They need to charter one-way buses to Woodside, Hillsborough, Atherton, Mill Valley, Sausalito, Palo Alto and other such places, and load'em up with a roundup of homeless folks from SF and OakTown.
With a mandatory percentage of new construction being forced to be for low income, it simply drives up the price for the other units. Who wants to pay more for housing in the same complex to be next to hood-rats. If 150 new condos out of a 500 unit complex are rented out to hood-rats, first the price of the other 350 units has to be higher initially to cover the subsidy for the 150 hood-rat dwellings. Then as crime and neglect take over, the 350 "normal" units not only lose the inflated price, but drop in value even more compared to properties without this crime infestation. This also negatively impacts the surrounding area,
This conversation cracks me up by seeing what I believe is people acting/thinking like ostriches putting their heads in the sand.
If wealth and income inequality continues to widen, we will and are going to get more subsidesed housing. Think of the house you live next to getting knocked down and having a 10 unit apartment building being put in it's place. Or more and more low income housing being forced into a builders requirement to get permits.
What do you think is going to happen if the poor aren't housed? This country is purposely allowing millions of poor to cross our borders and compete for work. The rich will either 1. Be taxed to death, 2. The poor will riot and burn things (history tells us that), 3. Gates and Soros will get the depop they desire. 4. You'll get a shit ton more YIMBY.
What did I miss? Anything?
It is in all of our best interest to make America great again. What made it great was some kind of economic parity(?). People have to have jobs that pay a living wage. Now people have to take crazy debt to get a decent job and even that's no guarantee.
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