Patrick saw a green fireball last night

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2019 Oct 20, 10:51am   3,159 views  34 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Driving north on 101 past Moffett Field last night, I saw what I first thought was a plane coming in way too fast and about to crash. Then it turned brilliant green and disappeared! No sound.


You'd think lots of people must have seen it, but the only relevant thing I could find was this short video posted shortly after it happened. This guy was just behind me on the road, and did not catch the brilliant beautiful green flash part:


Green fireballs seem to be a known thing since the late 1940s, but with no explanation.


NASA has a big installation at Moffett Field, and it's a military base too, so if not an asteroid, maybe something they were up to.

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1   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2019 Oct 20, 11:37am  

I saw one while driving home from work several days ago however it was a cool white as opposed to a warm white. It looked like it was going straight down onto the 15 or perhaps landing in Poway.

This is the video I dug up the next day: https://abc7.com/weather/residents-report-seeing-bright-light-in-sky-across-ca/5601708/

I'm not sure if it is the same one as that does not look to be heading straight down but I suspect it is and it's just the relative angle I viewed it from.
2   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 20, 11:52am  

It's the soul of a dying power grid. J/K

Well, it can't be methane or something, given the windy dry conditions out there in Cali.
3   Ceffer   2019 Oct 20, 12:00pm  

Meteor or space junk incinerating. The last time I saw one like that was when I was going south on Highway 1 around Santa Cruz. It turned out to be space junk and it was visible all the way to Colorado. They can look like they are close but be quite far away.
4   mell   2019 Oct 20, 12:51pm  

Prob meteor shower
5   theoakman   2019 Oct 20, 1:00pm  

That's predator. He'll likely be taking some trophies over the next couple of days.
7   Hircus   2019 Oct 20, 3:39pm  

Sometimes when Trump tweets a lib explodes and almost escapes orbit, but upon reentry their clothes burn up, and can be a variety of colors.

8   komputodo   2019 Oct 20, 11:07pm  

It was just a weather balloon.
9   rocketjoe79   2019 Oct 21, 8:00am  

Seriously, it has to do with the level of electromagnetic energy UFOs give off relative to the power/speed they are going at. What follows is from upon theorizing based upon footage/reports of UFO effects. And this is just ONE theory:

As long as we are impugning inertialess drives, why apply the theory of relativity at all? Might as well throw out all the physics at once....

There are serious issues with cosmology now anyway. The whole dark matter theory is trying to explain observables we can't reconcile. And String theory is ever weirder. But you gotta start somewhere to try to explain the data. Space telescopes are really helping us understand some things. If the new James Webb scope works, we will have some amazing new data to pore over.
10   Y   2019 Oct 21, 8:03am  

Jesus is upgrading the sun from nuclear to LED lighting. You witnessed the bulb change.
11   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 21, 8:29am  

Methane gas, it could be frozen pee and poo from the space station.
12   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 21, 12:24pm  

Too many red pills may cause seeing green fireballs.
13   EBGuy   2019 Oct 21, 12:53pm  

Elon Musk coming in hot...
14   Patrick   2019 Oct 21, 3:22pm  

People on Reddit also saw it:

Posted byu/bfa2af9d00a4d5a93
1 day ago
Anyone see the green fireball to the east?
Driving north on 101, just past Moffett field when I saw I big greenish streak through the sky. Probably a meteor, wondering if anyone else saw it.


level 1
56 points
1 day ago
edited 1 day ago
Saw it driving north on 101 right near SFO. Despite the fog in the distance, that thing was super bright.

Edit: Pulled this from my dashcam footage: https://gfycat.com/arcticcolorfuldutchsmoushon

level 2
10 points
1 day ago
Nice! Thanks for sharing.

level 2
1 point
1 day ago

level 1
10 points
1 day ago
Just saw it from South Bay, more precisely Santa Clara, CA

I feel lucky since I just went out to walk my dog, I think it’s the first meteorite I’ve ever seen.

level 2
2 points
5 hours ago
Pedantic correction:

A meteorite is what's left on the ground after a meteor hits.

What you saw was a meteor.

level 1
4 points
1 day ago
edited 1 day ago
Yup, saw it in Redwood City

level 1
5 points
1 day ago
No! I sure would’ve loved to see it!

level 1
13 points
1 day ago
Omg 👽 are gonna save us from the earthquake

level 1
3 points
1 day ago
The Orionids are happening right now, earth cruising through the tail of Halley's Comet.

level 1
San Francisco
2 points
1 day ago
edited 1 day ago
iridium or such flare most likely, actually quite common at dusk and for a few hours afterwards (still dusk up there!)

level 2
1 point
5 hours ago
Not. See spacecoyote_'s dashcam footage.

level 1
1 point
1 day ago
Yes! Saw it driving up 101 North last night. Must be part of the Orionids.
15   Patrick   2019 Oct 26, 3:46pm  

From a mostly-reader:

I have seen the government-denies-exists "Black Manta" TR-3B hovering silently and checking me out at night in the desert by the California aqueduct.


Around midnight, I got out of my black Honda Fit, in which I was sleeping deep in the desert next to the California aqueduct south of the Pearblossom Hwy btw Palmdale and the El Cajon pass down into the Inland Empire.

