Fuck Electric Vehicles, But More Importantly, Fuck Their Sanctimonious Owners.

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2019 May 3, 8:59am   9,377 views  227 comments

by Hand_Of_Glory   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The pathetic appeal to emotions that both EV manufacturers and their owners is starting to get tiring. If you want to drive a vehicle powered by electricity, hydrogen, corn oil, fucking bananas, thats your prerogative. But lets not pretend our vehicle purchases are turning the tide of anything.

Electricity for much of the US and world is powered through coal, its just a switch to another equal pollutant. The batteries and materials used in EVs are full of heavy metals, not to mention that when the batteries in an EV combust they fill the air with pollutants, burning heavy metals that fire departments cant extinguish. Lastly, theres not enough data on current EVs to determine their shelf life, given the materials and amount of electronics, i imagine the shelf life of an EV will be significantly shorter than that of an ICE vehicle.

Given all of that, you will still be subject to the bitching and moaning of bugmen and babies who have never changed their oil in their life. The sheer panic that these people attempt to spread and their ever changing timeline of ecological destruction is obnoxious. These arent folks who attempt to clean up India or China(our leading polluters) but they want to concentrate on stripping you of your ability to choose.

The government is only too happy to comply too. The more that bloodsucking government can entangle themselves in transportation, the more control they have over you and your movement. The government gives companies like Tesla "Credits" that they can sell to ICE manufacturers who dont develop EVs, or dont develop them to the point that the government wants. This allows failing EV companies, like Tesla, to stay afloat even though they cant run a business efficiently. Honestly this type of behavior is more akin to a villain from an Ayn Rand novel, both with the governments overreach and with the behavior of many EV owners in general.

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82   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Sep 20, 1:39pm  

socal2 says

Can't imagine it has anything to do with this.

83   socal2   2024 Sep 20, 2:42pm  

Once the envy of the world, Germany’s car brands now weigh heavily on its struggling economy

Germany’s car industry was once recognized around the world for its high-quality, innovative internal combustion engine cars. Owning a German car was a luxury and status symbol. And carmakers were thriving, boosting the country’s economy.

But the picture has since become bleaker.

The latest example is the developments at Volkswagen
— which earlier this week said it was no longer able to rule out plant closures in its native Germany and felt it may need to end its employment protection agreement that has been in place in the country since 1994.

84   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 2, 11:39pm  

Yes, EV Fluffers of PatNet! Do tell us what this light means...

Ceffer says

86   Ceffer   2024 Oct 27, 2:25pm  

Did I leave the seat warmer on high, or did I do something to offend the Deep State?

87   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 31, 5:59pm  

This one reminds me of a typical conversation on PatNet involving @socal2

88   Ceffer   2024 Nov 18, 1:52am  

In case you didn't have enough to be paranoid about. Still happy you got that intriguing DNA test?


89   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Nov 22, 8:29am  

So what I want to know is:

If Elon is now the Libtards' new Hitler, then why aren't the libtards all ditching their Teslas over Devil's Slide?

90   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 22, 9:22am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

So what I want to know is:

If Elon is now the Libtards' new Hitler, then why aren't the libtards all ditching their Teslas over Devil's Slide?


They can't: Devil's Slide has been bypassed by a tunnel.
91   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Nov 22, 9:28am  


They can't: Devil's Slide has been bypassed by a tunnel.

"Just about 15 minutes down the road from Devil’s Slide is Moss Beach Distillery."

92   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 9:43am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

So what I want to know is:

If Elon is now the Libtards' new Hitler, then why aren't the libtards all ditching their Teslas over Devil's Slide?

Because Tesla's are so amazingly safe that the fall wouldn't kill them.

Remember the 4 people that survived last year after the husband/driver tried to kill the whole family at Devil's Slide?

93   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 22, 9:48am  

socal2 says

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

So what I want to know is:

If Elon is now the Libtards' new Hitler, then why aren't the libtards all ditching their Teslas over Devil's Slide?

Because Tesla's are so amazingly safe that the fall wouldn't kill them.

Remember the 4 people that survived last year after the husband/driver tried to kill the whole family at Devil's Slide?


Anecdotes vs data:

Despite the company's claim that its vehicles are "engineered to be the safest in the world," the Model S and Model Y rank among the most dangerous automobiles

NOVEMBER 21, 2024


Analyzing fatal collisions from 2017 to 2022 involving 2018 to 2022 car models, the group identified the Tesla Model S and Tesla Model Y as two of the most dangerous cars on the road by occupant fatality rate. Though models from Hyundai, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Porsche, and Honda occupied the top five spots on the list, the Tesla Model S, a mid-size SUV, came in sixth, with a fatal accident rate 3.7 times higher than the average car, and 4.8 times higher than the average SUV. The Model S rate is double that of the average car.


