the governments of both countries. From here, do your own fucking homework. "Khazarian mafia", LOL
17177   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 9:42pm  

mostly reader says

richwicks says

Demonstrate what I don't know.

It's a lot easier to demonstrate what you DO know (should we add "timezones" to pad that list?)

richwicks says

Then for once, educate me.

Very cute, but I know a lost cause when I see one.

I will just hint that Kolomoisky is facing serious (different) problems both in Ukraine and in US. And no, I don't mean the public opinion problems (if that's what you meant) I mean problems with the governments of both countries. From here, do your own fucking homework. "Khazarian mafia", LOL

Jesus fucking Christ on a stick - you are so full of shit.

So sick of you. You pretend to know things you don't, you have "secrets", you pretend to have "contacts", you're the most full of shit person I've met in years. You're a total intellectual fraud. This is why you resort to endless, childish, infantile name calling.

You don't know fuck all. I knew you would come up empty handed, AGAIN. Vacuous foul mouthed retard.

And of COURSE Kolomoyskyi has fucking problems, Russia is specifically targeting his infrastructure. They know who is behind the fucking war, idiot. They know at least as much as I know, which is a FUCKLOAD more than you do, as you have repeatedly and shamelessly demonstrated.
17178   mostly reader   2022 Jul 22, 9:51pm  

richwicks says

You pretend to know things you don't, you have "secrets", blah, blah, blah.

I do have secrets, but this is not a secret. You are making shit up (again) because that information is public. Set time to 1w. ago and do fucking search for "Kolomoisky US corruption", and then for "Kolomoisky Ukraine citizenship". (second one is particularly juicy) It sounds easier than posting piles of horseshit about "Khazarian mafia and friends", but may be it's just me.

Anyway, you are on your own from here. I'm not in business of helping ignorant pricks prone to outrage seizures.

richwicks says

Vacuous foul mouthed retard.

But tell me how you really feel. Do you need directions to the nearest safe space?

richwicks says

They know at least as much as I know

Sadly, you don't understand how low you've set the bar.
17179   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 10:40pm  

mostly reader says

I do have secrets

You're worthless to talk with. You're a total waste of time.
17180   mostly reader   2022 Jul 23, 12:23am  

richwicks says

You're worthless to talk with. You're a total waste of time.

That's weak. I expected another ramble about "Vlad The Great" and "Khazarian Mafia". Did you actually do the research and realized that you've been owned yet again? That doesn't sound like you.
17182   Ceffer   2022 Jul 23, 6:52am  

Avatar, Avatar, Wherfore art thou, Avatar?
17184   Bd6r   2022 Jul 23, 11:05am  

17185   Bd6r   2022 Jul 23, 11:06am  

17187   richwicks   2022 Jul 23, 5:03pm  


This is so ridiculous. Russia could simply end energy exports.

In Holland, there are massive protests from farmers against their own government stopping them from using nitrogen fertilizer. The west is attacking their own citizens. Yeah, there is a war, but it's not between Russia and "The West" - the western government is at war with its own citizens.

This is why illegal immigration isn't stopped, there's been several food processing facilities destroyed, the Biden administration has closed down pipelines for oil and gas, and at the same time is exporting energy from the strategic oil reserve.

Not saying Putin is a "good guy", he's not, but he's not a traitor to his population. We have traitors to our population. Those are our leaders. Haven't you realized this yet?

We're being dragged into a war in Ukraine which has NOTHING to do with us, why? So the assholes that seized control of the United States and now control it can launder money by putting the bill on us through borrowing from the Federal Reserve?

We don't have foreign enemies, we have domestic ones. How can you not see this? Whatever the result in Ukraine is, what does it have to do with us? Nothing, but you're obsessed with it, and you're more than willing to allow a kid sniffing pedophile pervert to send 10's of billions of dollars for that war, and you know he's corrupt as shit. Do you honestly think the criminal syndicate that runs the United States gives a SHIT about this war, other than how they can use it to enrich themselves?

The Ukraine war, it's nothing but a distraction for STUPID Americans to focus on. We need to concentrate on our own enemies, and they are domestic.
17194   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 12:45pm  

Bead blasters look like good monkey pox enemas.
17197   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 10:54pm  

Is there a competition for the best Trumpian bon mot not actually uttered by Trump? I think Matt Gaetz would be a contender.
17198   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 10:57pm  

Obviously, Chomsky has demonstrated that he doesn't know, either, so I guess you would call that a level playing field.
17199   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 11:00pm  

When you don't have the facts, than bullhorn the starkers delusional while you get your parachute and go-bag stuffed with diamonds ready for bail out.
17201   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 11:08pm  

Current diversity press yodeler denies that Joe Biden has given several children monkey pox virus already:
17203   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 11:37pm  

"Let's not forget Operation Northwoods & Agent Orange"
17204   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 25, 12:27am  

Ceffer says

Obviously, Chomsky has demonstrated that he doesn't know, either, so I guess you would call that a level playing field.

Chomsky's "Libertarian Socialism" quickly disappeared when it came to COVID shots. Or considering the Cambodian Killing Fields reports impartially.
17205   Ceffer   2022 Jul 25, 12:40am  

Retarded Ukrainian Intelligence (CIA) attempted double cross turns into Russian triple cross with airfields identified and bombed:

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