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42   BayArea   2019 Oct 20, 6:40pm  

WookieMan says
@Marcus - I do think you have some balanced posts/comment that are correct about Trump's behavior (not many about policy, but not all are wrong - deficit you're right), but I think this one is pure garbage. His index finger is slightly extended. In no way is this a blatant or even subtle flip of the bird.

You're also assuming he's even listening. I frankly think he was bored and may have been doing "locker room" antics with someone in the room he knew was off camera IF this was intended. Either way, NOBODY would know except for Trump and you know he's not going to admit he was flipping off a female astronaut. He'd just lie about it like all politicians (left or right) and frankly most humans would if they think they've been caught for something so juvenile.

I personally don't think he was doing what you're saying. Getting worked up over something sooooooooooooo trivial is laughable even if he did it intentionally I guess is the point.

You hit the nail on the head:

Even on the remote chance that he did do it on purpose, whooooo cares! You’re burning calories that aren’t helping you.

If Dems want to beat Donald in 2020, this is exactly the type of insignificant BS you can start by shaking.

But Marco just doesn’t get it and probably never will.
43   marcus   2019 Oct 20, 8:08pm  

BayArea says
If Dems want to beat Donald in 2020, this is exactly the type of insignificant BS you can start by shaking

Even the significant BS doesn't get traction, becasue Trump is a firehose of constant unpresidential douchebag behavior.

You may like it. But many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Decorum has nothing to do with policy. IF he acts like an immature clownish self involved asshole but makes the republican overlords happy, then you love him. I really do totally get it.
44   WookieMan   2019 Oct 20, 8:21pm  

marcus says
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Decorum has nothing to do with policy. IF he acts like an immature clownish self involved asshole but makes the republican overlords happy, than you love him. I really do totally get it.

Come on. I suppose you're a fan of blowjobs, in the White House, out of wedlock? Is that decorum? How about Bush lying about WMD's and claiming victory at the start of the cluster fuck in the ME he helped create because Daddy fucked it up? Is that decorum? Obama, the cig smoker and another war mongering SOB? Is that decorum?

decorum - noun
de·​co·​rum: propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance

Stop acting like any of these people are above the human race. Politicians by definition are the opposite of decorum. I've said here I don't like Trump's behavior, but who cares when everyone is swimming in shit anyway. Trump at least acknowledges the shit instead of pretending it's not shit.
45   richwicks   2019 Oct 20, 8:57pm  

marcus says
You may like it. But many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.

Oh, so some fucking asshole that bombs nations when our bullshit media "news" just ignores it.

Better to have a clown in the office than another fucking traitor to the nation which is all we had for decades.
46   Shaman   2019 Oct 20, 9:02pm  

marcus says
possessed some minor degree of decorum.

There’s no room for decorum in a knock out drag off war. Only kill or be killed. That’s what Trump is dealing with. You don’t come at a man with a sword and complain when he shoots you with a gun. Unless you’re a fucking idiot Democrat. Then you do all that and a bag of idiot chips.
47   BayArea   2019 Oct 20, 9:59pm  

marcus says
But many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.

Arrogant and pompous.

You saw him dismantle the entire lineup of Republicans one by one. And then he took down your queen.

Questioning his intelligence is absurd - just confirms that you don’t get it.
48   marcus   2019 Oct 20, 10:17pm  

BayArea says
You saw him dismantle the entire lineup of Republicans one by one. And then he took down your queen.

Yes, but then primaries play to the extremes. Which are just as idiotic on the right as they are on the left.

BayArea says
Questioning his intelligence is absurd - just confirms that you don’t get it.

What ? That they are all morons ? I disagree.

Questioning his stupidity ? Only a right wing buffoon could do that.
49   komputodo   2019 Oct 20, 10:43pm  

marcus says
Trump is such a class act - here is is flipping off female astronauts

Finally, a truly impeachable act....get hills and pelosi on the blower and let them know...Thank you Marcus...You have saved the republic.
50   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 20, 11:43pm  

The story of the past year isn't Trump or Brexit or the NBA selling out to Chicoms while being all F the Police Social Justicey Wokey Doke at home.

It's that the Yellow Vests are now almost a year old, and the French police - from a nation quick to buy into and slam any US police behavior at home or by MPs abroad - are unbelievably brutal and neither the French nor Western nor US Media gives it anything but the least scrap of attention.

And it all started with a commuter tax imposed on working people who can't afford to live in the most modest digs anywhere near the jobs.
51   marcus   2019 Oct 21, 6:16am  

WookieMan says
I suppose you're a fan of blowjobs, in the White House, out of wedlock? Is that decorum?

