Was Qassem Soleimani, gunned down at his home in Iran, as if it were some mafia hit?

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2020 Jan 3, 7:50pm   811 views  0 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  


No, in fact, he was in Baghdad, trying to orchestrate something, before his demise.

You see, this is the problem with mainstream press. There's this retarded notion that somehow, this guy was living out life at some mansion in Shiraz or Tehran, and then suddenly, from out of the blue, US drones killed him in his hometown. Or perhaps, he was in Bangkok, Thailand, fucking some massage gals? And then, the bombs rained on him from above, also killing Thais, Chinese, Malays, Japanese, and Koreans in the neighborhood.

When a person is in transit, into a war zone to abet the enemy, he's fair target. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.
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