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Prediction - it will be go fuck yourself ORANGEFUCKINGYANKEE attitude. Why not introduce E-verify and charge businesses $100K for any employment of illegals?
7. WALL! I am fairly neutral in this respect, but building the WALL! requires trampling on property rights of thousands of Texans, who have owned that land for centuries. Some family farms there go back to middle 1700's, and now they will be kicked off from their ancestral lands? How well that will bode for Texans voting R in Federal elections? Prediction - it will be go fuck yourself ORANGEFUCKINGYANKEE attitude. Why not introduce E-verify and charge businesses $100K for any employment of illegals?
I disagree, I know several people who live within a few miles of the border on big ranches, they would love a wall.
CBOEtrader saysafter widespread FISA abuses against Trump
What is Trump doing to get rid of the Patriot Act?
CBOEtrader says1) when tf will Trump announce a plan to lower the debt or at least the deficit? Our finances are not ok.
Yup maybe a 4-5% tax cut for the top 1% wasn't such a great idea. Trickle down still doesn't work.
I dislike his tightening of abortion rules. It is understandable that there should be limitations, but what I heard is that they will not allow any organization who performs abortions to get any federal funding.
That is why they want to abort full term babies.
RafiMaas saysCBOEtrader saysafter widespread FISA abuses against Trump
What is Trump doing to get rid of the Patriot Act?
Excellent question.
To sell their organs?
and drain their Adrenalin gland for Elixir
Phobias and isms = TDS.
I'll start.
1) when tf will Trump announce a plan to lower the debt or at least the deficit? Our finances are not ok.
2) after widespread FISA abuses against Trump, what is Trump's plan to stop these going forward? You notice no politician wants to discuss giving up their favorite federal power toy. ^^ shit like this where R's and D's agree are the biggest problems.
3) can Trump please label SA as the damn trouble makers they are? Probably not considering his daughter's charity drive received a $100 million bribe, um, I mean donation, from Bin Salman. Ivanka is hot, but her intelligence is suspect.
4) when will Trump take a stand against the hundreds of violent attacks against his supporters on college campuses? not to mention thousands of verbal and/or social assaults. He negated the dear colleague letter, nowhere near enough of a step to untangle our university systems oppression of non intersectionalists.
Post legit, non hysterical, non TDS points only please.