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I used to work in that area when I lived in Chicagoland. It was a bad area even then. When we had visitors to the office, we'd immediately ask them if they parked on the street, and if they had, to move their car immediately to the garage. There was literally a continuous line of broken glass on the street from all the car break-ins.
Lol, I think people pointed out that a certain group is missing from Japan.
Media says two teen girls brutally attack a woman with Down Syndrome; wrong, this was racial hatred, the title should be: "2 feral fecal black girls tried to kill a defenseless white elderly woman and left her with life-long permanent head and body injury & a jury has just sentenced them to be publicly hung until dead'; now that would have been more accurate! racist beasts!
Why are so many robots White? If you made them Black you would be accused of racism for implying Black slavery.
Police say this driver is on tape crushing a mother and daughter at 70mph in a city crosswalk and he is already out on bond
How is our justice system this broken?
I'm going to show you the tape of this vehicular homicide that occurred on Valentine's Day, of all days. It is horrific. This mother and daughter were literally deleted. The perp is going so fast that they had no time to react. Within a single frame, they disappear, their bodies thrown like rag dolls down the street.
I found a blurred version for you...
Yes, that man - the man on tape crushing the bones of a mother and daughter, reducing them to human pulp on the pavement, was QUICKLY RELEASED ON BOND BY A ST. LOUIS JUDGE.
This is a trend for St. Louis:
Janae Edmondson was only 17 when a black perp with 90 bond violations crashed into her, causing her to lose both legs. The perp was out on bond AGAIN following an armed robbery charge. As a violent repeat offender awaiting trail, he should have never been out on the streets, but in an effort not to appear racist and to enact Marxist "equity," St. Louis has decided to play games with innocent lives.
In the wake of Floyd, I began to notice many such cases, cases where white Americans, or white people around the world, suffered violence, with not even a fraction of the outcry that had been given to the strange case of Floyd.
Of course we all know crime is an inevitable part of human life. Victims and perpetrators are found in all walks of life, in all nationalities, in all ethnic groups (at different rates of course).
But what interested me were how certain crimes, with certain types of victims and perpetrators were depicted by the media. There is, indeed, a clear pattern.
Lewis was murdered over a dispute concerning a pair of headphones.
Andy Probst, a retired police chief of Reno, in Nevada USA, was murdered by two ‘youths’ in a hit-and-run incident whilst they livestreamed it online.
This is them laughing about it in court. ...
... What I am suggesting some kind of ideological trend which seeks to taint the white race, and to whitewash the crimes of other races.
Maybe this offends you. But is it true?
How else to explain the bias of AI programmes?
... After all, much of this ‘war’ is conducted by whites themselves, certainly in the first world. These whites are liberals who for some reason have imbibed the historical falsehood that whites are uniquely guilty, that whites are the scourge of the planet, and that white culture does not, or should not, exist.
Historians posit that peoples rise and fall according to the degree of ‘asabiyyah’ within their communities.
Asabiyyah is an Arabic term referring to group consciousness, solidarity, and self-belief. It is not necessarily based on race. A medieval Arabic historian, Ibn Khaldun, popularized the term as the chief ingredient in the rise and fall of civilizations.
Maybe western civilization is in decline. But that does not mean we simply need to go gentle into that good night. We are allowed to be on our side. We are allowed to love our heritage.
Johnson, a felon who had been released from prison less than a month earlier after serving a 7-year sentence, beat Marc & Rita to death in their home.
March 22, 2019
Location: Pompano Beach,FL
Victim(s): Marc Gagné 80,Rita Gagné 78
Attacker(s): Quinton B Johnson
Description: Johnson, a felon who had just been released from prison less than a month earlier after serving a 7-year sentence, beat Marc and Rita to death in their home.
http://archive.is/ Link(s):
https://archive.fo/m3W5d Story on the crime.
https://archive.fo/NiJDh Johnson is arrested.
https://archive.fo/yDWxn Johnson’s mugshot.
https://archive.fo/ntot6 Johnson’s FL prison info. He was released 2-23-2019.
https://archive.fo/5V918 Another story on the investigation.
https://archive.fo/lZwBq Additional story on the investigation.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190522232707/https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/quinton-johnson-rita-gagne-marc-murder-florida_ca_5cde1761e4b09e057800f9d7 Another story on the arrest.
https://archive.fo/AzmPT Gagné surname wikipedia entry.
https://archive.fo/ZDy1Z Gagné surname info house of names.
She's currently in critical condition with extensive brain damage.
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It's possible only if black people are far more racist than white people and deliberately choose to attack whites.
Why is this violent racism never mentioned in the mainstream press?