While pissing, I got a strong premonition of being watched, and looked all around warily. Finally looked up. Hovering silently about 50 feet above was a black triangular aircraft entirely blotting out the stars above it, with a green and a red light on its far rear "apices". I did NOT think it was the aliens; I immediately said to myself "well, I'll be fucked, a government stealth aircraft"

Standing there naked (it was mad hot that night), I knew nothing better to do than to weakly wave to the aircraft, and, as soon as I did, WOOOOSH it silently disappeared off to the south like lightning, and that was the last I saw of it

I then spent about 4-5 months questioning adults all around the Antelope Valley about this aircraft, and was largely stigmatized as a crazy homeless man. One day, by good fortune, I asked a couple of high school boys if they had ever seen such a thing. And they cried out in amazement, "Well, fuck yeah, man, they come to our keggers all the time"

I started questioning the kids about them, and found out that the older brother of one worked as a security guard at Edward Air Force base, and that ten to seventeen of them, depending on where they are deployed, live in an underground bunker at Edwards and come out to play at night

So, yes, Patrick, we are not crazy. There IS shit going on.


A guy who runs a stealth plane website, who used to work at Brad's office, and has contacts with the Defense Dept and the FBI (considered by them a friendly journalist and a patriot), told me that the "TR" stands for "Teledyne Ryan" which did the original development of the plane. Northrop built the plane, but TR developed it.

It's of course impossible for me to tell the Wikipidiots this, so they could correct their article.
16   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 26, 4:18pm  

Here's the thing, man is capable of pulling off damn near thing. Just because you've never seen it before, doesn't mean it didn't take a couple guys months or years to make it happen.
17   anonymous   2019 Oct 26, 9:43pm  

I saw that once near Bishop in the 90's.
18   RC2006   2019 Oct 26, 10:01pm  

Skunk works is over there if craft is real that's probably where it came from.
20   Ceffer   2021 Sep 23, 2:46pm  

Thank God it was green. Otherwise, we would have to put Global Warming sanctions on it.
21   Patrick   2021 Sep 23, 2:49pm  

22   Shaman   2021 Sep 23, 9:27pm  

@patrick you out of SanFran area yet? If there ever was a Sodom v.2 that’s the place!
23   Patrick   2021 Sep 23, 9:55pm  

No, there are a couple of things tying me here, but I'm looking at housing in other places.
25   mell   2021 Oct 7, 9:26pm  

Patrick says
There was another one recently, this one blue:


Meteors don't do that? Seems most plausible to me. Sure most are very far away but someone make it to the ground, or almost. Fireworks is possible too.
26   porkchopXpress   2021 Oct 7, 9:40pm  

Surely it was Lopan and the Three Storms.
27   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 11:34pm  

Fuck Hopium, I need me some Three Demon Bag these days.
29   Patrick   2023 Feb 1, 10:37pm  

Moment of paranoia:

The green fireball was indeed alien. The aliens quickly took over the DoD and implemented global vaxxing as a way to cull the human population.

And now the aliens are talking to us through ChatGPT.

I don't really believe those things, but sometimes they seem plausible.
30   Ceffer   2023 Feb 1, 10:41pm  

The Draco Reptilian Sheriff is in town, and we're gefooked.
31   richwicks   2023 Feb 1, 10:51pm  

Patrick says

Moment of paranoia:

The green fireball was indeed alien. The aliens quickly took over the DoD and implemented global vaxxing as a way to cull the human population.

And now the aliens are talking to us through ChatGPT.

I don't really believe those things, but sometimes they seem plausible.

An interstellar species would have so much unimaginable power, that if they showed up, we should surrender immediately. It would be a simple matter of such a species to steer a comet or asteroid into the Earth. We're entirely defenseless against such a power.

In the old Star Trek, it was never said but heavily implied, that basically humanity had achieved a near state of godhood. An entire planet could be easily destroyed, and that's exactly what it would be like. An interstellar species, even an interplanetary species, would be able to lay waste to our entire planet, easily. The energy that is involved is mind blowing. A single rogue state could kill every living thing on Earth NOW. Just give a good shove to a comet or asteroid, and everything is dead.

The people in power aren't anywhere near the state of godhood, they're just sociopathic assholes and they aren't even that smart. These dipshits just killed all their credibility in just 3 years over a fake pandemic. They aren't just not even "that smart", they are fucking stupid. They have money and power though generational inheritance, but they don't have the intelligence their ancestors did. Al Gore, George W. Bush, John Kerry, John McCain, they're fucking idiots - but they have power. Power we foolishly grant them. I live in a world of domesticated animals.
33   mell   2023 Feb 2, 8:51am  

richwicks says

An interstellar species would have so much unimaginable power, that if they showed up, we should surrender immediately. It would be a simple matter of such a species to steer a comet or asteroid into the Earth. We're entirely defenseless against such a power.

In the old Star Trek, it was never said but heavily implied, that basically humanity had achieved a near state of godhood. An entire planet could be easily destroyed, and that's exactly what it would be like. An interstellar species, even an interplanetary species, would be able to lay waste to our entire planet, easily. The energy that is involved is mind blowing. A single rogue state could kill every living thing on Earth NOW. Just give a good shove to a comet or asteroid, and everything is dead.

Yeah but there is no point for an interstellar entity with such powers to do so, so it's so highly unlikely that it's not worth worrying about or considering. They have the whole universe at their fingertips to colonize, wiping out one planet doesn't achieve anything except for getting rid of the DC grifters ;)
34   clambo   2023 Feb 2, 9:01am  

Wasn't there a green comet in the sky last night?

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