Epstein Autopsy Finds Evidence He May Have Been Murdered

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2019 Aug 15, 2:37pm   71,534 views  496 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember how some witnesses claimed they had heard horrifying shrieking coming from Epstein's cell in the hours before his death? Well, here's one explanation for that: An autopsy report found that Epstein had endured multiple breaks in his neck bones, deepening the mystery surrounding his death last week.

Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. These breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject.

But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation.

Even Jonathan L. Arden, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, admitted that a hyoid break is more commonly associated with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging.

SEE: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-15/epstein-autopsy-finds-evidence-he-may-have-been-murdered

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22   komputodo   2019 Sep 19, 11:26pm  

I'm waiting for the same old tired reasoning....."it couldn't be true...too many people involved...someone would have said something or reported it to the news".
23   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 20, 10:22am  

There were a lot of people in his rich pedo club. I wonder if he had connections to Ed Buck, or they are unrelated pedos.
25   WookieMan   2019 Sep 24, 2:15pm  

Gonna be down in St. Thomas in a couple weeks. Got a boat rented. Should I see if the captain will take us there? lol. Dead serious, not an internet lie. It's part of US territory so isn't it the high water mark or something? I should technically be able to check out the beach at least and see what kind of push back there is.
27   Patrick   2019 Sep 24, 10:45pm  

WookieMan says
Gonna be down in St. Thomas in a couple weeks. Got a boat rented. Should I see if the captain will take us there? lol. Dead serious, not an internet lie. It's part of US territory so isn't it the high water mark or something? I should technically be able to check out the beach at least and see what kind of push back there is.

@WookieMan Yes, please do!

Would really love photos and a report on patrick.net.
28   georgeliberte   2019 Oct 10, 10:41am  

Breaking News: Humpty Dumpty fall no accident, Humpty had incriminating evidence on Clinton and Rodham families.

29   WookieMan   2019 Oct 10, 12:48pm  

Patrick says
@WookieMan Yes, please do!

Would really love photos and a report on patrick.net.

I leave Saturday. Boat Monday. One of the ass hats in our group doesn't have a passport, so we're USVI on the boat strictly. So that limits us and might free up time to check it out.

Gonna call the captain tomorrow or Saturday and plant the seed of at least a drive by. Then I'll feel out the rest of our group. They all are friends, but some are clients, so you kinda gotta tread lightly with pedo island visits, lol.

Just went on google maps. They're blocking the link to click the reviews for Little St James (pedo island) specifically the Ledges of Little St. James. Leave it up to google to block reviews of a pedophile. Need to do some last minute research on beaches/island. Pretty sure it's the average high water mark. Maybe anchor and snorkel ashore. We'll see.
30   Ceffer   2019 Oct 11, 12:22am  

They'll make it a museum someday and charge to see Epstein's collection of underage pickled pubescent hymens.

Of course, Jeffery is probably just healing from his plastic surgery right about now and is picking the climate and geography he would enjoy for his anonymous retirement.
31   komputodo   2019 Oct 11, 6:51am  

he's not dead
32   WookieMan   2019 Oct 11, 7:14am  

komputodo says
he's not dead

Conspiracy theories are weird. They usually take with a certain element and stay somewhat in the headlines (9/11 for example). This Epstien conspiracy has fallen off the map because of impeachment "inquiry" lol. Weird... FYI, I think he's alive too.
33   Shaman   2019 Oct 21, 2:39pm  


There’s a pretty decent quality drone video on this link. Couldn’t see much about the guy supposed to be Epstein. But I guess it could be him. It makes as much sense as him dying suddenly of suicide and a broken neck. Sticking him back in his island and telling him to stay put seems like something the elite mafia would do.
34   WookieMan   2019 Oct 22, 8:07am  

I was on the water last Monday (not yesterday). We went by and did a slow boat by. I got more photos of other parts, but had to post the temple here. It was a bit choppy and have almost lost my drone on a boat before. Not worth a $1,400 loss for you imbeciles... ;) So no drone footage unfortunately. I was also hammered with a group of 14 of us that probably didn't want to wait 30 minutes for me to drone the place. I do regret it though.

