Impeachment Prediction 11/24/19

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2019 Nov 24, 9:06am   5,707 views  143 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

There will be a vote to impeach but a lot of Democrats will be voting “present” and the vote will fail. This absolves leftist Democrats who can say “we did our duty but these blue dog Democrats wouldn’t get on board!” And the Democrats with competitive districts can say “we voted based on the evidence not partisan concerns,” and everyone’s political positions are preserved.

Trump still gets to crow though

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1   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 24, 9:10am  

If this makes it to the Senate and it doesn't turn out as anything other than a massive indictment on 44 Government Criminal Enterprise organization, then the first shot of the revolution has been fired.

Therefore, I don't even expect Nancy Pelosi to vote yes on impeachment. I wont be surprised if Schiff votes No as well.
2   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 24, 3:10pm  

Shaman says
There will be a vote to impeach but a lot of Democrats will be voting “present” and the vote will fail. T

My guess : There will be a vote and it will pass easily with maybe 5 Dem present or no votes and 1 independent ex Republican yes vote. Senate 90+ % likely will vote acquit. But there is, IMO a small chance of conviction. That's why Trump should never want it to go to the Senate. After acquittal he may be re-impeached..on other charges as witnesses he obstructed from testifying lose their court cases.
3   clambo   2019 Nov 24, 3:17pm  

I concur with Shaman; the lame ass impeachment vote won't succeed but they will have plausible deniability with their rabid anti-Trump voters.

There is no way that they want this to proceed to the Senate where Biden and his son Hunter will be destroyed.

"Laugh while you can, monkey boy" Buckaroo Banzai
4   Shaman   2019 Nov 24, 6:29pm  

BobD says
Won't be any reason to call Hunter Biden if the article is obstruction of Congress.

He will be called anyway. And obstruction of Congress isn’t even a crime for the POTUS, especially when he’s denying their requests under terms of protection of executive powers. There are three branches of government, not one and their toadies. Congressional powers are not unlimited.

Democrats (who are smart politically) know that a Senate trial will go very badly for them. It’s not a threat or a possibility, it’s a fucking certainty. Trump will not only be acquitted, but with prejudice. Chief Justice Roberts will go through their “crimes” like a rotary saw through a plank of new pine and deem them all impossible or silly and then we get to call witnesses! Rudy has been working on a real line up of miscreants to use during this time of maximum public exposure. The lying press won’t be able to ignore the testimony that’s going to put dozens of high ranking Democrats in prison.
It’s going to be a fucking bloodbath!

Unless Nancy does what she’s going to do, and calls a weak ass vote where “vulnerable” Democrats vote “present” and Democrats with unshakable bases vote to impeach. No Republicans will break rank and the vote will fizzle into nothing more than a massive waste of time.

But Nancy will spin it like, “we couldn’t find enough evidence of his numerous crimes to convince the doubters.”
5   SoTex   2019 Nov 24, 9:32pm  

TrumpingTits says
Nancy*could* publicly

I appreciate some good game theory. Beats the hell out of the rational I read on here from Guamists.
6   SoTex   2019 Nov 24, 9:45pm  

aaaand that OofC charge is fucking hilarious! It's funny like drag queen story time if it weren't true. Mr. "My IP is from Russia"
7   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 24, 10:02pm  

Shaman says
He will be called anyway.

They may attempt to call him, and I say let them.
But conversely all those witnesses from Bolton to Mulvaney that Trump has shielded from testifying will be called too. So sure, let's let everybody that has relevent testimony under penalty of perjury give it. Think Trump's gonna like that? Me thinks not.
8   SoTex   2019 Nov 24, 10:19pm  

Close enough.
9   WookieMan   2019 Nov 25, 1:21pm  

BobD says
Trump is fuck.

Come on, you know he’s not going anywhere. Especially with RBG potentially dying. Only Trump actually being indicted for an actual crime would make any R’s flip. Until that happens Trump will be your President until 2024 at this point.
10   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 25, 1:58pm  

WookieMan says
Only Trump actually being indicted for an actual crime would make any R’s flip

No even that wouldn't matter, and Barr will never allow a federal indictment. State indictment possible but if it happened it would be blown off as political. Only thing that would make the Republicans turn against him would be if his cult crumbled. And that is seems very unlikely. Trump will never take responsibility for anything politically damaging and his cult believes he tells the truth in the face of thousands of lies, that's what cults do. For example: Huckleberry Sanders said Trump reads more than anybody she knows. Since Trump doesn't or can't read either that's a flat out lie or as a cult member she really believes it. I think the latter. The cult is strong.
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 25, 2:01pm  

BobD says
No not really, Trump could have chosen not to block people from testifying but he did

Why should he choose? This is an ad hoc impeachment inquiry, carefully chosen from various committees EXCEPT the Judiciary Committee, in order to stack the deck.

