by marcus ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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@Marcus - I do think you have some balanced posts/comment that are correct about Trump's behavior (not many about policy, but not all are wrong - deficit you're right), but I think this one is pure garbage. His index finger is slightly extended. In no way is this a blatant or even subtle flip of the bird.
You're also assuming he's even listening. I frankly think he was bored and may have been doing "locker room" antics with someone in the room he knew was off camera IF this was intended. Either way, NOBODY would know except for Trump and you know he's not going to admit he was flipping off a female astronaut. He'd just lie about it like all politicians (left or right) and frankly most humans would if they think they've been caught for something so juvenile.
I personally don't think he was doing what you're saying. Getting worked up over something sooooooooooooo trivial is laughable even if he did it intentionally I guess is the point.
If Dems want to beat Donald in 2020, this is exactly the type of insignificant BS you can start by shaking
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Decorum has nothing to do with policy. IF he acts like an immature clownish self involved asshole but makes the republican overlords happy, than you love him. I really do totally get it.
You may like it. But many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.
possessed some minor degree of decorum.
But many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.
You saw him dismantle the entire lineup of Republicans one by one. And then he took down your queen.
Questioning his intelligence is absurd - just confirms that you don’t get it.
Trump is such a class act - here is is flipping off female astronauts
I suppose you're a fan of blowjobs, in the White House, out of wedlock? Is that decorum?
many of us are ready to go back to someone that at least seemed above average in intelligence and possessed some minor degree of decorum.
WookieMan saysI suppose you're a fan of blowjobs, in the White House, out of wedlock? Is that decorum?
That was his private business not not something we were intended to know. I don't see how that or Obamas private cigarette smoking is comparable to the constant public international embarrassment that is Trump. His tweets are just one example, but they are an every day occurrence.
Onvacation saysGot a candidate?
Marcus avoids picking a candidate.He just likes to complain.
My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.
Maybe Tulsi can fill that void on the Dem side, the rest are simply nutjobs, and while sleepy quid pro joe is not a nutjob, he's corrupt and senile.
Tulsi is outspokenly against entrenched corruption like the Clintons, but she defends Joe Biden. My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.
Not sure Biden would make her VP, he'd get destroyed by his elite buddies.
It's interesting that none of the Libs on this board will list a favorite candidate and/or a runner up.
Tulsi is outspokenly against entrenched corruption like the Clintons, but she defends Joe Biden. My opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.
HeadSet saysMy opinion is that she is really running to be on the ticket as Biden's VP.
I don't trust polls anymore. Not saying some can't be right, but I don't see how Joe Biden could be the nominee at this point.
richwicks saysAll corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.
Yes. +100
All corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.
richwicks saysAll corporate media is propaganda, all of it. Every bit of it.
Yep. Including Fox.
Much of the TDS has more to do with the Media losing it's power and influence. We're seeing it with the NYT Board of Editors putting out opinion pieces about how "Public Servants" can and should oppose and resist the policies of a democratically elected executive. We're seeing it with Youtube's new algos reducing views to independent content creators from Pewdiepie to Sargon to Razorfist, while ramping up hits to failing CNN and partnering with Vox and Vice (and destroying their brand in the process).
The one thing Trump has done, a horse that cannot be put back in the barn, is exposing Corporate Media and hastening their destruction.
The Powers-that-be are pining for the loss of the false fraudulent consensus they built over the past 70 years by marching pretty much lockstep ...
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