Fucking amazing though when you see it up close. How someone can amass that much wealth to own that. The scale of how much real estate it is and the location it's in. Boat captain was saying he owes the island to the north too. Born and raised in St. Thomas, so I tend to believe him (it's probably public record anyway or has been reported on).

35   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 4:21pm  

Could you see the bonfire scars where Barr and the FBI destroyed all the evidence on the island?
36   WookieMan   2019 Oct 22, 5:15pm  

Ceffer says
Could you see the bonfire scars where Barr and the FBI destroyed all the evidence on the island?

Unfortunately no. Fucking nice island though. Thing is fucking huuuuggggeee.

As billionaires do, they figure out ways around the law. Asked if we could swim up to the beach. He said no. Epstein put rocks on the beach (large ones), so at the water line it was no longer a beach. This is from the captain. Could be BS, but I actually think it's true as there were enormous rocks on the beach, at the water line. I also don't think he wanted to fuck around with it.

Apparently this was a point of contention years ago when he purchased the island with people coming to his pedo... errr... I mean beach.
37   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 6:09pm  

i wonder if they are going to let the underground Epstein come back for nostalgia visits to hump underage RealDolls?
38   Hircus   2019 Oct 22, 10:29pm  

Patrick says
WookieMan says
Gonna be down in St. Thomas in a couple weeks. Got a boat rented. Should I see if the captain will take us there? lol. Dead serious, not an internet lie. It's part of US territory so isn't it the high water mark or something? I should technically be able to check out the beach at least and see what kind of push back there is.

@WookieMan Yes, please do!

Would really love photos and a report on patrick.net.

For me this invoked dreams of patnet growing into a grassroots anti-globo-homo activist journalist and info launching pad. And we had a cool anti globo homo icon too.
39   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 11:20pm  

WookieMan says
Unfortunately no. Fucking nice island though. Thing is fucking huuuuggggeee.

Epstein didn't own it.

He was running a child rape ring which was being used to blackmail politicians and other people in power. Nobody knows how Epstein made his money because he didn't make his money. "His" house in NYC was a gift to him from the Rothschild family.

He was removed from the cell (either murdered or just removed) not to protect his victims (either child or blackmailed), but to protect the child rape ring he was running so the people who were being blackmailed could still be blackmailed. He was removed by the intelligence agency (or agencies) that controlled him.

He may be alive, he may be dead, it doesn't matter - the ring is still in operation, and it's just moved. The people who are being blackmailed KNOW they are being blackmailed, doesn't make any difference to them. They know they're being filmed whenever they take part, and they don't care because they know they are owned.

That's your government boys and girls.

Go ahead, try to find out who ended up owning his properties after his "death".. 10 to 1 it is either entirely impossible to find out, or it will be a shell holding company.
40   Patrick   2019 Oct 30, 8:42pm  


A forensic pathologist hired by Jeffrey Epstein’s brother disputed the official finding in the autopsy of his death, claiming on Wednesday that the evidence suggested that he did not take his own life but may have been strangled.

The New York City medical examiner’s office concluded in August that Mr. Epstein had hanged himself in his jail cell while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

But the private pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, said on the morning TV show “Fox & Friends” that Mr. Epstein, 66, experienced a number of injuries — among them a broken bone in his neck — that “are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation.”

“I think that the evidence points to homicide rather than suicide,” said Dr. Baden, who observed the autopsy done by city officials.

Why would anyone ever have wanted to murder such a wonderful guy as Epstein?

Oh yeah, his deliberate entrapment of many powerful people through under-age girls. That could be it. Just a hunch.
41   Bd6r   2019 Oct 31, 9:33am  

WillPowers says
Epstein Autopsy Finds Evidence He May Have Been Murdered

In other shocking news, Earth was found not to be flat, politicians were found to be crooked, and water was found to be wet.
42   offendedsnowflake   2019 Oct 31, 9:39am  

FortWayneIndiana says
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
It was MICHELLE! OBAMA! and HER! IMMENSE! DEATH! BUTT! who TWERK! DECAPITATED! Epstein while IHLARY! looked on and dido'ed herself flamboyantly.