It's not even a real (based on multiple precedence) impeachment hearing, which would be held by, and only with members from, the Judiciary Committee.

They can testify at the Senate Trial, and so can Joe and Hunter Biden.
12   Shaman   2019 Nov 25, 2:01pm  

So, it looks to me like most sane people are throwing in the towel on impeachment. Sure, there are true believers hanging onto Schiff’s every word, firmly believing that such an atrocity as a Trumpian Presidency can not be permitted to last. But they’re the small minority at this point, and they’re shrinking faster than Anthony Weiner’s most significant organ when he found out he’d be getting a cell mate named Bubba.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 25, 2:04pm  

Chiromancer says
No even that wouldn't matter, and Barr will never allow a federal indictment. State indictment possible but if it happened it would be blown off as political. Only thing that would make the Republicans turn against him would be if his cult crumbled. And that is seems very unlikely. Trump will never take responsibility for anything politically damaging and his cult believes he tells the truth in the face of thousands of lies, that's what cults do. For example: Huckleberry Sanders said Trump reads more than anybody she knows. Since Trump doesn't or can't read either that's a flat out lie or as a cult member she really believes it. I think the latter. The cult is strong.

Yes, yes, Trump is an idiot moron who has outflanked the entire Establishment since Summer 2015.

If so, it's all the more reason to keep him in - he's the least idiotic.
14   WookieMan   2019 Nov 25, 3:59pm  

Chiromancer says
No even that wouldn't matter, and Barr will never allow a federal indictment. State indictment possible but if it happened it would be blown off as political. Only thing that would make the Republicans turn against him would be if his cult crumbled.

So why all the crocodile tears if you already know what's going to happen? Why waste your time? What is there to gain?

I think the reality is, and it took waaaayyyyyy too fucking long, is that the left has realized he's not that bad a POTUS. Let's take Obama's 2nd term to make it a little more even because of the shit show Bush gave him. Trump has demolished Obama's 2nd term in 3 years. With almost little help. People act like Republicans are all on board. Many still aren't, but it has taken the better part of 2 years for people to realize things are better. Better for rich. Better for poor. Better for middle.

The people I've blocked in other forums/sites have dropped their arguments against Trump and have realized life is fine. There's a small faction here though that continues to bitch with no supporting evidence. Ever. It's annoying.
15   Y   2019 Nov 25, 4:04pm  

We can all blame s-video for this tragedy...

WookieMan says
Come on, you know he’s not going anywhere. Especially with RBG potentially dying.
16   Booger   2019 Nov 25, 4:29pm  

President Trump should declare that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President. He is married to Melania, so he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. All should be happy!
17   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 25, 10:00pm  

WookieMan says
is that the left has realized he's not that bad a POTUS.

This dream world that the cultists live in is really astonishing. Trump's approval rating in any legit poll has never topped 50 %. Typically he is in the mid to low 40's. This hasn't changed, he hasn't increased his base of support, but he has maintained it. Not sure where these leftists who think Trump is not a bad Pres are located, maybe Russia?
18   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 25, 10:11pm  

WookieMan says
The people I've blocked in other forums/sites have dropped their arguments against Trump and have realized life is fine.

This makes no sense. How can you know peoples opinions when they are blocked? So why spend ones time on various forums supporting Trump? The Trump supporters here, some are posting continuously. Very few anti Trump posters do so. I dont, and wont, dont have the time or interest but do enjoy interacting with the other side as long as it doesn't get personal that's the only time I block somebody. Done it once or twice.
19   Ceffer   2019 Nov 25, 10:35pm  

Booger says
first gay president

First 'acknowledged' gay president. The stats prolly indicate that there were a few closeted, and Obama is only closeted as per his Manchurian legend.
20   WookieMan   2019 Nov 25, 10:44pm  

Chiromancer says
This makes no sense. How can you know peoples opinions when they are blocked? So why spend ones time on various forums supporting Trump? The Trump supporters here, some are posting continuously. Very few anti Trump posters do so. I dont, and wont, dont have the time or interest but do enjoy interacting with the other side as long as it doesn't get personal that's the only time I block somebody. Done it once or twice.

