A lot of celebration over exactly what everyone knew would happen

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2019 Mar 24, 9:37am   2,797 views  24 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't think anyone thought that the President would be indicted. We don't even know if you can indict a sitting President. But some thought that the Mueller report or subsequent investigations of Trump would lead to his resigning or being impeached. I have posted commentary speculating about that. No, I'm not going to apologize.

I don't think we know anything and I don't think there is anything for the Trump Cucks to be celebrating.

I hear people in this forum saying it's a "nothing burger." I just have no idea. And neither do you. WE know that several top people in Trump's campaign and his attorney are going to be doing jail time. We learned some things but have yet to see the report.

I don't know, is it all a MSM conspiracy or is there perhaps something there ?


Manafort Accused of Sharing Trump Polling Data With Russian Associate

As a top official in President Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort shared political polling data with a business associate tied to Russian intelligence, according to a court filing unsealed on Tuesday. The document provided the clearest evidence to date that the Trump campaign may have tried to coordinate with Russians during the 2016 presidential race.

Mr. Manafort’s lawyers made the disclosure by accident, through a formatting error in a document filed to respond to charges that he had lied to prosecutors working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, after agreeing to cooperate with their investigation into Russian interference in the election.
Prosecutors and the news media have already documented a string of encounters between Russian operatives and Trump campaign associates dating from the early months of Mr. Trump’s bid for the presidency, including the now-famous meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer promising damaging information on Hillary Clinton. The accidental disclosure appeared to some experts to be perhaps most damning of all.

“This is the closest thing we have seen to collusion,” Clint Watts, a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said of the data-sharing. “The question now is, did the president know about it?”

Comments 1 - 24 of 24        Search these comments

1   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 24, 11:00am  

Half the Dems: "We ALWAYS knew it was a nothingburger"

Other Half the Dems "G-damn Mueller Traitor! Release the full report because we KNOW Trumpler and Trumpler Junior colluded with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!"
2   Ceffer   2019 Mar 24, 11:19am  

3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 24, 11:22am  

A fair interpretation would be that the media, particularly MSNBHeehaw and CNN along with several Democrat politicians including lying California congresscum Ted Lieu spent the past two years proclaiming that President Trump was bought and paid for by the Russians.
4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 24, 11:23am  

You did make this post, correct?

Mueller is coming for Trump. Believe it.

We all know that there is absolutely nothing he could have ever done that would dissuade you from thinking that Trump is simply the the most awesome President ever.

But as the story comes out over the next several weeks, you might be called upon to explain more than ever before, all the Trump attributes you are willing to overlook. And how it is that liking Trump does not imply that you are deplorable.

Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion

5   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 11:40am  

MisterLearnToCode says
Half the Dems: "We ALWAYS knew it was a nothingburger"

Wrong. Expecting Trump to not be indicted is light years away from thinking it's a nothing burger. You must understand that.

I guess the way you guy see it,, being the Trump D S squad, the release of the report is just another time for you to repeat endlessly that it's a nothing burger repeatedly in the desperate hope that it is.
6   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 11:46am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
You did make this post, correct?

Yes, pretty much citing the piece I linked. I have no reason as yet to not think that's not the case. Although I have learned that becasue of the narrow scope of the Russia probe, it may be later investigations that get Trump. But we don't know what's in the report. It might reflect very badly on Trump, even if it only alleges serious questions about likely connections to Russian interference in our election. .

There's more coming with other investigations.

Much like with Ken Star's investigation which was initially about Vince Foster. ALthough in this case, Mueller won't be doing the subsequent investigations, and also if they come up with something serious, it will be much much much much much much much more than the bs they impeached Clinton for. Democrats aren't the asinine morons that the republicans were in that debacle.
7   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 24, 11:57am  

marcus says
I don't think anyone thought that the President would be indicted. We don't even know if you can indict a sitting President.

Just think of the School Supplies you could have gotten Marcus, way to support Boondoggles and Follies. No wonder Government workers get such a great rap.
8   Goran_K   2019 Mar 24, 1:35pm  

AG Barr says no collision. No evidence of collision, basically Trump completely exonerated.

Crazed frothing at the mouth Dems: “We knew Muellar was a Russian agent!”
9   Ceffer   2019 Mar 24, 1:37pm  

Trump diabolically distorted and perverted the course of JUSTICE! Putin bribed Mueller! IMPEACH TRUMP!
10   komputodo   2019 Mar 24, 1:48pm  

marcus says
“This is the closest thing we have seen to collusion,” Clint Watts, a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said of the data-sharing. “The question now is, did the president know about it?”