That was his private business not not something we were intended to know. I don't see how that or Obamas private cigarette smoking is comparable to the constant public international embarrassment that is Trump. His tweets are just one example, but they are an every day occurrence.
52   Onvacation   2019 Oct 21, 6:35am  

marcus says
many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.

Got a candidate?
53   komputodo   2019 Oct 21, 6:46am  

Onvacation says
Got a candidate?

Marcus avoids picking a candidate.He just likes to complain.
54   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 8:14am  

marcus says
WookieMan says
I suppose you're a fan of blowjobs, in the White House, out of wedlock? Is that decorum?

That was his private business not not something we were intended to know. I don't see how that or Obamas private cigarette smoking is comparable to the constant public international embarrassment that is Trump. His tweets are just one example, but they are an every day occurrence.

You're mistaken. I get it's the President, but it is not their private business anymore as public servants. Smoking is awful and I didn't even know Obama smoked and I thought less of him after finding out. Smoking is a trashy habit and is awful for a sitting President to be doing given the lung cancer risks regardless of party affiliation.

Infidelity in the White House? Are you seriously defending that? I don't care that it happened, people cheat and get blowjobs, but that's the complete opposite of decorum. For obvious reasons, we don't have access to the White House. But it's technically public property that is taken care of by US the taxpayer. Not on my dime. Get back to work.

I don't like Hillary and never real have, I still think if a real man wants to cheat they should just get a divorce and have fun if it's not what they bargained for with the wife. It's cowardly frankly. Fucking dick move and in all honest I kind of felt bad for her. My guess she knew he was after that shit, but put up with it for the political gain, so don't feel all that sorry. They're a fucked up family for sure, opposite of decorum.

If you sign up as a private citizen to do public work, assume your privacy is gone. Past, present and future.
55   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 8:18am  

Follow up to my comment. This isn't a defense of Trump either. This is simply stating that Presidents aren't perfect. For fucks sake everyone on this forum doesn't have decorum here or in their public life I'm guessing. With Trump, I'd say the fact that he keeps people guessing what his next outrageous move is, might benefit him. We'll see. Time will tell.

I can deal with it though and not continuously get freaked out over it. Things aren't that bad.
56   mell   2019 Oct 21, 9:26am  

komputodo says
Onvacation says
Got a candidate?

Marcus avoids picking a candidate.He just likes to complain.

There is no other sane candidate doing the right thing for American citizens besides Trump right now. Maybe Tulsi can fill that void on the Dem side, the rest are simply nutjobs, and while sleepy quid pro joe is not a nutjob, he's corrupt and senile.
57   HeadSet   2019 Oct 21, 9:46am  

Maybe Tulsi can fill that void on the Dem side, the rest are simply nutjobs, and while sleepy quid pro joe is not a nutjob, he's corrupt and senile.

Tulsi is outspokenly against entrenched corruption like the Clintons, but she defends Joe Biden. My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 21, 10:56am  

It's interesting that none of the Libs on this board will list a favorite candidate and/or a runner up.
59   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 12:26pm  

HeadSet says
My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.

I don't trust polls anymore. Not saying some can't be right, but I don't see how Joe Biden could be the nominee at this point. Even prior to Hunter's shit coming out. You have to at least be palatable to an independent, which I would consider myself. I'd never vote for the guy regardless of Trump being incumbent. Career politicians scare me. What and who do they owe.....
60   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 21, 12:30pm  

The whackiest polling has Klobuchar and Tulsi all in the 1-3% range. Klobuchar is about as exciting as plain toasted Wheat Bread, I have not seen or heard from a single Klobuchar supporter anywhere, IRL or Twitter or anywhere else. Of Tulsi and Yang and Bernie there are many.
61   mell   2019 Oct 21, 1:23pm  

HeadSet says
Maybe Tulsi can fill that void on the Dem side, the rest are simply nutjobs, and while sleepy quid pro joe is not a nutjob, he's corrupt and senile.

Tulsi is outspokenly against entrenched corruption like the Clintons, but she defends Joe Biden. My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.

Not sure Biden would make her VP, he'd get destroyed by his elite buddies.
62   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 4:58pm  

mell says
Not sure Biden would make her VP, he'd get destroyed by his elite buddies.

Spot on. That's why even if I liked his platform, I couldn't vote for him and am frankly astonished how many popular votes Hillary got in '16. Life long politicians always owe someone and it ain't the common American.
63   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 21, 5:04pm  

The same media that claims Epstein's death was a suicide and only a crazy person would suspect otherwise...