Assumptions. You assume I blocked people that were only anti Trump.... wrong. This site is the only one I intentionally leave wide open for various reasons and I don't block anyone.

Other sites though, yes I blocked people. It started early in 2016 roughly. Anyone that had a moronic political comment or was posting way too much politics, regardless of affiliation was blocked. Left or right. These's aren't sites like Patnet where presumably most people here have no clue who each other is. These are people I actually know, went to school with, work with etc. I can talk with them in person, but on most sites, even though blocked I can still see their posting history.

Long story short, yes it make total sense as it actually happened and I verified it. But hey, I guess people's own personal interactions and actual life events are no longer real now... jesus.
21   HeadSet   2019 Nov 26, 7:14am  

Booger says
President Trump should declare that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President. He is married to Melania, so he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. All should be happy!

Now you've done it. Biden will see this and steal the idea. We will now see Josephine Biden running to be the first transexual lesbian President.
22   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 26, 8:16am  

WookieMan says
The people I've blocked in other forums/sites have dropped their arguments against Trump and have realized life is fine.

Ok but it wasn't an assumption as the post specifically speaks of blocked people having dropped their arguments against Trump. no big deal I am sure many varieties of opinion and posting have been.blocked. But here is a question and an honest one, where do people get the time to continually post, often long linked posts on this and other forums?
23   Shaman   2019 Nov 26, 8:26am  


And it begins. Brenda Lawrence, a Congresswoman from Michigan in a safely blue district now “sees no value in impeachment” and is moving for a censure vote to formally slap the President’s hand... which means precisely nothing.
24   Shaman   2019 Nov 26, 10:12am  

BobD says
Don't worry, he'll be impeached. Must likely not removed but definitely impeached.

Aaaand we’ve placed our bets! In the words of everyone’s favorite Sicilian, “Now we will see who is right, and who is dead!”
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 26, 11:00am  

BobD says
Must likely not removed but definitely impeached.

Your lips to God's ears. I look forward to the Senate Impeachment!
26   WookieMan   2019 Nov 26, 12:53pm  

Chiromancer says
But here is a question and an honest one, where do people get the time to continually post, often long linked posts on this and other forums?

I don't actively comment elsewhere. Just read to catch up on other sites with people I know in the real world. Even when I'm active here I'd say I'm no more than 10 minutes per dat on average posting/commenting here. Certain days more for sure, but sometimes I'll take a couple weeks off even checking in here.
27   Ceffer   2019 Nov 26, 1:00pm  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Dems will impeach.

I think you are still on the Legacy Media Blue Pill.
28   Onvacation   2019 Nov 26, 1:01pm  

BobD says
Don't worry, he'll be impeached. Must likely not removed but definitely impeached.

On what specific charge?

Not expecting a coherent answer.
29   Shaman   2019 Nov 26, 1:30pm  

Nothing I have read here has changed my mind. Trump will not be impeached because the Dems aren’t suicidal. Cracks are already showing in their brick wall following a few poll results. I know that those cracks are just symptoms of a pervasive rot. That wall is about to crumble!
30   WookieMan   2019 Nov 26, 1:41pm  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
People ran with that like it was conclusive, which is stupid.

What? So you lead with the bad witnesses first and then bring the heat later? Yeah, that makes sense in today's world...
31   ignoreme   2019 Nov 26, 2:43pm  

I think impeachment rests on how much pull Biden has with the Democrats. If the party insiders want Biden for president no way will there be impeachment. The senate trial will be much worse for him then Trump.

If Bidens out, then they’ll impeach to fire up the base.
32   Y   2019 Nov 26, 5:47pm  

Why not impeared?
Nobody gets anything done when they're impeared.
don't you want to neutralize the Orange Float???

Onvacation says
BobD says
Don't worry, he'll be impeached. Must likely not removed but definitely impeached.
33   WookieMan   2019 Nov 27, 7:29am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
My comments were based on watching the testimony. You can say it was a bad strategy if you want, but it's what they did.

I hear you, but strategy does matter. I was out of town and couldn't watch the 3 hearings last week. Watched the first two all the way through (95%ish). I'm not sure I would have watched the next 3 hearings even if I was in town based on the first two. Given the feedback and drop off in support of impeachment I think a lot of people thought this inquiry hit with a THUD the first week.