The auto company had 5.6 fatal accidents per billion miles traveled by its vehicles, narrowly edging out Kia, with 5.5 per billion miles, as the brand with the overall highest rate of deadly accidents. This, the iSeeCars study notes, is “despite Tesla’s advanced driver-assist technology,” with features including so-called Autopilot and Full-Self Driving (FSD), which are meant to reduce human error.

94   beershrine   2024 Nov 22, 10:26am  

The impact on highways and the tires they gobble up is the reason of taxing the vehicles. Around Idaho all I ever see is the 5000# trucks that's not a truck.
95   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 10:37am  


Anecdotes vs data:

Yeah - this bit of FUD was floating around by the Elon haters earlier this week.

The main reason for the higher fatality rate is that the car is Ferrari/Lamborghini fast and there are alot of drivers not used to that much power and speed. They think they are just getting a standard sedan or SUV, not appreciating how unbelievably powerful they are.
96   Ceffer   2024 Nov 22, 10:56am  

I hear that Tesla cars will have robotic technology to harvest organs immediately after a detected accident and place them in chilled containers hidden in the car. If your DNA profile matches an oligarch and your AI implant gives them the geo information, you will be sacrificed for the greater good.

If your Tesla burns you alive behind locked doors, the local Church of Satan will be notified so they can appear in robes to chalk a five pointed star in a circle and pray to their demon of choice over the sacrifice.
97   Eric Holder   2024 Nov 22, 11:12am  

socal2 says


Anecdotes vs data:

Yeah - this bit of FUD was floating around by the Elon haters earlier this week.

The main reason for the higher fatality rate is that the car is Ferrari/Lamborghini fast and there are alot of drivers not used to that much power and speed. They think they are just getting a standard sedan or SUV, not appreciating how unbelievably powerful they are.

So fall from Devil's Slide won't kill you in Tesla but driving it as intended will? And this is better how?
98   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 12:52pm  

Eric Holder says

So fall from Devil's Slide won't kill you in Tesla but driving it as intended will? And this is better how?

Driving a Tesla 120+ mph and wrapping it around a telephone pole is not "driving it as intended".
99   Eric Holder   2024 Nov 22, 1:18pm  

socal2 says

Eric Holder says

So fall from Devil's Slide won't kill you in Tesla but driving it as intended will? And this is better how?

Driving a Tesla 120+ mph and wrapping it around a telephone pole is not "driving it as intended".

Are you implying that the percentage of idiots is higher among Tesla drivers so much so they manage to kill themselves even in Devil Slide proof car?
100   WookieMan   2024 Nov 22, 1:45pm  

Tesla are simply not safer. It has no sensor to stop a speeding drunk driver from blowing a stop sign and getting t-boned. My son and I almost had it happen to us. The sensors wouldn't have worked in time where I was at. My eyes worked and stopped before entering the intersection.

Fact is you have to be aware. I trust probably 1-2 people, let alone tech that I have no control over. If people want to trust in it, good luck. My car would eat any model Tesla for breakfast. And there's nothing your sensors can do about it if I t-bone you. You're dead. You'll have a Goodyear tire in your mouth and your frame jammed up your ass. I'll be like, was that a deer?

Sedans are not safe. Fact. I don't care what model. If I hit you at 60-70mph there's at 95% chance you're dead. Not debatable. I walk, call the cops as you die. I'll try to help you but it's hopeless 9 out of 10 times. People have too much false hope on car safety. Weight matters. Size matters. Funny how everyone dies in a train on car crash. Right?
101   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 2:11pm  

Eric Holder says

Are you implying that the percentage of idiots is higher among Tesla drivers so much so they manage to kill themselves even in Devil Slide proof car?

I'm suggesting that performance cars and muscle cars have higher fatality rates because........they do.

Even base model Teslas are faster and more powerful than most muscle and performance cars. So no surprise that some wine moms driving their 3's and Y's around town might let the car get away from them not realizing the power they have available.
103   WookieMan   2024 Nov 22, 2:38pm  

socal2 says

Even base model Teslas are faster and more powerful than most muscle and performance cars. So no surprise that some wine moms driving their 3's and Y's around town might let the car get away from them not realizing the power they have available.

Slightly sexist. Fact is they're not safer cars when I hit them. You'll at minimum be in an ICU for days or dead. For an engineer Musk overhypes his product. Mass and speed matter. That's not debatable and he should know that. An airbag is not going to save you from me running over your car and smashing your body.

If you haven't been in an accident, you can't really say a Tesla is safer. Wife got hit by a fully loaded box truck with 16k lbs. Sequoia was totaled and the kids barely noticed. I know the insurance adjuster on the box truck and the driver. It was a 45mph rear end. Small world and not joking.