Don't forget, they also found a can of Russian caviar and a bottle of Russian salad dressing in the restaurant kitchen...That proves something, right?
11   komputodo   2019 Mar 24, 2:39pm  

Is it possible one day that the politicians that are obsessed with Trump's impeachment will actually give up and start doing their job working for the common folk?
I doubt it.
12   Ceffer   2019 Mar 24, 2:40pm  

komputodo says
Is it possible one day that the politicians that are obsessed with Trump's impeachment will actually give up and start doing their job working for the common folk?


The Dems are systematically undermining and subverting our country in a shallow, transparent, corrupt scheme to perpetuate their power indefinitely. The welfare of the general public or the country is the last thing on their minds. Welfare and free shit are nothing more than enslavements of expectation.
13   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 2:43pm  

komputodo says
one day that the politicians that are obsessed with Trump's impeachment will actually give up and start doing their job working for the common folk?

IS it possible that weakening and distracting Trump, and or preventing his reelection, is working for the common people ? You assume that that's who Trump wants to help ?
15   Ceffer   2019 Mar 24, 3:11pm  

You know things are bad for the LibbyFucks when they have to go back to the old "Trump Cheats At Golf" meme.

They are desperately working to generate a new wave of derogatory mud slinging.
16   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 3:16pm  

I just read Brr's synopsis. I'll accept that the various evidence they had of meetings with Trump people including trumps son, and whatever data it is that is alleged to have come from Manafort, that they don't have strong enough evidence of conspiracy directly involving Trump.

Still we know that Russia did actively work to influence the campaign and we know what it looks like may have happened. I think that the people convicted of other crimes is the slap on the wrist for something that can't be proven.

Remember that at one point Rudy was arguing that collusion isn't even wrong. What motivated that ?

Was a deal made ? ((art of the deal) We may never know.
17   BayArea   2019 Mar 24, 3:21pm  

Exactly what everyone knew would happen?

What kind of dishonesty?
18   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 3:36pm  

Maybe not everyone. But I don't think many people expected a Trump indictment or even a Trump's son indictment.
19   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 3:37pm  

None of these were in the purview of the Mueller investigation.

Most are things from before Trump was President, so I don't think congress would waste time on them. But they have to be pissed at the vindictive and careless way that Trump has seemed worked so hard to undue any and all things that might be considered Obama legacy. All Presidents do some of that type of thing, but Trump took it to an entirely different level.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 24, 3:42pm  

marcus says

Half the Dems: "SO what if Mueller found nothing, I never said they would. But there's ... uh, Trump University and uh, give me a minute... uh..."

Other Half: "Mueller's a Russia Agent! Release every interview Mueller did with hundreds or thousands of witnesses! Violate their privacy!"
21   marcus   2019 Mar 24, 3:51pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
Other Half: "Mueller's a Russia Agent! Release every interview Mueller did with hundreds or thousands of witnesses! Violate their privacy!"

Projection. You assume they are like republicans. This will be perhaps 3% of democrats. Unlike you guys, I respect Mueller before during and after his investigation.

As for the former. You can call it moving the goalposts, but in my book it was always obvious that a democratic congress would get a little payback for all the mindless anti-HIllary noise it created. It's not that I'm so much for it, it's just that we all knew it was coming.

And it was never that likely Trump would be taken down by Mueller. Just becasue I rooted for him to be taken down if there was clear evidence of Treason, doesn't mean that I thought I knew that there was clear evidence of Treason. In fact if you may have heard me many months ago, perhaps more than a year ago I argued that if Trump was innocent he should like the Mueller investigation becasue if it doesn't find anything that's good for him.
23   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 24, 4:45pm  

marcus says

None of these were in the purview of the Mueller investigation.

Most are things from before Trump was President, so I don't think congress would waste time on them. But they have to be pissed at the vindictive and careless way that Trump has seemed worked so hard to undue any and all things that might be considered Obama legacy. All Presidents do some of that type of thing, but Trump took it to an entirely different level.

Nearly all of the items in that cartoon are media manufactured.

There is now a legitimate investigation, that turns up bupkis, yet you continue to believe the media accounts?

You are bright enough that you should not be swallowing propaganda.
24   Patrick   2019 Mar 24, 4:49pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
Nearly all of the items in that cartoon are media manufactured

Actually, I'd say that all of the items in that cartoon are media manufactured.

I could say "maybe" about any politician, or any person. Maybe Hillary eats still-beating baby hearts. Maybe.

So the cartoon has no content, just slander.

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