We'll see. I think the Dems in the House fold and don't vote or don't get enough votes to impeach and send this to the Senate. Either way, he's not getting removed from office and this is a waste of time while we could be focusing on real problems.
34   Chiromancer   2019 Nov 27, 11:08am  

OccasionalCortex says
because the intelligence services have declared that this was not so.

Yes the Russian intelligence service denies it. But which American intelligence service denied Russian intetference changed votes, they take no position on the matter. That votes were changed is impossible to know. But clearly the Russians thought it worked, they got their puppet.
35   Shaman   2019 Nov 27, 11:19am  

“ WASHINGTON, D.C.—The impeachment hearings have been thrown into chaos after President Trump announced that he supports impeachment, forcing Democrats to oppose their own impeachment inquiry.

Impeachment? I'm for it. Great idea. Best idea, maybe ever," he said, adding that he's "getting kinda sick of all this winning anyway."

"Sure, why not. Impeach me. I love it. Whatever. Now I'm gonna go watch Joker again. Great film. What's that guy's name? Phoenix something. Bob Phoenix, that's it. Tremendous actor---absolutely perfect."

Democrats quickly condemned his statements. Pelosi said, "It's clear that Trump wants to be impeached because he's not good at being president. Well, we're going to show him a thing or two by forcing him to stay in the White House and finish out his term."

"And Joker is alt-right propaganda," she said, falling for Trump's ploy to make Dems condemn one of the most successful, beloved films of the year.

One pundit on CNN suggested that Trump is supporting impeachment at the request of Putin or the guy from Ukraine or "whichever conspiracy thing we're pushing this month, I forget."

At publishing time, Democrats had also withdrawn from the 2020 race to teach Trump a lesson.”

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 27, 12:01pm  

Listen Repugs, it's MUELLER TIME!!!

Just you wait!!!
37   Bd6r   2019 Nov 27, 12:19pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Provide HARD PROOF that a single vote was altered by Russian interference.

There is only one scientific study about Russian interference, and the conclusion they come to is "Russian disinformation campaigns on Twitter may not actually work".


Everything else is partisan psychobabble without any proof provided. But our friends on Left will disagree because ORANGEMANBAD
38   Bd6r   2019 Nov 27, 12:26pm  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
twitter does not encompass their involvement.

What does then?

It is documented that Russians spent a few tens, at most hundreds of thousands of $$$ on Twitter and Facebook, and unleashed some trolls on other websites. So, if there was no effect on Twitter, I do not see how there would be effect on Facebook etc as well. If I would have to guess, the reason for Russian involvement was not to change US election results, but to steal money from their state budget, which is the only thing Putin the Great regime knows well, as in general they are incompetent morons.

This is the only scientific study that I have seen about results of Russian involvement.
39   Shaman   2019 Nov 27, 12:46pm  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Third, the Dems have sent lots of legislation to the Senate. It goes nowhere. Chuck and Nancy made a deal with Trump to give him his wall in exchange for DACA, and Trump renegged. There is no good will for both sides, so legislation will not happen.

And the USCM trade bill? Bipartisan support! Completely stalled in the house. Meanwhile only thoroughly poisoned bills of purely Democrat origin have made it to the Senate. Nancy doesn’t want any legislation to make it to Trump’s desk! She very specifically doesn’t want him to get to sign anything important. There’s plenty of bipartisan legislation that would easily pass the senate and be signed, stuff like lowered drug prices (without poison pills, thank you very much). Stuff like legalizing marijuana, which there’s a bill or two right now that the Speaker is utterly ignoring.
NOTHING SIGNIFICANT can be allowed to make it to Trump’s desk!
I’m amazed that you can’t see this truly transparent fact!
40   Bd6r   2019 Nov 27, 12:46pm  

From your link:

The charges took specific aim at the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a notorious Russian "troll factory" which focused on sowing political discord during the 2016 election by using internet bots to spread fake news and pro-Donald Trump propaganda on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

1. We know it did not work on Twitter. Why should Facebook etc be different?
2. Budget of $1.25M does not mean anything, as I said above likely $1.1M was stolen and $0.1M used for buying ads, Please see this:

Russian information troll farm the Internet Research Agency spent just 0.05 percent as much on Facebook ads as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s campaigns combined in the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, yet still reached a massive audience. While there might have been other Russian disinformation groups, the IRA spent $46,000 on pre-election day Facebook ads compared to $81 million spent by Clinton and Trump together, discluding political action committees who could have spent even more than that on the campaigns’ behalf.

And I have to believe that somehow <<0.05% spending had a massive influence?

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