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1   Ceffer   2019 Sep 13, 11:06am  

Divorced women on alimony should be required to show up on the ex's doorstep and give him a blow job at least fifteen times a month or she loses it.
2   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Sep 13, 11:07am  

Anyone who truly believes women should be strong and independent should send him cash.
3   mell   2019 Sep 13, 11:55am  

3) If there are no kids = no alimony, get rid of alimony and only have child support, WTF is alimony anyways? If there are no kids both spouses can go to work and earn their own money.
4   tovarichpeter   2019 Sep 13, 4:22pm

“When states take over managing child support, watch out. Most of the money paid in by parents often disappears into state coffers.”
5   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 4:47pm  

When liberals claim that they've made all these changes to society and nothing bad happened, it's bullshit.

1) No Fault and No Mutual Consent divorce destroyed the family.
2) Lack of Stay at home moms caused a crime and alienation boom in teens.
2b) The only stronger indicator for failed kids than single mothers is Crackhead mothers.
3) Drug and Alcohol Tolerance has caused deaths from addictions to reach all time highs in the West
6   HeadSet   2019 Sep 13, 5:09pm  

Lack of Stay at home moms

Basically agree here, but would change it to stay at home parent. If women were truly empowered and liberated, a couple could decide which one will be the at home parent, and we would see a near even number of stay at home dads as stay at home moms. I would prefer to see a gay couple with a stay at home parent over a single working mom or a two worker hetero couple who both work while kids are young.
7   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 13, 7:50pm  

Liberals will destroy entire society in order to achieve arbitrary equality. I see it happening in CA, like an incurable plague.

There are no criminals, only justice impacted individuals. There aren’t mentally ill, only misunderstood oppressed groups. Lgbt is virtue, god is immorality. White family working are evil, welfare minorities are the real role models. Drugs are good, morality is racist.

World is upside down.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 8:12pm  

HeadSet says
Basically agree here, but would change it to stay at home parent. If women were truly empowered and liberated, a couple could decide which one will be the at home parent, and we would see a near even number of stay at home dads as stay at home moms. I would prefer to see a gay couple with a stay at home parent over a single working mom or a two worker hetero couple who both work while kids are young.

Women hate being the breadwinner in a two person relationship (inc. Lesbians). It's the a top lifestyle factor for divorce: If the Guy is a stay at home dad, the chances of the couple divorcing skyrocket.

Also, husbands washing dishes = less sex.

One good thing about gay marriage is that "Family" Courts will have to finally address the sexual imbalance or face LBTQABC Outrage
9   mell   2019 Sep 13, 8:49pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
HeadSet says
Basically agree here, but would change it to stay at home parent. If women were truly empowered and liberated, a couple could decide which one will be the at home parent, and we would see a near even number of stay at home dads as stay at home moms. I would prefer to see a gay couple with a stay at home parent over a single working mom or a two worker hetero couple who both work while kids are young.

Women hate being the breadwinner in a two person relationship (inc. Lesbians). It's the a top lifestyle factor for divorce: If the Guy is a stay at home dad, the chances of the couple divorcing skyrocket.

Also, husbands washing dishes = le...

It's not just violating the gender roles, womyn are solipsistic and far less altruistic than men. Even if they have to hold down a lower paid job for financing their iPhones and Gucci bags they will blame the man for it. If they are the sole breadwinner they will give the stay at home dad hell on earth unless he's an alpha bad boy criminal mistreating her. If the schlub goes like honey but I took care of the kids and the household the womyn is out the door and marriage in no time looking for a "better deal". Book it.
10   Patrick   2019 Sep 13, 8:50pm  

I worked with a woman who divorced her husband. No kids. The guy made a lot less than her, which is a huge factor in divorces, as the Red Pill teaches us.

The glorious irony of it was when she found out she would have to pay him alimony! She was so incensed it was comical.

But yup, the law seems to work that way in California. I think lots of guys should try to marry rich women and then just sponge off them until divorce, and then take half and maybe get alimony too. Equal opportunity for men.
11   mell   2019 Sep 13, 8:55pm  

Patrick says
I worked with a woman who divorced her husband. No kids. The guy made a lot less than her, which is a huge factor in divorces, as the Red Pill teaches us.

The glorious irony of it was when she found out she would have to pay him alimony! She was so incensed it was comical.

But yup, the law seems to work that way in California. I think lots of guys should try to marry rich women and then just sponge off them until divorce, and then take half and maybe get alimony too. Equal opportunity for men.

It does work both ways but men don't always demand it in court out of fear being ridiculed which they will either way.
12   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 13, 10:34pm  

Patrick says
I worked with a woman who divorced her husband. No kids. The guy made a lot less than her, which is a huge factor in divorces, as the Red Pill teaches us.

The glorious irony of it was when she found out she would have to pay him alimony! She was so incensed it was comical.

But yup, the law seems to work that way in California. I think lots of guys should try to marry rich women and then just sponge off them until divorce, and then take half and maybe get alimony too. Equal opportunity for men.

I know a dude who was in exact same situation: his ex were paying him alimony. It all ended when he re-married.
13   B.A.C.A.H.   2019 Sep 14, 12:04pm  

This crap drove a friend of mine to suicide. No kidding.
14   Shaman   2019 Sep 14, 2:28pm  

mell says
3) If there are no kids = no alimony, get rid of alimony and only have child support, WTF is alimony anyways? If there are no kids both spouses can go to work and earn their own money.

Yah I know a guy who is stuck with alimony for years and years and his ex wife had no kids, just some nasty drug habits.
15   Shaman   2019 Sep 14, 2:34pm  

Patrick says
I worked with a woman who divorced her husband. No kids. The guy made a lot less than her, which is a huge factor in divorces, as the Red Pill teaches us.

The glorious irony of it was when she found out she would have to pay him alimony! She was so incensed it was comical.

But yup, the law seems to work that way in California. I think lots of guys should try to marry rich women and then just sponge off them until divorce, and then take half and maybe get alimony too. Equal opportunity for men.

That happened to my sister. She still has to pay him child support even though they have 50-50 custody. Fortunately, she wised up and married a well-off man the second time around. Worst thing ever for a woman is to buy into the whole “thugs are awesome” rap life bullshit. I have a niece who totally bought into that. Had two kids with random gangsters (who wanted nothing to do with them), and then three more with a local petty criminal who wound up doing 8 in a prison. She got addicted to drugs of various sorts along the way, lost her kids for a while, and finally got them back after finding religion. She’s still struggling, but the Trump tax bill is helping a lot with that. She used to be quite pretty...
16   Ceffer   2019 Sep 14, 3:14pm  

Ceffer says
Divorced women on alimony should be required to show up on the ex's doorstep and give him a blow job at least fifteen times a month or she loses it.

If you collect alimony from a woman, does this mean you have to show up on her doorstep fifteen times a month and eat her pussy?
17   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 14, 7:15pm  

What happened?

B.A.C.A.H. says
This crap drove a friend of mine to suicide. No kidding.
18   Booger   2019 Dec 14, 8:09pm  

Effective Jan2020, Dutch alimony reduced from 12 years to 5. Result? Dutch women flock to divorce before the deadline.

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