Sadly that sums up Democratic party today pretty well, considering their priorities.

You keep referring to Michael LaVaughn Robinson as "Michelle". Dude tucks, and not well, but Barry likes him.
43   Ceffer   2019 Oct 31, 10:01am  

If pathologist M. Biden said it was Murder Most Foul, then it must be, Em, Hmmmm..............., completely misleading? Perhaps the best indicator yet that Epstein was shuttled out alive.

"People don't seem to believe our diorama. Throw them a 'murder' bone Michael, let's get them off track from the 'Epstein Lives' motif. Doesn't really matter, the stupids will believe anything we say at this point."
45   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:48am  

Now we have both Wecht AND Baden saying more consistent with homicide than suicide.

The sheets are paper thin, there is nothing to attach anything to. Did anybody take pics of the scene? Keep in going, people.

The Media generally hates this story, only the more tabloid mags will cover it. The Mainstream Media, NYMag, NYT, etc. are all taking a "Hurrumph, conspiracy theory" attitude.
47   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:51am  

There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time in those units. It’s an impossibility.

Between the floor and the ceiling is like 8 or 9 feet. There’s no way for you to connect to anything.

You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.

When you’re on suicide watch, they put you in this white smock, a straitjacket. They know a person cannot be injurious to themselves.

The clothing they give you is a jump-in uniform. Everything is a dark brown color.

Could he have done it from the bed? No sir. There’s a steel frame, but you can’t move it. There’s no light fixture. There’s no bars.

They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens and maybe once a week a piece of paper.

Nothing hard or made of metal.

There’s up to 80 people there. They could put two in cell. It’s one or two, but I’ll never believe this guy had a cellmate. He was too blown up.


The ex-cop did it on orders. He'll die soon.
48   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:53am  

The new Manhattan federal-court filing now says Tartaglione “then hit Luna repeatedly and eventually put a plastic zip tie around Luna’s neck and pulled it tight, choking Luna, and ultimately killing him.”

The other three men with Luna were shot in the head, authorities have said.

Tartaglione is cooling his heels in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan awaiting trial.

Epstein, a convicted pedophile who had been facing sex-trafficking charges, was briefly paired with him in a cell and told his lawyers that July 23, the ex-cop inflicted injuries on him that nearly left him unconscious, a source told The Post at the time. Epstein was treated for neck injuries, law-enforcement officials said.

Tartaglione’s lawyer denied the claim that his client hurt Epstein.

Epstein was moved out of the cell and hanged himself within weeks.


That was the FIRST attempt.

They used this muttonhead to do it, and he was killed with something easily smuggled, like zip ties. That's why the neck wounds are unusual.

Tartaglione will eventually get a nice transfer to a sweet unit, and after he's happy and settled and thinks the Man kept his side of the deal, he'll be executed in prison.
49   Ceffer   2019 Nov 1, 1:24am  

Speculation is fun, but I doubt we will ever know what really happened. Put it in the "when the perps are safe, old and beyond reach" file. There is still the chain of custody issue, where all the people at the prison and the hospital would have been interviewed in the olden days by a press that was anything but a bunch of servile boot lickers and actors.

It's funny, I watched a You Tube video by a woman journalist who left the BBC because she said they didn't do journalism, much less anything resembling investigative journalism.
She said, "They were all a bunch of actors or something".
55   komputodo   2019 Nov 5, 5:35am  

WillPowers says
Remember how some witnesses claimed they had heard horrifying shrieking coming from Epstein's cell in the hours before his death?

If you are a pro killer and are strangling someone, the victim has no air to scream or shriek....so I call BULLSHIT
Do people scream and shriek when they commit suicide? I don't know....
He's not dead....
56   RC2006   2019 Nov 5, 7:13am  


News casters tape leaked talking about Eptien how stories were killed about him three years ago.

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