... is on board with the Trump head scratch/wipe = middle finger to all the womenz conspiracy theory.
64   komputodo   2019 Oct 21, 6:13pm  

NoCoupForYou says
It's interesting that none of the Libs on this board will list a favorite candidate and/or a runner up.

Not really...none of them have ever stood up and picked one....they won't commit...they just complain and hide when asked a direct question.
65   komputodo   2019 Oct 21, 6:15pm  

HeadSet says
Tulsi is outspokenly against entrenched corruption like the Clintons, but she defends Joe Biden. My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.

Then she has fucked herself because sleepy joe won't even be on the ticket.
66   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 11:07am  

WookieMan says
HeadSet says
My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.

I don't trust polls anymore. Not saying some can't be right, but I don't see how Joe Biden could be the nominee at this point.

Polls are lies, they are propaganda.

I remember when Ron Paul was running in 2007. I'm an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley, it's pretty easy to setup a poll. You send a cookie and attach it to an IP address to prevent double counting of votes, and you record the frequency of counts from an IP address. Part of polling, is research statistics, not just people's favorability for a candidate. We know what we're doing now.

The polls were skewed by who happened across the poll of course, but MILLIONS voted for Paul but in "official national polling", he never showed up. Corporate media would ignore his name when he won a straw poll or come in second place. The Daily Show used to make fun of Fox news skipping over his name when Jon Stewart was the main host.

All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.
67   Shaman   2019 Oct 22, 11:28am  

richwicks says
All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.

Yes. +100
68   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 11:34am  

Quigley says
richwicks says
All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.

Yes. +100

it's REALLY hard to get people to realize this. It's gotten a lot better though, 15 years ago 1/2 the board would be screaming my tinfoil hat is on too tight and I should go back on my meds.. Haha, now I understand how Nazi Germany came into existence as well as the Bolshevik revolution.
69   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 22, 11:37am  

richwicks says
All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.

Yep. Including Fox.

Much of the TDS has more to do with the Media losing it's power and influence. We're seeing it with the NYT Board of Editors putting out opinion pieces about how "Public Servants" can and should oppose and resist the policies of a democratically elected executive. We're seeing it with Youtube's new algos reducing views to independent content creators from Pewdiepie to Sargon to Razorfist, while ramping up hits to failing CNN and partnering with Vox and Vice (and destroying their brand in the process).

The one thing Trump has done, a horse that cannot be put back in the barn, is exposing Corporate Media and hastening their destruction.

The Powers-that-be are pining for the loss of the false fraudulent consensus they built over the past 70 years by marching pretty much lockstep on policy issues, with a little fake fighting over cultural issues and some celebrity gossip for 'safe' controversy.

Interestingly, the biggest losers of all has been Conservativism, Inc. of the Kristol, George Will, Noonan, Jonah Goldberg, and Jennifer Rubin variety. It's been illustrative to see how much they've dumped positions they used to support and joined with Establishment Neoliberals in trying to dethrone Orange Man Bad and push the Status Quo.

I believe that they believe that once the Trump Era is over, they will be able to corral the Trump coalition around Mittens somehow. That's gone forever.
70   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 11:40am  

I notice how the agitprop herders are nudging Fox slowly to the left. They are trying to make it a 'maybe we can sneak it by' maneuver.

I scarcely watch it much, but my wife does. I ask her when the 'beaver patrol' is on, and she gets mad and says: "You can't see anything!"

It was inevitable. The screaming bullhorn of public brainwashing prevails!
71   mell   2019 Oct 22, 12:11pm  

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says
All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.

Yep. Including Fox.

Much of the TDS has more to do with the Media losing it's power and influence. We're seeing it with the NYT Board of Editors putting out opinion pieces about how "Public Servants" can and should oppose and resist the policies of a democratically elected executive. We're seeing it with Youtube's new algos reducing views to independent content creators from Pewdiepie to Sargon to Razorfist, while ramping up hits to failing CNN and partnering with Vox and Vice (and destroying their brand in the process).

The one thing Trump has done, a horse that cannot be put back in the barn, is exposing Corporate Media and hastening their destruction.

The Powers-that-be are pining for the loss of the false fraudulent consensus they built over the past 70 years by marching pretty much lockstep ...

Agreed. That is uniform for the Western world these days, in other countries they are funded by taxpayer money so they are even more arrogant. They are losing their master of the narrative status and this is their last fight. I also remember Ron Paul being systematically suppressed and smeared by the media, he never had a chance to begin with.

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