You'd be dead in any model of Tesla or sedan of any make or model. The car in front of my wife's was totaled as well. My son had glass all over him and all he said was, "what was that."

The reliance on sensors is false safety. T-bone accidents are the most deadly. Blown stop sign or light. Happens all the time. Sensors cannot prevent that.
104   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 2:51pm  

We are talking basic physics here.

Car rollovers are one of the main causes of car fatalities.

Since Tesla's have massive battery packs that keep the car centered with a low center of gravity, they are much less likely to roll - and one of the reasons why virtually every international safety institute gives Tesla's the highest safety rating.
105   stereotomy   2024 Nov 22, 3:12pm  

So between Wookie and Socal we have:

Socal claims that Teslas have one of the lowest centers of gravity of any vehicle - that's fine for 1-car accidents.

Wookie claims that most accidents are 2-car, usually rear-end but every so often there's a catastrophic T-bone smashup. Biggest and highest chassis wins almost always.

You guys are talking at cross purposes. Teslas are low to the ground and will fare worse against GMC Suburbans and their like. If you're fucked up and lose control of your car with no one else around, then the Tesla is probably less likely to roll over and kill you.
106   WookieMan   2024 Nov 22, 4:39pm  

stereotomy says

You guys are talking at cross purposes. Teslas are low to the ground and will fare worse against GMC Suburbans and their like. If you're fucked up and lose control of your car with no one else around, then the Tesla is probably less likely to roll over and kill you.

Rolling isn't the issue. Damn near half the cars personal or commercially are much bigger. I learned my driving habits driving a small car in Chicago traffic. You will die in a second and your sensor cannot stop another car or god forbid semi.

Had a county worker friend split into 3 pieces getting hit. He was in your typical highway truck. Not a pickup, but a big boy. A Tesla or other sedan is not safe at highway speeds. Running out of battery on a highway is a death wish with a Tesla. 80,000lbs of truck hitting your ass and you don't live.

Has nothing to do with speeds. It's weight of what hits you that your sensors have no control over. I'll only drive full sized SUV's the rest of my life. I don't care about gas. I'm not poor. I don't care about speed. Utility and A to B. All other things are bull shit. Give me a cassette player for all I care. There's too many distractions driving. Just drive.
107   socal2   2024 Nov 22, 4:43pm  

stereotomy says

Teslas are low to the ground and will fare worse against GMC Suburbans and their like

A school bus or semi truck will take out a GMC Suburban because it is simply bigger. Hell, a Cybertruck will take them all out. Apples and oranges.

Thought we were arguing something specific about Tesla's OVERALL design and resultant safety? Tesla has big and small cars.

All those North American and European safety scores I linked above takes overall safety into account.

The high fatality rates were attributed mostly due to reckless driving.
108   Patrick   2024 Nov 22, 4:46pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

"Just about 15 minutes down the road from Devil’s Slide is Moss Beach Distillery."

I've been there. It's OK.
109   WookieMan   2024 Nov 22, 4:53pm  

socal2 says

A school bus or semi truck will take out a GMC Suburban because it is simply bigger. Hell, a Cybertruck will take them all out. Apples and oranges.

Nope. Not true at all. A 16k lbs truck hit my wife's car, totaled it and the kids didn't even know they were in an accident. This isn't 3rd person anecdotal. This happened to my family. I'd never put them in a Tesla. Ever. You can't change my mind on that.

This wasn't a pickup truck. It was a fully loaded box truck. They all walked away. Not a scratch. No chance in a Tesla. The truck would have been on my kids heads and probably dead. No hyperbolic either. I was there.
110   HeadSet   2024 Nov 22, 7:42pm  

Patrick says

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

"Just about 15 minutes down the road from Devil’s Slide is Moss Beach Distillery."

I've been there. It's OK.

Is there any left now?
111   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 22, 10:48pm  

socal2 says

Eric Holder says

Are you implying that the percentage of idiots is higher among Tesla drivers so much so they manage to kill themselves even in Devil Slide proof car?

I'm suggesting that performance cars and muscle cars have higher fatality rates because........they do.

Even base model Teslas are faster and more powerful than most muscle and performance cars. So no surprise that some wine moms driving their 3's and Y's around town might let the car get away from them not realizing the power they have available.

Eh? I have an old RWD sedan which is on par with base RWD Model3 performance-wise (260 hp, 5.8 sec to 60, 145 mph top speed). I don't see it as challenging to drive. Also I've driven Model 3 in both RWD and AWD spec and Model Y LR AWD and again didn't have my socks blown off. These are not Ferraris for sure. Not even V8 Mustangs as far as getting yourself into trouble goes. You can't even disable the electronic nannies. So no, not buying the "supercar in Corolla garb" spin.
112   WookieMan   2024 Nov 22, 11:46pm  


Eh? I have an old RWD sedan which is on par with base RWD Model3 performance-wise (260 hp, 5.8 sec to 60, 145 mph top speed). I don't see it as challenging to drive. Also I've driven Model 3 in both RWD and AWD spec and Model Y LR AWD and again didn't have my socks blown off. These are not Ferraris for sure. Not even V8 Mustangs as far as getting yourself into trouble goes. You can't even disable the electronic nannies. So no, not buying the "supercar in Corolla garb" spin.

They are ugly for sure. I get people that like muscle cars because sure there's power, but they look cool. Not my jam, but I get people liking the looks. It's kind of like art.

Haven't had a speeding ticket or traffic accident since I was 18. I like big cars and I cannot lie. I'm the guy you are pissed at going the exact speed limit.

Here in IL there are less cops pulling people over. I respect them but don't trust them at all. I don't need a fast car for some mid-life crisis. Building a house. Close 12/3 on the construction loan FINALLY. I would not recommend custom, but I would not recommend buying a corporate built shit shack. The payoff will be good though for us. I finally get my recording studio. Kids get their own bedrooms. Not EV related, but Friday was a big day (yesterday). That's my midlife crisis buy.
113   rocketjoe79   2024 Nov 23, 12:06pm  

My baseline 2021 Model Y is 0-60 in 4.4 sec. I use it to impress people I take on a demo drive. There are other fast cars, most are electric:


Several of these are $100K or more. Out-the-door price on a new Model Y is under $50K without $7500 tax credit.
115   WookieMan   2024 Nov 23, 6:39pm  

rocketjoe79 says

My baseline 2021 Model Y is 0-60 in 4.4 sec. I use it to impress people I take on a demo drive. There are other fast cars, most are electric:


Several of these are $100K or more. Out-the-door price on a new Model Y is under $50K without $7500 tax credit.

Cool. Or I can buy an SUV that has utility and space for 7 people comfortably. EV's don't work for families. Not even a discussion. Enjoy zipping around and I'll hook up a 9k lbs camper and have some cheap fun for less all in than a Model Y.
116   EBGuy   2024 Nov 25, 12:35am  

So much whinging. The Tesla Model X comes in 6 and 7 seat configurations. If you don't like Muh Gullwings, then the Hyundai Ioniq 9 and the Kia EV9 come in a more conventional looking SUV package. Towing in these models is limited to 5000 lbs, so you can't pull a monster RV. That said should be sufficient for WookieMan's daily towing needs. Some even have 120v power outlets so you can convert from gas guzzling mowers/trimmers. Range is 300+ miles. That said, YMMV.
120   WookieMan   2024 Nov 25, 6:56am  

EBGuy says

So much whinging. The Tesla Model X comes in 6 and 7 seat configurations. If you don't like Muh Gullwings, then the Hyundai Ioniq 9 and the Kia EV9 come in a more conventional looking SUV package. Towing in these models is limited to 5000 lbs, so you can't pull a monster RV. That said should be sufficient for WookieMan's daily towing needs. Some even have 120v power outlets so you can convert from gas guzzling mowers/trimmers. Range is 300+ miles. That said, YMMV.

I have 3 boys my friend. They will all be 6'3" plus. I'm the runt in my family lineage at that height. So they might be 6'5" or more. No Tesla will work. I've done my research. Then carpooling with other kids that will be somewhat tall. I just took 5 kids this morning for basketball and not a chance in hell we'd all fit in a Tesla with school bag and athletic bag.

It's not whining, it's reality. I'm not dropping $100k+ as Al Sharpton posted. I can get an ICE for a fraction of the cost that's BIGGER than what he posted. Tows 9-10k. Fits the humans I have to deal with. No EV provides that. If an EV can town 9K, I'm stopping every 50-75 miles in areas that may not have chargers. My needs are not everyones, but I don't think most here have kids unless they're lurkers and don't post.
121   socal2   2024 Nov 25, 9:33am  


Eh? I have an old RWD sedan which is on par with base RWD Model3 performance-wise (260 hp, 5.8 sec to 60, 145 mph top speed).

The Model 3 Performance has a 0-60 at 2.9 sec. That is night and day difference. My long range Y does it in 4.4 seconds. .

Most people spending extra money to buy muscle cars and sports cars are typically car enthusiasts and know what they are getting. Some people spend thousands of dollars on standard ICE cars for mod packages just to shave half a second on acceleration because it is so noticable. Now imagine shaving nearly 4 seconds off your old RWD sedan!

Soccer and Wine moms getting a Tesla for a fraction of the cost of sports cars can sometimes let the cars get away from them.

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